DataGuard - Archive Log Apply Gap In Physical Standby Database

Nov 23, 2010

1) The Primary Database is UP. The Physical Stand By Database is DOWN. The Current Archive Log Sequence is 99 in Primary.

We have to apply Archive Log from 51 to 99 to the Standby Database. But Unfortunately, there is no backup of those Archivelogs and the ArchiveLogs from 51 to 98 have got deleted at Primary end.

Now how will you apply these Archive Logs from Primary Database to Physical Standby Database?

Note : The Physical StandBy Database is DOWN.

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Data Guard :: Apply Standby Redo Log To Physical Standby Database

May 26, 2013

I have dataguard configuration operating in maximum availability mode with a local standby db (A - lgwr sync not using real time apply) and a remote standby db (B - lgwr async). I then simualted a crash of my primary database with batch jobs running. Since the stby db A is in lgwr sync option ,all the commited data in the current online redo log has been transmitted to stby A and is present in its stby redo log (Group 2).How do I apply this stby redo log to the remote stby db.

Tried the following methods.

1.ftp the stby redo log to the remote db and tried to regiter it, got an error that it is not completely archived.

2.issued the recover standby database command and supplied the stby redo log when it asked for the sequence in the stby redo, got an error saying there is corruption in a block(tried this option multiple times ended up with the same result.)

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ORA-01109 - Setup 11g Dataguard - Physical Standby

Jul 12, 2011

I have setup 11g Dataguard - physical standby. Everything seems to be fine. I have also tested switchover and failover using DG broker which seems to work fine.All, I would like to know is abt ORA-01109 during switchover..

My config - RACprim- RACstby
Primary - TEST_prim (instances - TEST1, TEST2)
Standby - TEST_stby (instances - TEST1, TEST2)

Performing switchover NOW, please wait...
New primary database "TEST_stby" is opening...
Operation requires shutdown of instance "TEST1" on database "TEST_prim"
Shutting down instance "TEST1"...
ORA-01109: database not open

This ORA error occurs when it tries to shut down primary. When primary is in open state, why its saying that database not open. Operation requires shutdown of instance "TEST1" on database "TEST_prim"..Shutting down instance "TEST1"..

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Duplicate On Active Dataguard Physical Standby

Feb 8, 2013

In DR site. i have to clone the database from pshysical standby database and clone db will be normal db not standby. Is it possible to do rman duplicate from active dataguard? will it support the duplicate database from active database or i have to take the rman backup of standby database and duplicate from backup piece.

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Archive Not Applying On Physical Standby

Sep 3, 2010

ENVIRONMENT: physical standby database
MODE: maximum performance mode.

SQL> select * from v$archive_gap;

no rows selected

SQL> select sequence#, applied from v$archived_log where applied='NO';

---------- ---------
10929 NO
10930 NO
10931 NO
10932 NO
10933 NO
10934 NO
10935 NO
10936 NO
10937 NO
11073 NO
11074 NO

---------- ---------
11075 NO
11076 NO
11077 NO
11078 NO
11079 NO
11080 NO
11081 NO
11082 NO
11083 NO
11084 NO
11085 NO

---------- ---------
11086 NO
11087 NO
11088 NO
11089 NO
11091 NO
11092 NO

What would be the cause

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Data Guard :: Difficulty In Detecting Archive Gap On Physical Standby

Dec 29, 2012

which of the following views on the physical standby will us correct information on synchronization with Primary database?

For example, when I checked v$archived_gap it did not return any rows but the max(applied_seq#) on v$archive_dest_status was lagging far behind from the max(sequence#) on Primary database

select max(applied_seq#) from v$archive_dest_status where dest_id=2;
select max(sequence#) from v$archived_log where applied='YES';
select * from v$archive_gap;

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Physical Standby Database To Logical Standby

Jul 17, 2013

can i create physical standby database to logical standby database.

my structure

primary database--->physical standby-->logical standby

for fail over case ==>physical standby convert to primary and logical standby connected to current primary database.

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Data Guard :: Apply Patches On Oracle Database With Logical Standby Database?

Apr 22, 2011

I got a primary database with a logical standby database running Oracle 11g. I got two client applications, one is the production site pointing to the primary one, another one is just a backup site pointing to the logical one.Things will only be written into the primary database every mid night and client applications can only query the database but not add, update nor delete.And now, I want to apply the latest patch on both of my databases. I am also the DNS administrator, I can make the name server pointing to the backup site instead of the production one.I want to firstly apply the patch on the logical one, and then the physical one.

I found some reference which explains how to apply patches by adopting "Rolling Upgrade Method". however, I want to avoid doing any "switch over" mentioned in the reference because I can make use of name server. Can I just apply patches as the following way?

1)Stop SQL apply
2)Apply patches on logical standby database
3)let the name server point to the backup site
4)Apply patches on the primary database
5)Start SQL apply
6)Let the name server point back to the production site

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Rename Database With Physical Standby?

Jul 23, 2010

I need to rename an Oracle9i database on windows which has a physical standby database running on a different machine.

I have the steps to rename the primary database but am unsure of it's impact on the physical standby database. It seems like I will have to re-create the physical standby database, since renaming the primary database involves opening the db with "resetlogs". It's a production environment hence can't play with it without knowing the results.

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Moving Files On Physical Standby Database?

Oct 19, 2011

We're currently in a situation where the primary database server fs size does not match the standby database server fs size.

Standby database filesystem is almost 100% utilized, and we suggested to move some of the datafiles first to avoid threshold alerts and archive gaps.

Now, if we're gonna move datafiles on the physical standby, I believe the process would be stop managed redo apply -> shutdown standby -> OS move -> startup mount -> alter rename -> start managed redo apply. Is this correct? If not, how?

Also, would it have an effect if the controlfiles of primary and standby do not match because of the movement?

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Can Logical Database Be Applied From Physical Standby

Jul 24, 2013

I have a setup where i have one physical and logical standby from a primary database. In case of switch over between primary and physical database my logical apply gets stopped. Can a logical database be applied from a physical standby ?

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Cannot Open Physical Standby Database Read Only?

Dec 7, 2010

Suddenly I can't open any of my physical standby databases read only. Alert log snippet and trace files follow post. I'm running on all hosts, which are running AIX 5.2. I've successfully opened all physical standby databases read only numerous times in the past. Is it possible that these standby databases cannot be switched over to primary should the need arise?

Here's how I typically open a physical standby database read only:

alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
alter database open read only;

Errors in file /ora/product/
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-16000: database open for read-only access
Error 604 happened during db open, shutting down database
USER: terminating instance due to error 604


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Data Guard :: 10g Physical Standby Database

Sep 17, 2012

DB1 <Primary> - Production
DB2 <Physial Standby> - DR

I will need to startup my DB2 in DR segment for testing.If i perform the below, will it affect my Production DB? I need it to be up and running as well.

recover managed standby database cancel;
shutdown immediate;
startup nomount;
alter database mount standby database;
recover standby database until cancel;
alter database activate standby database;

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How To Avoid Table Data To Physical Standby Database

Jun 28, 2013

Our client requirement is to avoid table data to physical standby database.

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Data Guard :: Backups On Physical Standby Database (RAC)?

Nov 23, 2011

I have set up a single instance standbys for rac databases. Now, I need to offload the backups from the primary on to the standbys.

1. cancel managed recovery

2. connect to target(standby) and catalog and backup the standby

3. put standby in managed recovery mode.

I think following these steps, I can restore primary(?). Now, My question is, how can I use these standby backups to clone/refresh databases? I tried it by connecting to target(primary), catalog and auxiliary but rman is using the primary backups instead of standby's to refresh the auxiliary database.

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Data Guard :: Physical Standby Database Backup

May 9, 2013

I have Oracle database on Oracle 10g R2 with physical as well as logical standby database.

1) Is is necessary to take Physical standby database backup?
2) If 1) yes then Which RMAN backup is preferred?with catalog or default?How to take backup as different location?
3)how to Restore that backup?How to ensure backup is valid?

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Data Guard :: Configure Physical Standby Database?

Jul 17, 2012

step by step procedure to configure physical standby database.....

i have to create on windows not in simple step by step procedure,once configured it should be up and running;

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Data Guard :: Backups On Physical Standby Database?

Feb 21, 2013

I am using data guard and a physical standby database.How to assign backups on physical standby database to reduce the load on Primary database.

environment: windows

Database version:

What are the pro and cons on assigning RMAN backups jobs to physical standby database?

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Networking And Gateways :: ORA-12154 Implement A Physical Standby Database

May 20, 2011

i'm a trainee for my PFE and i should to implement a physical standby database,i chosed this tuto URL.... but in step 10 when i do SELECT * FROM v$archive_dest where dest_id=2 ; i have i message error.

ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve the connect identifier specified.

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Replication :: How To Create Physical Standby Database Without Data Guard

Sep 16, 2009

I would need to create a physical standby database for DR without using data guard. I like to know in more details like

1. What would be required to switch over to standby database in case of failure of primary database? Is it going to be a manual process each time, or can be automated using scripts?
2. How the archive logs will be applied to standby database in timely manner to sync with primary database?
3. How the Primary database will be synch with Standby database once the issue resolved on primary database.
4. Where do I get a complete script to create physical standby database on Windows platform?

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Data Guard :: Can A Logical Database Be Applied From A Physical Standby

Jul 25, 2013

I have a setup where i have one physical and logical standby from a primary database. In case of switch over between primary and physical database my logical apply gets stopped. Can a logical database be applied from a physical standby ?

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ORA-01154 - Database Error - Creating Physical StandBy In Same Server?

Sep 21, 2010

I am trying to create the Physical StandBy Database in the same server. Till last 2 Final steps, everything went on well. In the final steps, when I try to open the StandBy Database, it throws the following Error:

SQL...> alter database open;
alter database open
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01154: database busy. Open, close, mount, and dismount not allowed now

I tried creating the Physical Standby with the following Steps.into that & tell me whether I have done any mistake.Also tell me any step I have missed from the following list of steps:

Environment: Oracle Release / Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition SP2
Primary DB = 'PrimDB'
StandBy DB to be created = 'StBy1DB'

In the same Server, location for
PrimDB datafiles = 'F:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\PrimDB\Data\',
StandBy Datafiles = 'E:\StandBy_DB\Data\'


ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01154: database busy. Open, close, mount, and dismount not allowed now

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Data Guard :: Unable To Get Data Of Primary In Standby Database (dataguard)

Jan 16, 2013

i have configured physical standby in my local system, to check logshipping i created a table at primary db, wen i tried to check in standby, it says table does not exist..below are primary & standby alert entries..

Primary alert log

Fatal NI connect error 12514, connecting to:
(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= ed)(CID=(PROGRAM=d:oracle11gappadministratorproduct11.1.0db_1inORACLE.EXE)(HOST=A960M)(USER=SYSTEM))(SERVER=dedicated)))
TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production


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Data Guard :: Unable To Create Physical Standby Database Using RMAN?

Nov 4, 2010

why RMAN is unable to create physical standby database ?

RMAN> connect auxiliary sys/system@DGREPL

connected to auxiliary database: DGREPL (not mounted)

RMAN> connect target sys/system@REPL

connected to target database: REPL (DBID=2730563515)

RMAN> run{
allocate channel prmy1 type disk;
allocate channel prmy2 type disk;
allocate channel prmy3 type disk;
allocate channel prmy4 type disk;


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Data Guard :: Primary Database Is RAC And Physical Standby Is Single Instance

Mar 27, 2013

I am using Oracle RAC as primary database, we are going to start using Oracle data guard. So I am designing my infrastructure and planing to use Oracle Single instance as my physical stand by database.

My question is it feasible to have my standby database as single instance while the primary is RAC? is it feasible to build my Oracle single instance standby database from the RMAN backup of the RAC primary database? Is there any restrictions (or any points to be taken into consideration) since my primary database is RAC while the physical standby is Oracle single instance?

in the below link


it was mentioned that primary can be RAC or single and same for standby, but my question is it feasible to have primary as RAC while standby as single instance? or it should be like each others?

The primary database can be either a single-instance Oracle database or an Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) database. Similar to a primary database, a standby database can be either a single-instance Oracle database or an Oracle RAC database.

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Data Guard :: Alter Database Commit To Switchover To Physical Standby - Getting Ora-16416?

Apr 21, 2011

alter database commit to switchover to physical standby; i am getting ora-16416 switchover target is not synchronized with the primary what to do

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RMAN :: How To Backup Archive Logs In Standby Database

Nov 15, 2013

I trying to backup archive logs using rman in standby database. I'm able to backup archive logs using simple command it get's successfully completed. rman > BACKUP  ARCHIVELOG ALL When i'm  trying to do with keep command it's getting failed.I'm trying to do on physical standby databaseBACKUP  ARCHIVELOG ALL KEEP UNTIL TIME 'SYSDATE+100' TAG = 'TEST'.

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Data Guard :: Transfer Of Archive Log On Standby Database

Dec 9, 2010

I successfully created the standby database and the archive logs were properly moving on both the primary and the standby databases. For the proper transfer of the archive logs on the STANDBY database I used "FAL_CLIENT AND FAL_SERVER" in the pfile of the primary database specifying the location of the primary and the Standby respectively.

When I removed both the parameters from the pfile of the primary database still there was the transfer of the archive logs however there should not be "If I am not wrong" as I have removed both the parameters.

why there is still the transfer of the archive logs on the standby database.

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Data Guard :: Archive To Complete Recovery On Standby Database

Oct 22, 2013

i have found an issue regarding log archiving on dest1. yesterday one sequence number 76871 not archive to dest1.alert logfile content as follow. i configure standby and ship archive manually with window copy command. i need this archive to complete recovery on standby database.

Mon Oct 21 09:29:28 2013
ARC2: Completed archiving log# 3 seq# 76869
Mon Oct 21 09:39:28 2013
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 76871
Current log# 2 seq# 76871 mem# 0: D:ORACLEORADATAORC1REDO02.LOG

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Data Guard :: Possible To Convert Logical Standby To Physical Standby

Aug 30, 2013

My steps for testing as below:

1.create a primary database
2.duplicate a physical standby database;
3.turn on flashback on both databases.
4.record SCN xxx on physical standby database.
5.convert physical standby to logical standby (using keep identity statement)
6.flashback to logical standby to xxx
7.convert logical standby to physical standby
8.using real time apply I got errors: Fast Parallel Media Recovery enabledManaged Standby Recovery starting Real Time ApplyMRP0:

Background Media Recovery waiting for new incarnation during transient logical upgrade procedure

Errors in file /home ora/ app/ oracle/ diag/ rdbms/ ora11gr1dg/ora11gr1dg/trace/ora11gr1dg_mrp0_10120.trc:ORA-19906: recovery target incarnation changed during recoveryManaged Standby Recovery not using Real Time ApplyErrors in file /home/ ora/app/ oracle/diag/ rdbms/ ora11gr1dg/ ora11gr1dg/ trace/ora11gr 1dg_mrp0_ 10120.trc:ORA-19906: recovery target incarnation changed during recovery  

Errors appears every 10 seconds. Seems MPR0 is waiting for new incarnation for a long time. So am I.Standby database incarnation:

List of Database IncarnationsDB Key Inc Key DB Name DB ID STATUS Reset SCN Reset Time-------1 1 ORA11GR1 3853851354 CURRENT 1 08/09/2013 01:02:182 2 ORA11GR1 3853851354 ORPHAN 2127877 08/28/2013 19:22:01     BGV

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