Forms :: Calling A Website In A Form Using Hyperlink
Apr 29, 2013
I have a form with two text items and one text label fields. The value of the label field is "click here for more help". now i want to show the URL.... if i click the text lable. I also Tried when mouse click trigger...but it shows the website when i click the text items .... it is not working in the label. URL....
Can we hide the username/password@dbname from hyperlink html, so that when ever we change our user password we should not change in each report calling from another report
I have FORM_A calling FORM_B: Call_form('FORM_B',...). On form_B I am updating a Record and when I close Form_B and the focus goes back to Form_A, I need to Automatically Reload Form_A to reflect the changes that were made on Form_B.
How can I reload the Calling Form (FORM_A) when I closed the called form (FORM_B)?
I have added a text field on forms 6i which calls reportAfter adding the new field called "appeal_name" it gave me the desired result for two three times and somehow after that it started to throw this error
ORA- 00933. I did try to find solution on the web and was given the hint that this occurs due to space or indentation in the coding. I have used Ltrim and Rtrim to remove any space when I added the text field "appeal_name", Following code has been added
if upper(ltrim(rtrim(:appeal_name)))!='ALL' then where_cond:=ltrim(rtrim(where_cond))||' and upper (tbl_donation.appeal_code)='''||:blk_hsbt.appeal_code||''''; elsif :appeal_name is null then where_cond:=ltrim(rtrim(where_cond))||' and tbl_donation.appeal_code is null'; end if;
I have two forms, A and B and form A is calling form B. And when I am committing form B I am getting this error message. I don't want to commit form A before committing form B. Is their any solution to commit both forms in different session.
iam opening a form,inserting data in empty columns of an existing record and with out saving iam calling another form.Inserting and updating data in the called form and again coming back to old form and then saving the form.
while doing this, when i am trying to save on the called form its giving an error
I've a procedure let us say SALES_PROC on Form Level and same procedure in Library and in Database also.
-How to call SALES_PROC created at Form Level? -How to call SALES_PROC created at Library Level (.PLL)? -How to call SALES_PROC created as stored procedure in Database?
We are in the need of calling Mapping Software from with in Forms, most likely Google Maps, and keep the form locked until selections are made. The attempt was to call the URL from a Modal Window that would in turn lock the form until return.
The attempts were using WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT, this process releases the form as soon as the call occurs. Then the desire to use UTL_HTTP, but with this process it would cause the DBA to setup a Wallet_Path for Certification of the call. This one has not been explored as yet.
- A Master/Detail form which is called from previously saved table. - In the detail form, user is allowed to insert list of data from other block into the current detail form. For that I have one when_button_pressed with the following script define :-
go_block('ACT_VW_QT_ACTV'); <----- query block FIRST_RECORD; IF :BLOCK44.ITEM45 IS NOT NULL THEN :BLOCK44.ITEM45:=:BLOCK44.ITEM45|| ' OR '; END IF; [code].......
When this is none, nothing being happened on the current block ( 'ACT_QT_TXN1'), I think it is because of the master/detail link where it always looks back the original link data. I think this is very common problem but I just can't figure out how to go about it.
In my form i am uploading one excel file Input.xls which has inventory detail. in this file on column is Hyperlinked , when i click on it opens a linked file.
From this file i am generating an Output.xls file which shows links too. How can i get that link and set it to Output.xls file. More in my Input.xls file some rows are colored with grey color which shows detail of diamond piece which are on hold.
i am facing another problem with 11g database. i am using 6i forms and reports and recently shifted database to 11g 64 bit version. as its 6i forms so i use run_product to call reports. suppose my code for runproduct is in a button, once i press the button to get the print i am getting the logon_screen. if i enter login data again its giving the report.
I am new to APEX (well all of Oracle really so only have limited knowledge of PL/SQL etc too) but have created a couple of simple applications via wizards. One of these has a tabular form which works fine for updating records for the table that the form was built over but I need a way to write a record to a second (audit) table as well.
My form is used for cycle counting of items in a location. It originally shows the quantities of all the items in a location and allows the user to make corrections by updating any incorrect quantities to the correct value (this would then update the quantity column in the main table). It then needs to calculate the difference between the old and new value and write this as a record to an audit file (might be a positive or negative number).
do I call a procedure once (on submitting the page) and get the procedure to loop through the changed records writing to my audit file OR do I call my procedure once per changed record on the tabular form, if so how do I know what parameters to pass to the procedure?
I have tried researching this online but can find no easy to follow examples. All examples of code I have seen for tabular forms refer to fields referenced by apex_application.g_f01 or f02 etc - how do you know what items on the page these relate to?
I am calling a report from Form 6i by using RUN_PRODUCT.After pressing the call button from Form 6i, report is showing box for enterning user id and password.
I cann't commit form when new instance form with form status is "NEW".
And then i call: Text_Item := WebUtil_File.File_Selection_Dialog('', '', 'Excel 2003|*.xls|Excel 2010|*.xlsx|All File|*.*', 'Select a file to Import', Open_File, True); Form status change to "QUERY"
And then i click button "Import Data" from excel file to Data Block. Now form status change to "CHANGED". But i cannot call "Commit_Form" built-in to insert data to database oracle 10g.
I want to call a Web form which should upload the image from my local machine.For that I have created a form which will take necessary data about employee now I want to Insert Image for that employee into table as I am new I struct on the Image uploading form. Latter I have seen the Enter & Maintain form which have Picture button.Pressing this button we get one new web form open & we can upload our image from there.
I have an application written in Pl SQL Oracle which suppose to send email using utl_smtp. For users that are using Exchange Server 2010 Windows the hyperlinks inside the email are correctly but for users that have a Postfix version installed on a Debian 5 Linux mail server the hyperlinks contains some extra spaces. I think that the CRLF that I'm using inside my code to create the MIME message is not ok interpreted.
when i open one pdf report hyperlink is attached in this report & we can open again a new report through this hyperlink when i click on this hyperlink & return back to main report then it is starting from first page
suppose i m in 4 page & use hyperlink & open new report after that when i return back to main report it starting from first there any solution so that i will return back on same position from where i have click the hyperlink instead of first page
I have a report where the Shipments list will appear.The shipment_id appears as hyperlink and when it is pressed it should be redirected to another report which displays the cost details on the respective shipments
But we get an error message as in the attachment when i press the hyperlink. what would be the issue and where should i check for the error to resolve? Also the query used to extract data is
In a form in Order Management, I need to use some information on the page and send it to an applet, currently a JFrame. That applet will then call out to do some credit card work and then return an approval code. At that point I have to update a field on the form with that approval code.
Okay, that is it in a nutshell. Basically, how can I call out to an applet from within an Oracle form? If I can get all the information to the applet I can easily update the database.
I am getting a problem I use lexical Parameter but When I call that through Form my parameter forms didn't call that on report parameter. My query is below as well I have attached all Jpg files to understand. I Didn't getting where I am mistaken.
this is how i created a sequence in database 10g.
this is how iam calling sequence in problem is once the sequence is generated in form and even if i am not saving a form its generating next value next time.what i want to do is if i am not saving the form that sequence number should again come in bill_id.