Clusterware :: Fail Safe Virtual IP?

Jul 3, 2012

I have a Windows 2008 R2 SP1 2 node active/passive cluster with fail safe 3.4.2 installed. I also have 11G database software installed. My problem is I am unable to successsfully add an oracle virtual IP to the oracle group within fail safe. I receive the below error when I try. I need to get this resolved so that I can add my databases to the cluster.

Oracle Fail Safe Manager

FS-10890: Oracle Services for MSCS failed during the create operation
FS-11220: Failed to create the virtual address
FS-10012: Failed to bring the cluster resource Network Name HHVHAVELP01 online. Check the Windows event log for messages.
FS-10726: Resource Network Name HHVHAVELP01 is in a failed state

I don't see any message in the event log when I check...

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Bring Down The Databases In Oracle Fail Safe Environment?

Jun 28, 2013

How can we bring down the databases in oracle fail safe environment?

We have one database X in two server�s windows A & B with oracle fail safe environment.
What procedure should we fallow to bring down the database X.

Today I was strangling to bring down the database because database was automatically coming up once brought down the database. what procedure should we follow to bring down the database in OFS environment.

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Oracle RAC Private Connection Fail

Feb 7, 2013

I would like to know that when the private network in oracle rac down, which is the preferable node in the cluster (cluster of 2 nodes) to takeover the cluster.

Can I set/get the failover policy to point to one node in the cluster?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Virtual IP For Oracle 11gr2 Cluster?

Sep 8, 2012

I created Virtual Private Network for VIP and subnet is I need VPN subnet as How to i create

INS-40911:      Ensure that nodes in the list are up and reachable, and ensure that the node addresses are all in the same subnet.

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Virtual Box Bridged Adapter Not Working

Jul 10, 2013

I have just installed Virtual Box 4.2.16 for Windows hosts to my Windows 7 laptop. I created virtual machine and installed Oracle Linux 6.4. Now I want to have this virtual Linux OS on the existing network. My Windows 7 is part of this network.

Let's say, my Windows 7 machine's IP address is I want to set to this virtual Linux OS and make it ping able from both way (host - guest). To do this, I used Bridged Adapter. I selected Intel(R) 82567LM Gigabit Network Connection. I believe this is LAN adapter of my actual host machine. Then also I setup network to the virtual Linux OS, such as static IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. Then I rebooted the virtual machine. 

Now, any machines on the network, including my Windows 7 host machine, can ping to my virtual Linux OS (, but from virtual Linux OS can't ping to any machine on the network, except for default gateway. Also from virtual Linux I can't get to the Internet via Fire Fox browser.

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Server Utilities :: Safe To Kill Full DB Export?

Jan 7, 2011

We started a full db export using exp, and we need to kill it. Is it "safe" to do so? Killing it won't affect the database in any way, right?

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/exp system/xxxxxx BUFFER=140000 FULL=Y FILE=/export/<sid>.exp VOLSIZE=2000M GRANT

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DDL Statements Fail Or Not When DML Active?

Dec 9, 2011

DDL statements automatically end with COMMIT the user transactions in which they appear. Foe example:

create table mytable01 (i integer);
insert into mytable01
select 1 from dual;
create table mytable02 (i integer);

After all three statements are executed, data are committed in mytable01.

In the Oracle DB server SQL guide we read:

"DDL commands, such as TRUNCATE, will fail if there is any DML command active on the table. A transaction will block the DDL command until the DML command is terminated with a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK."

But I executed the following without any problem:

create table mytable (i integer);
insert into mytable
select 1 from dual;
update mytable
set i = 2;
alter table mytable add (j integer);

So where's the truth? Are DDL statements blocked when they refer to an active object accessed from a DML or not?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Fail While Validating Email ID

Jul 3, 2012

I am creating function for validating email id :

create or replace function f_is_valid_email(p_email in varchar2) return varchar2 is

if REGEXP_LIKE(p_email, '^[a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+.{1}[a-zA-Z]$') then
return 'success';
RETURN 'Failure' ;
end f_is_valid_email;

But this function fail when

i did
SELECT f_is_valid_email('') from dual
SELECT f_is_valid_email('') from dual

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Server Utilities :: EXP / IMP Getting Fail?

Oct 23, 2011

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Import: Release - Production on Mon Oct 24 08:45:48 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.


IMP-00058: ORACLE error 12154 encountered
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully

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Networking And Gateways :: Connect Time Fail Over?

Mar 12, 2010

I would like to implement connect time fail over from my JDBC thin client. The client will try to first connect with dedicated connection mode, if the connection time crosses more than two seconds, then connection will be opened with shared mode. To implement this, I have put the following connection string in my JDBC URL. I am able to connect to database with this URL, however it seems fail over does not work. Is it because, my database listener is not configured with dynamic service registration. If I implement the dynamic service registration, is fail over going to work? Note, I want to fail over in the same database instance but with different listener.



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Forms :: WebUtil.cfg DLLs Fail To Download

Jul 14, 2011

I have set up a number of other developers on the team, using the same configuration setup which performs without error. We have the ORCALE Forms on our local PC, and have been testing them successfully.

We are using Forms Version, Oracle Database 10g Release, OS is Windows XP Pro SP3

We are currently using JInitiator, but will be using the Java plug in in a later release of our code. I have been making code modifications and testing for a number of months on the PC. To log into our application the dlls must first be downloaded onto the client PC from the web server. Tuesday morning a problem occured. I had modified the to get the DLLs to download again in assisting another developer in researching a problem he was having. Now the three files jacob.dll, d2kwut60.dll, JNIsharedstubs.dll fail to download at all, causing an error almost from the start in the application. The download dialog box does not display for these nor are they found then in the or JInitiator directory.

The user DLL's dds_lFileUtil.dll, dds_lcac.dll, DDS_lExtProc.dll download successfully, but the fails to update for the third dll, causing the missing dll to continue to download upon each time the application starts. This is evident from the download dialog box being visible, and the dll being found in the JInitiator directory.

I have read that you should be able to copy the DLL to the correct directory (JInitiator directory) and manually update the and then the functionality should work. However this is not true for us, the functionality still fails to log in successfully.

I included the WebUtil file below with commented lines removed for ease of reading. The formsweb.cfg is pointing to the env which points to the WebUtil.cfg correctly.

We are administrators on our PC's.

The questions:
1) Why are jacob.dll, d2kwut60.dll, JNIsharedstubs.dll failing to download?
2) Why is the third file not being written to the

# ----------------------------------------------------------
# webutil.cfg - WebUtil configuration file
# ----------------------------------------------------------

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Query Fail With Error - Missing Right Parenthesis

Feb 17, 2010

my update query seems to fail with error

ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis

Below is my test case:

create table t1(
sn varchar2(30),
inv_org number);
create table s1(
sn varchar2(30),
trx_date date,
inv_org number);


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Enterprise Manager :: Client V9.2.0 Fail When Access Oracle Database 8.1.7?

May 12, 2010

behaviour of oracle enterprise manager. i want to edit a table of a database. after i clicked on the table the oem crashes without any messages - simply disappearing.

i installed oracle9i release2 V9. windows client and want to access an oracle8i V8.1.7 server on linux.

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Networking And Gateways :: Connection Fail Two Database With Identical Sid Name On Different Hosts

Feb 18, 2013

My production database server is cloned for test environnement . I kept the same name of SID for both environnement but on different hosts.

I got error when try to connect to test database : TNS:protocol adapter error.

Below the the TNSNAMES.ORA files:

----- production host ---

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = asus-sol)(PORT = 1521))


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Data Guard :: Right Steps To Perform Failover In Case Primary Database Gets Fail

Jan 10, 2011

i have Oracle 10g data guard set up on windows environment.....i need to know the what are the right steps to perform failover in case the primary database gets fail.

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PL/SQL :: Virtual Column In 11g?

Aug 19, 2013

I m migrating from 10g to 11g.I have doubt on virtual column.whether function based index and virtual column are same? if no means what difference between then.What are difference in their performance??

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Connect To DB On Virtual Box Using Toad?

Sep 27, 2013

Im getting this error when trying to connect toad to my test database using virtualbox. This is my first time trying to do this on a Mac as well:

java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection

The settings in toad are correct as far as host, port #, and sid. My listener is up, and it is registered with the database. My tnsnames.ora file is correct. No firewall. I can ping my virtualbox from my local machine. I placed my tnsnames.ora file on my local machine, and tried to connect that way as well. I have no clue what else the Network adapter is looking for.

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Windows :: OEL Installation Using VM Virtual BOX On Win 8

Feb 5, 2013

I have a new laptop with windows 8 installed. I tried installing Oracle Virtual Box. But I am unable to install OEL on top of that. How to do installations on Windows 8. If so, what are the compatible versions of OEL and Virtual Box?

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Installation :: Fail To Start OCR And OS / Error When Start OracleCSService

Jun 5, 2012

I'm trying to install Oracle 10g Enterprise Ed. (on Windows 2003 Std. Ed) and I get some errors:

First “Fail to start OCR” I press "continue" and the installation continue. Next “Operative System Error when start OracleCSService” and when I press "continue" the installation finish.

At the end of installation, It seems like Oracle DB is Ok, but not really...I can't connect to database from Enterprise Manager and the OracleCSService is in "Starting mode".

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Testing 9i On Virtual Machine Under RHEL 4.8

Sep 1, 2010

I work as a Sys. Admin. for several RHEL 3.8 servers, most of them are clusters of 2 machines. All these servers are running Oracle database. They are running fine on a separate filesystem. So everytime the system has to be formatted for some particular reason, there is no need to re-install the database.

I am trying to make some tests by running the same filesystem containing the oracle database in a fresh Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.8 X86_64 Install. This task has become impossible, and I'm not quite sure why.

I installed all the compat- packages required for a fresh oracle 9 install in a RHEL4 machine, but at the time of stating the STARTUP sentence, it gives me the next error:

CMCLI ERROR: OpenCommPort: connect failed with error 2.
CMCLI ERROR: OpenCommPort: connect failed with error 2.
CMCLI ERROR: OpenCommPort: connect failed with error 2.
CMCLI ERROR: OpenCommPort: connect failed with error 2.
CMCLI ERROR: OpenCommPort: connect failed with error 2.

After this error (repeated) it says something like: Cannot start an already running database.... But if i stat a shutdown sentence, it says that the instance has not been initialized....

I don't know whether i have to re-install all the oracle software in order to make a clean install in the new kernel version or not, i tried to apply a patch, and the oracle installer recognized the installation i had.

I think it might be because the original system is configured to work as a cluster, and i'm running it on only a virtual machine.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01733 - Virtual Column Not Allowed Here

Nov 23, 2011

Does know why I am getting ORA-01733- virtual column not allowed here Following :

insert into empl(EMP_ID)


ORA-01733- virtual column not allowed here

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Can Index Be Created On Virtual Column?

May 17, 2011

what my issue is with this virtual column

col1 VARCHAR2(30 BYTE),


Lastly, can an index be created on a virtual column? I am thinking no since it calculated?

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Security :: Virtual Private Database

Aug 25, 2012

I am having one table Where,different country names are stored. while viewing data, I have to make sure that if country name having "USA" can only view its data. How can i do at DB level without passing where clause. Is Virtual Database in this case?

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Production Oracle DB 11g On Virtual Server

Apr 25, 2013

We just got a new Dell R720 server that will host our Oracle DB. The server hasn't even been turned on yet but we know that the load on the server will be very low for a long time.

One of our problems is that we need to run a VERY important application. Since it is not very resource consuming compared to it's importance we chose to run it on a not so new Xeon 5110 1.60 GHz - 4GB RAM server. He said it's not a good idea and that we should buy a new server. (money is very low)

The software vendor suggested to virtualize our R720 server, host a vm running our database, and along with it other smaller machines like the one I described above. I suggested the use of Oracle VM, Oracle Linux for the database host and transforming the physical servers servers in VM with P2V.

Our IT Manager didn't like that, he said that it's not recommended to run a database on a virtual machine. But our software vendor said that many of their clients run their solution this way.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy

Mar 31, 2012

I created policy as follow.

object_schema => 'scott',
object_name => 'orders_tab',
policy_name => 'orders_policy',
function_schema => 'nisadmin_vpd',
policy_function => 'get_user_orders',
statement_types => 'select');

After the creation of this policy for the table when I select the table Orders_tab then getting the below error.

ORA-00904: "ORA_ROWSCN": invalid identifier

When I dropped this policy then I can see the records of Order_tab table.

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Windows :: Oracle 10g On Virtual Machine 2003 X64

Jul 9, 2010

Does already installed Oracle 10g ( on a windows 2003 server x64? Do you notice strange behaviors, any errors after the installation?

Does already installed Oracle 10g on a windows virtual machine? Are there any prerequisites?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Using One EC2 Machine To Host Several Linux VMs Using Virtual Box

Dec 22, 2010

How to get a RAC running in an EC2 environment?

It isn't possible to use one EC2 machine for each RAC node because EC2 can't handle the virtual IPs, but I had thought that I could use one EC2 machine to host several Linux VMs using Virtual Box (the same way that I use Virtual Box on a Windows host). But I can't get Virtual Box working on EC2. The only relevant advice I can find on this is comments to the effect that running any virtualization product with a Xen machine as host is not a good idea.

I do realize that this isn't a 100% Oracle question, but if set up a RAC on an Amazon Cloud machine,

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PL/SQL :: How To Calculate Values And Display To Virtual Column

Mar 12, 2013

How I can build a query with conditions and calculations? E.g. I've got this table

Start          | End     |     Working Place     |     Mandatory
01-JAN-13 | 11-JAN-13 |     Office           |          1
14-JAN-13 | 25-JAN-13 |     Home Office      |     0
04-MRZ-13| 15-MRZ-13 |     Office           |          0
11-FEB-13 | 22-FEB-13 |     Office           |          1

Now if column working place=Office and column mandatory=0
the new column "price" has to calculate: (End-Start)* $25.00
and if working place=Office and column mandatory=1
the "price" column has to calculate: (End-Start)* $20.60
else $0.00

I tried it with the case statement but I didn't know how to calculate my values and display it to the virtual column "price".

Something like
when Working_Place = 'Office' and Mandatory=1
then ...
else '0.00'
end as PRICE

Or is it not possible?

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RAC & Failsafe :: Two Node - Configuration On Oracle Virtual Box

Mar 27, 2013

I am configuring two node RAC on oracle virtual box. Did its mandatory to configure DNS on both nodes before Rac installation? Whats the purpose of DNS in RAC. And if its mandatory did i have to configure DNS on each node separately?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Physical Into Virtual

Jul 27, 2012

I have a physical server that I just virtualized. The virtualized server has data from a month ago, the physical server is on a productive environment.

This means that both servers has the same objects but data.

I need to import data to virtualized server from physical server.

I have used EXP command with the FULL=Y option. Same for IMP on virtualized server. The problem with this is that I receive several constraint errors.

The Oracle Server 9i version is installed on both servers. Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard for both too.

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