Error While Using SQL Loader - Bad Datafile Datatype For Column RANGE

Apr 29, 2011

I am trying to load the data from .csv file into the table using SQL Loader.

The table has the following schema:
src_id : number,
dest_id : number,
range: intsys.interval_typ --- > a type containing (lower,upper)
payload : varchar2(100)

The loader.ctl file is :

load data
infile *
into table sb_packet
fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by ' " '
3,32,intsys.interval_typ(10043,142703),"misc data"

When I use the following this ctl file to transfer the data, i get the following error:

SQL*Loader-418: Bad datafile datatype for column RANGE

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Table Partitioning - Range On Datatype Number (21, 7) And Varchar2

Nov 15, 2013

Database Version : DB : Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionOS : HP-UX nduhi18 B.11.31 U ia64 1022072414 unlimited-user licenseAPP : SAP - ERP I have to RANGE partition on UPDATED_ON  or PROFILE  either one table which is having below

structure :   Name                Null?    Type
-------------------- -------- --------------------------------


 As per my knowledge, RANGE is better suited for DATE or NUMBER. and INTERVAL partition is possible on DATE or NUMBEr . Column PROFILEIts is of VARCHAR2 datatype. I know still I can partition as Oracle internally convert varchar2 to number while inserting data. But INTERVAL is not possible.  How to RANGE partition on PROFILE ? Column CREATED_ON :It is of NUMBER with decimal

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Server Utilities :: CSV File As Datafile In SQL Loader

Sep 5, 2010

1) can we use a CSV file as a Data file in any format (fixed, delimited...) of Sql loader. I tried, but not succeeded.

2) if not then tell me the reason for it....

3) Also tell me is there any restriction on using the file format for a datafile?

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Server Utilities :: Terminators And Datafile Of Sql Loader?

Jan 28, 2011

below query:

1) What are the terminators we can use and cant be used, except ','. eg - '|' - this shows error.

2) What are the file format can be used in DATAFILE other than txt file. Eg - excel, word... And how to terminate the values in that files...

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PL/SQL :: Get Particular Value From Column Which Is BLOB Datatype?

Jul 31, 2013

on this query. I need to get a particular value from a column which is a BLOB datatype. Here is the sample

data ID                           TESTDATA1                            Best Buy
00001234 12222 30 00 2                           
Lowes 00001234 12222 100 00 3                           
Walmart 00001234 12222 129 00 4                           
abc 00001234 12222 5000 00 5                           
Toshiba 00001234 12222 21 00 6                           
abcdefghij 00001234 12222 49 00  

Where '00001234' is the Invoice , '12222' is Netamount field and highlighted in red is the $ amount for that invoice.

The only data i need query to return 12222 (netamount)= $amount. I tried using substr  select substr((TESTDATA),19,26)test from TABLEA; But this gives me the only the first row but not other amount which have different positions.

Here is the desired output

OutputID                            TESTDATA 1                          
12222 30 2                            12222 100 3                           
12222 129 4                            12222 5000 5                           
12222 21 6                            12222 49 

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Updating A Table Column Which Is XML Datatype

Nov 1, 2011

I am updating a table column which is xml datatype and am getting above error.Below is the process what i did. since the xml is too large i split them into small chunks.

conditionXML CLOB;
ls_xml_2 Clob;
ls_xml_3 clob;
ls_xml_4 Clob;
ls_xml_5 Clob;
ls_xml_6 clob;
ls_xml_7 Clob;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Fetch Value Which Column Has Timestamp Datatype

Oct 14, 2012

i am running one query which is here

INSERT INTO shiftsample (Empid, PPDate, Inpunch, outpunch)( SELECT Emp_ID, PDate, In_Punch, Out_Punch FROM ProcessDailyData WHERE PDate = to_char(2012-10-15,'yyyy-MM-dd') AND Emp_ID = '00000001' );

in this query pdate has timestamp datatype and in shift sample ppdate column has date type. so i am not able to insert value from process daily data table.

getting this error.

SQL Error: ORA-01481: invalid number format model
01481. 00000 - "invalid number format model"
*Cause: The user is attempting to either convert a number to a string
via TO_CHAR or a string to a number via TO_NUMBER and has
supplied an invalid number format model parameter.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Value In Column Which Has Date Datatype?

Oct 12, 2012

i am having one column name pdate with date datatype

i am updating here value like this

update table1 set pdate='15-10-2012' where id=1;

but showing error: not a valid month.

how to update this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: BLOB Datatype - Copy From One Column To Another

Mar 11, 2011

I have two tables with BLOB datatype. I am trying to copy from one column to another column , i am getting errors

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE update_blob_lob_copy(
v_id in integer,
v_string in varchar
auditlob lobdemoaudit.theblob%type;
sourcelob lobdemo.THEBLOB%type;

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Datatype Of Column Of A Table In Oracle Or SQL

Aug 6, 2013

a) What if i want to find out the  Datatype of a specific column in the Table. 
b) How do i find the Column Datatypes?

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Increase Datatype Of The Column Which Already Has Data?

Apr 22, 2013

How to increase datatype of the column which already has data i.e. varchar 10 to 25 bytes

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Table Column Datatype With %type Attribute

Jun 23, 2011

Is it possible to replace datatype of column of one table with another table's column datatype using %type like below

SQL>create table test1 (v1 varchar2(10));

SQL>create table test2 (v1 test1.v1%type);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Decrease Size Of Number Datatype Column

May 24, 2012

I want to decrease the size of testid column of number datatype in my "test" named table from size 20 to 15 and the data of maximum size is of 10 digits. but oracle throws an error "ORA-01440: column to be modified must be empty to decrease precision or scale". i cant understand why it is happening?

what is the reason behind it even though new size is maximum than the maximum size of existing data. but when i decrease the size of "varchar2" then oracle does not through any error.

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PL/SQL :: Search Of Table Names By Column Datatype

Apr 28, 2013

I have a requirement that i should list out all the table names which are all using timestamp datatype in a specified schema. Is there any way to find those table names by using any system tables.

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Application Express :: Retrieving Column Of Datatype RAW(16)

Oct 26, 2012

I have a table defined where some columns are of the datatype RAW(16). In fact these are foreign keys to other tables. Our company has a policy that all primary keys are of the datatype RAW(16). Not much I can do about that.

Now I want to retrieve all columns of a certain row in that table and just visualize the foreign keys in hex format. All values are filled out nicely, except the columns with datatype RAW(16). Is there something special I have to do to retreive and display these? I defined an item as text-field for these, but this doesn't seem to be working...

I'm using APEX at this moment...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Change Column Datatype From CLOB To Varchar2

Jun 22, 2012

I have to change the datatype of a column from CLOB to varchar2, without changing the order of the columns. The table has no data.
I could find any other way other than dropping the CLOB columns and then adding new columns with varchar2 datatype. But this changes the order of the columns in the table.

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PL/SQL :: Table Out From A Function / Invalid Datatype Error

May 9, 2013

I am getting an ORA-00902: invalid datatype error when I am trying call the below function from a select statement. Here I am trying to get a table out from a function.

create or replace package pkg10
type tabletype1 is table of table1%rowtype
index by binary_integer;
function func1 return tabletype1;
end pkg10;create or replace package body pkg10


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How To Check For Datafile Corruption Or Error

Oct 12, 2010

How can i check for datafile corruption or a datafile error,its some tool like Linux (fsck) command in Oracle that can halp to me to chack a datafile?.

Is any way to isolate the disk region that is corrupted?

If a disk error exist an an ASM disk group how can i isolate the error from that disk group? It's an alternative different to the VALIDATE DATAFILE command in RMAN?I'm using Oracle 11GR2 on a Linux Box.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Read Only The Input String From BLOB Datatype Column?

Mar 28, 2013

I have a table that has column with BLOB datatype. I am trying read only the inputted String from the BLOB datatype column. I have used the below query,

SELECT utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(column1) FROM TAB1
and it gives the result as
<H2><FONT color=#cc0000><EM><U>test</U></EM></FONT></H2>

However I would like to extract only the string "test" which is inputted. Is there any build-in function in oracle which will satisfy this requirement?

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Forms :: Error In Concat A Clob With Char Datatype

Nov 2, 2011

How could we concat a clob with a char datatype.

a clob;
b varchar2;
c clob;

When execute above code in form runtime, I get error ora-32767.

"ORA-29287: invalid maximum line size Cause: An invalid maximum line size value was specified.
Action: Correct the maximum line size to be in the range [1, 32767]."

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Change Datatype Of Column In Table Online Using DBMS REDEFINITION?

Aug 8, 2011

Is it possible to change the datatype of a column in a table online, using DBMS_REDEFINITION?

If Yes, then which of the options will be used with DBMS_REDEFINITION package?

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Range Partitioning With Number Column

Apr 21, 2011

i have a requirement To partition a Table byRange partition with a Number column. but the issue is the range Must be in a Date datatype ,
For example

partition by range (date_key)

the date_key column has values of date in number format. like "20101014"

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Range Partitions On A Date Column

Jul 7, 2012

I have a table which has 2 range partitions on a date column currently.


I am planning to drop one partition i.e DATAONE. So table will have one partition left for MAXVALUE. Does it make sense to have a partition with MAXVALUE? Isn't it same as TABLEA in terms of number of records? TABLEA is also in tablespace SPACE2. Should i remove partition DATATWO also? If i have to what is the best way to move all DATATWO records to base table TABLEA?

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Application Express :: ORA-01439 / Column To Be Modified Must Be Empty To Change Datatype

Sep 4, 2012

I need to modify the column type that already has data in it, i need it change varchar to number then The datas entered have $ and , (e.g $3,200). I need the $ and , removed with column type set to numbers.

When i currently do this i get the following error:

The TABLE operation was not successful for the following reason:

ORA-01439: column to be modified must be empty to change datatype

I've tried unloading the data and loading the data using the spreadsheet, cut and past and csv file but both give me more errors, so i just want that one column modified.

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PL/SQL :: Conversion Of BLOB Datatype To CLOB Datatype

Aug 17, 2012

I would need to convert the column datatype from BLOB to CLOB. currently in the table, the BLOB column has the data. the requirement is to convert this column from BLOB to CLOB datatype.

How to convert from BLOB datatype to CLOB datatype ?

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RMAN :: Rc-datafile Mismatch Sizes - Column Bytes Shows Data Different From Real Of Files?

Sep 26, 2012

in my catalog database I see in Rc_datafile mismatch sizes - column bytes shows data different from the real sizes of files .

Does this view updated after copy of database into catalog ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: CLOB Error ORA-21560 - Argument 2 Is Null / Invalid Or Out Of Range

Jul 31, 2013

I am receiving following error in the below provided procedure

Oracle Verion details: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for HPUX: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

Error:ORA-21560: argument 2 is null, invalid, or out of range

Anaysis :As per my analysis the procedure fetches a clob attachement as input while processing it using (inside this procedure) some intermediate buffer value has gone out of range and error is being thrown.As per me it is n_clob_pos variable value .detecting the correct variable causing this error.

PROCEDURE add_attachment_contents_test( p_in_smtp_connection IN UTL_SMTP.CONNECTION,
p_in_clob_attach IN CLOB,
p_out_status OUT NUMBER,
p_out_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2 )

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Server Utilities :: Checking Column Value In SQL Loader?

Jul 12, 2011

My requirement is to load the data from feed file into two tables based on the value of a column in feed file.

say column in feed file is "Activity_Value" . If the Activity_value is 10, the data from feed file should be loaded into Table A and If the Activity Value is 20 the data from feed file should be loaded into Table B.

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Sql Loader Gives Error When Using With Full Tnsnames At Commandline

Jan 13, 2013

we have an issue when we are using sql loader with address at command line as below.

sqlldr user/pass@"(DESCRIPTION\=(ADDRESS\=(PROTOCOL\=TCP)(HOST\=host)(PORT\=1521))(CONNECT_DATA\=(SERVER\=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME\=sname)))" control=ctl_filename log=file_name

Ideally we need to include description in tnsnames.ora but its taking time to contact DBA here. Hence we tried with this work around. The same is working fine if we are using sqlplus but sqlloader gives this error.

LRM-00116: syntax error at 'ADDRESS' following '('

SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Thu Jan 10 21:31:32 2013

Copyright © 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

SQL*Loader-100: Syntax error on command-line

our environment: ORACLE, UNIX AIX 5.3

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Server Utilities :: SQL Loader Error Message?

Oct 6, 2000

When I try to load a .TXT file into an Oracle table, the following message is given at the command prompt;

SQL*Loader-524: partial record found at end of datafile

and the load is not successful. The control file is as follows;

Load Data
INFILE 'c:spledlsubj.txt'
INTO TABLE tblSubjectiveCode


Could the .TXT file causing any problems ?

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