Forms :: Plug In Not Found

Aug 3, 2010

when i load the form into browser then it gave me the problem that plug in not found. i also installed the j-initiator but still it gives me the same message.

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Application Express :: ReCAPCHA Plug-in Creating 3 Hidden Field

Sep 6, 2012

i m using Apex4.1 and data base oracle 11g, browser firefox

i m using recaptcha plugins i had tried it with both way by creating 3 hidden field and and also directly with taking a item based on plugin. URL.....

More specifically, the page has two items for user input (the captcha and a text item) and a Submit button. If the captcha is successful, then the text item will be submitted and redirect to another page. The problem I'm running into is that the text item is always submitted regardless of the captcha.

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Application Express :: Display Not-found.png For Image Type When Data Not Found?

May 22, 2013

I have an Image Type on a forum page. I want a default "not-found" image to display if the BLOB column value is null or if there is no data for that search value. The image is stored with the app: #APP_IMAGES#not-found.png

APEX 4.2 (with listener) on Oracle 11gR2

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Existing Database ( Can Be Upgraded As Pluggable Database And Plug It In CDB?

Sep 11, 2013

I would like to know about oracle 12c. In 12c, when i read documents,i understood that one container DB(CDB) can contain upto 253 pluggable DB and this pluggable DB(PDB) is similar to our traditional database(pre 12c).

1) whether my existing database ( can be upgraded as pluggable DB and plugged it in CDB?

2)i read that we can move from local data center model to cloud in this version. Is that mean that once PDB is ready, whether we can plug it in CDB using private cloud or public also possible?

3)If public cloud is possible, are both CDB and PDB accessed through cloud client only?If so, whether our user data that is available under PDB also moved to external place?

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Forms :: Getting Error 404 Not Found

Nov 20, 2012

i use weblogic and forms11g on windows xp

when i run my from in ie8 or google chorom this error apeared:


Error 404--not found
from RFC 2068 Hypertext transfer protocol -- HTTP/1.1 :
10.4.5 404 not found

The server has not found anything matching the rewuest-IRI . no indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.

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Forms :: WebUtil Host Bean Not Found

Jul 22, 2010

I have configues Webutil in Application Server and i am using Client_host to open imageviewer .. but when running the form it gives me error "Orace. bean not found Webuti_host.execute will not work" i have done the following configuration for webutil

File frmwebutil.jar
From folder: webutil_106webutil_106java To: $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java

File: jacob.jar
From folder: jacob_18 To: $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java

File: d2kwut60.dll, JNIsharedstubs.dll
From folder: webutil_106webutil_106webutil To: $ORACLE_HOME/forms/webutil

File: jacob.dll
From folder: jacob_18 To: $ORACLE_HOME/forms/webutil

Configuring Database:

1. Connect as Scott or your User

2. Run the script $ORACLE_HOME/forms/create_webutil_db.sql using SQLPLUS or any tool.

Setting up Form Builder:

1. Open Form builder Connect with SCOTT and in PL/SQL libraries open Webutil.pll file
2. File > Save as and Rename the file to different name e.g WebUtil_lib
(Trust me it works to avoid Webutil not found error)
3. Compile the new PLL file and generate it
4. Attached the new named Webutil_lib.pll to your form with Remove Path option YES.
5. Open WebUtil.olb file Object group in builder and copy or subclass it into your form.
6. Now compile your form and run it.

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Forms :: Bean Not Found When Form Is Loaded

Jan 14, 2009

when i run my form im immediately im geting geting this error message

oracle.forms.webutil.file.FileFunctions bean not found.CLIENT_TEXT_IO.fopen will not work

when i searched in meta link i found a solution but not know ing how to implement it..

Symptoms When running a customized Webutil Form an error similar with the following is displayed:

oracle.forms.webutil.file.FileFunctions bean not found. CLIENT_TEXT_IO.fopen will not work.

The exact function that "will not work" may change in the error message depending on the WebUtil code used. There are no errors displayed in the Java Console. The original WebUtil Demo Form runs successfully. Cause The WebUtil code that is failing is placed in triggers that are firing before Forms instantiates the WebUtil PJCs.

This is not allowed when using WebUtil and it is explained in the WebUtil User Guide release 1.0.6, section 5.3: "Once the WebUtil library has been attached to your form you can start to add calls to the various PL/SQL APIs defined by the utility. However, there is an important restriction in the use of WebUtil functions: WebUtil can only start to communicate with the client once the Form has instantiated the WebUtil PJCs. This means that you cannot call WebUtil functions before the Forms user interface is rendered.

This would include triggers such as PRE-FORM, WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE and WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE for the first block in the Form." SolutionDo not use Webutil code in triggers like PRE-FORM, WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE and WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE because these triggers are firing before Forms instantiates the WebUtil PJCs Instead, you can test the WebUtil functionality with a WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger and you can use it in your application in other allowed locations.

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Forms :: Calling Report - Entry Point Not Found

Jun 7, 2010

v_show_documentVARCHAR2 (2000) := '/reports/rwservlet?';
v_connectVARCHAR2 (200) := 'userid=scot/tiger@connect_string';
v_report_serverVARCHAR2 (30) := 'rep_cs-oracle';
-- i make this server name by using this command:C:DevSuiteHome_1BIN
wserver server=rep60 start >>when i started it getting to shutdowing directly!!!!! i don't know why

the error is:

before the browser is opened!! an error is occur is that:
javaw.exe -Entry point Not found
the procedure entry point kguuseg could not be located in the dynamic link library oraclient10.dll

then the browser is opened ,this error written in it:

REP-52266: The in-process Reports Server rep_cs-oracle failed to vmcid: SUN minor 204 completed: No

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Forms :: 11g - From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol / 404 Not Found

Sep 4, 2013

While Running Forms 11g i get the following message in web browser,.how to deploy forms 11g in weblogic

From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
10.4.5 404 Not Found
aLSO the error file is attached with this.

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Forms :: Webutil - File Functions Bean Not Found

Dec 21, 2011

I got this message but i dont no what i can do. I finish setup webutil success but when i try to use it i got this message

oracle.forms.webutil.file.File Functions bean not found. WEBUTIL_FILE.FILE_SELECTION_DIALOG_INT will not work.

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Forms :: Finding Node In A Tree - No Data Found?

Mar 5, 2012

I have a problem with finding a node in my tree, but when I click the find button, it threw a message NO DATA FOUND.

here is the code that I used in find button:

tri ITEM;
hanapin_mYnode FTREE.NODE;
BEGIN-- Find the tree itself. 


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(No Deserializer Found) Using UTL_DBWS?

Nov 29, 2010

I've been using web services before, but I just can't set this one up.I tried sooo many different combinations in namespaces and such, but the code below still gives ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: No Deserializer found to deserialize a [URL] using encoding style 'null'. [java.lang.IllegalArgumentException]

v_WSDL      VARCHAR2(100) := 'URL';
v_service   UTL_DBWS.SERVICE;
v_call      UTL_DBWS.CALL;
v_request   CLOB;
v_response  XMLTYPE;


how to define the XML for the request to deserialize?

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Networking And Gateways :: TNS Could Not Found

Jun 26, 2013

I am working on people-soft, currently i am installing it but i found this error

ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

this is listener.ora
# listener.ora Network Configuration File: C:oracleproduct10.2.0db
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = umhs-86cd1970f)(PORT = 1521))

(ORACLE_HOME = C:oracleproduct10.2.0db)
(PROGRAM = extproc)

# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: C:oracleproduct10.2.0db
etworkadmin nsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.


(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = umhs-86cd1970f)(PORT = 1521))


(SID = PLSExtProc)
# This file is actually generated by netca. But if customers choose to
# install "Software Only", this file wont exist and without the native
# authentication, they will not be able to connect to the database on NT.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Timezone Region Not Found

Mar 6, 2013

If I run the following query it's executing fine.


If I run the following query,I am getting the error.

ORA-01882: timezone region not found


What is the timezone for Philippines.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-00923 - FROM Keyword Not Found Where

Jul 12, 2012



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SQL & PL/SQL :: DEADLOCK Found When Trying To Get Lock

Dec 5, 2012

While i am trying to execute below mentioned query i am facing "DEADLOCK FOUND WHEN TRYING TO GET LOCK" error.


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Sqlnet.ora Not Found For Oracle11g

May 2, 2013

Actually I have to modify set SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT in SQL net .ora . But I cant fine that file in $ORACLE_ HOME /network/admin directory.

But I found this other files like listener.ora and tnsname.ora in the same directory.

When I give sho parameter nalue in listener prompt it shows some values. Is it showing default values without sqlnet file (is it fauture of Oracle11g).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Found Unwanted Table?

Aug 17, 2010

I created a seperate tablespace just to ensure that I can see tables created by me. But I can see other tables too (system).


How to get rid of such tables in your tablespace?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Junk Tables Found

Aug 16, 2010

I could find tables with following name in my tablespace.


and so on.... Till writing this, i could find 21 such tables.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01403 / No Data Found

Aug 10, 2010

I have a problem with a package that generate reports.

ORA-01403: no data found

This is the first error rule.

p_pte_tab( r_sales.product_type ).shipped_units := p_pte_tab( r_sales.product_type ).shipped_units + r_sales.shipped_units;

From the next procedure (the whole package is a bit too large to post) :

procedure sales_report_2hnd( p_running_date date )
cn_procname constant varchar2(61) := 'sales_report_2hnd';
t_error_rec bol_exceptions.error_rec_type;
cursor c_rpt


I thought there was a NULL record for shipping units but thats not the case.

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PL/SQL :: ORA-01403 / No Data Found

Aug 3, 2012

I'm using Oracle database10g.

I have a table called T1 with column C1

ORA-01403: no data found.

I know when I create a trigger I reference the new and old values using :NEW.C1 & :OLD.C1.

What about of the value is not changed and I still want access it what is the syntax.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Null Value - No Data Found

Dec 8, 2011

I'm making PL/SQL function. Slice of

dbms_lob.append(temp_clob,to_clob(' <property>'||crlf));
fetch fol into recid,rec_nr,text,shares,obj_size,monetary_sum,rec_status;
if fol%found then
dbms_lob.append(temp_clob,to_clob(' <chap1_sec1>'||crlf));


And I have error on "select jnl_id into jid" this line. And the error text is "no data found". And I know that there is no data in the table column jnl_id.

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Oracle 10g - Error (Server Not Found)?

Jan 23, 2010

i have installed oracle 10g. normally with that URL address

we can navigate to this URL in our browser and log in as the SYS user with the associated password, and connect as SYSDBA. Enterprise Manager can be used to perform common database administration tasks... but..,in my system when this procedure is run i'm receiving an error stating that the server cannot be found...

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Replication :: ORA-01403 / No Data Found

Nov 27, 2008

In multimaster replication, I am getting the following error in the master sites.

ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-01403: no data found

But when i checked for the data, I found that the records are present.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01403 - No Data Found In Procedure

May 4, 2010

In a procedure I try to make the following select :

select param_value
into vc_param
from cont_rp_serv where rp_serv_code = 36
and contract_id = 134
and rownum < 2;

But I receive ORA-01403: no data found.

If i run the select normally in a separate window in the same time I got the expected result : Enterprise.

I have checked that table is not locked by another user. Also i do not use triggers at all to get here.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-00923 - FROM Keyword Not Found Where Expected

Nov 11, 2010

I am having some difficulties with this trigger. It keeps giving me the error "ERROR at line 5: PL/SQL: ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected" when I am not even using a SELECT before the line it says the error is on? Here is the trigger that I am attempting to create.

numCourses NUMBER :=0;
myException EXCEPTION;

I am getting the error on line 5.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Report Key Not Found

Nov 4, 2010

Have there any limitation on report key(Number of report key) on cgicmd.dat file?

REP-52005: The specified key mrr does not exist in key map file.

But this key 'mrr' exists on cgicmd.dat.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: No Data Found Error In Trigger (After Or Before)?

May 10, 2013

We have the following trigger in database, whenever we try to insert the record in WIP_OPERATIONS , NO DATA FOUND exception has been thrown, when we debugged, we did not find any issue. The first select statement is getting failed even though there is the value coming for :NEW.wip_entity_id and when we execute the query separately in database with the :NEW.WIP_ENTITY_ID, its getting the value. What could be the reason? Can't we use SELECT Statement in AFTER or BEFORE INSERT trigger?why its throwing NO_DATA_FOUND Exception?

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER sdm_brasil_wj_ops_iface_trg


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Server Utilities :: Schema Not Found?

Apr 16, 2012

I'm new to oracle and a dmp file that I need to restore from. I've managed to successfully restore it in windows but not in solaris. the following command:

$impdp SCHEMAS=<schema> DUMPFILE=<dumpfile> LOGFILE=<logfile>

I got the following error:

SCHEMAS=<schema>: not found

Basically anything after $impdp is always not found. Is there any problem during setup?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Associative Array - No Data Found

Dec 28, 2012

find the sample of code which is giving me the same error. whts wrong with below piece of code.

cursor c1 is select * from x1;
l_x1 type1;


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