Archive Old Data Which Has Stored Before 2012 And Can Be Restored For 2011 Or 2010 Needed?

Jan 29, 2013

I have a database in which two table contains millions of data and the whole database size is getting more bigger. is there any option to archive the old data which has stored before 2012 and can be restored when the data required for 2011 or 2010 needed.

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Client Tools :: Toad And Team Foundation System 2010 / VCS Archive Is Empty

Nov 9, 2010

I have installed same days ago the 10.6 toad's Release.I want to put my sql code (packages, views, etc) under team conding in tfs2010.

I have set the tfs2010 voice in Toad: View - Toad Option - Source Control menu'.Then , in team coding toolbar, I clicked "Log On to VCS Provider" and set the right options.

In "View Coding Status" I have all the options set ok (with the green V).I go to the "Open/Launch Version Control Browser", go to my packages and if I try to "Get Latest Version" or double click on my procedures, I get the following error:

"Unable to get revision from VCS repository. Error downloading XXXX" (where XXX is the packages' name)

"Error: VCS archive is empty"

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PL/SQL :: Convert 06/13/2012 To June-13-2012 In Sql?

Jun 14, 2012

how to convert ‘06/13/2012’ to ’June-13-2012’ in sql?

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Restored Whole Database From Backup - Not Opening Up

Jun 5, 2013

I'm new to Oracle. I took cold backup of my database. Then, i removed my whole database while database was down.Then i restored the whole database from backup taken earlier. Now, when i try to open the database. it does not open up instead gives the below message.

Total System Global Area 1288949760 bytes
Fixed Size 1336288 bytes
Variable Size 754977824 bytes

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Incomplete Recovery / Resetlogs On Just One Restored Datafile?

Feb 4, 2013

Basic situation is this: Oracle 10g database, good RMAN backup from a few days ago. We lost one datafile due to storage corruption. I restored the datafile from RMAN, no problem, and started to roll forward with our archive logs. Problem: one log is corrupted, can't be read, no other copies of it. We are stuck, cannot roll forward any further. The database is up (all activity suspended for now) -- only this one file is offline. Everything else is fine.

My question: Can i do something similar to "open resetlogs" with just the one datafile? Most of what was in the file was indexes, which can be easily dropped & recreated. But a few extents were data which I want to retain. It's old data and the archive logs subsequent to the one on which we are stuck should be pretty much irrelevant. So if i can 'force' the datafile to open up, i believe we should be OK with the little bit of data that's in there, even if we don't apply the remaining archive logs. If it's not 100% consistent we can live with that.

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Find Table Got Restored Or Not

Jan 14, 2013

My DBA restored a table (which is already exists in the DB) so how can I found that current table is restored one?

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Database Programming Using Visual Basic 2010

Sep 26, 2013

Any info source (a book, or other) for learning how to use Visual Basic 2010 to read/update an Oracle database schema? 

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Visual Studio :: Connecting Oracle 11g With VS 2010?

Feb 13, 2013

i am a Microsoft SQL Server user,and I recently thought of migrating to Oracle.So to give it I try I downloaded the following files : [URL]

But for the past two days I am heck stuck with making a Proper Installation ! I have swept the Internet and the Oracle Forums but there is not single tutorials on how to 'INSTALL' these products completely.(All tutorials are on on 10 XE and dont cover Dev Tools installation)

For eg. I installed Oracle 11 XE and ODAC 11.2 Release 5 ( with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio but still the database was not connecting.A blog suggested that I should edit and place the tnsname.ora files in the correct location then I should configure the machine.config file.But Oracle says that its universal installer automatically configures the config file.

Honestly,I love tough things but its stupid the way oracle is deploying its products. how to install and configure Oracle 11 XE with Visual Studio 2010.

dont get me wrong but this is way too outdated: [URL]

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Delete Previously Stored Data And Enter Only Current Data In A Table?

Jul 24, 2012

how to insert data in a table by deleting previous entered data and only inserting current data like:

name VARCHAR2(20),
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('aaa',5500);


I got two rows. now when I do insert statement I want to delete the previously stored data and only insert the current data like:

INSERT INTO test VALUES ('aaa',8);
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('aaa',9);

it must show aaa,8 and aaa,9 bt not the previous values.

NOTE: we can not do sth like: update set... where id = ... becoz the values are dynamic.

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OLE DB :: Configuration For VS 2012

Feb 18, 2013

Having below setup : (All this is testing environment)

1.One virtual Machine Guest OS is Windows 8 Pro 64 bit in Oracle Virtual Box
2.In the guest I have Microsoft Visual Studio 64 bit Ultimate Edition
3.Oracle on same host machine windows 7 64 bit

In above Visual studio I wish to use Oracle on same host machine. When I adds sql datasource control, Visual Studio is saying for installation of either one :

(A) Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio
(B) Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.

So, I downloaded from below link:


and installation run successfully with a message regarding running installAllOracleASPNETProviders.sql after a new installation. My questions are :

1.When I opened command prompt and said sqlplus / as sysdba it is saying ORA-12560.
2.When I says sqlplus scott/tiger@orcl (I created tnsnames.ora) c:app

ishaproduct11.2.0client_1NetworkAdmin with like this :
orcl =

In above HOST = i am giving IP address of host machine on which this VM is installed and this is also oracle server database machine too, on which I am running Oracle database;

so, after few seconds I am getting, ORA-12154.

How do I connect my orcl database which is running on the same host machine by using above configurations. My virtual machine is visible from other machines as well as oracle database machine too i.e. ping to VM IP is working fine.

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Flashback Data Archive?

Aug 27, 2012

I heard about flaskback data archive. can i get some short example to understand in practical way

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Data Guard :: Archive Gap Script

Mar 6, 2012

I am working on Data Guard concepts. I have configured Data Guard which is working fine.

Now I am trying to work on script which can give me output on OS prompt if there are any archive gaps..

I tried to use few commands on a script as
sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
select * from v$archive_gap;

I am trying to run above script on OS prompt as


but I am not getting output ... I want it a way that this script should run within interval of 5 min and give output on OS prompt.

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How To Archive Data On Partitioned Table

Jul 7, 2011

I have a partitioned table that is streamed to another database. I need to archive data on that table. That is I need to add a partition and remove a partition.

If I make those changes to the source table, will it stream over to the destination table?

If not, can I ...

pause streaming make changes to source table make same changes to destination table sreenable streaming. I know making data changes to the destination table can screw up streams but not sure if that holds for ddl.

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Data Guard :: Archive Log Deletion

Mar 8, 2013

I have a RAC system with DR set-up, this is a test environment and it doesn't have any backup, why DR is required but it exist. Since this is a test a lot or archives gets generated and deleting the archives has become a daily job for this server manually.

I want have a script to delete archive logs which is in non-ASM (i.e. filesystem) after ensuring that the archive log has been applied in standby database. If this can done only by RMAN.

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Software Needed To Develop On Oracle Forms

Jun 13, 2011

I want to start doing some development on oracle forms. I tried to look at products information and got some confusion. between midleware, application server , weblogic....

i have oracle 11g database installed and im quite familiar with oracle database any version.what im looking is for a answer on what product should i install to do forms.

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Enterprise Manager :: What Privileges Needed To Run ASH Reports

Oct 12, 2010

What privileges do a DB user need to run an ASH report? The user logs into OEM and then as a different user into the DB (I can run the ASH, but Im logged in as SYSTEM).

The user is getting ORA-00904: invalid identifier.

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Server Utilities :: Sql Loader Value Needed From Another Table?

Aug 10, 2011

I have a file having 10k of rows and I need to use *sql loader to insert the data into table. Below are the information.

Name Type
EMP_ID NUMBER(10) -- PrimaryKey
DEPT_ID NUMBER(10) -- ForeignKey from DEPARTMENT

Name Type

3,Sam, IT

load data
infile myFile.txt
append into table EMPLOYEE
DEPT_ID ) <--- ?? What should do in here

what should i do in this line because the value that i want is DEPT_ID but the file is giving the DEPART_NAME. If there any sql statement can be used in control file?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Is NOT NULL Needed If A CHECK Constraint Is On Column

Dec 13, 2010

In the below code, do I need the 'NOT NULL' after the 'state char(2)'? I am guessing that I do not need it since I have the CHECK constraint on the column.

CREATE TABLE employee(
first varchar(20) NOT NULL,
middle varchar(20),

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Data Guard :: Detecting Archive Log Gaps?

Nov 17, 2012

I have a two node rac DB (prim and stdby) with two threads. I am trying to put together a script that will detect any gaps in the log files.

I know that MRPO only runs on one node. When I run the following query (see below) I can only see the sequence# for one of the threads.

select thread#, sequence#, process from gv$managed_standby;

---------- ---------- ---------
1 119739 MRP0

I than query my PRIM DB and subract the value from my STBY DB to see the difference (gap)

select (sequence# - &scn) from v$log where thread# = &thrd and status ='CURRENT'

Can there be gaps in more than one thread? If so, how can I see the diffences?

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Data Guard :: How To Delete Archive Log On Standby

Jun 18, 2011

We are planning to setup a data guard (Maximum performance configuration ) between two Oracle 9i databases on two different servers.

The archive logs on the primary servers are deleted via a RMAN job bases on a policy , just wondering how I should delete the archive logs that are shipped to the standby.

Is putting a cron job on the standby to delete archive logs that are say 2 days old the proper approach or is there a built in data guard option that would some how allow archive logs that are no longer needed or are two days old deleted automatically.

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Server Administration :: Flashback Data Archive

Aug 23, 2011

I need store history for two tables in my system. I thought that Flashback Data Archive will be the best option. There is also another ways to do this but don't focus on this. I need to to this by FDA (Flashback Data Archive);

So my prerequisite was to create tablespace and flash back archive, and alter table to be archived.

create tablespace audit_archive datafile 'd:oradata etaaudit_archive.ora' size 100M;

create flashback archive audit_flash_archive
tablespace audit_archive quota 10G retention 10 year;

alter table teta_admin.t_prac flashback archive audit_flash_archive;

and everything works fine but on sys user.
i can query this table using "as of timestamp" clause

select prac_id, imie, imie_2, nazwisko, nr_ew from teta_admin.t_prac as of timestamp to_timestamp('2011-08-23 08:20:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')

but final construction of idea was to create additional user (interface), grant select on teta_admin.t_prac object and query archive data from interface user. and this is point of my failure. this don't work on new user.

interface user have such sys privs:

SQL> SELECT * FROM dba_sys_privs
2 WHERE grantee = 'INTERFACE';
------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ---

and table privs:

SQL> SELECT * FROM dba_tab_privs
2 WHERE grantee = 'INTERFACE';

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------------

what i need to do in order to query this flashback table from interface user. when i try to do this from this user oracle says ORA-00942.

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Data Guard :: Archive Copied Onto DR But Not Applied?

Jul 2, 2011

We have Oracle 10G dataguard configured,

Show configuration;
Shows status "SUCCESS"

Archive log list
shows the proper archives in PROD as well as DR

But, when we check the Archive Applied ="YES" its shows result as "BLANK"

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Data Guard :: Archive Not Applied On Standby

Mar 25, 2013

We recently configured data guard in test machine.Archives not applied in physical standby.Where i need to start investigation?

SQL> select THREAD#,max(sequence#) from v$archived_log where applied='YES' group by thread#;
---------- --------------
1 301

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Data Guard :: Archive Log Cannot Send To Standby

Feb 15, 2012

The archive log can not send to the standby database, how to do?

primary database spfile:


Error 12170 received logging on to the standby
Error 12170 connecting to destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 standby host 'oraclbak'
Error 12170 attaching to destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 standby host 'oraclbak'
ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred
*** 2012-02-15 08:31:50.678 60679 kcrr.c
PING[ARCq]: Heartbeat failed to connect to standby 'oraclbak'. Error is 12170.
*** 2012-02-15 08:31:50.680 58941 kcrr.c
kcrrfail: dest:2 err:12170 force:0 blast:1
kcrrwkx: nothing to do (end)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Is Select Privileges (grants) Needed For Created Synonym

Jun 4, 2012

After created synonym, Is select privileges(grants) needed for created synonym? SQL> create or replace synonym gm_holding for gmblbpna. gm_ holding;

Synonym created.

SQL> select *
2 from gm_holding;
from gm_holding
ERROR at line 2: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

SQL> connect gmblbpna/gmblbpna@o03gpa0
SQL> grant select on gm_holding to solvency;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> connect solvency/solvency@o03gpa0
SQL> select count(1)
2 from gm_holding;

why grant need for synonym?

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Networking And Gateways :: Which Listener Is Needed To Access ASM Database

Mar 11, 2010

I am have installed oracle 11.2.0 in redhat linux 5.4. I have respectively 2 oracle homes. so total 2 listener files in 2 oracle homes. For accessing one database.Which listener i need to use ? Also if i am going to enterprise manager which listener file. I have to configure.

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PL/SQL :: Read Oracle 10g Tables To SQL Server 2012

Feb 12, 2013

I have Oracle 10g on an XP machine, and use the 'Oracle in OraDB10g_home1' driver to read the data. I have another Windows Server 2008 R2 machine on the same network, with SQL Server 2012 on it. What is the best way to read Oracle Tables in SQL Server? Can I setup an ODBC link from my Windows Server machine to the Oracle Database (which would require me to download an Oracle ODBC driver)? Or is the best way to export the required tables from Oracle (e.g. into csv format) and import them into SQL?

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How To Calculate Sizes Of Archive / Redo In Data Warehouse DB

May 24, 2011

Before I begin, I want to clarify that I am newbie in the administration of data warehouse.I need to know how to calculate the sizes of the archive and redo on data warehouse DB, in order to make an initial sizing of the BD on disks level.

Is there a formula to calculate the size?

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Data Guard :: Confirm Particular Archive Log File Applied Or Not?

Aug 5, 2011

I need a clarification on the below query.

I am having a Dataguard setup as Logical.

I am copying all the archive log files generated in the live server into the local server in order to apply into the Data Guard.

I am running a script for this process.

Question:How i can verify whether particular archive log file was applied into the data guard or not.

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Data Guard :: App Archive Logs Which Come From Primary Database?

Feb 16, 2012

If my standby database is read only mode,does it can app the archive logs which come from primary database?

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