I've got one database which was Initially upgraded from Oracle 8i to 10.2.04 running on windows. Most of the tabespaces are Dictionary managed. Do you think moving them to locally managed tablespace would give me better performance?
if Yes, what approach I should apply to move them to locally managed? I would like to do this with minimum/no downtime.
I have one database which is recently upgraded from oracle 8.1.5 to oracle database is having around 300 tablespace and total size of the database is 1.5 TB.
The database was created in oracle 8i and all the teblespace were DMT(Dictionary Managed Tablespace) .Usually after up gradation all the tablespace are in DMT mode. Now my requirement is to convert all the tablespace into LMT (Locally Managed Tablespace) so that I can AVAIL ALL THE FEATURES OF LMT.
This database is a mission critical database and very less downtime can be allowed.
I can see that some failover events etc aren't supported (Differences between the ODP.NET Managed Driver and Unmanaged Driver), but is failover supported at all? I don't need to get notified, just to get the failover (clustered node switching) working. Is it supported in the managed driver?
My standby database was working fine which was running in maximum performance mode .Suddenly i found that logs are not being applied though archived logs are received from primary database.i issued the command in mount mode: alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;
altered database this command runs successfully. but MRP process in not initiated which i confirmed with the query (select process,status from v$managed_standby;)
I am trying to use oracle wallet with the new odp.net managed driver, but I am getting
"invalid username/password".
As the wallet itself is ok (it works with the unmanaged client), seems to me that this new provider is not fully compatible with Oracle Wallet. Is this true? I am trying this:
at my Oracle 11gR2 ( Instance i have two tablespaces that i want to "bundle" into only one tablespace. Herre is the problem, that some of the tables in the two tbalespaces has the same title but some rows of the tables could be not the same.
Is it possible with a kind of migration assistent to migrate two tablespaces into one in that way, that theassistent only writes that rows into the new tablespace, that are not in the tablespace at the moment.
Another way i was thinking about is to have an insert statement coupled with a select statement. The select statement selects all the rows, that are not in the table where i want to migrate in and the insert statement put that selectet rows into the new table.
Question 1) I have read the following statement in a PL/SQL book.
Quote:To check whether an existing procedure is compiled for native execution or not, you can query the following data dictionary views:
However, I when i query the view USER_PLSQL_OBJECTS I get the following error message:
Quote:ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Question 2) I have read the PLSQL_WARNING can be set to DEFERRED at the system level. However, I am unable to defer it. tell me how to apply defer caluse to following statement:
I'm supposed to create a database for an application. The server where this will be running previously had a database for a pretty similar app. I don't know much about Oracle so I reused the ZFS filesystems and left them how they were created (because honestly, I didn't knew why they were created that way, but I'm pretty sure it was for a good reason).
Since I reused the filesystems I created my database and placed the controlfiles in the same places where the old database files were (/oradata/SMART/ora1,/oradata/SMART/ora2,/oradata/SMART/ora3). Thinking like MySQL works I created CODEapp/oradata_smart_ora4 60.6K 400G 60.6K /oradata/SMART/ora4 specifically to store the database there.
The databases startups and mounts no problem. Note that this server will manage with millions/billions records throughout its lifetime.
1. Now that my Database is created, whats the next step? Create the Schema or Tablespace? 2. Tablespace Questions: Tablespace datafile(s) is where actual data from tables is stored? how many are needed? Default or Temporary? How much space will I need for it? Autoextend?
I have a Physical Standby database on server#2 which has its UNDO and TEMP tablespaces in a mount point that is a bit small. I discovered yesterday that this mount point was completely filled. This is not an immediate problem, because even though the TEMP and UNDO tablespaces are large, there is almost no usage of them.
I logged into my Primary, and created a new temp tablespace (TEMP2), made it the database default, dropped the TEMP tablespace, and then re-created the TEMP tablespace in a different mount point (with a much higher capacity!). I then made the new TEMP as the database default temp tablespace again. I expected that these changes would be propagated over to the Physical Standby via log application, but they didn't come over.
I have standby_file_management set to AUTO, and there are no unapplied logs. Everything OTHER than the temp tablespaces seems to be in synch.
Every year partitions will be added for next 12 month. The table partition will be dropped every month (I have to have data from last six month so in July I could drop partition t1p1, in August - t1p2....). How many tablespaces should I create for this table and how place partitions in them to have data for last six month and use minimum space on disk?
I was thinking about one tablespace for whole table because space of each dropped partition will be reused, what do you think about that?
Is the tablespace actually off-line when doing a user-managed hot backup? I know the data blocks are copied into a redo stream but I am not sure if that means it(tablespace) is actually on-line or off-line.
I need to create a shell script to find the free space of an auto extensible tablespaces and send an alert when the free space is < 700MB. I tried checking with the dba_free_space, but I did not get the exact free space.
Tell me the logic to find the exact free space of autoextensible enabled tablespaces?
I created a materilaized view with partitions and i need to add partitions dynamicaaly using stored procedure for that i need to check whther the partiions with the same name existing.where can i see the partition names for a materilaized view is there any table like "USER_TAB_PARTITIONS"?.if the same query exists in the forum
I just want to know what are precautionary measures if tablespaces in a database is in autoextend mode. I'm wondering if these tablespaces reached its maximum sizes.
In our case, we are administering a database (turned over by our outsourcer after a 2-year maintenance) with SAP interface, and we noticed that most of it's tablespaces were created with initial size of 2Gb up to a maximum size of 10Gb, all were 'autoextensible'.
I wanna to DROP a table called EMPLOYEES, but when I execute the DROP TABLE EMPLOYEES, I get a ERROR saying that I cant do it because this table do reference to another table(s).
I tried to use the DBA_CONS_COLUMNS and DBA_CONSTRAINTS data tables, but its not enough to find it.
I have a procedure in my schema. I have created a sys context name xyz for passing the date in that i am passing the sysdate to that context which is used in a view.i have used/called that procedure in form.
My problem is that when i am giving Grant select any dictionary to the user then form is compiled otherwise form is giving error procedure name must be declared. But for security reasons i don't to give select any dictionary to that user.
ERROR at line 1: ORA-20001: ORA-04022: nowait requested, but had to wait to lock dictionary object ORA-06512: at "MDWDBA.MDW_PKG", line 917 ORA-04022: nowait requested, but had to wait to lock dictionary object ORA-06512: at line 1