1. I would like to know if any of the fields are empty I would like to eliminate the comma character from the string.
2. Can I replace the comma with a new line character and what character to be used in the syntax.
I need to concatenate only columns with name starting with C and add separator between them. Is there any function do concatenate columns using separator like:
IF LENGTH(v_final_string) < 3800 THEN SELECT nvl2(v_final_string,v_final_string ||',' ,v_final_string) || temp.temp_string INTO v_final_string FROM DUAL; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('v_final_string=' || v_final_string ); ELSE EXIT; END IF;inside a loop.
But it's not concatenating. I am alwas getting empty v_final_string
We are using Oracle 11g (11.1.0).I'm not all that prolific when it comes to writing queriesI have a table...
Table1 ----------------------------------------- oid narr parent ----------------------------------------- 1 some narrative null 2 more narrative 1 3 a bit of test narrative 2
Simply put, I need a query that will recurse up through each rows parent and return the concatination of all parents and itself narrative.
Expected output ------------------------------------ some narrative more narrative some narrative a bit of test narrative more narrative some narrative
The requirement is that this is one single query as it will be called from a third party application we are using. We need this recursion and concatenation to be done on the database, as while we have control over the database queries that get executed we have no control over the internal source of this third party applications.I have been digging around for a bit, I have tried using a combination of JOINS and UNIONS but keep hitting a brick wall.
The best I could come up with is... SELECT concat(n1.narr, n2.narr) FROM table1 n1 JOIN table1 n2 ON n1.oid = n2.parent
But this only returns two lines, for oid's 2 and 3, and only concatinates with the immediate parent.
I am trying to spool the data to a file , and my query has 115 columns and out of which 20 columns have varchar2(2000). And its throwing result string concatenation too long.
I tried using to_clob function , but spool file does not show the complete result set.
I am receiving a ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long error on the following code. The size of the MNO_NOTE fields is: MNO_NOTES_1 X(2000). I'd rather not modify the DB table column size, but rather that capacity of the "notes", or whatever structure the concatenated string is stored in. Could I use the substring method?
SELECT TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(mno_date_recorded,'yyyymmdd')|| TO_CHAR(mno_time_recorded,'0009'),'yyyymmddhh24mi') AS create_date, stf_id AS create_user, RTRIM(MNO_NOTES_1)|| RTRIM(MNO_NOTES_2)|| RTRIM(MNO_NOTES_3)|| RTRIM(MNO_NOTES_4)|| RTRIM(MNO_NOTES_5)|| [code]...
Every prospect person in the prospect table are approached with a proposal. This proposal record is stored in the proposal table. Proposal is managed by many primary and proposal managers over the period of proposal. They are assigned the proposal in the assignment table. Primary managers have an assignment type 'PM' and proposal manager have a assignment type of 'PS'
i Need to make below1 and 2 changes to the script.
1-when proposal is current (proposal.active_ind = 'Y' ) then extract only currently assigned primary and proposal managers (assignment active_ind = 'Y') and these managers should be assigned after the proposal has started (assignment.start_date >= proposal.start_date )
2-when proposal is not current (proposal.active_ind = 'N' ) then extract even not curRent assigned primary and proposal managers (not use this in criteria assignment active_ind = 'Y') and these managers should be assigned only after the proposal has started (assignment.start_date >= proposal.start_date )
Primary/Proposal Manager column : Format to print as below:
All Primary managers seperated with space "/" between and all proposal managers after that and "*" at the end
For Example : Mary Steve Roger / Chris Danny Veronica * also, current script only extracts 5 primary managers and 4 proposal managers but thats ok. i can put 10 max(decode statements in the output cause i think they cannot have more than 10 managers.
I have a sql query which has around 115 columns and out of which 25 columns are of varchar2(2000) and when I run the query I get the ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long error.
I tried to use to_clob function for the columns having varchar2(2000) and if I run the sql from toad , it works fine, but when I tried to run the same query from sqlplus and spool to a file, the result doesn't come in a single line. I have tried to import the spool file to my local and open it , but still it doesn't come in a single line, the data is trucated This is how my data looks in the spool file.
1-L31OGM|Red|1|Due|Qualified|02/08/2012||02/08/2012| you are missing a message.
These are the below set options used in the query . I even tried set long 100000000 and also set longchucksize option also, I have tried with WRAP OFF and WRAP ON also ,but still it doesn't work.
get the data in a single line and using utl_file package is not an option in our project due to security reason.
i try to insert Concatenation string to my table,i need that all traps that has 12 length will be insert the new trapnum like this:
for example: 26001005CC45 = 260001005CC0045 ....... 08060027RF05 = 080600027RF0005 ......... and so....
update trap set TrapNum = ( select trim(both from to_char(substr(TrapNum,1,4),'0000'))|| trim(both from to_char(substr(TrapNum,5,1),'00'))|| trim(both from to_char(substr(TrapNum,6,3),'000'))|| substr(TrapNum,9,2)|| trim(both from to_char(substr(TrapNum,11,2),'0000')) from Trap) where length(Trapnum)=12
SYS@prod> select PLATFORM_ID, PLATFORM_NAME from v$database; PLATFORM_ID ----------- PLATFORM_NAME ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Microsoft Windows x86 64-bit [code]...
as I googled the solution does not seems to apply to my case.it very puzzling that such a short query can produce
ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long.
SELECT 'Existing Tables: ' || LISTAGG(table_name, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY table_name) tablenames FROM user_tables;
i receive the error :
ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long 01489. 00000 - "result of string concatenation is too long" *Cause: String concatenation result is more than the maximum size. *Action: Make sure that the result is less than the maximum size.
this is my plsql here to print table values i am using many utl_file.put_line statements is there any way to print all table values in a single utl_file.put_line.
Currently I have a requirement where I need to create 2 more output rows using each result row.
In my requirement I am populating charges table with types of charges, on each line item of charges, I need to apply 2 types of taxes and populate it along with the charge line item. I will be storing charges in table charges and the 2 taxes to be applied in taxes table respectively. For each row of charges, i need to apply these 2 taxes present in taxes table resulting in 3 rows output.
Once a year in the application we have a specific query that gets used a lot. It's an UPDATE that updates a single record in a single table with a few different datatypes, but the issue is happening with one of the VARCHAR2 fields. It updates one VARCHAR2(2000) and three VARCHAR2(4000) fields at the same time.
This year, 9 of the 95 times it was used resulted in one of the VARCHAR2(4000) fields as null in the database. The users would not want this field to be null and 5 of the 9 have told us they entered something (the form they're filling out is a research proposal and leaving this field empty would be pointless because it's part of the funding request, so they're not doing it). The application isn't doing it because it's not consistent. I've checked the application and these fields can't be nulled any other way.
We just found the issue so I looked back over the past years back to 2005. Last year it didn't happen at all. In 2010 it happened a handful of times. Some years there were even more times. It's not always the same field but it's always a VARCHAR2 of at least 2000 characters.
I have a lot more information but it's all just details (let me know if you need to know more). I'm wondering if there is a bug in 10g with these types of fields. I don't believe it's malicious behavior on an individual's part but I suppose that's always possible.
how to research something like this. I tried to get access to Oracle Support and the Knowledge Base I heard they have but it doesn't look like I can do that
We are using Oracle 10g, on redhat linux (version not known to me).I'm running a Perl script that reads in data from Visual FoxPro tables, creates datafiles on the fly from these FP tables, then SQL-Loader runs and uploads all the data to matching tables in Oracle.
Problem:My upload runs, but I'm not getting the data in some of the fields that I should be. It is being uploaded to the wrong fields.
I had to add more columns to the Oracle tables in order to capture the data coming from FoxPro. These columns were/are in FoxPro. In the past, they were not needed in Oracle. I was using the FILLER command in the Control files to skip these. Now they are needed in Oracle. The new columns get added to the end of the table in Oracle, so they are not in the same exact order they are in FoxPro. It is these new columns that are not getting the correct data.
I've learned in the past that I need the fields/columns in the control files to match the order they are in the FoxPro tables from which the data comes. My Question is, Does the Oracle table column order have to match the Control file column order. Like so: FoxPro table column order = control file column order = Oracle table column order
select field1,field2,field3 from Table1 union select field1,field2,field3 from table2
In the query from table2 i am getting duplicate rows, HOW can i retrieve only distinct rows...Using distinct keyword did not work...if i have to post create and insert statements for this one...
The pipe separator needs to appear only when values found in addr1 or addr2 or addr3.
WITH address AS (SELECT 'Silver Arc Plaza,' addr1,'4th Floor, 20/1, New Palasia' addr2,'Indore' addr3 FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 'Shop No. 1,Vishnu Priya Building,' addr1,'' addr2,'pune' addr3 FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 'D/7, Siddhivinayak Nagari,' addr1,'Nr. Majura Gate, Ghod dod Road,' addr2,'' addr3 FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT '' addr1,'B 4, Gold Coin Complex,' addr2,'Ahmedabad' addr3 FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT '' addr1,'' addr2,'' addr3 FROM dual) select addr1||'|'||addr2||'|'||addr3 address from address;
I'm having a bit of a problem getting the syntax of a trigger right. Unfortunately, I have no DBAs locally, I use some third party software, and for reasons beyond my understanding, I have been told to use triggers, and not stored procedures, so I'm running with it.
The set up:
STRUCTURES table: contains several columns, one of which is the unique ID column. ASSAY table: contains several rows, also with the same ID column, but can have more than one row per ID (several assays per compound). One column is XC_ASSAYS.
The idea of the trigger is basically: When a row in the ASSAYS table is updated, pull out the ID of the row, then calculate the average of the XC_ASSAYS columns for those rows, and report it to the STRUCTURES.XC_ASSAY column for that row ID.
My best attempt thus far results in compilation errors.
The resulting errors are: LINE/COL ERROR -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2/1 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored 2/190 PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended 12/0 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" when expecting
I don't understand some of the errors, such as why line 2 SQL is ignored (it seems correct?), or I'm supposed to properly terminate the trigger (I've read ; and /, but I'm getting the end-of-file errors when I do so). Tried shuffling syntax and ' or " around - and I can't get it.The body SQL works when I replace :NEW.ID with an actual variable (such as 'NMP12'), but I'm not sure how to pass the ID variable from the updated row into the body. The ID is not updated, but other columns are.
I have had a google around and can't seem to find an answer as to how do do the following Select statement. i am wanting to Select the following fields from across multiple tables.
My task is to test a field in a certain database. We shall refer to the field as ship_to. There is an algorithm for which the field ship_to is populated and higher up in the algorithm, a variable we shall call X is created. The algorith states that I should assign the variable to ship_to unless X is = -1. If X is = -1, the algorithm continues with multiple joins and assignments. What would be the best way to go about coding this solution. There are 4 individual paths. I have only described the first path, but they are similiar in structure. I was thinking of using either Case's or decodes?The field ship_to is a number. I have already created a statement to test the sum of the Target, but now I need to test the entire algorithm to see if it too sums the Target.
I have 2 questions, because they can be inter-related I am posting it in a single post. These queries are related to Oracle(PL\SQL).
1. I am trying to increase the size of a field in a table which has almost 2 million records and the query for alteration runs for almost and hour and rollsback, wondering is there a better way of doing it.
2. I have modified the size of a field in a table from Varchar2(10) to Varchar2(20), now when I tried to rollback the modification it is not letting me to change the size from Varchar2(20) to Varchar2(10). No data has been inserted after the modification.
I'm trying to select only codes from a column that are above a certain length. how would this be achieved? I've tried char_length(fieldname) > x in the where clause but i'm getting the error ORA-00904: "char_length" invalid identifier.
pgit_policy is transaction table having producer code field.
pgith_policy is history table, on that table if any endorsement passed new records created with same polh_sys_id and increment on POLH_END_NO_IDX.
I am trying to update all records of the history table but its updating only higest POLH_END_NO_IDX only. i need to update all producer code.
update pgith_policy a set a.polh_producer_code= (select b.pol_producer_code from pgit_policy b where b.pol_no=a.polh_no --and b.POL_END_NO_IDX= a.POLH_END_NO_IDX and b.POL_END_SR_NO = a.POLH_END_SR_NO and b.pol_producer_code is NOT NULL and b.pol_class_code='10') where a.polh_class_code='10' and a.polh_producer_code is null and a.polh_appr_dt between to_date('01-06-2011', 'dd-mm-yyyy') and to_date('30-06-2011', 'dd-mm-yyyy')
I am trying to add fields from an SQL server database to the EUL. We have a lot of Oracle tables and fields in the existinging EUL, and we have created a database link from the Oracle database to the SQL database. But how can I find til SQL database tables and fields in Discoverer admin?