Forms :: Restrict User To Access Records

Mar 26, 2012

I am using Forms 6i,Oracle Apps... I have database block.... generally we can retrieve the all the records by press F11 and Ctrl F11.... but my requirement is i have to restrict the user that they can access the records based on the condition ...

For example....let we take emp table....I have to restrict the user that they can query dept no 10 employees only.

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Forms :: Restrict Duplicate Records

Jul 18, 2011

there is non database data block of table type.

now i want restrict user that he will not enter same number again.

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Forms :: How To Restrict User On Key Next Item Trigger

Sep 16, 2011

SQL Plus version Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release Production
Forms Version : 6i
Reports Version: 6i
O/S : Microsoft Windows Xp professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3

With reference to the above version details here is the requirement. How do I restrict user on key next item trigger i.e I want the cursor to move to next field only when user presses "ENTER" button on the key board any other key like mouse should not allow user to move to the next field.

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Forms :: Tabular Form - Restrict User To Enter Only 10 Rows

Dec 18, 2012

i have master and detail form. In detail(tabular form) i want to restrict user to enter only 10 rows.if he tries to go for 11th row he shud get a message (Only 10 records can be created at a time).

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Forms :: Login User From One CANVAS And Access Second As Per-user Rights?

Oct 20, 2012

- we have user id parameter.can we update the parameter(:parameter.p_userid) before firing "WHEN NEW FORM INSTANCE TRIGGER"(when new form instance trigger contain code for tree node), for login another canvas as per user rights?

- i have created a login form in one canvas.

- also tree node Hierarchy form created on another canvas. now we want to login through login screen, after login only those forms should show in tree Hierarchy which users have rights. for this purpose we want to pass the parameter of userid before connecting to tree node form through the following query

INTO v_count
FROM usersinfo
WHERE usersname = :USERBLOCK.usernames AND passwords = :USERBLOCK.passwords ;


Every thing is working but when we click on button in login form at that time parameter.p_userid will return null. because above code is define on button click in login screen, i cannot understand where i need to define the above code .

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Forms :: Restrict User To Enter Serial Numbers Of Product In 3 Level Block

Apr 24, 2012

I have a sale invoice form with 3 data blocks.

Data block 1- master_blk : For date/customer of sale invoice
Data block 2- detail_blk1 (detail of the master block - For products and qty)
Data block 3- detail_blk2 (detail of DETAIL_BLK1 For entering serial numbers of products)

My requirement is that whatever quantity user enter in data block 2 against each product he must enter equal number of serial numbers of that product in data block 3.

For this I have created on item (cnt_iteml : to count product's serial numbers in block3 ) in data block 2, and on summary item (t_serial_no ) in block3.

Whenever user changes in quantity, cnt_iteml: item is populated with t_serial_no in block3 of that product by following trigger on quantity column.

POST-Change Trigger ( quantity column )


Following trigger is written on block level at data block-3 to populate cnt_iteml with t_serial_no.


Above triggers are fulfilling my requirement except following condition.

If user after entering serial numbers in block 3 and without saving goes back to block2 and try to navigate to another record he gets a message asking him to save changes by forms. At this time if user presses no then cnt_itl item is not been populated with t_serial_no item's value.

What I want in above condition is that if user was inserting new record cnt_it item should be populated with 0, so that he shouldn't be able to save this record. And If he was updating then cnt_itl item should be populated with actual no of records in database against that product.

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Product User Profile - Restrict User From Running Queries On DB From Third Party Tools

Apr 25, 2011

There is a requirement in my database that I want to restrict the user from directly running queries on database from third party tools such as pl/sql developer and toad.

There is a utility in SQL product_user_profile through which this can be done but it is only restricted if you run the query through sql plus. If I want to restrict and (give suppose select,insert) to a user for directly running queries through PL/SQL.

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How To Restrict Clients Access

Jan 9, 2013

I am having one requirement that i have to restrict the access of oracle database from clients.

suppose i am having 10 users and they have all information related login like username, password, database servers details etc but then also they should not get login into my database, i have to restrict some of them like i have to provide access to 5 users only out of that 10 users.

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Security :: How To Restrict Access To Table (Database Vault)

Nov 12, 2012

I configured a simple security configuration for the HR sample database schema. URL....

Now system user can't select data from table hr.employee, but HR user still can. How to restrict access to table for table owner?

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Restrict User In PL/SQL

Apr 30, 2011

Suppose there is customers table and the user (Scott) is having select,update,insert privelege on the customers table.

a.)From the form i.e GUI he is having all the access,we want that when he logs on with sql plus directly then he would only be able to run select query only.

b.)When we are using third party tools such as pl/sql developer tools and toad then we are not able to restrict the user by running only the select queries.The utility which was used previously was only used for SQL Plus.


a.)I am able to restrict the user when he logs on with sqlplus and he is able to run anly select queries.
b.)How we can restrict the user so that in pl/sql he is able to issue only the select query.

Trigger the user when logs on session id is captured and user can be restricted in logging in to the plsql developer and toad applications

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Restrict Data Dictionaries To A User

Jun 21, 2011

I have a user ( for example Scott) and he doesn't belongs to DBA group i want to restrict accessing data dictionaries like dba_% to this Scott user. how to restrict Data dictionaries to this user.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Restrict User At Data Level

Feb 17, 2010

Is it possible that we restrict user at data level? For Example 'A' user can only query employeess of deptno 10 only. He can not query employees of others dept.

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Restrict Concurrent User And / Or Session From A Client?

Nov 5, 2012

We have an application with database Oracle 10g.

I want to add a new validation to restrict concurrent user and/or session from a client. (we have almost 60 client firms using the software to enter daily trasnactions). All users from all clients are connecting to the database using a common functional ID.

What I did was:
1) Add a column 'user_logged_in' in the master table for client and update it as Y when user from that client logged on to the system,
2) Insert the application logon details (we can figure out the client details from this) into a global temp table,
3) Create a logoff trigger to update the 'user_logged_in'flag in client master table by using values from global temp table when session logged off and
4) Restrict the users from same client if the flag is 'Y'

But the problem in this case is logoff trigger will not be executed in case if the session got killed or terminated abnormally.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function Code To Restrict User From Entering More Than 30 Characters

May 24, 2011

Need a code which prevents the User from entering more than 30 characters in a field. Although the variable can accept more than 30 characters. My requirement is to validate the field by restricting up to 30 characters.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Restrict User (Schema) From Deleting Data From Table

Nov 2, 2012

I want to know how to restrict a user(Schema) from deleting the values from a table created in the same schema.

Below is the example.

I have created a table employee in abc schema which has two values.


In the above scenario the abc user can only fire select query on the EMPLOYEE table.


He should not be able to use any other DML commands on that table. If he uses then Insufficient privileges error should be thrown.

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Restrict User To Login On Primary Database Using Discoverer

Dec 14, 2012

We are using Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release and Oracle Discoverer 9i desktop & Administrator,We have configured a physical standby database. We have ask users to connect to standby thru discoverer thru a different tns entry, but user can also connect on primary db.

We want to restrict the specified users to connect on primary database thru discoverer.

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PL/SQL :: How To Restrict User (Schema) From Deleting Data From A Table

Nov 2, 2012

I have scenario here.

I want to know how to restrict a user(Schema) from deleting the values from a table created in the same schema.

Below is the example.

I have created a table employee in abc schema which has two values.


In the above scenario the abc user can only fire select query on the EMPLOYEE table.


He should not be able to use any other DML commands on that table. If he uses then Insufficient privileges error should be thrown.

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Forms :: Update / Insert Records From One User To Other

May 29, 2010

I want to update / insert records from one user to other user therefore I write this code in my form but it gives me error.

REPORT_DETAILS is a detail table of REPORT_PARAM, given code is working fine at master tables.

Form always goes in TOO_MANY_ROWS exception.

Correct my code, my requirement is: if data found then update else insert new record.

cursor c1 is select * from factory_data.report_details order by rd_rp_id;
rec c1%rowtype;
v_check varchar2(1) := null;
for rec in c1 loop

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Forms :: Display All Records One By One As User Click On Next Record Button

Jul 13, 2010

I have created one tab canvased form

On first tab I am taking input (search criteria)
on that input i am trying to display all records one by one as user click on next record button....

for that i used when-tab-page-change trigger for first record display and it display correctly.but for further record what should i need to write on next_record command button so all record i can see one by one.

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Forms :: User Clicks On Declaration_no From Header Table / Other Records Will Be Displayed

Jun 26, 2013

I need to populate records from a child table when the user clicks on a record in the header table..The difficulty is that the user needs to be able to edit a field from the child table and there could be 1 to many records. When the user makes a change , I don't want the 'do you want to save changes' error to appear..

the user will only be able to update field 'amt'.When the user clicks on 'declaration_no' from the header table,other records will be displayed. URL.....

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DBA User Access To Other User Objects

Dec 6, 2010

when a dba user'AA' try to access other user'BB' object it gives error pls-00201 identifier 'BB.function_name' must be declared. However the procedure of BB user are being accessible.

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How To Access Tables Of Another User

Sep 26, 2013

how to acess tables of another user from the sys user as dba in oracle 8 dont have the password but need to acess the table

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Records For Next 3 Days From Access Time

Jan 18, 2012

I have a table like this below one.


I need a query which will fetch only 3 rows for a day. For eg if today is 18-jan-2012, then i have to show rows whose deadline date is 18-jan-2011, 19-jan-2011 and 20-jan-2011. And on 18-Jan-2011, after 10.50 a.m it should not consider deadline date 18-jan-2011, instead it show deadline date is 21-jan-2011.

This deadlinedate will not have all dates, only exchange working dates, so at one time we should show only the probable 3 deadline dates..

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Security :: Restricting User Access?

Oct 17, 2010

The application user owns the application schema which owns all the database objects in this schema. Now 50 of our developers need access to this application schema but giving away the password for the application user is risk as "Drop user application cascade" and wipe off all the objects. The option i have is to create 50 separate users with tablespace as application and grant all rights to application schema.

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Security :: SQLs To Monitor User Access?

Jul 2, 2011

There is a user account called 'BALA'.How to create SQLs to monitor 'BALA' user access ?

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Server Administration :: DB Link For One To Many User Access

Sep 14, 2010

I need to create one to many user DB link in oracle 10g. Meaning I have a user A in database 1 and I want to access the objects from user B,C,D in database 2, how to create a public database link so that i can have this one to many user access?

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Access Oracle Database From Root User?

Dec 18, 2012

i have an linux instance running oracle 11g as oracle OS user. i am able to connect the DB from clients.

i need to access this DB from OS root user. what should i do.

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Server Administration :: DB Link Access To User

Sep 3, 2013

I have login through the sysdba and created dblink and modified the tnsnames.ora for necessary changes. And the it started working correctly and I can able to get the data by selecting it.But when I login with different user that is showing the following error.

ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

How to resolve this,is there any privileges or permission need to give to that user.

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Application Express :: How To Access User Information

Jan 2, 2013

I am new to Oracle APEX, and have a few questions regarding the user information.

I've created a new workspace on my local APEX installation, created some users in the workspace, and divided them into roles as "Managers" and "Employees". I am the only Dev and Admin of the workspace, and the users (Managers and Employees) I have created are viewers.

I'd like to create database tables in the workspace where some field would refer to the user ID of the created user as a foreign key, and their role. Similarly, I'd like to create pages where a particular region is displayed only if the logged in user is a "Manager". How can I access the user data and the role data using SQL?

I see following tables in my workspace, so which table contains the user information:



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Security :: Find Out The User Access The Database?

Nov 8, 2011

Is there a way to find out the user access the database?

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