Forms :: Disable Fields Using Personalization

Oct 2, 2010

I am working on Oracle Apps 11i. Need Forms Personalization.

Client requirement: Selected user should only see Office Phone Number for all the people in the organization when he enters the Phones form.

Means, the client is having around 10 Lookup values for Phones (Like Mobile (Office), Mobile (Personal), Office (fax), Office No. etc). Now, they want to give access to admin, only to update the Phone numbers related to Office. So, when the admin logs-in to the phone form of a employee, that admin should not be able to see other phone numbers of that Employee.

Is it possible using Forms Personalisation?

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Forms :: Execute Procedure Using Personalization

Aug 24, 2010

I have written a package in that package i have written a procedure. That procedure has two i/p and two o/p variables. I am calling the procedure using the below syntax.

in built in type : Execute a Procedure

v_customer_name varchar2(100);
v_id number;
v_out1 number;
v_out2 NUMBER;
v_id := 1041;
XXFBI_OM_UTILITIES.XXFBI_CUSTOMER_CREDIT_DETAILS1(''' || ${item.order.SOLD_TO.value} || ''', v_id, v_out1, v_out2);

Its working fine.

My question is how can i capture the value of out put variables v_out1 and v_out2 and assign to a DFF.

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Forms :: Show The Message In Form Personalization

Aug 9, 2010

I call the one procedure in post_insert which submit the concurrent request and send the email to specific email address. Now i want to show the message, when email is send that "Your msg is send to ....."

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Forms :: Personalization In AP Invoice - No Default Value In Equipment Segment

Nov 16, 2010

in form personalization, I have made a personalization in AP Invoice form if in gl code combination account segment between specific account then there should not any default value in equipment segment.

i did this but now my requirement is

1) if such a combination come it show error but allow to save the work, it should not allow it to save if it show any kind of error.

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Forms :: Personalization Validating A Multi-Record Block?

Sep 5, 2012

I have a problem validating a multi-record block. I need to put the validation after the user clicks save. The custom validation should run through all the records in the multi-record block. But instead of validating all records, it will only validate the record where the cursor is located before the user hits save.

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Forms :: How To Disable Function Key F4 In 6i

Feb 22, 2012

How to Disable Function key F4 in forms 6i for example in forms i want that no body copy full row with F4 Key pls guide me where to apply key F4 trigger in forms.

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Forms :: Radio Box Disable

Dec 1, 2010

I have a Radio Box Item field in Form, It contain Three Radio Buttons.

During the User Login Some of the users Not Require to Touch Any of the Three Radio. Thus i Require to Disable that Radio Button to That User. How to Disable the Particular Radio Button.

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Forms :: How To Disable Shift+ Tab

Jul 22, 2010

I wanna disable shift+tab key function not to be able to go to previous item. What should I do?

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Forms :: Disable The Commutation Tab?

May 11, 2011

the software i use in oracle 10g is for calculating the pensionary benefits. Those who retire voluntary or on superannuation gets pension, commutation and gratuity.

for those death cases only family pension and gratuity is eligible.

my problem is when i give the pension case as family pension the commutation tab also gets visible and it allows the users to enter values for commutation even though they are not eligible.

i would like to know if i can disable the commutation tab once i enter the pension case as family pension.

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Forms :: New Form For Oracle Apps Turning Fields In Other Forms Black

Sep 23, 2011

I created a new form for Oracle Apps, At first when I ran the form from the application all the fields backgrounds were black, so I changed the background in the property palette to white and foreground to black.

Now it shows fine but when I close this form and open another those fields are now blacked out. What should I do, I know the problem comes from the new form.

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Forms :: Disable Save Button In 6i

Jul 22, 2011

I am working on form 6i. I want to disable the 'SAVE' button which can be seen in the menu (front end).

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Forms :: Disable Function Keys In 6i?

Apr 3, 2006

how to disable function keys in forms6i(i.e., i want to deactivate the default function keys when running a form)

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Forms :: How To Disable Radio Button

Jul 16, 2013

I have some doubts about Radio buttons,

1) how to validate radio buttons in WHEN-RADIO-CHANGED?

2) how to disable a radio button?

3) how to disable a text item when a radio button is un-checked.

4) how to assign default value to radio button like(1,2,3...) or(A,B,CD,...)

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Forms :: Disable SAVE Button

Apr 20, 2010

I have created a form using data block wizard and lay out wizard. I want to disable the SAVE button, I gave the following in Triggers WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE


but when I run the form it displays this message at the bottom of the screen

Frm 41045:Cannot find item invalidID.

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Forms :: Disable Menu - Code Not Working?

Nov 19, 2011

i tried to disable menu but the code didnt work.My

Procedure Pu_Check_Open_Form_Prc(Pv_Menu_Code Varchar2) Is
vn_open_pvg Number(1) := 0;
vm_menu_id MenuItem;


and my menu in the attached pic.

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Forms :: Enable Or Disable Current Item In Block?

Feb 1, 2011

I have one tabular block on the canvas and there is one check box on this block. I want that when I uncheck this checkbox, one item on the current record gets disabled.

i manage to turn all the records enabled or disabled.

I am attaching a dummy form in which I have tried. Checkbox is acting on field :ecc_no.

The DB table for the same is:



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Forms :: Enable / Disable Menu Items For Different Users?

May 14, 2011

Enable / Disable menu items for different users.

how to create different users give in demo files i am using 10gforms.

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Forms :: How To ENABLE / DISABLE Item Dynamically During 6i Runtime

Mar 24, 2012

I have a master-detail form showing multiple records (tabular) in data-block. Now my problem is, based on certain column's value of a particular item in a particular row on the data-block to ENABLE/DISABLE during run-time .

For example, in a detail-block of 5 rows, if 3rd row's 'detail-block.item1' is equal to lets say, "X", then 'detail-block.item2' of that particular row ONLY must be 'disabled'. otherwise, it must 'enable' the 'detail-block.item2' of that particular item in that particular row on the data-block.

Even when, I query the form, it must enable/disable that particular item of that particular row from the data-block based on item1's value.

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Forms :: Disable Save Button After The Sequence In Generated?

Feb 2, 2013

i have master-detail form in which i am generating sequence number as my bill no. on save button.

i want to disable save button after the sequence in generated.

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Forms :: How To Use ALTER TABLE Command To Disable / Enable Constraints

Aug 11, 2010

can you use alter table command to disable/enable constraints in a form if you can how, if you cant why

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Forms :: How To Disable Single Record In Multi Non-database Block

Mar 28, 2011

The main qn is in the subject line.

I have used the following code



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Forms :: How To Enable / Disable Keyboard Shortcuts In Oracle Apps

May 12, 2010

How do we need to enable or disable the keyboard shortcuts in Oracle Apps like Shift+F6 for duplicate record, also how do I change the functionality, I mean suppose I want Key-M to do the same function as shift+F6.

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Forms :: Disable Mouse Navigation On Data Block Or Text Item?

Jul 15, 2011

I am trying to disable mouse navigation on data block or text item,. What i want is to my text items in specified block be keyboard navigable only.

The problem is that i don't have that option on text_items or data block (my conclusion: probably because it is not possible to change mouse navigate option for text item or data block).

I have also tried in WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE trigger

set_item_property('block.item', mouse_navigate, property_false)


set_block_property('block', mouse_navigate, property_false)

and of course it did not work.

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Forms :: Data Source For Fields?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a horrible problem with EBS (actually, all problems with EBS are horrible) and I think I am stuck because of my ignorance of Forms. if I use terms that are not correct in the Forms world. The form consists of a number of named "blocks" and each block consists of a number of named "fields", not all of which are visible. I need to find the source of the data values in one of these fields. I have searched every table for a column of that name, also all the views and stored PL/SQL that I think might be relevant, but I can no find no mention of a column or variable with the same name as the field. The name does not get a hit in the online EBS tech ref manual, and only two ancient and irrelevant hits in MOS.

My question is: What are the possible sources of data for a field in a form? Have I missed any?

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Forms :: Search For NULL Fields

Feb 1, 2012

Is there any way to see items in the block having null in them? I want to figure out null field before inserting the data in the database table. At the moment I am having an error ORA 01400 which means that a NULL cannot be inserted into NOT NULL column. So, I want to create a procedure which will fire before insert trigger of the block and it will show me the names of items having null it them.

Procedure check_data(block_name in varchar2)
First_item varchar(20);
Current_item varchar(20);
Last_item varchar(20);


The problem is that I don't know the function to get the value inserted by user in the field so that I can compare it in IF condition.

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Forms :: How To Use Some Fields Of Form In Arabic

Sep 30, 2012

i want to use Arabic language in one of the fields available on the form.

i alreade have done the following

1. On database

update PROPS$
set value$ ='AR8MSWIN1256'
where name = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET';

2. On system registry

Have changed all nls_lang variable in the registry to 'American_America.AR8MSWIN1256'

3. On Form

Have changed the field font to 'Simplified Arabic' and reading order 'right to left'

4. On Operating System

Change the region and language setting
format 'Arabic (saudi Arabia)'
keyboard and languages add 'Arabic (saudi arabia)'

5. have restarted the database on the server and also the client machine.

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Forms :: All Block Fields Are Disabled

Dec 11, 2011

I am using Forms 6i in Application. In Form, After i enter the data and saved then,if i retrieve the data by using Ctrl+F11, all the fields of data block turns to be disabled (insert not allowed, update not allowed) of course i am getting the data.If i close the application, and open freshly it works good (insert allowed, update allowed).

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Forms :: How To Validate Primary Key Fields In 6i

Mar 5, 2011

i have a emp block with multiple rows in which col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6 are the columns...In emp block col1,col2,col3 are the primary key fields.. i need to validate the primary key columns such that it should not allow duplicates values in the primary key col's with out checking the database values with out using enforce primary key property

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Forms :: Choose Fields From Left

Feb 16, 2013

Is there any possibility of creating a selection interface similar to our report or forms wizard where user can select single fields or multiple fields together and when he clicks on the arrow those fields data to be inserted into another table.Please refer attachment.

--this is the main table
create table batch_item (batch_no varchar2(12),item_batch varchar2(12),total_batch_qty number);

insert into batch_item ('0001','a',300);
insert into batch_item ('0002','b',200);
insert into batch_item ('0003','a',102);

--after inserting the data i should be able to move this data to corresponding batches by manually selection and pushing them to a batch.create table ct_item (item varchar2(12),item_nm varchar2(20),item_qty number);

insert into om_item values ('a','alpha',2);
insert into om_item values ('b','beta',3);
insert into om_item values ('c','gama',4);

--left side is om_item and right will have batch items where batch qty will be accumulated upon choose arrows.

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Forms :: Fields Not Writing To Database Table

Jul 27, 2010

I have an Oracle Form 6i. There are two blocks. One is a database block called CUSTOMER and the other is a non-database block called CONTROL.

In the PRE-INSERT trigger of the database block, values from the non-database table block are passed to the database table block. When I pass values I use the :BLOCK_NAME.field_name eg. :CUSTOMER.scale_code := :CONTROL.scale.

In this form the values passed to the database block from the non-database block in the PRE-INSERT trigger do not use the block name e.g. :-

:warehouse := :global.default_warehouse;
:capturer :=captured
:scale_code := scale;
:date_captured := sysdate;
insert into dd_audit(cus_id,cap_date) values(:CONTROL.cus_id,SYSDATE);

This application used to work fine for months, last week when writing the values in the PRE-INSERT trigger, just the warehouse field had a value. The remaining fields after the warehouse did not pass any values, although it was verified that values would have been present in the non-database block. The date_captured field should have at least had the system date. The last insert into dd_audit was successful.

I have done numerous tests on our test database and could not replicate the problem. Would passing the values from the non-database block to the database block without the :BLOCK_name preceding the field name cause this problem.

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