Forms :: Database Blocks - Saving Record

Oct 2, 2010

i am using form6i & oracle 8i.

i have master -detail form. both are database blocks.

i have inserted values for the master block bt not for the detail record my problem is.. "user should not be allowed" to move to next record of the master block before saving the current record

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Forms :: Two Blocks - Unable To INSERT Record

Oct 16, 2012

I have this error. To put it simply I have two blocks.

Block1 contains two drop down list with PL/SQL statements for queries.
Block2 contains tabular form created from block wizard (I tried already in manual)

that will catch the result in Block1 queries.

Now I have a button with a trigger when-button-pressed that contains

VALUES ('hello',1,2,3);

My goal is to add into dummy1 values from :block2.item_name1, :block2.item_name2, :block2.item_name3 but to put it simply I tried these values but I received the same error.

When I run it and first things first click the button, the values will be added into dummy1 table but when I execute the block1 - dropdown list queries and try to press the button. I received the error.

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Forms :: Stop Saving When Detail Record Is Null?

Feb 5, 2011

I have master detail block just consider Forms A as a master and Forms B as a Detail,when my cursor is in form A i try to save the record, it is saved Form A and putting Form B data as null, i have to put a validation to stop this activity, i have to inform the user "Provide values for form B text item",

I created a post block trigger in form A


If (:FORM-B.TEXT1 is null)l or( :FORM-B.TEXT2 is null)
Message( 'provide value for FORM-B');
Message( 'provide value for FORM-B');
raise form_trigger_failure;

Im Getting error message and navigation got stopped in last item of form A itself,i need to show error message and cursor control should move to first item of form -B which trigger i have to use for this.

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Forms :: Saving No Errors Shown And Neither Record Is Inserted

Aug 23, 2013

I have used a template to create a form which has 3 below tables / blocks in the form:


The 1st 2 tables are used only to fetch values through a LOV and no insert happen during save and the 3rd has initial values defined and has to insert these values while click on the save (when button pressed trigger) button which has the below pasted code, but no error is thrown and neither the record is inserted,

al_id alert:=FIND_ALERT('popup');
al number;
insert_val varchar2(500);
increment_value number;
rec_check varchar2(1);

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Forms :: Save Record In Table Before Saving Updated Version?

Apr 6, 2013

I have a multi record block . I need to implement a functionality where the user updates a field in the record but the form saves the previous version of the record in another table ..

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File Size (7680000 Blocks) Exceeds Maximum Of 4194303 Blocks

Sep 9, 2012

While increasing the tablespace i am getting below error. How to handle this

SQL> set lin 300
SQL> col FILE_NAME for a65
2 from dba_data_files where TABLESPACE_NAME='SYSAUX' group by TABLESPACE_NAME,FILE_ID,FILE_NAME,AUTOEXTENSIBLE order by sum(BYTES/1024/1024) DESC,file_name;

------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --- ----------
SYSAUX 3 /ora2/oradata/dbname/sysaux_01.dbf NO 300

SQL> Alter database datafile 3 RESIZE 60000M;
Alter database datafile 3 RESIZE 60000M
ERROR at line 1: ORA-01144: File size (7680000 blocks) exceeds maximum of 4194303 block

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Indexing Changes Most Of The Blocks Of Database On Storage

Jun 20, 2011

DB: Oracle 10g R2
OS: SUSE Linux SP 1 x864

We are maintaining a DR of our Database Server(oracle 10g R2 atop SUSE SP1 Linux) using Platespin(


Platespin is set to replicate(block based), incremental data(delta) every 1.5 hour from Production to DR site over a 30 Mbps dedicated fiber link.

Our maximum changes of data per day(during business hours) wont exceed 300 MB. During business hours Platespin replicates at least 1 GB at every replication cycle, while during off hours it replicates 300 to 500 MB per replication cycle. We are facing this strange issue with this box only(SLES 10 SP1 + Oracle 10g R2), we have protected MS Exchange 2007 Server based workloads without this strange issue, i.e in case of Exchange only delta replicates from Production server to DR site on Platespin.

Platespin support says us that Oracle re-indexes its database for better performance, so it is possible that re-indexing causes the blocks level changes on the storage, and since Platespin works on Block level, thats why it replicates so much(even though data is not changed that much)

here is actual words of Platespin support


I think whenever Oracle database Indexing happens, it changes almost most of the Blocks of database and Platespin replicate all those Blocks.

As you know, Platespin checks the Date/Time attribute of every blocks before replication and if Date/Time attribute changes from last replication, it considers as changed block and replicate those blocks on Platespin Appliance. So, my suggestion is just look into the Oracle server behaviour before/after Data indexing process and do needful or do some workaround to overcome this issue.


is there anything we can do at oracle level ?

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Client Tools :: Saving A Database To File?

Oct 10, 2011

I am connected to an oracle database on campus thru my laptop. The interface i am using is oracle sql developer. We are practicing entering SQL commands. The connection name is DBA120. So, the name of the database is DBA120, correct? Also, I must review the respective ERD (i.e., to know the table relationships) in order to determine the proper sql commands, correct?

Well, in this database connection (DBA120), there are several tables that actually pertain to three different databases, ACCOUNTING, BOOK, and DJ. (I have the respective ERDs.)

I want to be able to save a database to file so I can run it on another computer. How do I save each of the three databases to a file or can't I? Or must I save the DBA120 database? how do i do that? do i save it(them) as sql files?

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Forms :: Exit Without Saving?

Dec 5, 2010

I have created one master detail form where on master i have one field with name status and if the status is changed to A it will prompt me to another detail block where i will fill the details and in case after i entered the details and then i decide it not to save and come back to main form without i can do it . I used go_blok In detail to go to master it goes to master but when i am saving the master the details get saved along with it.I dont want to save the detail and go to master block.

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Forms :: Saving Form To View On Web

Jan 26, 2010

i have developed a form in 9i. can i view the fmx file on web. or tell me the extenstion what name of form should i use to save the form to view on the web.

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Forms :: Saving Of Multiple Records At One Go

May 17, 2011

My query is: I have created a master-child forms on one canvas. In a child form i have to enter multiple records, but after entering every record its prompting me to save it. I want to avoid it and save the entire thing once all my records are entered.

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Forms :: BLOB Image Is Not Saving?

Nov 12, 2011

I am failed to saved image in the table via forms. (Although i have successfully updated the table with a procedure at PL/SQL level).

Here is what i have done.

1) Table created

create table prod
(pcode number,
image blob);

2) Made a form with guidence present at orafaq

3) It reads and saves image BUT enter/execute query does not show the image

4) even the following code gives me 0

select dbms_lob.getlength(image) from prod

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Forms :: Saving The Object Group

Dec 13, 2010

I've created Object Group which consists of (alert, parameters, visual attribute and property class). Now I want to save this Object Group.

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Forms :: Looping Multiple Records In Blocks

Jul 31, 2012

I have two blocks, both are multi record block. 1st block is control block and second is database block. Both the blocks have same fields(Example: Location,Location_name,Location_Type). In the first block(Control Block) I have check box. My goal is when I check the checkbox and click on add button all the records which are selected in first block should go to second block.

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Forms :: Export Two Data Blocks To Excel

Feb 19, 2011

We are having two data blocks as Earnings and Deductions. We need to export this to an excel in single sheet parallel [ imagine your payslip format ].

if we use normal text_io we are not able to get the result we want. so we have tried using a package called export2excel. we achieved what we want. The form is working perfectly in client server concept. When we move the same form to our Unix application server, it is not working.

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Forms :: Saving Records In Tables After Updating

Jun 8, 2013




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Forms :: Saving Mathematical Equations / Symbols Using 6i?

Sep 4, 2011

i want to save mathematical equations / symbols. using forms 6i.

What characterset , font to be used.

(note, my client has equations written in MS Word 2007)

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Forms :: Not Saving - Validation On Age Doesn't Work?

Mar 8, 2011

im now doin' my currently program, actually they requesting for an update. I added birth date column in the module,they asked to the request to put a validation on date, such as:

a. under age
b. :txt_ph_birthdate > SYSDATE
c. if :txt_plan_type = 212 then
17 yrs, 5 mos and 29 days and 40 yrs, 5 mos and 29 day - as validation
d. if :txt_plan_type = 214 then
40 yrs and 6 mos and 55 yrs, 5 mos and 29 days - as validation
e. if :txt_plan_type = 215 then
17 yrs, 5 mos and 29 days and above - as validation

they also instructed me to put the validations in birth date after the column of birthdate, which is the :txt_plan_type(list_item) and i put it in TRIGGER (when-validate-item)after i did the codes and compile it., theres no message for error but i think its not working. i already updates also the insert and the other trigger and procedure, i just add the plan type on it.

i havent edit the save button because the as i read the codes the it just call the procedure that i edit.when i run the program and after i encode the data..and when i press the save button, nothing happens or any addition, why is it that my validation on age doesnt work?

heres the

n_months_between NUMBER;
d_same_day_occur DATE;
n_years NUMBER;
n_months NUMBER;


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Forms :: Unable To Save Record In Database

Jun 4, 2010

I developed one form having 3 blocks(query_find,Summary and detail). If i do some changes in the 3rd block then press F4 key it's prompting "Do u want to save the Changes?[YES/NO/CANCEL].

If i press "YES" it displays message "1 Records applied and Saved. But the record is not saved in the database.

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Forms :: Display Record On Non Database Item?

Sep 17, 2012

I want to display my query select * from Clinical_Chart_CCHPI in non database item which is 1000 Char. I want to display that query when my forms execute.below is the test case.

Create table Clinical_Chart (Chart_Number Char(12),MR_NO Char(13));
Create table Clinical_Chart_CCHPI (Chart_Number Char(12),serial_number number,Date Date, Remarks Varchar(1000));
insert into Clinical_Chart(1,1);
insert into Clinical_Chart_CCHPI (1,1,01-JAN-


I have taken one non database block and my item Test which is non-database too. But no result is coming i have attached JPEG file too.

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Forms :: How To Insert Values Through Blocks Using Button (save)

Dec 15, 2010

I HAVE 2 BLOCKS E.G. MASTER-DETAIL AND i have created it manually then how to insert values thrugh these blocks using a button called "save" using "commit_form;" suppose form fields are

emp name
detail block:
where emp_id is primary key as well foreign key in detail table

how these values will be inserted in both tables

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Forms :: Unable To Fetch Data Using Control-blocks

Dec 24, 2010

I have created two non base table text items(from date, to date) and if values are not entered from front end i.e. null then hadrcoded in pre_query trigger to default values.But even i enter values dynamically from front end and when ever i press fetch button ,it is taking default values i.e. it is not accepting values what i have entered.

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Forms :: Entering Multiple Data In A Form Containing 4 Blocks

Jul 18, 2011

I have 4 blocks in my form which is basically used for travel booking for the employees in a company within India

1) Header block :- contains info abt the person who is booking the tickets for number of employees. Here i have given booking no a primary key.

2) Employee Detail :- Here the basic info of an employee is entered. Here i have taken booking number as a foreign key and then given emp_cd & booking number as a composite primary key.

3) Travel Detail :- Here the travel detail of individual employee will be entered wherein a unique trv_no will b generated 4 every single travel. Again i have taken foreign key as bkng_no frm 1st blck and emp_cd frm 2nd blck and tkn a composite primary key which comprises of bk_no,emp_cd and trv_no. this is used to maintain the uniqueness for single travel.

4) Vehicle Hotel Details :- This block is placed on different canvas for same form.It is meant for Other details in which details regarding hotel,vehicle etc booking aftr reaching the destination is entered. In this block thrs no primary key, but i hv taken the composite primary key of 3rd block as a foreign key since thr will be multiple entries for this one entire travel.

At every level there will be multiple entries for each corresponding entered record. I am able to enter one single record properly i.e. for 1 emp i am able to enter multiple travel details and his other requirements but asi try to enter more then one employee info, his travel details, other requirements i face an error stating foreign key constraint violated.Parent key not found for 3 rd level block.

How can i get the desired o/p wherein all the multiple records for every single subsequent record are stored correctly taking all the constraints in to consideration.

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Forms :: FRM-40202 - Field Must Be Entered On Two Blocks With Same Table?

Sep 30, 2010

I have two blocks, blockA and blockB, both from the same table which is tableX.

When I query from blockA and it has returned results, then I go to blockB and edit some data and save, there was no problem. But when I don't execute query from blockA or if the query returned zero results, then I go to blockB and edit some data then save, I got this error. THe cursor then go to blockA first item. So now I have to delete that empty row before saving.

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Forms :: Master Child Relation For Non Control Blocks

Jul 8, 2011

I am working on form builder 6i. I have a header block A(Multi record block), child block B. Both are non control blocks. My requirement is, if i put the cursor in any header record, i want to auto populate corresponding child record like in master child relation.

which trigger i need to write logic to auto populate the child record.

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Forms :: Saving Excel Files As Object In Oracle?

Feb 13, 2012

How can we save Excel file as an objectin oracle. Like we can store image file.

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Forms :: Saving Data From Multiple Datablocks Into New Table?

Aug 19, 2010

I have a form with 2 datablocks, datablock 1 is the datablock in which I want to write data too that table within the database.

datablock 1(which i want to insert data too) is:

In forms layout this simply consist of a display box at the top of the screen which is populated by a LOV from another table within the database. The lov value selected will then be placed in the appropriate field of the table. For example the LOV contains a list of every single car make there is. i.e. Renault, Ford, Vauxhall etc

datablock 2 (in which i just want to read data from, and write the data to the table used in datablock1) is:

Below this is my second datablock, which on the trigger 'on-new-form-instance' reads data from an already existing table and displays a list of every single make of car ie, focus, clio, megane, astra etc (tabular layout displaying 12 records at a time). Beside these car models will be a checkbox which is a non database item, originally unticked.

What I want to do is the user selects a car type from the top LOV say Renault for example, then they will go down the list of car models checking each and every model of car Renault makes, i.e clio, megane, etc when these models are all checked, and the user clicks save, it will insert into my table (which is the top datablock) the car which was selected From the LOV at the top, plus each and every car model which has a checkbox checked. So for example, say the user selects Renault from the top LOV and checks models clio, megane, laguna. There should be 3 entries in the table consisting of:

Renault, clio
Renault, Megane
Renault, Laguna

Now I have got it to work partially, in the fact that if I load the screen, select my car type and then multiple models that it will add 1 car type and model to the database but not the others which I have checked. I think I need it to go down each row and check if the value is ticked or something like that? using row id or something?

Here is the code I have so far: Just so you know car_model is the name of my table used as my second datablock, contains all car models as u would expect.

if :model_chkbox = 'Y'THEN
v_model_id :=;
VALUES (:car_type, v_model_id);
end if;

Another option was to do a loop and go through each record and see if it is checked, not sure how I would implement this but it does seem like a very inefficient way to do such a task, perhaps it would be something to do with when a checkbox is ticked stamp it or something.

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PL/SQL :: Text Fields Getting Disappeared After Saving In Oracle Forms?

Mar 1, 2013

I have developed a screen using oracle forms.... it has 4 text fields..then a LOAD button.After giving i/p in the 4 text boxes user will save (ctl+S) ..then hit LOAD button ,which will populate the fields below the screen.Everything is working fine but only problem I am facing...when user is trying to save (ctl+S) after giving the 4 i/ps in the text fields....the text fields getting disappeared and also becoming editable...though the data they have already given is being populated in the table..I want ..even after pressing ctl+S...the data should be there & non-editable.

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Forms :: Saving As JFIF And GIF Works Fine Without Any Compression

Feb 5, 2013

I am using oracle forms 10g and basically we have a system that takes over 300 photos on a daily basis, this all works fine and with no issues except for say maybe 2-3 photos a month. Occasionally we will get a 'corrupt photo' (it not actually corrupt, it displays in everything as it should except forms) . When we encounter these photos forms just crashes out and the user is unable to query the record with the associated photo until it is deleted and a new one is taken (or alternatively if we take the photo from the database open it in and just hit save it will then work). There is no difference that we can see in the photo which doesnt work and those that do work. I have tried using WRITE_IMAGE_FILE to save the photo to disk and Read_Image_File to read from the disk to see if that makes a difference. If i save the file as jpeg and no compression it still crashes, if i save it with low compression it works fine but we lose quality which we dont want to lose. Bitmap wont work at all. Saving as JFIF and GIF works fine without any compression but we still lose quality.

The photo will display fine if we use a javabean to display it but in this instance a javabean is not an option.

One weird thing we noticed is that when we are on the form that crashes with these photos and query back a working photo first, and THEN query the 'corrupt photo' the corrupt photo displays fine, but if we go into the form and query a corrupt photo first forms crashes as explained.

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Forms :: DDE Package - How To Close Excel File Without Saving Changes / Messages

Nov 19, 2009

I need to rescue some valors from Excel, and then close the excel file without saving changes and without messages.

I am using THe DDE package and when using

DDE.EXECUTE(convid, '[Save()]', 10000);

there is no problem, but the changes are saved. I have tried '[Exit()]' and '[Close()]' but always have error message ORA-106555. Is there any way of doing this without errors?

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