Database Programming Using Visual Basic 2010

Sep 26, 2013

Any info source (a book, or other) for learning how to use Visual Basic 2010 to read/update an Oracle database schema? 

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Windows / .NET :: Visual Studio 2010 64bit Can't Connect Oracle Database Through 64bit ODBC Driver

Sep 25, 2013

I am developing an 64bit And-In software. My OS is windows7 64bit Ultimate. Developer tool is Microsoft  Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 64bit any-CUP.Server is SUN server and Oracle database 64bit enterprise edition.I have installed instantclient-odbc-win64- on my computer.I am able to connect through the command line sqlplus user/pass@server.In date source(c:windowssystem32odbcad32.exe), ODBC Driver connection successful.But in VS2010 C#, use Tools -> Connect Database,I get an error 193 (Oracle in instantclient10_2,c:ora10_64SQORA32.dll) cann't be loaded.SQORA32.dll is 32bit ODBC Driver or 64bit ODBC Driver?How can I connect database with vs2010 64bit? 

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Visual Studio :: Connecting Oracle 11g With VS 2010?

Feb 13, 2013

i am a Microsoft SQL Server user,and I recently thought of migrating to Oracle.So to give it I try I downloaded the following files : [URL]

But for the past two days I am heck stuck with making a Proper Installation ! I have swept the Internet and the Oracle Forums but there is not single tutorials on how to 'INSTALL' these products completely.(All tutorials are on on 10 XE and dont cover Dev Tools installation)

For eg. I installed Oracle 11 XE and ODAC 11.2 Release 5 ( with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio but still the database was not connecting.A blog suggested that I should edit and place the tnsname.ora files in the correct location then I should configure the machine.config file.But Oracle says that its universal installer automatically configures the config file.

Honestly,I love tough things but its stupid the way oracle is deploying its products. how to install and configure Oracle 11 XE with Visual Studio 2010.

dont get me wrong but this is way too outdated: [URL]

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Oracle 11g Personal Edition With Visual Basic?

Oct 30, 2012

my issue in oracle database 11g.

1. I installed Oracle 11g Personal Edition, Release, 64bits,
2. Test connection(oracle in oradb11g_home1) is successed in data source, odbc,
2. Then, I tried to connect this with Visual Basic(Visual Studio 2010), data connections, add connections, .net framework data provider for oracle,
3. but I received an error message as "Attempt to load Oracle client libraries threw BadImageFormatException."
4. Then, I download the ODAC( for 64bits, and installed,
5. I tried to test the connection, but failed with error message as stated above,
"Unable to connect SQLState=08004 Oracle ODBC Ora-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified"

I need to install ODAC for 11g Personal Edition ?

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Developer Tools :: Add New Oracle Database Connection In Visual Studio 2012 Explorer?

Feb 22, 2013

1> I installed "Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web[32 Bit]" on Win-7[64 Bit] platform.
2> Then installed Oracle Database 11gR2 [64 Bit]

What else do i need to install, in order to Add a new database connection through Visual Studio 2012's Database Explorer.

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Forms :: Unbound Programming In Oracle?

Sep 3, 2010

material for unbound programming in oracle in oracle forms 6i.

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Forms :: Use Text Tool In Programming?

Feb 3, 2010

Can i use Text tool in programming...

i just want to change color at run time of text tool....

i attached a picture must see...

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Forms :: File Transfer Through Pl/sql Programming?

Jun 15, 2011

I am facing a issue with one of my programming application. We need to transfer a file through pl/sql programming from a unix server to another destination(target) server.

How can we do it through pl/sql programming. I learnt that oracle streams can be used for this.

I do not know what all code is required for this. send me the code for a sample text file.

I also want to encrypt with a password and zip the file

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Archive Old Data Which Has Stored Before 2012 And Can Be Restored For 2011 Or 2010 Needed?

Jan 29, 2013

I have a database in which two table contains millions of data and the whole database size is getting more bigger. is there any option to archive the old data which has stored before 2012 and can be restored when the data required for 2011 or 2010 needed.

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Client Tools :: Toad And Team Foundation System 2010 / VCS Archive Is Empty

Nov 9, 2010

I have installed same days ago the 10.6 toad's Release.I want to put my sql code (packages, views, etc) under team conding in tfs2010.

I have set the tfs2010 voice in Toad: View - Toad Option - Source Control menu'.Then , in team coding toolbar, I clicked "Log On to VCS Provider" and set the right options.

In "View Coding Status" I have all the options set ok (with the green V).I go to the "Open/Launch Version Control Browser", go to my packages and if I try to "Get Latest Version" or double click on my procedures, I get the following error:

"Unable to get revision from VCS repository. Error downloading XXXX" (where XXX is the packages' name)

"Error: VCS archive is empty"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Basic Difference Between Oracle 10g And 11g?

Jul 27, 2010

Basic difference between oracle 10g and oracle 11g

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Basic Join Not Working?

Apr 20, 2008

am not very experienced with SQL. I have two tables:

ID (int)
Teacher (nvarchar)
Subject (nvarchar)

ID (int)
ClassID (int)
Name (nvarchar)

I am trying to write a SQL query that will give me the total number of students in each class. I have tried the following:

Class c LEFT OUTER JOINT ON Student s c.ID=s.ClassID

Unfortunately, that gives me an error of:Column 'Class.Teacher' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

I'm afraid if I place everything in a GROUP BY clause, I will get some invalid results.

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Basic Difference Between RAC And Grid Computing?

Jul 13, 2011

I have only 9i OCP certification. What is the basic difference between the RAC and GRID.

Also I want to upgrade myself to Oracle 11g. Do I have to go thru 10g concepts to understand 11g.

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Installation :: Does Windows 7 Home Basic Support Oracle 11g

Jun 7, 2012

Does windows 7 home basic support oracle 11g?

i am getting some error during installation.

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Server Administration :: Query On Redo And Undo Basic Concept

Nov 17, 2010

understanding a redo/undo concept . Refer following data

create table t(n number);
insert into t values(10);

now I update as following

update t set n=20;

As per my understanding the before image i.e. n=10 is stored in undo (to be used for rollback, transaction recovery and even in instance recover but not in media recovery) and after image n=20 is stored in redo (to be used for various recovery purposes including media recovery in case of consistent backup).

So it is redo logs for rolling forward and undo for rolling back making transaction, db consistent . If my above understanding is true then what is meant by the term 'redo required for undo'?

Also, if there are 2 database db1 and db2 connected using database link where we are populating t1 table in db1 using t2 table in db2 using db link where redo and undo will be updated db1 or db2?

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Application Express :: Dashboard And Basic Input Forms And Reports

Oct 29, 2012

I have been tasked to look at a technology / frameworks that will allow our company to develop tools that is quick and easy to learn and easily supported. We use Oracle architecture extensively in the organization and also have APEX 4.2 installed for development purposes. We have two basic requirements or functionality that we need to implement and I and now looking at a proof of concept to determine whether we should adopt APEX or not.

1. Forms Based Tools
We have many databases with static content and users would like to have access to the data via a form. The form will allow the user to enter parameters (eg date) and on hitting a "Submit" Button, the database will be queried and a report generated and presented.

2. Diagnostics Tools
This is a bit more involved and we require a view of our static data in real time. If a specific KPI threshold is violated (eg MOC < 85%) we would like to present an alarm on a dashboard showing the alarm. For example if there are 5 entities that MOC < 85% we would like to show a "red" indicator. If no entities violate a threshold and are above MOC > 85% we want to show a green indicator. We also want a drill down function, where if the indicator is "red", a drill down will show the details of all the entities that have violated the threshold.

I have described our basic requirements, but if it can easily be done in APEX we will definitely motivate for its use.

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Write One Wiki Page Which Covered Basic Performance Tuning

Jul 12, 2011

I want to write one wiki page which covered basic performance Tuning(PT) details means by some command, some GUI which can be understand by engineer,QA and PS guy with less effort , obviously I am going to introduce them with all the PT labels like what is AWR, ADDM etc.

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Forms :: How To Get Visual Attribute Name Into A Variable

Mar 2, 2012

how to get visual attribute name into a variable ??I have used the below code....


but i am unable to get the name of the visual_attribute..

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Oracle Dataset In Visual Studio 2005

Jun 1, 2008

i'm newbie in oracle and visual studio 2005..i running a sql-query in visual studio 2005 with the oracle dataset..i want the data that displayed is in the date range and the parameter is set by user..




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Forms :: Open Application Word 2010 With Forms Developer 6.0 - Windows 7?

Apr 20, 2011

I have u na forms developer application in 6.0 that generates a Word document. This application runs successfully on Windows XP operating system. We now have PC's new operating system Windows 7 and officce 2010. My procedure reads a specific route where a template in Word which is used to generate the document. In the user's PC application that does not generate the document even shows me an error message. But when I enter my network user with the user's PC and the document genre generates me perfectly. I checked if the user has access to the server path specifies where the template encuntra wish to open and if you have them.

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Forms :: Set Properties Of A Visual Attribute Group During Runtime?

Oct 17, 2011

way to set the properties of a visual attribute group during runtime? During our forms 6 to 10 conversion we missed that our visual attributes for mandatory and not-manadatory items were different, so we have font size 8 and 9 in our system now, does not look very nice.

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Forms :: Change Records Visual Attribute Depending On Certain Conditions

Jul 12, 2011

I have a database block that refreshes using a timer. In short, I list all open work pieces for a certain garage, displaying route, run, on_time, of_time, location grouped by garage, on_time, off_time

I need to highlight every garage with a different color. I am highlighting the on_time every time the garage changes.

The problem is, every time I move down the records, instead of keeping the previous garage color, and highlight the new garage on_time with a new color, the whole on_time column will be set to the current garage color.

I need to break down the block by color so the user can distinguish between the different garages, and the start and end time. Here is my code, I am putting it in when_new_record_instance of the work_block:

IF :work_bLock.current_garage = 9006 THEN
Set_Item_Property('work_block.on_time', BACKGROUND_COLOR, 'r191g223b191');
ELSIF :work_bLock.current_garage = 9002 THEN
Set_Item_Property('work_block.on_time', BACKGROUND_COLOR, 'r255g228b196');
Set_Item_Property('work_block.on_time', BACKGROUND_COLOR, 'r255g250b250');

I need the block to be 3 or more different colors depending on the garage.

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ODP.NET :: Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 - Wizard Quit Working

Apr 22, 2013

I had installed ODAC 11.2 Release 5 ( and Update Model from database wizard was working as expected...then after installing update 2 the wizard quit working....So Installed the latest managed drivers and beta..Data Connection connect and I can see the views and tables. but the Update Model from database wizard does not show the views and tables..

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Forms :: Changing Visual Attribute Of Text Field On Mouse Over In Oracle 9i

Apr 5, 2010

I m using oracle forms 9i in which i want effect on text fields that will change color of text after mouse cursor move on that field . is it possible in oracle form 9i .

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Forms :: Changing Current Visual Attribute Property For Entire Application?

Feb 18, 2013

I want to change the current visual attribute color of my form at the application level, reason being i don't want to generate all the forms again from scratch.I know that we can change this using visual attributes but is there a way to change this through some form setting?(Oracle 10g)

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Client Tools :: Basic Tools For Oracle Version Control

Aug 26, 2011

I'm looking for 3 simple things.

1) A reverse engineering tool that I can point to an Oracle schema and get a "baseline" script to re-create that schema from scratch, with decently formatted DDL files (1 per object) neatly organized in a directory tree (by object type) and called in the correct order. Icing on the cake would be an option to pass the tool a list of tables containing static data and get DMLs to populate (insert) those tables as part of the script.

2) a diff tool that I can point to a pair of Oracle instances (source and target) containing a given schema and get a "delta" script to alter the target schema so that it becomes identical to the source schema. If data loss occurs on the target instance (i.e. drop a column) I would like to find a warning comment inserted in the script (e.g. "-- Attention: data migration DML needed here?"). Icing on the cake would be an option to pass the tool a list of tables containing static data and get DMLs to update (delete, update and insert) the data in the target tables to become identical to the contents in the source tables *without* deleting and re-inserting all rows (or dropping, recreating and repopulating the table).

3) I would like the above two tools (that, as you will have recognized, are basic to putting your database design under version control) to be open-source, with a command-line interface and a vibrant community backing them.

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Visual Studio :: Set Query Window Default Date Format To Full Date?

Oct 24, 2013

When I run a query form the the Query Window in Visuial Studios 2012 all the date fields truncated to 'mm/dd/yyyy', but i need the full date returned. I am able to get full date from  TO_char(MyDateField, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), but if I do TO_DATE(MyDateField, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')  it only returns  'mm/dd/yyyy'. I'm sure this is a simple setting in Visual studios but I cant find it to save my life. Is there there a way to have the full date returned by default?

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Forms :: New Visual In Oracle Forms (Master / Detail)

Feb 1, 2012

I have created a simple master/detail form which is in easy navigation for user. The form have master/detail block with tabular style showing 5 records, When user click on master record the detail will show the opposite as master record point.

See attached file.

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Data Guard :: Apply Patches On Oracle Database With Logical Standby Database?

Apr 22, 2011

I got a primary database with a logical standby database running Oracle 11g. I got two client applications, one is the production site pointing to the primary one, another one is just a backup site pointing to the logical one.Things will only be written into the primary database every mid night and client applications can only query the database but not add, update nor delete.And now, I want to apply the latest patch on both of my databases. I am also the DNS administrator, I can make the name server pointing to the backup site instead of the production one.I want to firstly apply the patch on the logical one, and then the physical one.

I found some reference which explains how to apply patches by adopting "Rolling Upgrade Method". however, I want to avoid doing any "switch over" mentioned in the reference because I can make use of name server. Can I just apply patches as the following way?

1)Stop SQL apply
2)Apply patches on logical standby database
3)let the name server point to the backup site
4)Apply patches on the primary database
5)Start SQL apply
6)Let the name server point back to the production site

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Data Guard :: Flashback Snapshot Standby Database Or New Primary Database After Failover?

Aug 30, 2013

If flashback is enable in physical standby database 1. If we failover at 11AM can I flash back NEW primary database to 6 AM ? 2. if I convert physically standby database to snapshot standby database at 11AM ,  Can I  flashback snapshot standby database to 6 AM and do some works on it (DML operations)  then   converting the snapshot standby database into physical standby database ?  

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