Result Of String Concatenation Is Too Long

Jan 4, 2008

I am receiving a ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long error on the following code. The size of the MNO_NOTE fields is: MNO_NOTES_1 X(2000). I'd rather not modify the DB table column size, but rather that capacity of the "notes", or whatever structure the concatenated string is stored in. Could I use the substring method?

SELECT TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(mno_date_recorded,'yyyymmdd')||
AS create_date,
stf_id AS create_user,

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ORA-01489 - Result Of String Concatenation Is Too Long

Jul 25, 2012

I have a sql query which has around 115 columns and out of which 25 columns are of varchar2(2000) and when I run the query I get the ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long error.

I tried to use to_clob function for the columns having varchar2(2000) and if I run the sql from toad , it works fine, but when I tried to run the same query from sqlplus and spool to a file, the result doesn't come in a single line. I have tried to import the spool file to my local and open it , but still it doesn't come in a single line, the data is trucated This is how my data looks in the spool file.

1-L31OGM|Red|1|Due|Qualified|02/08/2012||02/08/2012| you are missing a message.

These are the below set options used in the query . I even tried set long 100000000 and also set longchucksize option also, I have tried with WRAP OFF and WRAP ON also ,but still it doesn't work.

SET LONG 32000

get the data in a single line and using utl_file package is not an option in our project due to security reason.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01489 - Result Of String Concatenation Is Too Long

Aug 8, 2011

my rdbms, os version

SYS@prod> select PLATFORM_ID, PLATFORM_NAME from v$database;
Microsoft Windows x86 64-bit

as I googled the solution does not seems to apply to my very puzzling that such a short query can produce

ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long.

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ORA-01489 / Result Of String Concatenation Is Too Long

Jul 30, 2013

when i run the interrogation bellow :

SELECT 'Existing Tables: ' || LISTAGG(table_name, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY table_name) tablenames FROM user_tables;

i receive the error :

ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long
01489. 00000 - "result of string concatenation is too long"
*Cause: String concatenation result is more than the maximum size.
*Action: Make sure that the result is less than the maximum size.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ERROR At Line 1 - ORA-01489 - Result Of String Concatenation Is Too Long

Aug 13, 2013

I am getting below error when i try to update in my table

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long

how to resolve this. Note :This is Update query not select query

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PL/SQL :: Result String Concatenation

Jul 11, 2012

I am trying to spool the data to a file , and my query has 115 columns and out of which 20 columns have varchar2(2000). And its throwing result string concatenation too long.

I tried using to_clob function , but spool file does not show the complete result set.

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PL/SQL :: How To Do String Concatenation

Nov 22, 2012

I am trying
IF LENGTH(v_final_string) < 3800 THEN
        SELECT nvl2(v_final_string,v_final_string
          ||',' ,v_final_string)
          || temp.temp_string
        INTO v_final_string
        FROM DUAL;
        DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('v_final_string=' || v_final_string );
      END IF;inside a loop.

But it's not concatenating. I am alwas getting empty v_final_string

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Sql Query - Insert Concatenation String To Table?

Aug 6, 2012

i try to insert Concatenation string to my table,i need that all traps that has 12 length will be insert the new trapnum like this:

for example: 26001005CC45 = 260001005CC0045 ....... 08060027RF05 = 080600027RF0005 ......... and so....

update trap set TrapNum = (
select trim(both from to_char(substr(TrapNum,1,4),'0000'))||
trim(both from to_char(substr(TrapNum,5,1),'00'))||
trim(both from to_char(substr(TrapNum,6,3),'000'))||
trim(both from to_char(substr(TrapNum,11,2),'0000')) from Trap)
where length(Trapnum)=12

but i got error ORA-01427

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Split Long String

Feb 19, 2013

how I can change this function to pass argument that length is 32676 .

create or replace TYPE "HRS_SPLIT_TBL_T" as table of varchar2(32767);

create or replace function hrs_split
p_list varchar2,
p_del varchar2 := ','
) return hrs_split_tbl_t pipelined


I got error String literal too long when execute select below

select distinct COLUMN_VALUE Tbat_latn
from table(
HRS_SPLIT( 'PER0000002,PER0000094,PER0000094,PER0000096,PER0000096,


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Update Long String Cell By SQL Command?

Jan 23, 2011

I use sqlplus in oracle (linux). I have a table and the string cell have long string . Like below :

CODEcolumn A    Column B

So, I need to edit/update the row A and the value in Column B. But the string in Column B is so long and I only need to edit one character. IF I use update command , I need to type very long string and it is easy to wrong edit .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Long String In Table By Command

Jan 23, 2011

I use sqlplus in oracle (linux).I have a table and the string cell have long string .

Like below :

column A Column B


So, I need to edit/update the row A and the value in Column B.But the string in Column B is so long and I only need to edit one character.IF I use update command , I need to type very long string and it is easy to wrong edit .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Length - String Literal Too Long

Jun 21, 2011

If i try to find length of the string with more than 4000 char in SQL Developer it throws error "ORA-01704: string literal too long". if anything i need to SET in preference.

select length('string with more than 4000 char) from dual;

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PL/SQL :: String And Result Number

Jul 9, 2012

Im trying to generate this link on my result [URL].....

materialId and materialFolderId are the results of my query.. Im not sure how to combine my results and string on my query..

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PL/SQL :: Remove Duplicate Values From Concatenated Long String Of State Codes

Dec 4, 2012

Database version:

I need to remove duplicate values from concatenated long string of state codes(comma separated). Ex: 'VA,VA,PA,PA,CT,NJ,CT,VA'. I tried following query and did not get required out put.

select regexp_replace('VA,VA,PA,PA,CT,NJ,CT,VA,CT,PA,VA,CT','([^,]*)(,1)+($|,)', '13') new_str from dual;

Define Meta-character's format in regular expression to get desired result. Out put required: VA,PA,CT,NJ (with out any duplicates).

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Semantic Technologies :: Can Bind LONG Value Only For Insert Into LONG Column

Dec 22, 2012

I got an exception when I was using sesame adapter to dump a turtle file which contains long texts as objects into oracle semantic database. The exception information is:

org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException: org.openrdf.sail.SailException: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column

ORA-06512: in line 1
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError( ...

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ORA-01461 - Can Bind LONG Value Only For Insert Into LONG Column

Sep 26, 2012

resolve problem with move lob objects ? I move table partition and lob (BLOB) from one tablespace to another :

able EBIF.APO_T_VER_DISP_ACC_RESP MOVE PARTITION have : pbeb_ap1.SYS>select partition_name , tablespace_name from dba_lob_partitions where table_name='APO_T_VER_DISP_ACC_RESP';

P1M20110901          |TD1M20110901
P1M20111001          |TMP
P1M20111101          |TMP
P1M20111201          |TMP
P1M20120101          |TD1M20120101

I used skrip to generate move :

select 'alter table '||table_owner||'.'||table_name||' MOVE PARTITION '||partition_name||' LOB('||COLUMN_NAME||') STORE AS (TABLESPACE TD_PART_RW) PARALLEL 4;'

from dba_lob_partitions where tablespace_name='TMP';

when I started loadink into dis table I get : ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column

when I recreate this table ALL work ok , but new table is not partitioned .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Concatenation On Columns

Feb 23, 2012

I have problem with query ( i'll only use DUAL table for example):


I need to concatenate only columns with name starting with C and add separator between them. Is there any function do concatenate columns using separator like:


Or I must do like this:

C1 || ',' || C2 || ',' || C3 || ',' || C4 || ',' || C5

problem is that I have 3.000+ columns in 23 different selects :/

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Recursion - Concatenation On Database?

Nov 27, 2009

We are using Oracle 11g (11.1.0).I'm not all that prolific when it comes to writing queriesI have a table...

oid narr parent
1 some narrative null
2 more narrative 1
3 a bit of test narrative 2

Simply put, I need a query that will recurse up through each rows parent and return the concatination of all parents and itself narrative.

Expected output
some narrative
more narrative some narrative
a bit of test narrative more narrative some narrative

The requirement is that this is one single query as it will be called from a third party application we are using. We need this recursion and concatenation to be done on the database, as while we have control over the database queries that get executed we have no control over the internal source of this third party applications.I have been digging around for a bit, I have tried using a combination of JOINS and UNIONS but keep hitting a brick wall.

The best I could come up with is...
SELECT concat(n1.narr, n2.narr) FROM table1 n1
JOIN table1 n2 ON n1.oid = n2.parent

But this only returns two lines, for oid's 2 and 3, and only concatinates with the immediate parent.

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Concatenation Of Fields For Output

Mar 15, 2007

I have the following fields:


I know how to concatenate them

trim(Addressln1) || ',' || trim(Addressln2) || ',' || trim(Suburb) || ',' || trim(Town) as Address

1. I would like to know if any of the fields are empty I would like to eliminate the comma character from the string.
2. Can I replace the comma with a new line character and what character to be used in the syntax.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Tricky Concatenation Of Data In One Column

Nov 26, 2010

Every prospect person in the prospect table are approached with a proposal. This proposal record is stored in the proposal table. Proposal is managed by many primary and proposal managers over the period of proposal. They are assigned the proposal in the assignment table. Primary managers have an assignment type 'PM' and proposal manager have a assignment type of 'PS'

i Need to make below1 and 2 changes to the script.

1-when proposal is current (proposal.active_ind = 'Y' ) then extract only currently assigned primary and proposal managers (assignment active_ind = 'Y') and these managers should be assigned after the proposal has started (assignment.start_date >= proposal.start_date )

2-when proposal is not current (proposal.active_ind = 'N' ) then extract even not curRent assigned primary and proposal managers (not use this in criteria assignment active_ind = 'Y') and these managers should be assigned only after the proposal has started (assignment.start_date >= proposal.start_date )

Primary/Proposal Manager column : Format to print as below:

All Primary managers seperated with space "/" between and all proposal managers after that and "*" at the end

For Example : Mary Steve Roger / Chris Danny Veronica * also, current script only extracts 5 primary managers and 4 proposal managers but thats ok. i can put 10 max(decode statements in the output cause i think they cannot have more than 10 managers.

,p.prospect_name "Prospect Name"
,pro.proposal_title "Proposal Title/Purpose"
, MAX(decode(pm_seq
,NULL)) || ' ' ||

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generate PAN Number By Concatenation Of Data From Different Tables?

Jul 11, 2011

How to generate a PAN number by concatenation of data from different tables

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Column Values Concatenation From Multiple Rows

May 30, 2013

I am currently doing column values concatenation from multiple rows and then removing duplicates as in the following example:

SQL> select pid
2 , regexp_replace(ltrim(sentence), '([A-Za-z0-9]+,)1+', '1')
3 from ( select pid
4 , seq
5 , sentence
6 from b
7 model
8 partition by (pid)
9 dimension by (seq)

but for some reason regexp_replace does not seem to work with clob and I get:

ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB
00932. 00000 - "inconsistent datatypes: expected %s got %s"

Is it possible to eliminate duplicates in the model before the concatenation?

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ORA-02085 - Database Link String Connects To String

Jun 19, 2012

I have this error (and solution):

ORA-02085: database link string connects to string

Cause: a database link connected to a database with a different name. The connection is rejected.

Action: create a database link with the same name as the database it connects to, or set global_names=false.
Where should I set global_names=false ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Whether Exact String Is Present / Not In Given String

Mar 14, 2013

I'm facing some problem even after using INSTR function in Oracle.The problem is I have written the logic in the PL/SQL block which appends all the values fetched in a loop on the basis of whether the string is present or not.

For ex:

The first value fetched from the select query first is ABCDEFG which gets appended to a variable
The next value fetched is AB even this has to be appended to the variable since this exactly doesn't match with ABCDEFG.
The next value fetched is BCDEF even this has to be appended to the variable since this exactly doesn't match with ABCDEFG.
The third Value fetched is ABCDEFG this will not get appended presently according to the logic which is correct.

writing that piece of code to append the value fetched which doesn't exactly match with the existing string

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How To Use String Buffer Instead Of String Query

May 9, 2008

show an ex to use string buffer for select statemnt

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Long Raw To BLOB

Sep 17, 2013

I need to migrate data which is present in long raw into BLOB.Can i just use TO_LOB(FIELD_NAME) or i've to something else?..

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ORA-00972 / Identifier Is Too Long

Feb 5, 2009

I am attempting to run a query to pull some data to fill a data request. However I keep getting the following error, "ERROR at line 1:ORA-00972: identifier is too long."

from TREFCM, trefrc, treffs


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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-00972 / Identifier Is Too Long

Jul 14, 2012

SQL> alter system "_allow_level_without_connect_by"=true scope=spfile;
alter system "_allow_level_without_connect_by"=true scope=spfile
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00972: identifier is too long

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How Long Will It Take To Get Download Link

Mar 24, 2011

i just bought the oracle scripts from rampant. any know how long will it take for me to get the download link. for these scripts...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Blob To Long Raw Conversion

Dec 19, 2010

I have a problem i need to convert a blob column contains pic file to long row

i had many tries but no one succeeded

Source table | destination table
id number | id number
img blob | img long raw

1 - INSERT INTO destination table SELECT id , img FROM Source table WHERE ROWNUM < 2

i have this error ORA-22835 Buffer too small for CLOB to CHAR or BLOB to RAW conversion (actual: 146092, maximum: 2000)

2 - INSERT INTO destination table SELECT id , dbms_lob.SUBSTR(img,0,2000) FROM Source table WHERE ROWNUM < 2

now errors but the lengh is 0 (i have no file )

What can i Do

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