Forms :: Print A Cheque?

Feb 10, 2011

want to print a cheque from my form

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PL/SQL :: Numeric Value In Words (for Cheque Printing)?

Oct 13, 2012

To convert numeric value in words (for Cheque printing), I created two functions in Forms and reports 6i.

1) FUNCTION Spell (val number) RETURN CHAR IS
sp varchar2(100);


2) function SPELLED_AMOUNTFormula return Char is
cents number;
c_str varchar2(80);
val number;


This convert value up to thousands. How to convert the value more than 1 lac.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Print No Results If More Than 10 Records Else Print The Output

Mar 24, 2011

I have this SQL statement:

WITH data
AS (SELECT user_id,


I wish to do something like

if results > 10 print an error message (and no results)
if results < 10 print the results/output

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Forms :: How To Print Next Record Value In Oracle 10g

Jun 28, 2010

I am using oracle forms10g here i have next button. So when i click the next button it will show the total volumn of record count and each record value for example 1/10 like that.

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Forms :: USB Finger Print Reader

Jun 17, 2013

I have my own design employee time attendance application which i design in oracle forms 6i and oracle database 9i. Now I bought one USB fingerprint reader so I can attached this device to my application. I want every employee to scan there finger in my reader and I will record there attendance. How I can configure this device in my form.

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Forms :: How To Print Ampersand In Title

Apr 30, 2013

How to print ampersand & in Oracle report from the parameter.

If give paramter 'Title of the report Profit & Loss'
it Print:-Title of the report- Profit & Loss

If give paramter Title of the report- Profit & Loss(without single code)
it Print:-Title of the report- Profit

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Forms :: Print Oracle Report 10g Using UNIX

Mar 25, 2010

I installed a printer(HP Laserjet 3390) in UNIX(Solaris).Followed the instructions while installing as to the path it should be present for Reports to read it etc.,Also modified the uiprint.txt file with the desired .hpd file.Logging on to the UNIX machine, I am using the below command report=xyz.rdf userid=XXXX/XXX@xxx paramform=no p_orig_org='0825' desformat=pdf destype=printer desname=xxxx batch=yes
This command invokes the printer and

is what it prints.Realizing that this is because of the missing parameter,tried to change paramform=yes but I am not sure how to pass the parameter.

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Forms :: Print A Report To Printer Directly?

May 29, 2013

I want to print a report to the printer directly. The main issue is that I don't want the user to save the report to prevent reprint of legal Order. Below is my code to produce 'PDF' format.

run_report_proc (rep_id report_master.REPORT_ID%type,pl_id ParamList ) IS
rep_name report_master.REPORT_NAME%type;
v_rep varchar2(1000);
rep_status varchar2(20);
rep_acc char(1);


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Forms :: Print Record At Block Level

May 1, 2013

I have problem i want to to display in message all the values of block in for example when i create the fourth record the three already records are show in message..actually first i want to in message than i would populate pl/sql table. the code is at block leve when-new-reocord-instance

v_record number :=1 ;
v_cur_record number;
v_cur_record :=:system.cursor_record;

actually in block there are three record and this message should be display for the three time but the loop is executed more time.

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Forms :: Retrieve Value From Database And Then Print In Display Item?

Jun 29, 2013

i want to retrieve a value from the database and then print in a display item. how can i do it?

this code is the retrieval part but it doesn't work:

num number(10);
INTO num
FROM cd_details
WHERE price=599;

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Forms :: Make Print Button To Display Information

Oct 4, 2012

how can i put button in a form to print the information i displayed in this form.

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Forms :: Print Report Output To Local Printer On Button Click

Apr 19, 2007

In Sales Order Form there is a print receipt button. In current situation On Clicking the 'Print Receipt Button' it submits a XML Publisher report(PDF output) to the concurrent manager. Currently to print that report i need to go view--> requests--> view output and then print. According to my new Requirement i need to print that report directly to local printer on one simple Print receipt button click in form.

I am trying to call the printers on server using custom.pll. The report is running successfully but it is not printing output to the local printer. I need to print the report to the local printers based on responsibility. Local printers are available on apps server.

Is it possible to print the document using custom.pll? Is there any other alternative to print the report on simple button click in form.

I searched many forums but i found customizations on form level. I am trying to customize the form using custom.pll. I found many examples like URL..... but i don't think i can use these practices in custom.pll. ADD_PARAMETER & RUN_PRODUCT dont work in custom.pll. I need to complete this requirement immediately.

Environment: Apps, Forms 6i

Here is the code that i am using in my custom.pll.

if (v_form_name = 'OEXOETEL' --and v_block_name = 'LINES_SUMMARY'
and name_in('parameter.ACTIONS') = 'PAYMENT_RECEIPT' )THEN
l_organization_id := Name_In('PARAMETER.OE_ORGANIZATION_ID');
l_order_header_id := Name_In('ORDER.header_id');
select to_number(oe_sys_parameters.value ('SET_OF_BOOKS_ID')) into l_sob_id from dual;

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How To Add And Print In Sql

Apr 23, 2012

here is my code it prints data for 1 perticular date.

instead of it printing

for whole day

I want it to add and print the total

here is code

where To_Date(to_char(O_ESBY_SUM.CALLS.ROWDATECREATED, 'DD-MON-YYYY')) = To_Date('?DATE1::?','MM/DD/YYYY')

it prints this
for date 4/19/2012
here is screen shot

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Print Row Value In Column

Jul 20, 2010

I have table and data like


I would like to print the value like


how to do this using SQL or PL/SQl.............

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PL/SQL :: Output Print More Than 255

Jan 2, 2013

I am getting an error while printing a sql query which is in a string inside a stored proc. I used



and error "I get ORU-10028: line length overflow, limit of 255 bytes per line"

How do I print everything?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Print Even Numbers Without Using MOD Function

Mar 1, 2012

How to print even numbers 1 to 10.without using the MOD Function

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Print Columns Of A Table

Jul 5, 2013

UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(JOBSFILE,'Action = insert');

is there anyway to print the values of full table .i have used all column names to print .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Print Data Between Two Dates

Oct 8, 2012

How to print data between two dates... startdate and enddate inclusive

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Print Update Confirmation?

Apr 13, 2013

I'm trying to create an output statement that will show that the update was successful, but everything that I'm trying doesn't seem to be working.

I have a procedure and an anonymous block that calls on the procedure.

So far after the begin in my anonymous block I have.

procedure_name(variable1, variable2);
dbms_output.put_line('Successfully Updated');

Now I know that the procedure and the anonymous block without the dbms output works as the update takes place in the table, but I can't get any text string output to confirm this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Print Fibonacci Series

Nov 8, 2006

I want to print Fibonacci Series like :-


How can i do it.Can i do it by procedure or function?

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Print Mismatch Values From Two Tables?

Nov 6, 2012

I've 2 identical tables of 300+ columns each,and each of table is having pk as combination of 2 fields.There are some fields where data is not matching. need a query which will use these two tables and return the following-

1. primary key columns

2. null value for fields where data is matching

3. data for columns where there is data mismatch.

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How To Print Sql Query With Serial Number

Mar 27, 2007

How can i print serial no of records in sql query? I know I can achieve this with selecting rownum but it gives wrong data if used with group by like below

select rownum,deptid from emp group by rownum,deptid order by rwnum

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Print Into Two Pages

Jul 6, 2010

I am creating report a using emp table .There are 14 rows in emp table , i want to print output into two pages . If i set FILTER TYPE Property to 5 ,it only shows 5 records .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Print Data From A Clob In XML Format?

Sep 11, 2013

I want to print data from a clob in XML format and use the following

PROCEDURE printClobOut(result IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB) is
xmlstr varchar2(32767);
line varchar2(32767);


However the length of the clob is 13832630 which is too large for a VARCHAR2. Thus my output of line is cut off at 4000 characters. How can i increase this... Do i overlook something here in my code?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Print All Prime Factors Of Given Number

Sep 3, 2012

print the list of prime factors of a given number create or replace FUNCTION prime (num in number)

return sys_refcursor
i number := 2;
temp number := num;
temp_cur sys_refcursor;
open temp_cur;


Quote:gives error -->>expression is of wrong type @ open temp_curur;

how to print all the prime factors of a given number??

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Print Rows Into Column Data

Sep 24, 2010

I have a table emp having data as

empno ename sal deptno
1001 manoj 1000 10
1001 sachin 2000 20
1003 manoj 30000 30

Now I wanted to write a query which will display the results like below. Row data need to be display in the columns

empno ename sal deptno 1001 manoj 10 20 1003 30
1001 manoj 1000 10 1001 manoj 10
1001 sachin 2000 20 1001 sachin 20
1003 manoj 30000 30 1003 manoj 1003 30

How to print the rows into column data?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Print Run Time Value?

Apr 26, 2012

I am inserting empno in a table1 and updating another table2 using table1 empno and getting ora-01427 error. I want to print empno for whis this error is coming. How to print that value?

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PL/SQL :: Print Number Within Trigger On Console

May 27, 2013

My oracle database version : 10G

I have the following code on my employees table, lets say I fire an update on my employees table and in return 6 rows gets updated, I want to print this number within my trigger on the console, I have put a comment in my code where I want to achieve this.

create or replace trigger trig_employees_au
after update on employees
     Linst_file utl_file.file_type;

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Print Out All Triggers / Procedures From Oracle 9iForms

Dec 15, 2011

I need to print out all the triggers/procedures from an Oracle 9iForms. When I open an Oracle 9iform in the Oracle form builder, I click on FILE/CONVERT but cannot see the triggers/procedures.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pass Parameter To Cursor And Print Details

Aug 15, 2010

Create a PL/SQL block that declares a cursor called DATE_CUR. Pass a parameter of DATE data type to the cursor and print the details of all the employees who have joined after that date.


Test the PL/SQL block for the following hire dates: 08-MAR-00, 25-JUN-97, 28-SEP-98, 07-FEB-99.

I don't know how to pass parameters. So far I have this:

SET serveroutput ON;

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