Forms :: Getting Remote Client IP Or Last Proxy That Sent The Request?

Jul 14, 2010

I am suffering for a week over a problem in Forms and can not solve it. This problem: [URL] The main part where "reqest.getRemoteAddr()"

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Client Tools :: Submit Request Via SQL Developer?

Oct 3, 2012

I'm using the below code in SQL Developer, trying to submit a request:

vRequest_id NUMBER;


However, when i check the fnd_concurent_request table, nothing is I just used the following code in SQL Developer and it worked:

L_NUMBER number;

Is it due to the different types of packages im using? i.e. public/private? or is there an api i can use in SQL Developer to submit the request?

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Forms :: Connect Using Proxy User

Mar 29, 2012

We had a database NSSAPP4d with only one schema say A , but now requirement is we will have two schemas in NSSAPP4d with existing schema A and new B, now both these schemas have same tables except few.

In Schema 'A' all objects had Public Synonyms which needs to be removed and instead have Private synonyms in both Schemas A & B.We will have a proxy user for which all Private synonyms for all objects will be created.

I have created a proxy user e.g. MJ_TEST_PROXY with necessary privileges.I have created other user MJ_TEST with necessary privileges.Now I am running below script

ALTER USER mj_test_proxy grant connect through mj_test with role <all roles of mj_test_proxy>

If I connect as mj_test/mj_test@NSSAPP4d then I get ORA-04067 Error.When try to connect through fron-end(forms) I need to give mj_test[mj_test_proxy]/mj_test$NSSAPP4d

I want to avoid giving proxy name , but want to connect thorough proxy.

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Connect From A Remote Client / Received Error Of No Listener

Dec 24, 2007

We installed Oracle 10g on one of our servers and configured the listener to host=localhost. Here's our listener.ora file:

(ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1)
(PROGRAM = extproc)

After restarting the listener, we could connect using the connect identifier from the local server. However, when trying to connect from a remote client we received the error of "no listener". In the remote client the identifier is defined with host=ip_address. TNSping from the client to the host was successful.

When we changed listener.ora to host=up_address we could connect ONLY from the remote computer. Only after changing the host in tnsnames.ora file to the IP as well - we could connect from both the local server and the remote client.

I usually use host=localhost in the listener file (and the local tnsnames file) and never had this problem before.

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Application Express :: Defining Proxy Server For Web Services

Dec 5, 2012

I'm trying to create a web service via the WSDL wizard (Apex 4.0.2). We are behind a firewall and connect to the internet via a proxy server. The proxy server requires authentication with a username and password. How to include the username and password in defining the Proxy Server in the Application Definition page or optionally in the alternate location in the Manual Web Service wizard page?

I assume the base definition for the proxy server is [http://]host[:port][]

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Application Express :: Proxy Error When Downloading Report (IR) In CSV Format

Aug 22, 2012

I'm getting the error below when downloading IR report in csv format. I'm getting that whenever the records is more than 108,000. Is there a limit in records to download? Is there a resolution.

I am using apex 4.1, EXCEL 2010.

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Server Administration :: How To Connect Oracle Client To Remote Server DB

Jun 29, 2013

I'm trying to connect a oracle client application on the client machine to a remote oracle server on the server machine but i get a connection fail.

On the server machine I configured oracle server in the following way:

Installed oracle server. Created a database "DB_Test" with the database configuration assistant Created a LISTNER with the Oracle NET Manager with the following parameter:

Protocol: TCP/IP HOST: server pc hostname (ENZOVAIO) or server machine address ip ( in the network lan Port Number: 1521 Created "dbtest" service with the Oracle NET Manager with with the following parameter:
Service Name: "dbtest" Protocol: TCP/IP HOST: server pc hostname (ENZOVAIO) or server machine address ip ( in the network lan Port Number: 1521

All services on the server machine are running and I opened port number (1521) in the router. On the client machine I installed SQL PLUS and SQL Developer.

With SQL Plus as by the official documentation I have entered the following command:

CONNECT username/password@[//]host[:port][/service_name]. In my case is:
CONNECT SYSTEM/oracledb@//ENZOVAIO:1521/testdb.

With SQL Developer I have entered the same parameter.

But with both SQLPlus and SQL Developer the connection fails.

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Server Administration :: Connect 500+ Client To Remote Oracle Server?

Aug 10, 2010

we have oracle server. we have to connect 500+ client machine to oracle server.

is it i need to install client version to all 500+ or any other shortcut way?

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Forms :: How To Connect Remote Database Using 6i

Sep 3, 2009

I installed oracle 10g and developed simple software using forms 6i. Its working well as a stand alone system.

I want to share it in network. so I installed forms 6i as oracle client , copied the tnsnames.ora from the oracle installation path to forms installation path.(inside NET80/Admin folder)

When i try to connect with user name and password , it comes ORA-12203 Unable to connect to destination. I checked LSNRCTL in the database machine, it is listening.

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Forms :: Remote Form Debug In Oracle 10g

May 12, 2010

I am trying to debug a remote form ( on AS) in Oracle forms developer 10g . I had done everything as told and attached the port name and number to my local form builder, but debugger window doesn't popup at the time of break point. Also, i don't have any firewall installed on my application server.

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Networking And Gateways :: Forms Not Connect On Remote Site

Sep 17, 2013

I have a strange problem of connecting Oracle Forms6i from our Remote site.actually we change our IP address of lease line, we connect to it.but when we connect locally,forms are running without any problem,but when we connect globally or from other sites it can't able to connect,even sql prompt and toad also connect from remote site,but when we try to connect forms(forms runtime) it gives error message(ORA-12203: TNS:unable to connect to destination).when we connect this application from local application(Forms) it can connect well but from globally it can't able to connect.

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Forms :: Tracking Remote Desktop Access Using Oracle?

Sep 27, 2013

I have a form developed using Oracle 10g Forms Builder. It is deployed on server. I need to track who is remotely accessing the desktop and running this form. How can we track this. Are there any webutil commands to trace the application used to access the desktop? What is the work around for this?

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Forms :: Poor Performance In Accessing Remote Database?

May 13, 2010

I have installed Oracle 10g on one system and Oracle developer on another machine, means i have different machines for DB Server and Application server. It all working excellent inside the company premises, but if i want to access my Oracle DB and application server outside the company then it gives me to access application (forms and reports ) remotely outside the company...having same db.

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Server Administration :: Externally Authenticated User Login Syntax As Proxy User?

Nov 15, 2010

I created an externally authenticated user in database. And can login without password with below syntax.

SQL> connect / @TESTDB
SQL> show user;

This scott user has a proxy permission to another DBuser PROXY_USER. Previously I used to login using below syntax.

connect scott[proxy_user]/password_for_scott@TESTDB

So now, what syntax should be used for this "ExternallY Authenticated" user to login as a proxy user?

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Running Concurrent Request Permanently

Oct 8, 2010

having a concurrent request that is always up?

As part of an interface I've implemented, I have a 'listener' concurrent request that registers for a dbms_alert and uses wait_one to detect appropriate alerts. When an alert has been detected, a loader concurrent request is kicked-off, before the listener loops back to the wait_one call. I've set a nominal wait_one timeout period of ten minutes. It is not envisaged that many alerts will be raised - maybe several a day at the moment, but I am always reluctant to use polling unless I can avoid it.

Our EBS system has gradually ground to a halt after the release of this program, and the DBAs suspect this as a possible cause. CPU usage was very high overall, with various java-related usage figure also being high.

The overall idea is to have a 'poor-mans' equivalent of OAI, so I'd hope to add more listeners, with each being the equivalent of an OAI adapter.

Surely a big powerful thing like Oracle EBS is not going to keel over just because of a few processes doing little more than waiting for alerts?

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Application Express :: Js-confirm Box With Request And Passing Value

Aug 16, 2012

User clicks on link-column field in tablular form, Confirm box pops up with a confirmation message, with "OK" generates a request and should pass a value from the form into an item for further processing.

The URL in the column link as of now looks like that: javascript: apex.confirm("message goes here...", {request:"EQDONE", set:{"P2100_X": "#EQMID#"}});For some reason just nothing happens. When I omit the "javascript:", I get an unvalid-url error message. But if I change the procedure name, shoudln't I get some error message also?

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Application Express :: How To Set Request When Calling Procedure

Apr 23, 2013

I use the procedure gReport.navigate.paginate. If there is the possibility to set a value to REQUEST when calling this procedure?

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Data Guard :: Archivelogs With FAL Request Created At Different Location?

Mar 29, 2011

I tried a Data Guard setup on Oracle Databases (version, on RHEL)

Primary Database is db5
Standby Database is db6

By the time I created standby database, 3 archivelogs (sequence 11,12,13) were generated on primary which I copied over to standby database server

Now while querying v$archive_gap on the primary database these archivelogs aren't listed
However at the same time querying v$archived_log on either Primary or Standby Database also does not list them

In such case do I need to register these archivelogs on standby database?
Or else do I catalog these archivelogs on standby database?

Also as soon as standby database is started in recovery mode as a part of setup, 1 archivelog (sequence 14) was shown on standby

Now this archivelog has different path than the archivelogs generated later (sequence 15, 16)and v$archived_log shows it is generated as a part of FAL request (FAL=YES)

Question are

1) why it was FALed while redo apply services were active?

2) why this particular archivelog only which is part of FAL request is generated at different location

Does it generate at standby_archive_dest rather than FRA when FAL=YES?

3) why subsequent archivelogs are not part of FAL request or FAL request wasn't needed for subsequent archivelogs?

Primary database init parameters


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Enterprise Manager :: Getting Exception In Sending Request / Null Error

Mar 18, 2010

I am using Oracle My intention is to create a new database instance.

Here are the steps I have taken,

1. Using DBCA, I created a new database instance, oracle sid = MYORCL0318

2. I created the tablespaces for this instance.(I obviously have not imported any data into this database yet.)

then, I went to Enterprise Manager,

Login = sys
password = xxxxxxx
role = SYSDBA

After I login, I would get an Error like this

java.lang.Exception: Exception in sending Request :: null

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Server Administration :: How To Refresh Test Schema From Production Request

Oct 31, 2012

Steps to Refresh test Oracle 9i schema from production schema on a Windows platform..

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ORA-29273 - HTTP Request Failed ORA-12535 - TNS - Operation Timed Out?

Jun 19, 2013

SQL*Plus: Release 10 SPARC I get the following error when trying to make an HTTP request. Below is the snippet of code I run. I get the error after exactly 60 seconds(default timeout?). The problem does not exist in the rest of our environments, only our test environment.

   p_mid_tier    VARCHAR2 (500);
   responsestr   VARCHAR2 (500);

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Application Express :: ORA-29273 / HTTP Request Failed ORA-06512

Mar 11, 2013

We are getting the following error when trying to access a RESTful web service coming from Apex workspace 4.2.1 and Apex listener 2.1:

ORA-29273: HTTP request failed ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1130 ORA-29024: Certificate validation failure

In the Debug report, besides the above I also see:

error_backtrace: ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1130 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_WEB_SERVICES", line 543 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_WEB_SERVICES", line 1164 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_PROCESS", line 396

We get that error whether we use https or http in the URI pointing to the web service. When I test the Web Service in Workspace RESTful service GUI, I get the data back. When I go build an application with a report calling the RESTful Web Service I get that error. Both the Application and the Workspace RESTful services are on the same Apex environment and even the same workspace.

What is odd is that I can actually put the URL of the web service into a browser and I get the data: (using the demo hr data in sample RESTful services.)IN browser-- [URL]


7839,KING,PRESIDENT,,1981-11-17T05:00:00Z,5000,,10 7698,BLAKE,MANAGER,7839,1981-05-01T04:00:00Z,2850,,30 7782,CLARK,MANAGER,7839,1981-06-09T04:00:00Z,2450,,10 7566,JONES,MANAGER,7839,1981-04-02T05:00:00Z,2975,,20 7788,SCOTT,ANALYST,7566,1982-12-09T05:00:00Z,3000,,20 7902,FORD,ANALYST,7566,1981-12-03T05:00:00Z,3000,,20 7369,SMITH,CLERK,7902,1980-12-17T05:00:00Z,800,,20 7499,ALLEN,SALESMAN,7698,1981-02-20T05:00:00Z,1600,300,30 7521,WARD,SALESMAN,7698,1981-02-22T05:00:00Z,1250,500,30 7654,MARTIN,SALESMAN,7698,1981-09-28T04:00:00Z,1250,1400,30 7844,TURNER,SALESMAN,7698,1981-09-08T04:00:00Z,1500,0,30 7876,ADAMS,CLERK,7788,1983-01-12T05:00:00Z,1100,,20 7900,JAMES,CLERK,7698,1981-12-03T05:00:00Z,950,,30 7934,MILLER,CLERK,7782,1982-01-23T05:00:00Z,1300,,10

what would be causing the Error above in our application?

In reviewing the above error, I think we are realizing that we have to have the Weblogic layer SSL cert (actually the CERT from our BigIP load balancer which also does our SSL termination) imported into the Oracle server wallet where Apex is installed. Am I correct?

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Restrict Values To English Without Requiring That A Value Exist In Request Table

Jul 8, 2009

I have the following tables:

UOM_CODES_TL ("tl" means translation - this table has the same record 3 times, once for English, once for Spanish, and one for France)

So what I'm trying to do with the outer join ((+)) is to get the request record, regardless of whether the r.unit_of_measure is null. That works as long as I don't include the underlined portion above. As soon as I do that it only returns results where r.unit_of_measure is not null. That all makes sense to me, but I'm wondering how I can restrict the values to English without requiring that a value exist in the request table.

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Data Guard :: FAL Request Rejected Error And Log Shipping Not Working?

Apr 7, 2011

I have a 10gR2 standby database.Normally when logs are created in primary they automatically get shipped to standby but sometimes I get FAL request rejected or connection lost contact error and the logs are not automatically shipped .

Then when I manually switch a logfile the RFS process copies the old logs into DR site(around 4 or 5 logs).What is the problem...How to resolve this???

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Enterprise Manager :: Java.lang.Exception In Sending Request - Null?

Apr 29, 2010

Just installed ORacle 10gR2 in Win7 64bits and when I login to the EM, I get the error:java.lang.Exception: Exception in sending Request :: null

I have a loopback adapter correctly configured and already added my TMZ to

C:JavaoracleBIN>emctl status agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2005 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Agent Version :


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Application Express :: Increasing Schema Size Without Raising Service Request?

Jul 13, 2012

How can in increase the allocated space for a schema in Apex Admin section?

I know you can set this when creating a schema alongsite a workspace and looks like the only way to do it is via raising a service request for more space and loggin in as ADMIN and approving it (in increments of 500MB).

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Reports Process Not Terminated Database Session After Reports Request Failed

Oct 12, 2012

why Database session was not terminated for failed reports request processed by reports engine.

My engine element parameters are as followed:

<engine minEngine="3" maxIdle="30" maxEngine="16" id="rwEng" engineResponseTimeOut="10" engLife="50" class="oracle.reports.engine.EngineImpl">
<property value="/home/TMAP/KO/shared/reports" name="sourceDir"/>
<property value="no" name="keepConnection"/>
<property value="no" name="diagnosis"/>
<engine minEngine="0" maxEngine="1" id="rwURLEng" engLife="50" class="oracle.reports.urlengine.URLEngineImpl"/>

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Forms :: Export Forms Data Into Excel Sheet - Client-ole2 Not Working?

May 28, 2010

I want to export forms data into Excel sheetfor that i am using Client_Ole2.I have attached Webutil object library and Pl/Sql libraryStill I can not export data from Form to Excel sheet

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Forms :: Get Client IP Address When Initializing Forms

Jun 25, 2010

How to get the client machine IP in Forms 10g without using webutil? I know the function Webutil_clientinfo.get_ip_address. But Webutil is not working in when new form instance. And I need get client ip address in trigger PRE-FORM.

sys_context('userenv', 'IP_ADDRESS') return address of server, not client.


How to make the trigger WHEN-CUSTOM-ITEM-EVENT in Webutil starts before triggers "WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE" and "PRE-FORM" ?? To use webutil_ clientinfo.get_ip_address

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Forms :: How To Run Client Side Forms

Apr 13, 2010

Oracle developer suite 10g i am installing 10 developer in server can you explain me how to run client side forms and report web-throw witch address i tel him to client.

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