Application Express :: Replacing Insert And Update Button Processes

Jan 31, 2013

Getting starting with diving deeper into APEX and reading the developers guide all 800 pages of it! Thing is I'd like to get started with some of the more interesting stuff.

I have created a form page based on the "Form on a Table with Report". The report part looks fine. What I'd like to do now is use an API I've built to change how the insert and update works. So when the submit button is pressed it rather performs an API call to the procedure/function.

1. Should the API be a function or procedure. In my playing around I saw that a procedure might work better or easier to implement
2. How would I go about creating a call for the button to use instead of the current processes?

Apex 4.2
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
Linux version 2.6.32-279.19.1.el6.i686

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Application Express :: Insert A Row Into Table On A Button Click?

Oct 4, 2013

i have a table say 'temp' with 4 columns as seq, name, event, id and  i have a pg with 3 text fields as name, event, id now ma issue is,if  i enter values into those 3 text fields in that page and on a button click (say create), i wanted dose values to get inserted into  'temp' table andregarding ,  'seq' column i hav created a sequence for it. so

1. how to insert values into the table by entering values in the page    

2. wat shd b done for seq column.. (shd anyth b done from apex pages or wil it automatically get values for each row entered) 

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Application Express :: 4.2 Upgrade - Update Record Button Apply Changes Disappeared

Aug 27, 2012

I got a bug related to update information in APEX.

the situation occurs when I go to update a record the button Apply changes disappeared, it shows me only the button create, so when the user click on it, it creates a duplicate.. so how can i have the button "apply changes" back?

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Application Express :: How To Call Function Behind The Button And Update Only Specific Record

Oct 3, 2012

1 - i want to ask few things as i m new to apex, i am using apex 4.1, and created 3 select list and a button in selecting of parameter,

1 select list : select area
2 select list: select product
3- select list - size of the product

i want to generate Ids for the following. for that i created query for INSERTING RECORD FROM ONE TABLE TO ANOTHER , generation the ids when button pressed "Generate" after selecting parameters,

Now where i call that QUERY on button ? because when i create button its gives me option to submit, defined dynamic action, etc, where i call the function name id_generation when button pressed?

2- second thing i created tabular " select user_id, product_name, product_type from product".

By default check box list are create delete submit button are created, first when i insert record it saves that was fine, e.g i entered 50 records and afterward i want to update only one record, e.g there is a record product name = box, if i change it to box small and click submit then it saves all the page means all 50 records,

I want to submit only that record that i changed, for that i use the logic that only those records should be updated which are checked but the user. how will i do this ?

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Application Express :: Difference Between Processes In Page Rendering And In Processing?

Oct 4, 2013

db11gxe and apex 4.0 , difference of the processes in these two columns , what is the diff ? the same "Select the category of the process you wish to create:"? there is no difference i can see ?so what is the diff again ?

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Application Express :: How To Force APEX To Fire Submit After Processes Before On-Demand

Jul 2, 2013

We have an application that has "After Submit" and AJAX "On-Demand" processes.  We need the "After Submit" to fire and complete first, set an application item (by referencing the next value in a sequence), and then fire the "On-Demand" processes.  We have the sequence number set accordingly, with all of the "After Submit" processes given a lower (APEX) sequence number than the "On-Demand" processes; however, it seems the "After Submit" processes are still not firing and completing because only intermittently are the "On-Demand" processes able to access the application item's value--80% of the time this value is simply blank.  Making matters more complicated is that the application item is derived from an Oracle sequence, so in my "On-Demand" processes, I cannot simply re-run some of the same logic used in one of the "After Submit" processes that sets the sequence--the sequence may only be set once, and only by this "After Submit" process; we have no choice in that regard. Is there any way possible in APEX to 100% force processes to fire AND complete, one after another, in the order in which they are listed by their (APEX) sequence?  In other words, if we have this: 

(APEX) Seq Name & Process Type

1 process A ("After Submit")  
2 process B ("After Submit")--this sets application item :XYZ
3 process C ("On-Demand)--this uses application item :XYZ and MUST have this item value available to do any processing Can we instruct APEX to fire process A, complete it, fire process B, complete it, and only then, fire process C? 

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Application Express :: Insert Into History Table When Update Action Is Performed On Tabular Form View Or Table

Aug 24, 2013

My scenario is I need to insert into History table when a record is been updated into a tabular form(insert the updated record along with the additional columns Action_by,Action_type(Like Update or delete) and Action Date Into History table i.e History table contains all the records as the main table which is been visible in tabular form along with these additional columns ...Action_by,action_type and action_date.

So now i dont want to create a befor/after update trigger on base table rather i would like to create a generic procedure which will insert the updated record into history table taking the page alias and pade ID as the parameters(GENERIC procedure is nothing but whcih applies to all the tabular forms(Tables) contained int he application ).

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Application Express :: Button Placement On APEX Application Page?

Mar 6, 2013

How do I center a button within a region? I tried 'align="center"' but this seemed to be ignored. The button is at the left of the screen. Also, what are the 'display points' (Page Template Region Position 1-8) used for, and why is there a specification for column position of 1-9? Could these be attributes that will allow my button to be centered on the window instead of on the left?

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Application Express :: Default Submit Button

Jun 16, 2013

I am new in apex i create form with report when i create record it submit page to its report its ok but can i change page on condition base.

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Application Express :: Showing A Message From A Button?

May 22, 2013

I have a button with an dynamic action , with sql:

errors varchar2(100);
apex_application.g_print_success_message := 'test message';
HTP.p ('<script language="JavaScript"> alert('''||errors||'''); </script>');

The first "test message" is not shown.and after the function (it is executed fine) i get the next error:

Error:Parsererror - SysntaxError: Unexpected token <

i i only leve the first line (g_print_sucess) nothing occurs clicking the button.

I only want to show on a popup the result from the function, but g_print_sucess seems not to work for some reason.

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Application Express :: Export To CSV Button On SQL Report?

Jul 24, 2012

am trying to Export an SQL report to a CSV using a button. I made the button request to 'CSV' but I am unable to generate, the same works for an IR report. I am using Oracle APEX 4.0 version.

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Application Express :: Center A Button Within Region?

Feb 28, 2013

How do I center a button within a region? I tried 'align="center"' but this seemed to be ignored. The button is at the left of the screen. Also, what are the 'display points' (Page Template Region Position 1-8) used for, and why is there a specification for column position of 1-9? Could these be attributes that will allow my button to be centered on the window instead of on the left?

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Application Express :: Region Button To Go To Back To Top Of Page

Oct 24, 2013

In Application Builder, when editing an item's properties there is a handy 'Up' arrow at the top right of each region which takes you back to the top of the page. Is there any way of adding something similar to an actual page region as this would be useful when creating particularly large pages (I know, we should design smaller pages but that's not always possible).

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Application Express :: Button Conditional On Existence Of Another App In Same Workspace

Aug 24, 2012

Is there a way to make a button conditional on the existence of another app in the same workspace. What I am trying to do is have a MAIN app and several other MODULE apps in the same workspace. Then a button on a form in the MAIN app that will redirect to a specific page in one of the MODULE apps. If the MODULE app does not exist, meaning not installed, then the button would be invisible.

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Application Express :: Adjusting Button Position On A Page

Feb 7, 2013

i am trying to adjust the position of a button as below but i realized it gets a bit uneasy as i thought ,
style="position: absolute; left: 100px; top: 100px; "

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Application Express :: Button With Pre-element Text Is Given A Container Div?

Aug 8, 2013

Just installed and imported a workspace and an application. Worked fine.I noted a page display difference when compared to the exported application ( I have (so far) found this:If I have a button with Pre Element Text set to <div class="dummy"> and Post Element Text set to </div>, Apex generates an extra div around it all.If my button was named P1_SUBMIT I end up with 

<div class="dummy"> <input type="button" value="Search" id="P1_SUBMIT" /></div>

Is it possible for me to turn this extra div off?

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Application Express :: Open RTP Report By Pressing Button

Aug 27, 2012

Is this possible to open rtp report(oracle report), by pressing button in apex.

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Application Express :: Put A Download Button In Report Page

Jun 26, 2013

I have requirement like I have to put a download button in report page and clicking it will download only few of the columns only (specified one). I am using Apex 4.2.

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Application Express :: Action When Button Clicked - Redirect To URL

Feb 6, 2013

I have tested the following html page:

Click me

and is working fine when I click on the button on the created page.

However, using the same thing under the "Action When Button Clicked -- Redirect to URL" when create a new button, i.e: ('file:///c:/sample/','Documents');

will only open a new window, but blank in content!

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Application Express :: Button Process With DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job

Jul 17, 2012

I need to execute the DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job on click of a button .I tried creating a process (On submit) with DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job('JOBNAME')

when i tried executing directly in db there is no problem, but when i create the process in apex i am running into the following error

ORA-06550: line 2, column 19: PLS-00222: no function with name 'RUN_JOB' exists in this scope ORA-06550: line 2, column 1: PL/SQL: Statement ignored.

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Application Express :: 4.2 - Reuse Template Button From Theme 25 Responsive

Feb 15, 2013

I would like to reuse the icon button template for my button in a tabular form.

I tried to add <button type="button" class="uButton iconButton search"> Click </button> in column link text. I display this column like a Standard Report Column. The result it's not good.

How I can have the icon and button template like in my others buttons ?

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Application Express :: Transaction Control - How To Handle Cancel Button

Apr 11, 2013

[save] button can be done but how to handle [cancel] button

Master record
Transaction record 1
Transaction record 2
Transaction record 3the user does one/all of the following changes

Master record
Transaction record 1 : deleted
Transaction record 2
Transaction record 3 :edited
Transaction record 4 :new added

now the Requirement is :

when the user hits [ save ] all the records are saved
with in *new master record ID*


when the user hits [ ignore/cancel ] all the *Actions on transaction is rolledback*

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Application Express :: Default Value Of Radio Button Based On A Condition?

Oct 1, 2013

i have used radio button under dynamic conditions for an interactive radio button values are like a) front end b)middlware c)back based on the selected value of the radio button, interactive report appears. and each fields in radio button have separate set of users. now my issue is,based on the user logging in, the default value should set up while the page is loaded...[i.e... if a front end user logs in, the default value of tat radio button shd be front end...] 

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Application Express :: Error In Javascript Not Fetching Value On Button Click

Nov 23, 2012

I am using APEX 4.1 to build the application. I have 2 select list region in the page where one region consist of certain values.On calling a javascript function it is able to move the value from one select region to another. After this I click on the modify button where in the value move out of the first select list region to the second will be updated in the table.

Although I could see the values are not being updates. On putting alerts after the value being fetched in the javascript function and clicking the Modify button I can see that no data is being reflected in the alert. Hence the data is not being passed from the second select list APEX item to the javascript function.

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Application Express :: HTML Text Area With Save Button

Oct 22, 2012

I have created a region Q_INFO and in the region i have added HTML text area. This text area is editable for only few users. If the user types in the text area and presses save button. The text is stored in the table INFO. And this text is displayed to all other users. But when i enter any data in the text area with multiple new lines and press SAVE button. The text is displayed in single line. I want to maintain new line and paragraph in the text area.

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Application Express :: How To Build A Button On Click Of Which Opens A List Below It

Jun 29, 2013

I have a requirement wherein onclick of button I want to open/close list/popup (which is displayed below button, just like in select list) and can select any item from list to do some action. 

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Application Express :: Enable / Disable Of Button Based On LOV Not Working

Oct 10, 2012

I have a Select list which when null should disable a button and when not null should enable it. For which I tried the Advanced DA. Strangely, in the final page where we select the item that is going to be controlled, the button is not listed! I can see other display items etc which I can select but not the button.

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Application Express :: Running Jquery Code After Button Submits Successfully?

Jan 27, 2013

running a jquery code after submit button has successfully completed, how do i integrate these 2 events ? clicking the submit button and if submits successfully execute the small jquery code based on the same submit button

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Application Express :: On Button Click To Fill Out Form On Same Page As Report

Jun 27, 2012

I have a report that contains a name that I want to pass in to a field in a form on a different region on the same page. My button located on the report is has its own column called ADD_LINK. Here is the button.

<button id="apexir_btn_ADD" class="apexir-button" type="button" value="Add" onclick=""><span>Add</span></button>

Once that button is clicked, I have the form region fade in. The region is called Add Tag to Employee, which has P4_ROWID, P4_EMPLOYEE_ID, and P4_TAG_ID. Once the region is displayed, I want the #NAME# to show in the P4_EMPLOYEE_ID.

I did copy this form from another page, where I had it working before. It made more sense to move it to this page for interface purposes, so maybe that tidbit will work as well.

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Application Express :: Hiding / Displaying Regions Using Radio Button Not Working?

Jun 30, 2012

APEX 4.1 / 11g
Theme 21

I have a page with about 8 Classic reports. 4 of them percentage values, 4 totals. I have one RG with a Percentage or total option. When I select the percentage radio, it should hide all the total regions. When I select the totals radio it should hide all the percentage regions. Simple? So I thought. This is what I did.

1. Created a RG(P2_RG) -> Page value is redirect and set value.

2. STATIC:Percentage;P,Total;T

In the RG, I have created a normal DA which has the true and false events as follows.

Event -> Change
Items -> P2_RG
equal to -> P

In the true actions, I have hidden the 4 totals regions.
shown the 4 Percent regions.
In the false action, I have shown
hidden the 4 percent region
shown the 4 totals region.

The event specification for one these true actions is

Action -> Hide (If I am hiding)
Fire when event is ->True
Selection type -> region
Region -> The region I want to hide/show.

But it does not work! I tried to replicate the issue on apex, by using a small example but could not. Works fine in apex following the same process.


I tried to debug by having a display item to show the value when I change the radio button. The values are changing properly. I tried actually, adding a condition filter in the region itself by using the "Value of item/column in expression1 = expression 2" where expression one I tried :P2_RG and expression 2 as P but that just hides the whole region.

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