Forms :: What Records Are Showed In Data_block

Oct 16, 2013

what records are showing a text_item of a data block. For example in the attached image, how can I known that records displayed are Enterprice 8, Enterprice 9, , Enterprice 13?

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Forms :: LOV Filtering Records

Jun 27, 2010

i am using oracle 10g. and my database was in arabic and when i press Ctrl+L the LOV was displaying all the records what i select. but when i want filter the lov by customer name it was not filtering.

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Forms :: Delete Records

May 1, 2013

Sqty is sold qty , rqty is return qty , sdate is sold date , vno is billno .

When we enter sdate , this will fetch the products sold on the given date , and total sold qty .

If some products are returned which are entered in rqty , then this should delete all the records of the product on that sdate , and these products as spread along several billno's .

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Forms :: Saving Of Multiple Records At One Go

May 17, 2011

My query is: I have created a master-child forms on one canvas. In a child form i have to enter multiple records, but after entering every record its prompting me to save it. I want to avoid it and save the entire thing once all my records are entered.

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Forms :: How To Insert Records Manually

Aug 30, 2013

I have a form with a datablock displaying 3 text item fields.But the actual oracle table have 8 columns.When ever I insert new data and save it, only the three records are being stored in backend whereas remaining column stores with null value.That is the basic function of the form.

I placed an another list item field in a control block which is non-database item.Now I want to store the list item value into a column along with the 3 columns.In a simple way, how to insert record manually along with the other records?

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Forms :: How To Fetch Records When Tab Page Changes

Jun 13, 2011

I have created two tab pages.when i change tab then it should be display automatically all the records in that tab without pressing any.

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Forms :: Insert Records Which Are Checked

Jul 7, 2011

I am working on form builder 6i. I have multi record datablock 't1'.' I have 'Submit' Button, which contains 'commit_form'. I am able to insert records.

Now i have a check box in data block, i want to insert records which are checked. I followed below thing to achieve that.

ON-INSERT Trigger:

If check_box ='Y' THEN
end if.

SUBMIT BUTTON: commit_form.

Let us say, i have 5 records, 2 records are checked, after clicking SUBMIT button, it's inserting 2 records only. But in console window, it's showing '5 transactions are saved'. I want see '2 transactions are saved' message in console window.

How to get it or any other solution which will insert records which are checked and show correct message in console window.

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Forms :: How To Get Total Records And Amount

Jul 16, 2013

I've a form that allow the user to enter information & save it. in the form there is text_item called AMOUNT with multiable records.

I want when the user press SAVE button, a popup message shows the number of records enterd & total amount in all records.


After clicking Save button a popup message shows ( you enterd 3 records & 4200 $ ) OK ? Cancel?

this my code in WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger

if :amount IS NOT NULL THEN
cnt_record number := 1;
cnt_amount number :=:amount;


BUT !! when I test the form nothing happened.

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Forms :: Save Only Edited Or New Records

May 16, 2010

I have a block based on a table and display a few records on the form after retrieving records from the table behind. Now I should be able to edit a record or add a new record to the existing records on the screen. So when i click the save button I only want the rows which are new or have been edited to go back into the db. This is the piece of code I was using for the save button in the on-button-clicked action.

IF alert_button=alert_button1 THEN
IF NOT Form_Success THEN RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;
/* ** Commit if anything is changed */
IF :System.record_Status IN ('CHANGED','NEW') THEN Commit_Form;
msg_info('Your changes have been saved.');

When I do this all the records on the screen gets inserted into the table instead of only the one's I have edited or newly inserted. I only want to insert rows which are new or edited into the table after I click the save button.

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Forms :: Filter The Records Displayed

May 11, 2010

I have a block in the form which is based of a table as data source and so when i query on the form using a execute_query inbuilt statement is fired and all the records in the table behind is retrived and displayed. Also if i need to update any record i can do in on the screen and use commit_form so that all the changes go into the underlying table. Now my problem is when i retrieving my records i want to filter those records based on some conditions to be displayed in the form and not all records to be retrieved. Is it possible to do it if I am using the execute_query inbuilt and my block is based of a table?

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Forms :: Looping Records With Checkbox Value

Jun 17, 2013

I am Using the Check Box in the Detailed Block & I Have Assigned values 'Y' and 'N' when Checked & Unchecked If there are 3 Values Retrieved in the Detailed Block, Among that 2 Values are Checked the Cursor is Directly going the 2nd Value and Displaying the 2nd Value 2 Times rather than Displaying the 1st Value.

Below Attached is the Code Which i am Using.

message (' item id is '|| L_ITEM_CODE || '-' || :ITEM_RESULT.CHECKBOX);
if L_ITEM_CODE is not null and :ITEM_RESULT.CHECKBOX = 'Y' then

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Forms :: Deleting Records From Block

Aug 2, 2011

I want to delete records from block in the form.could you explain where(in which trigger) should i write set_block_property.

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Forms :: Getting Selective Records Per Page?

Mar 13, 2010

I have one query based(Execute_query) tabular form where i pass input parameters and the query results will be displayed.I have around 100 records and i want to display like 15 records per page once i click the button it will go to the next 15th record and theron if i click on that it should move to 30th and i dont want to use scroll bar.Is there any way.I am attaching the fmb.

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Forms :: Display All Records Of DB In A Table?

Dec 29, 2012

i want to display all the records of my database in a table with scrollingexample if i have 3records in my DB so a table must have 3records too !!!this is my code :

Cursor cur IS
SELECT numb_ph AS phone,
name_emp AS name


but the problem 's all records of my DB are display in one record (to view another record i use the scrolling ..

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Forms :: Opening Form Does Not Get Some Of Records?

Dec 9, 2010

I have developed a new form.Something peculiar is happening for that form.Let me list down the scenario

1)In the data base for the particular table my form is using, there are 1600 records.When i do a Query on Count Hits in the forms,it gives the same number.

2)However when i open the form ,i do not get some of the records.I found that on opening the form and making an Execute Query only those records that i have added through forms exist.

3) However,when i try to add a new record and do an Execute query again,i get all the records present in the database.

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Forms :: How To Select Multiple Records

Feb 23, 2012

I'd want to select multiple records in my multi-record block. I'd also want to do that with checkboxes. When the user clicks on a particular checkbox, that should be selected and whatever record the user wants to check it should be added to selected records.

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Forms :: Viewing Records From A Tree?

Mar 1, 2012

i've got problem when viewing my records from a tree. When i click a data from a tree it displays 2 times. and when i try to click another data my previous data was gone.

my screenshot is attached

this is my
mytree ITEM;


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Forms :: How To Save Multiple Records At Once

Jun 3, 2013

how to save multiple records at once i did coding like this:

cnt number;
l_rec number;
f_rec number;

cnt := 0;
l_rec := :system.cursor_record;


but this works as saving the last record only, not saving the all records.

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Forms :: Batch Creation At 10 Records

Dec 13, 2011

I'm working on a Self assessment project regarding our tax returns. Currently, this is how it works - a return lodged generates a return number, but is batched later. In the change proposed, they want the same process whereby a return is generated still, but at a count of 10 returns generated on the same screen, a batch is to be created and these 10 returns will have to be added to that batch. We are on Oracle 10G and work with Forms, Reports 10G and TOAD/SQL Plus as tools so I was thinking of changing it on Post-Query but suggestions are to add on to System Parameter table.

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Forms :: Unable To Insert Records

Oct 7, 2012

I am getting this error FRM 40508 in inserting data to any table through forms 11g.


my test table having two columns : id and name

i wrote a simple insert statement insert into test values (:id, :name);

when i run the application and insert the values, it shows the above error.

when I use the display errors , it shows that there is a violation : ora - 00001 (duplicate values)

however, there is no such value in the database.

The same scenario is repeating with every table I have.

I thing more, when I use the commit_form only without using any manual insert statement, then everything goes well. But with manual insert it all fails.

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Forms :: Restrict Duplicate Records

Jul 18, 2011

there is non database data block of table type.

now i want restrict user that he will not enter same number again.

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Forms :: Updating Multiple Records

Mar 30, 2010

I have a form with two data blocks, one parent, one child block.

The parent is holds mineral lease info while the child holds the mineral owner info, such as addresses and phone numbers. One owner can be in the owner block multiple times (different owner types). The form only displays one owner at a time.

We have a separate master owner table which holds owner address. (We set it up this way because we get electronic info from mineral companies that we have to load each year).

As you tab through the owner block, it checks the FEIN against the master table and pulls updated address info from the master table.

I have a problem in which if an owner is on the lease multiple times, when you tab through the first instance, it pulls in the new address info, but when you go to the next instance, it won't update. If you requery, it seems that the first update actually updated all the owner records on that lease. How can I turn this off?

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Forms :: Before / While Changing - Display All Records?

Jun 22, 2011

I have created two tabs tab1 & tab2. after changed(not while changing/before changing)) into tab2 all records should be display.

I have written execute_query in when-tab-page-changed.but that is before/while changing.i want after entered in tab2 it should be display.

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Forms :: Restrict User To Access Records

Mar 26, 2012

I am using Forms 6i,Oracle Apps... I have database block.... generally we can retrieve the all the records by press F11 and Ctrl F11.... but my requirement is i have to restrict the user that they can access the records based on the condition ...

For example....let we take emp table....I have to restrict the user that they can query dept no 10 employees only.

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Forms :: Number Of Records Retrieved In Block

Nov 30, 2010

is there any way other than this way to retrieve the number of record displayed in the block ?

last record ;
l := :system.cursor_record

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Forms :: Looping Multiple Records In Blocks

Jul 31, 2012

I have two blocks, both are multi record block. 1st block is control block and second is database block. Both the blocks have same fields(Example: Location,Location_name,Location_Type). In the first block(Control Block) I have check box. My goal is when I check the checkbox and click on add button all the records which are selected in first block should go to second block.

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Forms :: Displaying Number Of Records With Condition

Jul 8, 2012

In form i call a record from database table through execute_query. i have lov on ITEM_NO

i want to display on that form, no. of records of ITEM_NO which i select from the list. like if i have 10 records with item_no which i select from list is must show 1/10.

if i press the down arrow it should show next record of the same item_no.

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Forms :: Clearing Master Records When Query?

Feb 20, 2012

I am trying to query a form having two data blocks. one is a master and the other is a detail block. the problem is when i insert data in the form, save it, and press enter query key, the data in the master block fields are still there. while the data in the detail block field are cleared and i can insert values. how to clear data from master block field so i can query

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Forms :: Saving Records In Tables After Updating

Jun 8, 2013




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Forms :: Validate Item Value In Multiple Records?

Nov 4, 2013

This is my first post in the form and also i'm new to oracle forms technology.

I have the following issue:

In my form i have two Text-Fields to store some information for a claim:

A --> Profit and
B --> Loss
(only one of the filed can have value)

Also i have a data block where i store the reason of the claim (status). Reason can take three values 1, 2, 3. For each claim i can have more than one reasons stored in db table.

if the user input more than one reasons, then if one of them is 1 Profit should be set unprotected and Loss should be set to protected.

I have the following issue.

user creates a records with reason 1 : Profit text field is set to unprotected and Loss text filed is set protected.

user creates another record with reason 2: Profit text field is set to Protected and Loss text filed is set to unprotected. --> wrong

How can i validate the values of the two records and create the desired functionality?

I have used the POST-TEXT-ITEM trigger but it works correct only for one record. i insert two records with the above order i have the issue i describe.

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