Forms :: How To Use Decode For A Column Of Datablock
Jul 26, 2013
i want to decode a column(aan_status) of a datablock based on table. the column have value in the form of 0 and 1, and i want to display this value as yes(0) or no(1) on my oracle form. how can i do this and where should i put my code???
I have one plsql table which is having 10,000 rows, i want to populate this values in a forms datablock, i have used the below query in pre-query of that block
declare plsql_rec pkg.plsql_tab; begin plsql_rec := pkg.func; set_block_property('blk_name', query_data_source_name, 'select e.ename, e.empno from table(plsql_rec) e'); end;
in the property of the block i set like below
Database Data Block = YES Query Allowed = YES Query Data Source Type = FROM clause query Query Data Source Name = SELECT 1, 2 FROM DUAL
but while executing it says invalid identifier "plsql_rec",
How do you refresh a datablock after DML operation(s) - INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE? I know "EXECUTE_QUERY" retrieves records, but what trigger do I use to automatically refresh the datablock after these operations - my form only has 1 datablock.
I am developing an application for making the travel entries for my organization employees.
For that purpose I have 3 datablocks named: 1) Travel header 2) Employee Detail 3) Travel Detail which are interlinked through constraints.
I want to give 2 options ie. either single booking entry or Group booking entry.
The form is working properly for single booking entry. But when I want to make a group booking wherein many employees have to travel between common locations I have to fill all the travel details again for all employees. I want to avoid that since it wont give a feasibility for this application. I can copy the travel details I have entered for the 1st employee. I am uploading the form layout.
declare cursor c1 is select distinct edt, regno, name, desgn, form_no, form_status, recd_on from ol_registration_vu where RECD_ON between :control.REC_FROM and :control.REC_TO ;
this coding giving me only one record i.e the last record of the table, whereas the table has 50 records. how can i get all records from the table in the form datablock.
I've got a problem with binding my selected data from one data block to another. When I'd finished selecting my data(subjects in this case),
and I clicked schedule button, my selected data were not bound into the textboxes in schedule datablock.this what happened.the code i used in when-checkbox-changed trigger:
BEGIN IF :NEWSTUDENTS.cb_subj = 'N' THEN Clear_record; ELSIF :NEWSTUDENTS.cb_subj = 'Y' THEN :SCHEDULE2.Subject := :newstudents.subject_code; END IF; END;
I have designed a form in which there are two datablocks one contains the major details and the other contains details saved under that record. And it is working properly. If you are not getting then take an example of department and employee datablocks, first contains the info of department and second contains the employee info working in that department.
now what i want to do is to make the life of user easier, as the records are displaying properly so if user want to know that this record is present in the details of that header so while scrolling all records can he search by putting some info in the detail block to get that result while remaining on the same datablock?
i am populating 3 records in my data block.i do not want more than 3 rows.but when i click the plus icon in form menu one more row is getting generated which i do not want. i can restrict the new record addition through plus icon in menu bar for a particular block.
Is it possible to decode based off a different column? I have a status column that i want to change the value of with a decode, but only if my date column has been populated.
So if status has a value of "New" and my date column is null, then i want it to stay new. If it is populated, i want my status to change to "released"
I have to conditionally update a set of columns in a table. If the column status_code_stage_3 IS NULL THEN I have to update the column status_code_stage_2. The below query is giving error:-
Test Table create scripts CREATE TABLE test11( date_stage_3 date, reason_code_stage_3 varchar2(20), reason_code_stage_2 varchar2(20), opportunity_date date ) INSERT INTO test11 values(sysdate,'reason1',NULL,sysdate) INSERT INTO test11 values(sysdate,NULL,'reason2',sysdate)
how to work out the update statement to use the conditional statement for columns.
I have Two cursor record block..which is attached in form..
In my first Block, When DBCR Column = 'D' Then in backend this column value should be save as a '1' WHEN DBCR Column = 'C' Then Then in backend this column value should be save as a '2'
My Both Field is on Data Block...
In Property palette of this field can we write any decode it reflects directly on database.
Which warehouses have pending orders for products, which are not in stock at the warehouse at the moment? Provide warehouse number, id of the product that is not in stock, number of orders issued for this product and total quantity ordered.
The tables I am using are
Warehouses: Name Type ---------------------------------------- W_ID NUMBER(38) CITY VARCHAR2(20) W_SIZE NUMBER(38)
Inventories: Name Type ----------------------------------------- P_ID NUMBER(38) W_ID NUMBER(38) QUANTITY NUMBER(38)
Orders: Name Type ----------------------------------------- ORD_ID NUMBER(38) SUPPLIER_ID NUMBER(38) ISSUING_EMP_ID NUMBER(38) ORDER_DATE DATE ORDER_STATUS CHAR(1)
This is my code so far:
select w.w_id, i.p_id, sum(decode(o.ord_id, ' ', i.p_id, 0)) Orders_issued, select sum(i.quantity) from inventories i orders o,
but I get this error:
select sum(i.quantity) * ERROR at line 3: ORA-00936: missing expression
Just working with Unix for the first time and trying to understand this decode statement?
cursor l_cursor is select decode(type||'-'||to_char(line,'fm99999'), 'PACKAGE BODY-1','/'||chr(10), null) || decode(line,1,'create or replace ', '') || decode(type||'-'||to_char(line,'fm99999'), 'JAVA SOURCE-1','and compile ' || type || ' named "' || name || '"' || chr(10) || 'AS' || chr(10), '') || text text from user_source where upper(name) = upper(p_name) order by type, line;
im used to using PL SQL via oracle. but lately ive been doing a lot of mysql and PHP and i really need to use something similar to DECODE in my queries. or am i forced to do the checks via PHP.
I need to get create_user_id for different sale_location_id.Also create_user_id field will be having different values.This is part of my big query.I need to add this stmt in that.So taken that part and figuring it out.
create table it(sale_location_id number,create_user_id varchar2(10)); table IT created. insert into it values(1,'ISRA') 1 rows inserted. insert into it values(2,'USFA') 1 rows inserted.
select a.sale_location_id,decode(a.sale_location_id,1,a.create_user_id like 'IS%',a.create_user_id like 'U%') create_user_id from it a
given error as:
ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis 00907. 00000 - "missing right parenthesis"
I tried writing a decode statement but it doesn't work as expected. The data I'm working has 4 different brand names with an associated code. I tried using decode to get the 4 brands to be on one line like this: Description, Inventory_Item, Product_Line, Product_Type, Brand_1, Brand_2, Brand_3, Brand_4..I still get 4 lines with the Brands displayed like a stair steps.
What do I have to do to get the data on one line? My code is as follows:
I have a small doubt...Without any creation of tables as I feel it's not needed...(let me know if u need them) Error says "Missing Keyword"
select distinct record_number from meta m, procedu b, control v, fact f, calendar dc, person p where f.key = m.key and f.group_key = b.group_key and b.proc_key = v.proc_key and f.calendar_key = dc.calendar_key and f.person_key = p.person_key and VALUE BETWEEN DECODE((Select distinct operator_type [code]....
But this gives an error...If the decode gives a "single"...the statement is working fine...but If the decode gives a "range"...the above statement gives an error saying "missing keyword"..Does the above code when mapped to "Range" it not producing "and" like " value between 100 and 1000"
means if C_TYPE_DESC is 'TXIS CAUSAL LEAVE' it return ABSENCE_DAYS but if ABSENCE_DAYS are null it will be return 0 else it should be return Absence_days
List supplier�s name, id, number of pending orders, number of completed orders and number of all orders from this supplier. (my query doesn't include the last part yet).
My tables are as follows:
and this is what I have so far: select name, s_id sum(decode(order_status, 'P',1,0)) pending, sum(decode(order_status, 'C',1,0)) completed from suppliers where s_id in (select supplier_id from orders);
but I still get an error that says "sum(decode(order_status, 'P',1,0)) pending, * ERROR at line 2: ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected"
I assume this is because I'm not properly referencing the orders table.
I am facing a problem while retrieving data from table using DECODE/CASE.
Now I want to get the parameter description based upon the PARAM_CODE and a value passed which should be in range of MIN_VAL and MAX_VAL. Means when I pass PARAM_CODE=1000 and :parameter=A, then it should check the DATATYPE of the PARAM_CODE, in our case it is 'TEXT' so it should check the passed value between MIN_VAL and MAX_VAL like
:parameter BETWEEN MIN_VAL AND MAX_VAL and should return 'HARD PARAMETER'. If I pass PARAM_CODE=1001, then the DATA_TYPE is 'NUMBER', so it will check the :parameter value as Number. Like :parameter BETWEEN to_number(MIN_VAL) AND to_number(MAX_VAL)
For example: PARAM_CODE :parametr Result 1000 A HARD PARAMETER 1000 C SOFT PARAMETER 1000 P NULL 1001 25 CRYSTAL PARAMETER 1001 99 STONE PARAMETER 1001 201 NULL
I have written a query using DECODE and CASE statement but it is not working properly.