Forms :: Database 10g - Calling Sequence

Jan 26, 2013

START WITH 2100000

this is how i created a sequence in database 10g.

if :SHIP_MSTR.PLACE_FROM = 'hyd1' then
FROM dual;

this is how iam calling sequence in problem is once the sequence is generated in form and even if i am not saving a form its generating next value next time.what i want to do is if i am not saving the form that sequence number should again come in bill_id.

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Forms :: Calling Procedure At (Form / Library And Database) Level

Mar 17, 2011

I've a procedure let us say SALES_PROC on Form Level and same procedure in Library and in Database also.

-How to call SALES_PROC created at Form Level?
-How to call SALES_PROC created at Library Level (.PLL)?
-How to call SALES_PROC created as stored procedure in Database?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling Database Link Dynamically For A Procedure

Feb 15, 2011

How to call a procedure by passing the db link dynamically.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Calling Report From A Form (both 6i) On 11g Database

May 28, 2011

i am facing another problem with 11g database. i am using 6i forms and reports and recently shifted database to 11g 64 bit version. as its 6i forms so i use run_product to call reports. suppose my code for runproduct is in a button, once i press the button to get the print i am getting the logon_screen. if i enter login data again its giving the report.

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PL/SQL :: Calling A Function In Remote Database Inside A Stored Procedure

Apr 9, 2013

There are 2 Oracle databases with pseudo names Remote and Local. I have a function in Remote called FUS.F_Return_10 which simply returns 10 for testing purposes, where FUS is a schema name. In Local I want to create a procedure that will call the above function. Here's the PL/SQL:



There's a Public Database Link called PER_ACC in Local. When I try to create this procedure I get: Encountered symbol "@" when expecting one of the following: .(*%&................

where my mistake is?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sequence Max Value Vs Database Performance

Dec 4, 2012

I m little bit confuse about the MAX VALUE of SEQUENCE. By default it takes max values as 99999999999999999. Will it really effect our database ?

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Forms :: Calling Applet From Oracle?

Nov 16, 2011

In a form in Order Management, I need to use some information on the page and send it to an applet, currently a JFrame. That applet will then call out to do some credit card work and then return an approval code. At that point I have to update a field on the form with that approval code.

Okay, that is it in a nutshell. Basically, how can I call out to an applet from within an Oracle form? If I can get all the information to the applet I can easily update the database.

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Forms :: Calling Two Different LOVs At Same Textbox?

Jan 10, 2011

Is it possible to populate two different LOVs on same textbox?

Textbox : ITEM_DESC

select desc, code from items order by 1;

select code, desc from items order by 1;

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Forms :: Report Calling From Parameter 6i

Feb 7, 2012

I am getting a problem I use lexical Parameter but When I call that through Form my parameter forms didn't call that on report parameter. My query is below as well I have attached all Jpg files to understand. I Didn't getting where I am mistaken.

IF NOT Id_Null(pl_id)

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Forms :: Calling Reports From Oracle 10g

Mar 18, 2012

We are facing a problem when calling the reports from oracle forms 10g. following error message appears during report generation

Rep-52266: The In-Process reports server IT_BHARAT failed to

Why this error message is appearing and how to solve. Please find attached the image file showing the problem details.

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Forms :: IP Or Terminal Name Of The Calling PC On CITRIX

Apr 21, 2004

I need the IP address and/or Terminal name of the calling PC on CITRIX server. My application(forms) is installed on CITRIX and after calling of any form I want to check IP/Terminal in WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger.

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RAC & Failsafe :: Startup Sequence 10g RAC Database With ASM?

Dec 28, 2012

I want to restart a 10g database on ASM ? startp and shutdown sequence?I would like to shutdown everything including database, ASM and cluster and startup again

I read at various places but not sure of the sequence For database DB with database instance DB01 and DB02 having ASM instances ASM01 and ASM02 on node1 and node2, I understand following would be the sequence

Login as root on node1
cd $CRS_HOME/bin
./crsctl start crs

Login as root on node2
cd $CRS_HOME/bin
./crsctl start crs

login as oracle on node1
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl start nodeapps -n node1

login as oracle on node2
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl start nodeapps -n node2

login as oracle on node1
start ASM instance on node1
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl start asm01 -n node1

login as oracle on node2
start ASM instance on node2
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl start asm02 -n node2

Start oracle database (from any node)
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl start database -d DB

A. confirm if the above sequence is correct?
B. This sequence if corrrect, is same for 10g and 11g?
C. Is shutdown sequence exact reverse of the above?

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Forms :: Calling Reports 9i - Argument Can't Be Null

Oct 3, 2005

I am calling report9i from forms9i. i am getting following error

invalid report id

when i call a report from form in when button pressed trigger. And also giving the following error

argument(1) can't be null.

v_rep varchar2(100);
v_rep := run_report_object('report5',pl_id);


rep_object report_object;
v_rep varchar2(100);

rep_object := find_report('report5');
v_rep := run_report_object(rep_object,pl_id);

where pl_id is the parameter list.

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Forms :: ORA-00933 When Calling Report From A Form

Nov 8, 2011

I have added a text field on forms 6i which calls reportAfter adding the new field called "appeal_name" it gave me the desired result for two three times and somehow after that it started to throw this error

ORA- 00933. I did try to find solution on the web and was given the hint that this occurs due to space or indentation in the coding. I have used Ltrim and Rtrim to remove any space when I added the text field "appeal_name", Following code has been added

upper(ltrim(rtrim(:appeal_name)))!='ALL' then
where_cond:=ltrim(rtrim(where_cond))||' and upper (tbl_donation.appeal_code)='''||:blk_hsbt.appeal_code||'''';
elsif :appeal_name is null then
where_cond:=ltrim(rtrim(where_cond))||' and tbl_donation.appeal_code is null';
end if;

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Forms :: Calling Report In Object Navigator

Feb 22, 2010

Created a report object "REPORT62" in Forms Objectnavigator

Trigger on When Button Pressed

rep_result VARCHAR2(200);
rep_id := find_report_object('REPORT62');
rep_result := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(rep_id);

Report is called in the property

Filename C:DevSuiteHome_1forms est.rdf

When button is pressed error is raised

There was a failure in the Form server during startup. This could happen due to invalid configuration.

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Forms :: Calling Multiple Reports Through Alert

Feb 15, 2011

I need code for calling two reports using alerts.

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Forms :: Calling Java Utility From Oracle 10g?

Jul 11, 2013

My colleague created java utility to upload file to ftp server and sent me the URL to call the utility.

Now I want to create a push button in my oracle form to call that utility.

how can I do that in forms 10g.

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Forms :: Calling Internet Explorer Within Form

Oct 4, 2011

is there any way to call internet explorer with in form.i want to provide net fascility to the users using 10g forms.

I have tried some beans but some restrictions are is not properly displaying page.

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Forms :: Calling Validation In Pre-insert Trigger

Nov 10, 2010

my purpose is when PRE-INSERT trigger fires validation should be done like date format , primary key in table if validation is ok then a value of text box should be set to sequence no . else it should generate message

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Forms :: Calling A Website In A Form Using Hyperlink

Apr 29, 2013

I have a form with two text items and one text label fields. The value of the label field is "click here for more help". now i want to show the URL.... if i click the text lable. I also Tried when mouse click trigger...but it shows the website when i click the text items .... it is not working in the label. URL....

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Forms :: Calling Function Inside The Procedure

Jun 2, 2011

I have created a function in form field(when validate item) this should be called in separate procedure. How to call this function in procedure?

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Forms :: Getting Error Frm 21011 While Calling From Menu

Jun 5, 2012

getting error frm 21011 , ora -65020 , while calling forms from menu , the forms are also passing parameters between forms 1 and forms 2 .

The following code is in menu item .

uname varchar2(30);
cname varchar2(40);


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Forms :: Can Pass Data Again To Calling Form

Jul 26, 2010

I want to send data back to calling form

1. is it possible? if so how?

2. How much length/byte data we can send?

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Forms :: Frm 40403 - Calling Form Has Not Implemented Changes

Jul 29, 2011

I have two forms, A and B and form A is calling form B. And when I am committing form B I am getting this error message. I don't want to commit form A before committing form B. Is their any solution to commit both forms in different session.

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: REG - Sequence Of Stopping RAC Database?

Sep 3, 2013

we need to take care of all the components in a RAC Database 11g rel 2 .  what is the sequence of stopping RAC database ?  databsae ?? ASM ??? listeners ??? cluster services ???  commands and also sequence to start / stop ...and to check status of each components  

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Forms :: Calling Report - Entry Point Not Found

Jun 7, 2010

v_show_documentVARCHAR2 (2000) := '/reports/rwservlet?';
v_connectVARCHAR2 (200) := 'userid=scot/tiger@connect_string';
v_report_serverVARCHAR2 (30) := 'rep_cs-oracle';
-- i make this server name by using this command:C:DevSuiteHome_1BIN
wserver server=rep60 start >>when i started it getting to shutdowing directly!!!!! i don't know why

the error is:

before the browser is opened!! an error is occur is that:
javaw.exe -Entry point Not found
the procedure entry point kguuseg could not be located in the dynamic link library oraclient10.dll

then the browser is opened ,this error written in it:

REP-52266: The in-process Reports Server rep_cs-oracle failed to vmcid: SUN minor 204 completed: No

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Forms :: Calling Java Class Files From PLSQL?

Jun 19, 2007

I have imported a java class file that inturn gets content from a webservice. One of the functions on that imported class file is as follows ...

Funtion getcontent(A1 JOBJECT,A2 JOBJECT, A3 String) return JOBJECT ....

In my PLSQL package ...How do I invoke this class file ?

So far I have done this ...

xxx VARCHAR2(25);


I am getting an error saying the object type is wrong .... I would like to know how to assign a hardcoded value to the JOBJECT just to test before I continue.

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Forms :: Calling Form From Multi-record Field?

Apr 29, 2013

i have one multiple record field in frm....contain 5 i display the values...3 fields have values and two are empty...

the value of 1st field is A

2nd field is B

3rd field is C

i want if i click B it will open another form,

i want if i click c it will open another form,

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Forms :: Calling Report Designer 5.0u (MRD) From Oracle Builder 6i

Dec 2, 2010

i tried to call Report Designer 5.0u Editor (MRD) it is not supported Oracle tools products from form builder Ver6i i try to use RUN_PRODUCT built-in but is not work, how i can call products not supported by oracle like Crystal Reports XI , Report Designer. I located my file in my local PC C: empVD.mrd

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Forms :: Create Main Menu For Calling Reports

Dec 3, 2010

Application developed in form builder 6i.Now I want to create main menu for calling forms and reports.

Should I use buttons or drop down menu?

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