Forms :: Customize Sign In Popup?

Jan 4, 2013

how can i create and customize a sign in popup when running an oracle form?

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Forms :: Customize Position Of ALERT Message On Screen As Per Requirement

Mar 19, 2010

I am using Oracle developer Suite 10g, and i want to customize the position of ALERT message on the screen as per requirement.

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Forms :: Customize Font Color Of Only Selected Nodes In Hierarchical Tree?

Mar 11, 2010

how to customize the font color of only selected nodes in a hierarchical tree.

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Forms :: 6i Displaying Oracle Only Negative Sign

Nov 12, 2012

can you to display a field with negative value

S -- format mask display both sing + and -
MI -- format mask display negative sign at end
PR --Returns negative value in <angle brackets>. and Returns positive value with a leading and trailing blank.

I want the output should display only leading negative if the value is negative. I have used S99990.99 as format Mask. but need output should display only leading negative if the value is negative.

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Forms :: Popup Menu In Left Click Mouse?

Mar 2, 2010

I created Main Menu form and in this form I attached popup menu in picture's property problem is that when i right click on this picture then show the popup menu .I want when I click left click then it should show the popup menu.

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Application Express :: How To Create Customize Report

May 10, 2013

I am having the table columns called

level1_name, level2_repemail, level2_name, level2_repemail, level3_name, level3_repemail,

using this columns i would like to create a report region as mentioned below.

Lvl 6 | Lvl 7 | Lvl 8 |
Name | Rep | Name Rep | Terr Name Rep |
AP | | AAA | | AAA |
AP | | BBB | | BBB |
AP | | CCC | | CCC |
AP | | DDD | | DDD |

how can i create this type of report.

I am using ORACLE 11G, and APEX 3.2 .

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Application Express :: Customize Pagination In Oracle

May 29, 2013

From report attribute ,in layout and pagination section.I have selected one pagination template,where 1,2,3 numbers are displayed (customize css).Now when number of records in report are very few,still I am able to see page 1,which I dnt want.

.classname li:first-child{
this is not working.

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Application Express :: Customize Tooltip In Flash Chart / Graph

Dec 4, 2012

Is there any way I could customize tooltip (when you go over the bar in the report, small box with the value appears).I would like to display different values there.

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How To Completely Remove Single-Sign On

Jul 9, 2013

RE: Partial install of SSO leaves orphaned instances.

Background: Lost connection to Linux system while attempting SSO install. During reinstall installer states instance name already in use - suggests using different name.

Using tool (user: cn=orcladmin) to remove SSO configuration, but error encountered. Reason: incorrect SYS password. Note: Can access db using SYS password with no problem.

Question: Does completely remove SSO configuration? If not, what other steps are required to completely remove SSO?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Append Sign Of % And Adapt Output

Jan 24, 2012

I have following table: tab1

id configured_size current_size percentage
1 500 100 20
2 300 100 33
... ... ...

When I launch select * from tab1 I get :

id configured_size current_size percentage
1 500 100 20
2 300 100 33
... ... ...

My question is is there any way how to edit the abovementioned select to get something like :

id configured_size current_size percentage
java_eml 500 100 20%
java_hdl 300 100 33%
... ... ...

I want to append two things:

sign of % in row percentage
when id =1 then in output have java_eml
when id =2 then in output have java_hdl

The problem is I cant update the table (not sufficient rights) so is there any way how to adapt that output?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Take Sign Off And Rest Field Value Of First Row For Same Staff

Feb 22, 2013

The below query is taken from the procedure

SELECT l_stafnum = stafnum,
l_rest = rest,
WHERE invalid != 'I'

In the above query has set of data which each staff may have more than one duty.

For example

stafnum categoy duty date signon signoff rest valid
232 M a/c 2/3/12 5:00 8:00 12:00 I
232 M Sup 2/3/12 10:00 13:00 8:00 I
111 M Clen 2/3/12 9:00 12:00 12:00 I
232 M Sw 2/3/12 15:00 20:00 12:00 I
111 M Wp 2/3/12 10:00 14:00 06:00 I
121 M a/c 2/3/12 5:00 8:00 12:00 I

The select query will retrieve the value which mentioned this example.Now, First I need to take how many duty has been allocated for each stafnumber.

232 staff allocated to three duty (a/c,sup,sw) Then need to compare signoff value for first row addition of rest value for the same row i.e, i = 08:00+1200

Then need to compare value of signon for the same staff 232 for the second row which is 10:00 if (i>10:00) then valid;

how I can take same staff number and find it how many duty the staff has.And how to take sign off and rest field value of first row, for the same staff then compare those value with the same staff number second row signon value.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Extract Numerical Value Preceding Percentage Sign

Jan 17, 2012

I have two values:


I need to extract the numerical value preceding the '%' sign. for first row 10 should be extracted and for the second 20.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Print Tick Sign In 10g

Jun 5, 2012

searched here for Tick Sign in Reports & Discoverer section, but did not find. i am trying to work on Reports and have a requirement of Tick Sign should appear in report if the column value is 'Y' means yes.

i tried following SQL statement in SQL*Plus, but failed to find and Tick Sign.

n number:=0;
c varchar2(1);
for i in 1..255
select chr(i)
into c
from dual;
dbms_output.put_line ('* '||lpad(to_char(i),3,' ')||' -> '||c);
end loop;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Number Datatype Formatting To Show $ Sign And Commas

Mar 8, 2011

I have a Number(18,0) datatype.It could have millions/billions stored in that field.How can I show that amount in the form of $7,123,787 ($ sign and commas)?

By using To_char function like below, I am not getting the desired format.

Select to_char(123000000.25, '$9,9999999999.00') FROM dual;

Result is (no commas):


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Application Express :: Format Mask For Percent Sign

May 16, 2013

Is there no format mask for Percent sign. My customer is creating a Computed field and wants to have the percent sign added to the result. (like a dollar sign). I saw some posts about adding jQuery..??? Is this going to be added to the APEX code some day?

Just like the Money format, FML999G999G999G999G990D00, where did FML come from? it translates to a dollar sign. Isn't there something that could translate to a percent sign

990D000PCT     75.328%

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Application Express :: Set Popup LOV Value From JavaScript?

Sep 3, 2013

I use APEX 4.2.2 and in my page I call a Modal Region to insert a new customer using AIAX and OnDemand PL/SQL process, then I need to set the inserted value into the Popup LOV from javascript. I used the code

:$('dialog').dialog('close');$('P20_CUSTOMER').trigger('apexrefresh');$('P20_CUSTOMER').one('apexafterrefresh', function()  { apex.item('P20_CUSTOMER').setValue(ajaxResult, $v('P20_DESCRIPTION'));} 

where P20_CUSTOMER is the Popup LOV, ajaxResult is the PK returning from the OnDemand PL/SQL process and P20_DESCRIPTION is an APEX Item of the Modal Region. The new customer is inserted successfully into the table and the PK value returned to javascript code, but the new value is not displayed into the LOV.

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Application Express :: IR Report Date Column Popup

Apr 30, 2013

I have an IR report and want to add another column such as complete_date. I want to add as a link so when user click it then should display the popup window or javascript popup for date selection. i don't want to use apex_item.date_popup or apex_item.date_popup2. On date selection popup user can choose only two dates such as yesterday or today all other date should be disabled?

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Application Express :: Last Image Of Popup List Of Value Does Not Hide

Dec 27, 2012

i am using Apex 3.2,

i am display popup list of value item with out refresh when i select some value from Radio button. But Pop up item lable and element is Hide but in last image of popup list of value does not Hide .

How can i hide this image of popup list of values

i am using
function Show_On_Radio_Value_2(pThis, pThat, pValue, pLabel){
   var rv = html_RadioValue(pThis);
   var elm = document.getElementById(pThat);


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Application Express :: Passing Values To Modal Popup?

Aug 23, 2012

this modal popup, it works correctly but not passing values from page page1 to my page3. How do i pass these paramater values to page3,

function modalWin() {
if (window.showModalDialog) {


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Application Express :: Adding Checksum To URL For Popup Window

Oct 18, 2012

Using Apex 4.1.1

I have button which opens up a pop-up showing a report passing some parameter in URL. The button calls the javascript function defined below:

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
  function newReport()
          url = 'f?

It all works well but for security I would like to add checksum to arguments in URL. I had a look at the Javascrpt API for Apex and couldn't find any for creating a checksum I can append to the URL.

Is there one that I missed or is it possible to do it by other means?.

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Application Express :: Tree To Popup A Called Page

Feb 8, 2013

Ive created a tree structure and i want it to popup the called case when connect_by_isleaf = 1 then 0

            when level = 1             then 1
            else                           -1
       end as status,
       '<SPAN style="color:red;">' || "ENAME" || '</SPAN>'  as title,
       (case when level = 1 then '#IMAGE_PREFIX#Fndtre11.gif'

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Application Express :: Modal Popup Window Hides?

Aug 20, 2012

today I stepped upon an issue regarding popup windows.I have created an application with popup windows for editing and inserting new records.I left the item label templates to "Optional with Help".When I now click upon an item label the help - popup window appears but it is hidden behind the popup window I am working in.

Is there a workaround for that.Is there a possibility to modify the z-order either of the help popup or of the modal window ?

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Application Express :: Setting Source Of Popup Lov Field As SQL Query

Oct 12, 2012

I am having a problem with a popup lov. When I click on the "popup icon" I can select a supplier and it is stored in the field. But when I leave the form and return later, it shows the return value instead of the display value. For example: you select "supplier A" from the popup list with ID 12. "Supplier A" is shown in the text field, when you save the form, it stores ID 12 in it. But when you return to the form, it fetches ID 12 and shows "12" in the text field instead of "Supplier A".

I tried setting the "source" of the popup lov field as an SQL query, but that didn't work for me.

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Application Express :: Popup LOV Template Subscription - Report Says Not Subscribed?

Apr 11, 2013

APEX on 11gR2 - browser independent issue.

We are converting all of our applications to use a standard centralised theme (23). This is fine and seems to work for all templates except for Popup LOV. When you choose the master template it shows as subscribed from within the template detail page, but in the apex_application_templates view and in Shared Components/Templates it is the only item showing as not subscribed.

My guess is simply that the apex_application_templates view does not cover popup LOVs perfectly for some reason but it

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Application Express :: Refreshing Main Page After Closing Skillbuilder Popup?

Aug 17, 2012

I need to refresh my main page after closing the popup page displayed by skillbuilder plugin

apex 4.1.0/Oracle 11g Ent.

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Application Express :: JQuery Mobile - Popup Only Opens After F5 / But Not On First Page-load

Feb 12, 2013

how to combine APEX 4.2 with jquery mobile componentsOn one page with a hole bunch of components there is also a popup-div<div id="myPopup" data-role="popup">

 <!-- close button, safe button, input field and short list... -->
</div>It gets opened with js:  $( "#myPopup" ).popup( "open" );

This all works fine, besides the face that it only works after refreshing the page! The page gets loaded via js:    $.mobile.changePage('f?p='+ $v('pFlowId') +':20:' + $v('pInstance') { transition:"slide", reloadPage:true });...

which also works fine so far. That same problem I had before when I was using a dialog instead of the popup. - only showing after refreshing the page.

This certainly must have something to do with how JQM loads and renders the page (besides the APEX-job) - a rather basic issue. I have also tried different ways of calling the page, with no difference to that problem.

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Application Express :: Error When Calling Skillbuilder Popup In Edit Record Mode?

Jan 3, 2013

Iam facing another issue with Skillbuilder modal page(for those who have used this plugins). Ive the CREATE part working well the problem is with EDIT part to edit records via the link i applied all the steps and clicking the edit link pops up the page but the issue is for any clicked row the parameter is not being passed and seleceted record doesnt show on the pop up page where could the problem be? though if i set it back to normal link created by the wizard the edit link works well and shows that record on the editable page.

Apex 4.1.1/oracle 11gR2 ; issue happens in FF & IE

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Forms :: Export Forms Data Into Excel Sheet - Client-ole2 Not Working?

May 28, 2010

I want to export forms data into Excel sheetfor that i am using Client_Ole2.I have attached Webutil object library and Pl/Sql libraryStill I can not export data from Form to Excel sheet

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Forms :: How To Send Mail To Lotus Notes With Attachment From Oracle Forms

Feb 7, 2011

Query :"how to send mail to lotus notes with attachment from oracle forms"?

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Forms :: Open Application Word 2010 With Forms Developer 6.0 - Windows 7?

Apr 20, 2011

I have u na forms developer application in 6.0 that generates a Word document. This application runs successfully on Windows XP operating system. We now have PC's new operating system Windows 7 and officce 2010. My procedure reads a specific route where a template in Word which is used to generate the document. In the user's PC application that does not generate the document even shows me an error message. But when I enter my network user with the user's PC and the document genre generates me perfectly. I checked if the user has access to the server path specifies where the template encuntra wish to open and if you have them.

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