Application Express :: How To Set Request When Calling Procedure

Apr 23, 2013

I use the procedure gReport.navigate.paginate. If there is the possibility to set a value to REQUEST when calling this procedure?

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Application Express :: Calling A Procedure From A Tabular Form

Apr 30, 2013

I am new to APEX (well all of Oracle really so only have limited knowledge of PL/SQL etc too) but have created a couple of simple applications via wizards. One of these has a tabular form which works fine for updating records for the table that the form was built over but I need a way to write a record to a second (audit) table as well.

My form is used for cycle counting of items in a location. It originally shows the quantities of all the items in a location and allows the user to make corrections by updating any incorrect quantities to the correct value (this would then update the quantity column in the main table). It then needs to calculate the difference between the old and new value and write this as a record to an audit file (might be a positive or negative number).

do I call a procedure once (on submitting the page) and get the procedure to loop through the changed records writing to my audit file OR do I call my procedure once per changed record on the tabular form, if so how do I know what parameters to pass to the procedure?

I have tried researching this online but can find no easy to follow examples. All examples of code I have seen for tabular forms refer to fields referenced by apex_application.g_f01 or f02 etc - how do you know what items on the page these relate to?

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Application Express Listener :: Calling Plsql Procedure From Web Browser?

May 9, 2013

I have problems with calling procedure directly from webbrowser. I have a procedure test in test_pkg package. I granted execute on it to anonymous , added it to wwv_flow_epg_include_mod_local function and still have error 404.searched this forum and found this: Does listener use wwv_flow_epg_include_mod_local

So I granted to apex_public_user and created synonym for him to my package. And it starts working. But then I wanted to add next proceudre to my package the same way, and change my test procedure and it stop working again. Now I have 404 error again.

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Application Express :: Js-confirm Box With Request And Passing Value

Aug 16, 2012

User clicks on link-column field in tablular form, Confirm box pops up with a confirmation message, with "OK" generates a request and should pass a value from the form into an item for further processing.

The URL in the column link as of now looks like that: javascript: apex.confirm("message goes here...", {request:"EQDONE", set:{"P2100_X": "#EQMID#"}});For some reason just nothing happens. When I omit the "javascript:", I get an unvalid-url error message. But if I change the procedure name, shoudln't I get some error message also?

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Application Express :: ORA-29273 / HTTP Request Failed ORA-06512

Mar 11, 2013

We are getting the following error when trying to access a RESTful web service coming from Apex workspace 4.2.1 and Apex listener 2.1:

ORA-29273: HTTP request failed ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1130 ORA-29024: Certificate validation failure

In the Debug report, besides the above I also see:

error_backtrace: ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1130 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_WEB_SERVICES", line 543 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_WEB_SERVICES", line 1164 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_PROCESS", line 396

We get that error whether we use https or http in the URI pointing to the web service. When I test the Web Service in Workspace RESTful service GUI, I get the data back. When I go build an application with a report calling the RESTful Web Service I get that error. Both the Application and the Workspace RESTful services are on the same Apex environment and even the same workspace.

What is odd is that I can actually put the URL of the web service into a browser and I get the data: (using the demo hr data in sample RESTful services.)IN browser-- [URL]


7839,KING,PRESIDENT,,1981-11-17T05:00:00Z,5000,,10 7698,BLAKE,MANAGER,7839,1981-05-01T04:00:00Z,2850,,30 7782,CLARK,MANAGER,7839,1981-06-09T04:00:00Z,2450,,10 7566,JONES,MANAGER,7839,1981-04-02T05:00:00Z,2975,,20 7788,SCOTT,ANALYST,7566,1982-12-09T05:00:00Z,3000,,20 7902,FORD,ANALYST,7566,1981-12-03T05:00:00Z,3000,,20 7369,SMITH,CLERK,7902,1980-12-17T05:00:00Z,800,,20 7499,ALLEN,SALESMAN,7698,1981-02-20T05:00:00Z,1600,300,30 7521,WARD,SALESMAN,7698,1981-02-22T05:00:00Z,1250,500,30 7654,MARTIN,SALESMAN,7698,1981-09-28T04:00:00Z,1250,1400,30 7844,TURNER,SALESMAN,7698,1981-09-08T04:00:00Z,1500,0,30 7876,ADAMS,CLERK,7788,1983-01-12T05:00:00Z,1100,,20 7900,JAMES,CLERK,7698,1981-12-03T05:00:00Z,950,,30 7934,MILLER,CLERK,7782,1982-01-23T05:00:00Z,1300,,10

what would be causing the Error above in our application?

In reviewing the above error, I think we are realizing that we have to have the Weblogic layer SSL cert (actually the CERT from our BigIP load balancer which also does our SSL termination) imported into the Oracle server wallet where Apex is installed. Am I correct?

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Application Express :: Increasing Schema Size Without Raising Service Request?

Jul 13, 2012

How can in increase the allocated space for a schema in Apex Admin section?

I know you can set this when creating a schema alongsite a workspace and looks like the only way to do it is via raising a service request for more space and loggin in as ADMIN and approving it (in increments of 500MB).

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Application Express :: Calling A Page In A Different Region?

Sep 5, 2012

I am using Apex 4.0 with oracle 11g.I have a requirement where I need to call a page in a region in different page.

For example. I have 2 pages page1 and page2

I need to call the page1 in page2 region.

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Application Express :: Error When Calling Skillbuilder Popup In Edit Record Mode?

Jan 3, 2013

Iam facing another issue with Skillbuilder modal page(for those who have used this plugins). Ive the CREATE part working well the problem is with EDIT part to edit records via the link i applied all the steps and clicking the edit link pops up the page but the issue is for any clicked row the parameter is not being passed and seleceted record doesnt show on the pop up page where could the problem be? though if i set it back to normal link created by the wizard the edit link works well and shows that record on the editable page.

Apex 4.1.1/oracle 11gR2 ; issue happens in FF & IE

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Application Express :: Authentication Callback Procedure?

Mar 5, 2013

We are close to successfully getting our CAS authentication integrated with Apex Listener 2.0 and Apex 4.2.1. We are using Weblogic app server for the Listener configurations and have been able to get the remote_user passed to Apex after login to CAS. We just set the header variable in the new 'HTTP Header Variable' authentication scheme. However there is a glitch at the callback from CAS -- we get the error 'wong number of types of arguments in call' and the URL shows: ..... /apex/apex_authentication.callback.

I see the documentation about this CALLBACK procedure, but am not sure how to set it to go back to the application. I know that CAS is working and passing the userid to the application because I can manually type in the app URL .... /apex/f?p=xxx and I immediately get into the application and the correct userid is identified --whereas initially when I hit the same application it sends me to our Central CAS server for login. 

where the parameters of this procedure need to be set and how to set them.  I assume the procedure needs to be called by Weblogic?for the callback to find the original calling application so it doesn't have to be 'hard-coded'.  I see that one of the parameters is 'p_app_id'.  I think our Weblogic engineer was assuming the call to that procedure would 'take care' of the return to the original calling application but obviously we have missed some configuration.

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Application Express :: URL For APEX To Run A Stored Procedure

Jun 26, 2013

I would like to run this procedure using a URL ... I have apex installed.   What URL would I use.  This procedure is compiled in the database.  I have been trying to look thru the APEX installation guide for an example but I must be missing it somewhere.  

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE ORASYSAD.HELLOWORLD is htp.print ('<hl>Hello World</hl>');  end;   

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Calling Procedure Using Trigger

Aug 26, 2013

I am in the process of creating a trigger for a procedure I created. The procedure is working fine but I keep getting an error on the trigger. I am getting Error(7,5): PL/SQL: Statement ignored AND Error PLS-00306: worng number of types of arguments in call to 'INSERTINTOPHYSLOG'

Here is my procedure:

prec_num long;
srec_num long;


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Calling PL/SQL Procedure From JavaScript?

Oct 8, 2007

The application I am working on uses Oracle HTP procedures to generate HTML pages for our application. I am trying to perform some cleanup when a user closes a web application by clicking the 'X' button in there browser. I am thinking of using the onUnload trigger to call a javascript function, which in turn would call a procedure in my PL/SQL pacakge for cleaning up logical locks on records.

The body tag delaration looks like this code fragment:

htp.print('<BODY onUnload="clear_locks(' || p_user_id || ')"

Here is some psuedo code for the function i would like to use:

<SCRIPT>function clear_locks(p_user_id){
call clear_locks(p_user_id);
return true;

Note that clear_locks is a pl/sql stored procedure.So far I have gotten it to pass in the user ID correctly.Is there a way I can call my clear_locks procedure?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure Calling Methods

Oct 14, 2013

I have created this procedure for printing ename,sal,job as output using empno as input:-

p_empno NUMBER,
p_name OUT VARCHAR2,
SELECT ename, sal, job
INTO p_name, p_sal, p_job
FROM emp
WHERE empno = p_empno;

Now My Requirement I want to call this procedure using Positional,Named and Mix Methods...I am calling this procedure using Positional Method:-

p_name varchar2(20);
p_sal number;
p_job varchar2(20);
dbms_output.put_line('Name='||p_name||' Salary='||p_sal||' Job='||p_job);

how to call the same procedure using NAMED and MIX to call same procedure using NAMED and MIX methods.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling Procedure Into Function?

Aug 1, 2011

for my r&d purpose i create function which call procedure,

create table test_tab
(a NUMBER(10),


but it will gv me error ORA-06575:FUNCTION IS IN INVALID STATE that means function created with compilation error.

but when i complied fucntion it doesnt gv me any error.

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PL/SQL :: Calling Procedure In Loop

Oct 2, 2013

I am calling a procedure with the following parameters 

DECLARE     PROFIT_CENTER NUMBER;   BEGIN   PROFIT_CENTER:= 1109 --( Similarly I am running the proc for 5 more profit_centers 1123,1132, 1122,3211, 1111

one by one by passing values manually, it is taking almost a minute for each profit center

)Prc_test_calc (  PROFIT_CENTER);  COMMIT;   END;
For each profit_center proc is taking 1 mins (Approx) time.  

But when I am trying to loop it to call the procedure for each profit_center , I don’t know for what reason it is taking too much time for each profit_center. Anything wrong with the below loop  

DECLARE     PROFIT_CENTER NUMBER;  cursor c_profit is select distinct PROFIT_CENTER from plng_pc where profit_center in (1109, 1123,1132,1122,3211,1111); --

Plng_pc is a table from where profit_center information is getting fetched  

BEGIN For pc_rec in c_profit loop   Prc_test_calc (  pc_rec .PROFIT_CENTER );  COMMIT; End loop;   END;

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Application Express :: Creating Procedure Using Database Package

Oct 23, 2012

I have created a procedure within a database package, but when I want to create a form based on procedure but I can't call it. I think that I have to use prefix, I am a beginner in database and I don't know how to do this.

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Application Express :: Custom Download Procedure Not Working?

Oct 16, 2013

I have created a custom download procedure to download uploaded files from custom table records which are displayed via links and i call my procedure as #OWNER#.my_file?p_file=#ID#. Now the problem this procedure call works in my development system not any other system.

is there any grant i need to provide but i don't want to grant to public also apex 4.1.1  create or replace PROCEDURE

my_file(p_file in number) AS        v_mime  VARCHAR2(500);        v_length  NUMBER;        v_file_name VARCHAR2(400);        Lob_loc  BLOB;BEGIN    SELECT trim(MIME_TYPE), BLOB_CONTENT, trim(filename),DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(blob_content)          INTO v_mime,lob_loc,v_file_name,v_length      FROM EMP.FILE_attachments                WHERE id = p_file;     owa_util.mime_header( nvl(v_mime,'application/octet'), FALSE );        htp.p('Content-length: ' || v_length);     htp.p('Content-Disposition:  attachment; filename="'||replace(replace(substr(v_file_name,instr(v_file_name,'/')+1),chr(10),null),chr(13),null)|| '"');  owa_util.http_header_close;                wpg_docload.download_file( Lob_loc ); ---------------------------------

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Application Express :: Procedure Automatically Called Again After 5 Minutes?

Jun 13, 2013

Apex 3.2. I have a page with a button. Once the user clicks the button a call is made to a procedure in a package.This procedure acesses a couple more procedures and functions, inorder to import data from one table to another. If the procedure takes more than 5 minutes to complete, the user receives an error message.This is actually the error message the user should get if he tries to do an import while another user’s import is running. Is it possible that if the called procedure doesn’t return in under 5 minutes the page is reloaded and the procedure called again resulting in the above error message. 

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Calling Procedure With Commit From Trigger

Dec 8, 2006

I searched, found this one hit and according to mateoc15, you cannot commit within a procedure that is called from a trigger. He must be right, because mine is not committing either, nor are any errors given.


Create or replace trigger owner_name.table1_trg2
after update on table1
for each row
call owner_name.procedure1;

procedure Code (psuedo):

Create or replace procedure1 as
update table1 set col1 = 'whatever';
exception when others then

Executing the procedure as owner_name on SQLPlus works fine, but when I update a column of the table via the PL/SQL package (on the web form), the column does not update, telling me that the procedure never fired from the trigger.

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Calling Web Service From A Procedure Using SOAP API

Mar 5, 2013

I am trying to call a Web service using the SOAP API and I get the following error.

ORA-31020: The operation is not allowed, Reason: For security reasons, ftp and http access over XDB repository is not allowed on server side
ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 48
ORA-06512: at "MyConnection.SOAP_API", line 121
ORA-06512: at "MyConnection.MyFunction", line 28
31020. 00000 - "The operation is not allowed, Reason: %s"
*Cause: The operation attempted is not allowed
*Action: See reason and change to a valid operation.

However we do have another procedure that is able to make an HTTP call successfully within the same domain. Hence the ACLs that are required are for making an HTTP call are in place. Is there any other security setting to be tweaked to make the to enable me to make a Webservice call using the SOAP package?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling Exe File From Stored Procedure

Jun 15, 2011

I want to call an exe file through DB Procedure. How it is possible?

1create or replace procedure proc3

4 host('calc');
6* end;

from FORMS it works fine but it does not work through DB. I found same question through this link


but no answer is given.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling Stored Procedure With Default Value?

Apr 3, 2012

I have the following Stored Procedure:



I dont know what I need to pass in order to give it the default value.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling Shell Script Within Procedure?

Jul 22, 2013

I have a procedure that checks in the table if the daily refresh was successful or not for the previous day. If it failed I would like to receive an email, which I accomplish with calling my EMAIL() procedure. Otherwise call my program_scheduler that will run a shell script.

Below is my procedure:

create or replace


And here is CALL_SHELL job that my procedure calls:

SYS.dbms_scheduler.create_job (
job_name => 'CALL_SHELL',
job_type => 'EXECUTABLE',
job_action => '/home/oracle/',


My ELSE statement never gets executed, why?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Calling Procedure From PRO C?

Nov 26, 2012

I am trying to call procedure from PRO C Procedure has many parameters and I do not need to put all of them when I call procedure. Is there way to make the same way as in PL/SQL

like this

my_procedure( q=>a1 , b=>'abc )

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling Other Procedures From Autonomous Procedure?

Feb 26, 2013

It's somewhat related to my previous post DBMS_SQL Usage But here I tried to capture whole scenario.

Scenario is like below:

create user a identified by a;
grant connect,resource to a;
create user b identified by b;
grant connect,resource to b;
create user c identified by c;
grant connect,resource to c;


Not getting why the schema is not changing... and how to resolve the error.

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PL/SQL :: How To Run Report / Calling Web URL Into Stored Procedure

Dec 17, 2012

I have a requirement to run below given URL by Stored Procedure. I am using Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod


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PL/SQL :: Calling Oracle Procedure With Two OUT Parameters

Jun 20, 2012

I am having an Oracle procedure which return ref cursor. I also want to result one more out parameter result. How Can I call the procedure in SQL. Below is the way I am calling my stored procedure with one parameter.

proc_Test (p_resultset=> My_cursor)

How can I call the procedure when I have one more OUT parameter. Second parameter returns 0 or 1.

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PL/SQL :: Calling Procedure From Another And Get Combined Output

Jun 3, 2013

I have created two Stord procedures, which does have same input type of input parameter but different output parameters. I want to call these two procedures from a single call and get the combined output. Below is the code I have tried:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sp_all_attribute_difference
i_product_id_new IN NUMBER,
o_product_attr_diff_list OUT product_attr_diff_list,
o_usage_attr_list OUT usage_attr_diff_list

I am not able to compile tis proc.

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PL/SQL :: Differences Between Calling SQL Statement / Procedure?

Apr 22, 2013

I am planing to write the web-application which use Oracle DB 11g.I would like to understand what are the differences (specially, performance issues, steps of execution, optimizer possibilities) between calling SQL statements and PL/SQL procedures/functions. Which approach is more appropriate, and why?

a) WebApp->Call("select * from employees where department_id = ?", 10) ;

b) WebApp->Call("? := mypackage.get_emp(?)", refCursor, 10);

create package mypackage is
function get_emp(dep_id in number) return sys_refcursor is
    open cur for select * from employees where department_id = dep_id;   
Requirements: High-concurrency, 100+ db sessions, DB will not be used for business-logic.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Error In Calling Collection Procedure

Jun 4, 2013

In a package I have one procedure "setscores_ram_bulk" with collection varaiavles.And other two procedures are

"UpdateRelatedOrders" and "SetGeoFraudScore"

with out collections.I am calling collection procedure "setscores_ram_bulk" in non collection procedures

"UpdateRelatedOrders" and "SetGeoFraudScore".

I am getting the below error.PLS-00306:wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SETSCORES_RAM_BULK' .I am sending my code.

TYPE rec_setscores IS RECORD
pBUID score.buid%TYPE,
OrderNum score.order_num%TYPE,
ScoreType VARCHAR2(100),
p_Score score.velocity_score%TYPE

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