Forms :: How To Insert Values Through Blocks Using Button (save)

Dec 15, 2010

I HAVE 2 BLOCKS E.G. MASTER-DETAIL AND i have created it manually then how to insert values thrugh these blocks using a button called "save" using "commit_form;" suppose form fields are

emp name
detail block:
where emp_id is primary key as well foreign key in detail table

how these values will be inserted in both tables

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Forms :: Disable Save Button In 6i

Jul 22, 2011

I am working on form 6i. I want to disable the 'SAVE' button which can be seen in the menu (front end).

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Forms :: Save Button Works Only Once?

Jun 26, 2012

blk_name varchar2(60);
form_name varchar2(60);


this is my coding on save button. this is working fine but only once. when i enter the data second time and try to save, it didn't do anything. what should i do?

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Forms :: Location And Save Button

Apr 25, 2012

I have a master-detail form on which i have 2 buttons. save button and another location button in detail.on location button i am calling a form and updating location of the material entered in detail(tabular).

The thing is my form should not get save without updating location for each record entered in detail(tabular).if user try to save form without updating or pressing location button it should give message PLEASE UPDATE YOUR LOCATION.

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Forms :: Create One Save Button

Jun 16, 2011

I have created one form with control block and database data i have created one save button based on that i have to save records both control and database block in database block table.If i i write commit_form record will be saved on different rows in a table means control block record in one row and datablock record in one row.But i want to update in one row(one line) in a table.

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Forms :: Trigger On Save Button

Oct 31, 2013

which is the trigger that fires when we Press the Standard 'Save' button from the toolbar? And i want to update the record on another table which is not in data block by using this save button? @ that time i want to display message like transaction complete:1 records to do this?

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Forms :: Disable SAVE Button

Apr 20, 2010

I have created a form using data block wizard and lay out wizard. I want to disable the SAVE button, I gave the following in Triggers WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE


but when I run the form it displays this message at the bottom of the screen

Frm 41045:Cannot find item invalidID.

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Forms :: Adding A Save (Update) Button

Nov 28, 2012

I have one form where I have let's say 2 items that I want to manage. One is a List Item and the other Text Item. Both are based on one table. The List Item is not updatable (Update Allowed is set to NO) and there I have some types of houses for example (T -> tall house, B -> Big house, S -> Small house it's not important so much) and the Text Item is for counting the types for example we have 4 houses of type T and if we add another one in the textItem we will see 5, so it's not counter for all houses but it counts types of houses and that item is not updatable nor insertable (Update allowed and Insert allowed are set to NO) so it's only purpose is just to show how many hauses we have of particular type and automatically increases the number if we insert new house. Beside this two items I have another Items that conatin some informations about the house (How many flats, doors, windows, and so on..). you've got the picture of my form and table.

Now I want to add one button with trigger WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED that will do this. If I want to change the type of the house after I inserted it and save it in the table, I have to just change the type in the List Item (choose another type) and press the button to save the same house with the same properties I would say (How many flats, doors, windows, and so on..) but with another type. First when I press the button it must ask me if I am sure that I want to make that change (I'll make an allert fot that) and if I press OK or Yes my house will be saved just with the different type and the previous house with the previous type must be erased. And in the textItem 'the counter', the number of the new type must encrease for one and the previous type must decrease for one.

I hope you understand what I want to do and all I need is that trigger to manage this problem of mine. I know it's possible to do but I am quite new in DB programming and I am not very good with programming in PL/SQL.

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Forms :: User Click On Radio Button To Save It On DB

May 2, 2010

i have field in DB that taken ( 1 or 2 or 3 ) am added it as text item at first and then change it to ( radio group ) contain 3 radio as :

value for first 1 = 1 , = 2 , = 3 and mapping = 1
initial value for the group = 1

but when am working with the form and commit form there is no data add in this field when am change the radio value by click on any other on ( 2 or 3 ) it's saved no problem in it ..

why this thing happen coz i need to set the first radio as default for the form .

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Forms :: Blank Line Getting Generated On Save Button

May 31, 2013

I am working on Oracle forms 6i. I am getting a problem when I am trying to save the value in the form.

Well the scenario is like this:

I have got a multi record block. In that block there are two items jobno and inoivce no. Both the items have an LOV attached to them giving jobnos and invoice nos respectively.

This is on the '*ORIGINAL_BLOCK*'.

The problem perists with the jobno field. In the LOV for jobno, the 'column mapping properties' property, the return item section has original_block.jobno as the value. The code to fetch the details about the jobno (like vendor no,vendor site,invoice no etc) has been written on the When-Validate-Item trigger. I am also updating the WHO colums(like created by,created date,last upated by, last update date) on the Pre-Insert trigger at the block level. This whole thing of fetching the records is working fine. But when I simply press the save button an extra blank line gets generated on the form as well as at back end with jobno like this:

Sr.noJOBNO vendor_no vendor_name invoice_noinvoice_date
1 123 37456 abc 4564565 26-APR-2013 --- correct entry
2 123 8574 xyz 645656 26-JAN-2013 --- correct entry
3 123 --- --- --- --- unrequired blank entry

A same jobno can have multiple number of invoices. So the lines getting generated are - number of lines + 1(unrequired entry).As in the above scenario there are only 2 invoices for the same job and a third unrequired entry getting generated. If there are 3 invoices I get 4 lines (3 required + 1 unrequired blank entry).

So to solve this issue I added a button 'Add JOB'. I took another '*NEW_BLOCK*',designed another canvas and and added an item on it containing a dummy jobno field and attached an LOV to that item. Then the same When-Validate-Trigger to that item fetching the details. so when I press the button 'Add JOB' using show_canvas and go_item(dummy_job_item) I navigate to that new canvas, select the jobno there from LOV, fetch the details. Now I wrote execute_query on KEY-EXIT of the NEW_BLOCK so that whatever are the fetched details, they would go on the ORIGINAL_BLOCK.jobno and respective details in resp fields. But this did not work.So I wrote execute_query on the When-New-Block-Instance of the ORIGINAL_BLOCK and it worked.

But now what is happening is when I open the form once again after closing the form, all the back end data is appearing on the form i.e. when I open a new form session every time. But I want the form to be clear with no entries displayed whenever I open the form. I understand the question is lengthy and tricky.

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Forms :: Run Concurrent Program On Save (Push Button)

Jun 16, 2011

How can we run concurrent program on SAVE (push button) in oracle forms?

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Forms :: Disable Save Button After The Sequence In Generated?

Feb 2, 2013

i have master-detail form in which i am generating sequence number as my bill no. on save button.

i want to disable save button after the sequence in generated.

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Forms :: Two Blocks - Unable To INSERT Record

Oct 16, 2012

I have this error. To put it simply I have two blocks.

Block1 contains two drop down list with PL/SQL statements for queries.
Block2 contains tabular form created from block wizard (I tried already in manual)

that will catch the result in Block1 queries.

Now I have a button with a trigger when-button-pressed that contains

VALUES ('hello',1,2,3);

My goal is to add into dummy1 values from :block2.item_name1, :block2.item_name2, :block2.item_name3 but to put it simply I tried these values but I received the same error.

When I run it and first things first click the button, the values will be added into dummy1 table but when I execute the block1 - dropdown list queries and try to press the button. I received the error.

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Forms :: Windows Close / Click On Save Button Data Get Saved

Jun 29, 2010

i design one master detail block and one command button for saving the i click on save button data get saved and after that if i want to close form then at this time it again asking me for save changes window..

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Forms :: Enable Insert Button For 1 Record Only?

Apr 3, 2013

I have a form with a block at header level. Once you save your header, there is a second block at line level. I want to be able to enter only one record at header level and line-level.

Also if you search on an instance which already has a record at line-level then i want the insert button to be greyed out.

Similarly once you create your first record at line-level the Insert button should be greyed out.

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Forms :: To Insert Image In Database Using Browse Button

Mar 10, 2011

i want to insert a image in database using form(using browse button), when i use commit_form,all text data are saved but image file is not save & form has also not given any error.

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Forms :: Radio Button Mismatched Values

Mar 22, 2012

i have 2 radio button on my forms and values are A and B. But i have load data from script and against that radio button i have some other values loaded,

When i select query on those records those have other value then radio button, it show nothing. I want to catch that error but there is no error shows. it shows no record to be query. i just want to inform user that that record is not that value which is associated with radio.

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Save Button On A Form / SQL Plus Transactions

Jan 22, 2013

When a user clicks on Save Button on a form, can we know from sql plus (Oracle) all the related queries (insert/Update etc) for that transaction ??

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Forms :: How To Insert Value Of Selected Radio Button In Database Table

May 10, 2010

Suppose There are Four options in a Radio Group. From this whichever option I select using the Mouse that option must be Inserted in the Database table field.

How to do this Using Radio Buttons.

Also If I want to select more than One Option Then I use Check Box. For this Also When I select two or three options simultaneously then these values must be Inserted in the Database Table Fields.

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Forms :: How To Copy Values From One Table To Another Using When-Button-Pressed Trigger

Feb 14, 2013

I have two tables one is

1)create table abc(c_name varchar2(10),c_number number(6),c_loc varchar2(8)); --having values
2)create table temp(sname varchar2(10),sid number(4),address varchar2(10));---no having

and my question is how to insert a values into temp using when-button-pressed trigger based on abc table in oracle form.

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Application Express :: HTML Text Area With Save Button

Oct 22, 2012

I have created a region Q_INFO and in the region i have added HTML text area. This text area is editable for only few users. If the user types in the text area and presses save button. The text is stored in the table INFO. And this text is displayed to all other users. But when i enter any data in the text area with multiple new lines and press SAVE button. The text is displayed in single line. I want to maintain new line and paragraph in the text area.

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File Size (7680000 Blocks) Exceeds Maximum Of 4194303 Blocks

Sep 9, 2012

While increasing the tablespace i am getting below error. How to handle this

SQL> set lin 300
SQL> col FILE_NAME for a65
2 from dba_data_files where TABLESPACE_NAME='SYSAUX' group by TABLESPACE_NAME,FILE_ID,FILE_NAME,AUTOEXTENSIBLE order by sum(BYTES/1024/1024) DESC,file_name;

------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --- ----------
SYSAUX 3 /ora2/oradata/dbname/sysaux_01.dbf NO 300

SQL> Alter database datafile 3 RESIZE 60000M;
Alter database datafile 3 RESIZE 60000M
ERROR at line 1: ORA-01144: File size (7680000 blocks) exceeds maximum of 4194303 block

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Forms :: Insert Values In A Table Through Ref

Aug 26, 2011

Table Structure:
Name of Table: info
Column: ID, Name, Cell,Cell1,Ref

i want to insert these values in a table through ref (key next item).
Key next Item Triger
but when i press enter(ref Key_next_item) it will return error:


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Forms :: How To Insert Column Values Into Text Items

Dec 30, 2011

I have created the Textitem with five instances.

i am trying to assign column values to text item through query.

if my table contain one record,it shown in textitems.But if my table contains more records it is showing ora-1422 to solve it.

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Forms :: Hierarchical Tree - Retrieve Values And Insert Into Table

Apr 19, 2010

My Form consists two Hierarchical trees. When I select a node from first tree and I press Move Right (>>) Button the selected node should move to the second tree. Similarly when I select a node from second tree and press move Left button(<<) it should move to the first tree.

I also want to know want to insert values Into New Table using node values from The Displayed Hierarchical Tree. How to retrieve values using populate_Group_from_tree and insert into table.

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PL/SQL :: Save Exceptions Clause Or Equivalent For Insert As Select Statement

Jan 29, 2013

Is there a save exceptions clause or an equivalent for an Insert as select* statement ?

How do I trap the errors in the below statement -

INSERT INTO copy_emp

Is it an all or nothing scenario ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Values Into Another Column By Comparing Values Of Two Columns Of Same Table

Dec 23, 2010

My scenario is to insert values into 'out' column by comparing 's' and 'IP' columns of temp table.The exact situation is at first need to go to ip column,take a value and then go to source column and check for the same value of ip which is taken previously.Then after corresponding ip of that source column should be inserted back in previous source column.

The situation is marked clearly in file which i am attaching with '--' comments at respective places.I am also pasting the code which i tried out,unfortunately it is giving error as exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows since there are duplicates in the table.I tried it using nested for loops.Also implemented using rowid,but it didnt work.

fixing the errors or if there is any new logic that can be implemented.

i_e NUMBER(10);
FOR cur_1 IN(SELECT IP from temp where IP IS NOT NULL)
FOR cur_2 IN(SELECT IP from temp where s=cur_1.IP)


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Application Express :: Insert A Row Into Table On A Button Click?

Oct 4, 2013

i have a table say 'temp' with 4 columns as seq, name, event, id and  i have a pg with 3 text fields as name, event, id now ma issue is,if  i enter values into those 3 text fields in that page and on a button click (say create), i wanted dose values to get inserted into  'temp' table andregarding ,  'seq' column i hav created a sequence for it. so

1. how to insert values into the table by entering values in the page    

2. wat shd b done for seq column.. (shd anyth b done from apex pages or wil it automatically get values for each row entered) 

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Application Express :: Replacing Insert And Update Button Processes

Jan 31, 2013

Getting starting with diving deeper into APEX and reading the developers guide all 800 pages of it! Thing is I'd like to get started with some of the more interesting stuff.

I have created a form page based on the "Form on a Table with Report". The report part looks fine. What I'd like to do now is use an API I've built to change how the insert and update works. So when the submit button is pressed it rather performs an API call to the procedure/function.

1. Should the API be a function or procedure. In my playing around I saw that a procedure might work better or easier to implement
2. How would I go about creating a call for the button to use instead of the current processes?

Apex 4.2
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
Linux version 2.6.32-279.19.1.el6.i686

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Forms :: How To Read Values In A Multi Record Control Block Using Pre-insert Trigger (block Level)

Jul 24, 2010

I have a multi record control block (basically a text item displaying 6 records) where user enters values and I want to process the values using pre-insert trigger.

I want to read value in each record and then do some tasks using a pre-insert trigger before I commit the values. To navigate between the records I was using first_record, next_record, clear_record built-ins but it gives errors like "40737-illegalrestricted procedure next_record in pre-insert trigger".

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