Data Guard :: Applying Incremental Backup On Standby To Resolve Archive Log Gap?

Nov 6, 2013

I have a Primary database and Standby database both in ASM. Recently my archive logs got deleted and i am trying to recover my standby database with an incremental backup based on scn from primary database. But i face the below error when i recover the standby database with the incremental backup taken in primary database.

RMAN> recover database noredo;Starting recover at 06-NOV-13using target database control file instead of recovery catalogallocated channel: ORA_DISK_1channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=21 device type=DISKchannel ORA_DISK_1: starting incremental datafile backup set restorechannel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup setdestination for restore of datafile 00001: +STDBY/11gdb/datafile/system.258.805921881destination for restore of datafile 00002: +STDBY/11gdb/datafile/sysaux.259.805921967destination for restore of datafile 00003: +STDBY/11gdb/datafile/undotbs1.260.805922023destination for restore of datafile 00004: +STDBY/11gdb/datafile


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Data Guard :: Standby Not Applying After Outage

Sep 5, 2013

We have a 11r2 primary and standby running on RHEL 5. The primary lost network connectivity for a time and VMWare locked up. The VM admin restarted the primary VM (it was a hard-boot). This all happened while I was gone and when I came into work, the primary database appeared to be working. I decided to dig deeper and check out the standby. On the standby... 

SQL> select * from v$archive_gap;
Thread#: 1
low_sequence: 123120
high_sequence: 123120

 It appears all is well (just very far behind) but when I run the last code block (show database prodDB2;) again ... 

DGMGRL> show database prodDB2;
Intended State: APPLY-ON
Transport Lag: 2 days 1 hour(s) 42 minutes 37 seconds
Apply Lag: 2 days 1 hour(s) 42 minutes 37 seconds
Real Time Query: OFF
Instance(s): prodDB

it looks as if the massive backlog is just increasing. How can I confirm that everything that things are going well? I am still learning Data Guard. 

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Archive Not Applying On Physical Standby

Sep 3, 2010

ENVIRONMENT: physical standby database
MODE: maximum performance mode.

SQL> select * from v$archive_gap;

no rows selected

SQL> select sequence#, applied from v$archived_log where applied='NO';

---------- ---------
10929 NO
10930 NO
10931 NO
10932 NO
10933 NO
10934 NO
10935 NO
10936 NO
10937 NO
11073 NO
11074 NO

---------- ---------
11075 NO
11076 NO
11077 NO
11078 NO
11079 NO
11080 NO
11081 NO
11082 NO
11083 NO
11084 NO
11085 NO

---------- ---------
11086 NO
11087 NO
11088 NO
11089 NO
11091 NO
11092 NO

What would be the cause

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Data Guard :: How To Delete Archive Log On Standby

Jun 18, 2011

We are planning to setup a data guard (Maximum performance configuration ) between two Oracle 9i databases on two different servers.

The archive logs on the primary servers are deleted via a RMAN job bases on a policy , just wondering how I should delete the archive logs that are shipped to the standby.

Is putting a cron job on the standby to delete archive logs that are say 2 days old the proper approach or is there a built in data guard option that would some how allow archive logs that are no longer needed or are two days old deleted automatically.

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Data Guard :: Archive Not Applied On Standby

Mar 25, 2013

We recently configured data guard in test machine.Archives not applied in physical standby.Where i need to start investigation?

SQL> select THREAD#,max(sequence#) from v$archived_log where applied='YES' group by thread#;
---------- --------------
1 301

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Data Guard :: Archive Log Cannot Send To Standby

Feb 15, 2012

The archive log can not send to the standby database, how to do?

primary database spfile:


Error 12170 received logging on to the standby
Error 12170 connecting to destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 standby host 'oraclbak'
Error 12170 attaching to destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 standby host 'oraclbak'
ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred
*** 2012-02-15 08:31:50.678 60679 kcrr.c
PING[ARCq]: Heartbeat failed to connect to standby 'oraclbak'. Error is 12170.
*** 2012-02-15 08:31:50.680 58941 kcrr.c
kcrrfail: dest:2 err:12170 force:0 blast:1
kcrrwkx: nothing to do (end)

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Data Guard :: Transfer Of Archive Log On Standby Database

Dec 9, 2010

I successfully created the standby database and the archive logs were properly moving on both the primary and the standby databases. For the proper transfer of the archive logs on the STANDBY database I used "FAL_CLIENT AND FAL_SERVER" in the pfile of the primary database specifying the location of the primary and the Standby respectively.

When I removed both the parameters from the pfile of the primary database still there was the transfer of the archive logs however there should not be "If I am not wrong" as I have removed both the parameters.

why there is still the transfer of the archive logs on the standby database.

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Data Guard :: Difficulty In Detecting Archive Gap On Physical Standby

Dec 29, 2012

which of the following views on the physical standby will us correct information on synchronization with Primary database?

For example, when I checked v$archived_gap it did not return any rows but the max(applied_seq#) on v$archive_dest_status was lagging far behind from the max(sequence#) on Primary database

select max(applied_seq#) from v$archive_dest_status where dest_id=2;
select max(sequence#) from v$archived_log where applied='YES';
select * from v$archive_gap;

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Data Guard :: Archive To Complete Recovery On Standby Database

Oct 22, 2013

i have found an issue regarding log archiving on dest1. yesterday one sequence number 76871 not archive to dest1.alert logfile content as follow. i configure standby and ship archive manually with window copy command. i need this archive to complete recovery on standby database.

Mon Oct 21 09:29:28 2013
ARC2: Completed archiving log# 3 seq# 76869
Mon Oct 21 09:39:28 2013
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 76871
Current log# 2 seq# 76871 mem# 0: D:ORACLEORADATAORC1REDO02.LOG

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RMAN :: Incremental Backup - Archive Log?

Jun 6, 2012

We are going to implement oracle 11g. Now I wanna use rman to take the incremental backup in the follwing way:

Level-0 backup weekly, in the way:

allocate channel c1 type disk;
allocate channel c2 type disk;
BACKUP incremental level 0 DATABASE
TAG 'Weekly_full' FORMAT 'E:RMAN_backupweekly_full_%d_%Y%M%D_s%s_p%p.bak';
backup archivelog all not backed up 1 times delete input
TAG 'Weekly_full_arc' FORMAT 'E:RMAN_backupweekly_full_arc_%d_%Y%M%D_s%s_p%p.bak';


and RETENTION POLICY TO RECOVERY WINDOW is set to 10 days, so that there is no chance that i will delete expired backup before taking backup.

Now my question is,

1) Is the way is correct that there is no wrong configuration. My main concern is about archive log, is it correct?

2) As i am deleting archive log files with the backup and after that the expired archive log backup is also deleted, so is there any chance of failure in recovery.

3) here how archive log backup will work with 10 days retention policy.

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Data Guard :: RMAN Archive Log Backup With Delete Input Command

Mar 17, 2012

I have following query in Dataguard ..

If I want to take Rman archive log backup with delete input command , how the archive logs will be copied to standby database

For eg

I am taking archive backup as

RMAN>backup archivelog all delete input;

here consider few archives are not copied to standby database (due to nw issue) then how standby will receives these missing archives as those are deleted by rman backup at primary side.

I am not getting any document related to above query.

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Recovering Standby DB From Incremental Backup

Nov 11, 2010

I've got a physical standby (10g) which is missing some archive logs, and thus the managed recovery is stuck. I followed the procedure for taking an incremental backup of the primary from the last SCN in the standby, and then recovering the standby from that backup using rman.

It seemed that everything went according to the instructions, except that the "recover database" of the standby from the backup went much faster than I expected. Afterwards I checked the SCN of the standby (select current_scn from v$database) and it had indeed updated to a number beyond where it was stuck originally. The standby controlfile was restored from a backup of the primary's current controlfile, and the standby restarted. The problem is that when I started up standby recovery again, the standby is still looking for the logs which were missing. I can't figure out why! I've been googling around and digging through the docs, and the only clues I can find suggest that this would happen if the standby controlfile wasn't updated. But I did that.

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Data Guard :: Physical Standby Database Backup

May 9, 2013

I have Oracle database on Oracle 10g R2 with physical as well as logical standby database.

1) Is is necessary to take Physical standby database backup?
2) If 1) yes then Which RMAN backup is preferred?with catalog or default?How to take backup as different location?
3)how to Restore that backup?How to ensure backup is valid?

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Data Guard :: Recreate Standby Using Full Datafile Backup

Dec 6, 2012

I have to recreate my standby database due to huge archive gap. I have full datafile backup of primary.

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Data Guard :: Restoring Logical Standby Rman Backup On Production

Oct 9, 2012

I have One Production and one logical standby database . Due to tape problem we are unable to take backups of primary . And due to business , we cannot take back up on disk in hot period(Bank database ) .

If i take logical standby database backup(level 0 ) using RMAN , then will i be able to restore it on production dtbs (In case Production down) ? . Logical standby is in sync with primary .

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Data Guard :: Take RMAN Full Backup Of Standby Database On Regular Basis?

Jun 8, 2012

I use windows 2003 server, oracle question is related to maintaing a standby database

1. Do we need to take RMAN full backup of standby database on a regular basis? At the moment I dont take backups of standby database.

2. I have FRA on standby database. The archivelogs from primary go to FRA on standby. I delete my archivelogs as follows:


Though the archivelogs are delete there are still empty folders of archivelogs that are not deleted. How to get rid of them automatically.

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RMAN :: How To Backup Archive Logs In Standby Database

Nov 15, 2013

I trying to backup archive logs using rman in standby database. I'm able to backup archive logs using simple command it get's successfully completed. rman > BACKUP  ARCHIVELOG ALL When i'm  trying to do with keep command it's getting failed.I'm trying to do on physical standby databaseBACKUP  ARCHIVELOG ALL KEEP UNTIL TIME 'SYSDATE+100' TAG = 'TEST'.

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Data Guard :: Apply Standby Redo Log To Physical Standby Database

May 26, 2013

I have dataguard configuration operating in maximum availability mode with a local standby db (A - lgwr sync not using real time apply) and a remote standby db (B - lgwr async). I then simualted a crash of my primary database with batch jobs running. Since the stby db A is in lgwr sync option ,all the commited data in the current online redo log has been transmitted to stby A and is present in its stby redo log (Group 2).How do I apply this stby redo log to the remote stby db.

Tried the following methods.

1.ftp the stby redo log to the remote db and tried to regiter it, got an error that it is not completely archived.

2.issued the recover standby database command and supplied the stby redo log when it asked for the sequence in the stby redo, got an error saying there is corruption in a block(tried this option multiple times ended up with the same result.)

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Data Guard :: Configuring RMAN For Incremental Backups In Environment

Aug 24, 2012

Here we have a dataguard environment with db1 as primary and db2 as physical standby database. We configured dataguard in 10g environments and we are not using grid control. What are the steps for configuring rman for incremental backups in this environment?

We want to schedule the backups to be taken in standby db, (that is applicable in case of switchover too). In the case of switchover to db2 what all do we need to do in rman manually to resume backups in db1?

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Data Guard :: Possible To Convert Logical Standby To Physical Standby

Aug 30, 2013

My steps for testing as below:

1.create a primary database
2.duplicate a physical standby database;
3.turn on flashback on both databases.
4.record SCN xxx on physical standby database.
5.convert physical standby to logical standby (using keep identity statement)
6.flashback to logical standby to xxx
7.convert logical standby to physical standby
8.using real time apply I got errors: Fast Parallel Media Recovery enabledManaged Standby Recovery starting Real Time ApplyMRP0:

Background Media Recovery waiting for new incarnation during transient logical upgrade procedure

Errors in file /home ora/ app/ oracle/ diag/ rdbms/ ora11gr1dg/ora11gr1dg/trace/ora11gr1dg_mrp0_10120.trc:ORA-19906: recovery target incarnation changed during recoveryManaged Standby Recovery not using Real Time ApplyErrors in file /home/ ora/app/ oracle/diag/ rdbms/ ora11gr1dg/ ora11gr1dg/ trace/ora11gr 1dg_mrp0_ 10120.trc:ORA-19906: recovery target incarnation changed during recovery  

Errors appears every 10 seconds. Seems MPR0 is waiting for new incarnation for a long time. So am I.Standby database incarnation:

List of Database IncarnationsDB Key Inc Key DB Name DB ID STATUS Reset SCN Reset Time-------1 1 ORA11GR1 3853851354 CURRENT 1 08/09/2013 01:02:182 2 ORA11GR1 3853851354 ORPHAN 2127877 08/28/2013 19:22:01     BGV

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Data Guard :: How To Know Current Active Guard Settings In Standby Database

Oct 17, 2012

Controlling User Access to Tables in a Logical Standby Database can be controlled using the following command:


My simple question is: how can I know the current active Guard setting in the standby database?

Oracle 11g R2.

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Data Guard :: Standby Redo Log On Standby

Apr 24, 2011

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ---------------- -
1 1 115 512 YES CLEARING O
2 1 116 512 YES CURRENT O
6 1 114 512 YES CLEARING O
4 1 112 512 YES CLEARING O
5 1 113 512 YES CLEARING O
3 1 111 512 YES CLEARING O

6 rows selected.

Above result is from standby database.I am trying to understand the concept of standby redo log.My stadby database protection_mode is MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE.

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Data Guard :: Archive Gap Script

Mar 6, 2012

I am working on Data Guard concepts. I have configured Data Guard which is working fine.

Now I am trying to work on script which can give me output on OS prompt if there are any archive gaps..

I tried to use few commands on a script as
sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
select * from v$archive_gap;

I am trying to run above script on OS prompt as


but I am not getting output ... I want it a way that this script should run within interval of 5 min and give output on OS prompt.

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Data Guard :: Archive Log Deletion

Mar 8, 2013

I have a RAC system with DR set-up, this is a test environment and it doesn't have any backup, why DR is required but it exist. Since this is a test a lot or archives gets generated and deleting the archives has become a daily job for this server manually.

I want have a script to delete archive logs which is in non-ASM (i.e. filesystem) after ensuring that the archive log has been applied in standby database. If this can done only by RMAN.

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Data Guard :: Detecting Archive Log Gaps?

Nov 17, 2012

I have a two node rac DB (prim and stdby) with two threads. I am trying to put together a script that will detect any gaps in the log files.

I know that MRPO only runs on one node. When I run the following query (see below) I can only see the sequence# for one of the threads.

select thread#, sequence#, process from gv$managed_standby;

---------- ---------- ---------
1 119739 MRP0

I than query my PRIM DB and subract the value from my STBY DB to see the difference (gap)

select (sequence# - &scn) from v$log where thread# = &thrd and status ='CURRENT'

Can there be gaps in more than one thread? If so, how can I see the diffences?

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Data Guard :: Archive Copied Onto DR But Not Applied?

Jul 2, 2011

We have Oracle 10G dataguard configured,

Show configuration;
Shows status "SUCCESS"

Archive log list
shows the proper archives in PROD as well as DR

But, when we check the Archive Applied ="YES" its shows result as "BLANK"

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Data Guard :: Confirm Particular Archive Log File Applied Or Not?

Aug 5, 2011

I need a clarification on the below query.

I am having a Dataguard setup as Logical.

I am copying all the archive log files generated in the live server into the local server in order to apply into the Data Guard.

I am running a script for this process.

Question:How i can verify whether particular archive log file was applied into the data guard or not.

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Data Guard :: App Archive Logs Which Come From Primary Database?

Feb 16, 2012

If my standby database is read only mode,does it can app the archive logs which come from primary database?

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Data Guard :: Setup/ Archive Destination Configuration

Mar 28, 2011

We have a request to configure data guard for databases on the production server. Here is my situation:

We have a backup strategy in place where the backups are being taken on a regular basis. Archive logs are deleted as soon as they are backed up.

My question now is , is there a way of configuring the Data guard in such a way that there would be no change to existing backup strategy (RMAN) and still duplicate the archive logs to another destination and not delete the archive logs by RMAN backup process on that destination while the first destination is deleted.

We will be deleting the logs in the second archive destination using a script which checks if the logs were applied.

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Data Guard :: Redo Archive Logs Missing

Apr 23, 2013

While Configuring Data Guard for ORacle 10g ( 64 bits on Windows 2007 Server 64 bits.I got few questions

1. What is the Default mode of Standby Database?

2. Should we Always Start Physical Standby Database to Recover Missing Redo Archive Log?

SQL> startup mount;
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 591396864 bytes
Fixed Size 2067496 bytes
Variable Size 163578840 bytes
Database Buffers 419430400 bytes
Redo Buffers 6320128 bytes
Database mounted.

SQL> alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;
Database altered.

3. When there are missing Redo Log Archives e.g.

----On Standby Database--------


------------ ---------- - ---
812980008 15 A YES
812980008 16 A YES
812980008 17 A YES
812980008 18 A YES

65 rows selected. Log 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 are missing.

How to Apply / Recover These Logs on Standby Database?

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