I am getting below error while connecting to sqlplus.
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Mar 22 12:47:48 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. ERROR: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00201: identifier 'DBMS_OUTPUT.DISABLE' must be declared ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
Executed the below scripts but it didnt resolve the issue, whereas some of the SYS objects and catproc got invalid...
dbmsotpt.sql dbmsapin.sql
Now even after reexecuting the catproc.sql and utlrp...Sys objects and the catproc status is still INvalid.
I tried to manually compile the sys objects, but it didnt work.
how to go about making the SYS objects and catproc VALID and resolve the error which i mentioned above.
I want to know what is the difference between the file catproc that we run after creation of the database in the Oracle 9i,10g and 11g r2. I have run that file in 11g R2 but it is taking more time and more over there are many new things that i saw in 11g R2 than what were there in 9i and 10g.
I have written make files that compile .pc files in unix. This was for several projects that use an oralib source code directory.Just running proc on one target .pc file works fine on unix. I am trying to use proc - Oracle 10.2.0 - in windows and I keep getting:
Quote:unable to open include file #include <stdio.h> and other C library headers.
I am doing all development under cygwin, this way I can write a makefile just like under unix instead of using nmake.All C library headers are in /usr/include When I run proc on Solaris as that:
proc program.pc No problems, and I do get program.c.
However in windows I get the previous error message. I have tried to do proc include=/user/include program.pc and proc include=/user/include parse=full program.pc but I still get the same error message.
How after a re-catalog of an archivelog, RMAN knows that the archivelog will be needed and in the right order?
If the re-catalog and subsequent crosscheck has changed the path of the archivelog will RMAN ignore the path and just recognize the archivelog name and format?
error creating db ORACLE error from recovery catalog database ORA-01552: cannot use system rollback segment for non-system tablespace 'TS' ORACLE error from recovery catalog database:ORA-00942:table or view doesnt exist
Is possible use the TSPITR recovery with a database not cataloged in a RC (Recovery Catalog)? ... Using only the control file? I am trying but seems not possible...
Including order number, name and contact details (email, address, telephones) of customer and date the order was placed, order including product code, quantity ordered and cost charged; and Data on each product in the catalog including product code, name, description, unit price and category.
user to input information n number of order items (where 1 ≤ n ≤ 20) as parameters
I want to use rman to restore all my control files, I just did a level 0 incremental backup and ran the following script.
My control files seem to be put back in the correct spot and suggest a way I can restore only my control files and have everything in sync with my datafiles.
New to oracle FAQ. I'm interested in oracle, waiting to explore more Technic's in 10g with a proper guidance. Hope i'm in the right place.Here is my question.
I need steps for configuring rman cloning with catalog & without catalog.were in prod db the source is in /u01 & in auxiliary db the client want in /u05. how to do it. here i have recreate control file or not
starting full resync of recovery catalog RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03002: failure of allocate command at 02/18/2013 05:00:06 RMAN-03014: implicit resync of recovery catalog failed RMAN-03009: failure of full resync command on default channel at 02/18/2013 05:00:06 ORA-02291: integrity constraint (REPOSDB.ORL_F1) violated - parent key not found
we have a cluster of two nodes having oracle 11G R2 and another single instance server where RMAN is configured and this is backup server.i have created the service between the the target database and backup server and they are working fine i.e tnsping work fine at both sites.Now i have physical backup scripts written at one of cluster node and scripts run at crontab. The backup include full_backup , archive backup etc.
Now all physical backups work fine that is connecting RMAN and then catalog and then complete the backup but the full_backup do not connect catalog and throw this error that it do not know the SID in the connect descriptor. the tnsping output (from target ) is as followed fedb112 # tnsping bkp
TNS Ping Utility for Solaris: Version - Production on 24-JAN-2012 14:11:45 Copyright (c) 1997, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved. Used parameter files:
Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
in above scripts " connect catalog rcowner/rcowner@bkp " do not connect while i have other two scripts for incremental backup and archival backup, have the same code but they connect successfully and this one do not
now i run lsnrctl status at backup server , as follows
LSNRCTL for Solaris: Version - Production on 24-JAN-2012 13:49:44
Copyright (c) 1991, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=10.x.x.x)(PORT=1521))) STATUS of the LISTENER ------------------------ Alias LISTENER
why it do not connect to RMAN catalog and use control file instead for backup
We are having 2 DB's on separate servers but both the DB is having same DBID and NAME. Also both the backup is planned to execute from one rman catalog DB.
Will the catalog DB confuse, when we execute backup for both the DB at same.
Database version : Applications R12 (12.1.3) Operating system : Redhat linux 5.5
I would like to know how to create recovery catalog database to acheive rman backups as control file will not keep backup info longer. This is for our production database what are the requirements before doing so and what happens to configure retension policy to recovery window.
Initially plan of taking backup to disk and later moving backups to tape device
When we run a backup of a database [oracle7.3.4.5] using EBU [] on Solaris 7, error message appears:
Statement processed. BFS in progress "1134684df1de4a" cancelled on 10-JUN-2011 11:05:34 BFS in progress "1134694df1de4a" cancelled on 10-JUN-2011 11:05:35
Ending backup to tape
This backup spawns archive sequence numbers 1731 to 1731 This backup comprises SCN 8725981 to 8725802 EBU-2003: Job 24267 failed due to an internal error on 10-JUN-2011 11:05:52 [ 7178 : brcdodbfil ] [cod]....
In EBU catalog, are registered 2 databases with the same name but different hosts.
I have one database which is fully restored from client backup (RMAN). Database was up and running perfectly. By mistake I have deleted one schema/user and its tablespace using drop command. I have RMAN backup so want to restore that schema's datafile from the backup but when I run below statement it throwing error :
run { allocate channel c1 device type disk ; set newname for datafile 45 to '/ora/oradata/JSIP1/data.dbf'; RESTORE datafile 45; switch datafile 45; recover datafile 45; SQL ' alter database datafile 45 online ' ; } RMAN-20201: datafile 45 not found in recovery catalog
or If I go and try to restore the tablespace of that schemas using below block it throws error:
run { allocate channel c1 device type disk ; RESTORE TABLESPACE DATA; RECOVER TABLESPACE DATA; SQL 'ALTER TABLESPACE DATA ONLINE'; } RMAN - 20202 Tablespace not found in the recovery catalog RMAN -06019 could not transalate tablespace name "DATA"
how to restored drop users and tablespace data from the RMAN backup.
We have production database and standby database in 11g.
Production db server is taking care by different team even I don't have any access of the production server and I am responsible only for standby server. As of now everything is working fine except database backup on standby server because standby server is not register in catalog.
How to register standby server in catalog for RMAN backup?
On production server i have the production database and i have another instance for recovery catalog database.and on DR server i have only one instance for production database .In the scenario of recovery,
- i did export for recovery catalog user - i have latest rman backup for production database
On the DR server as i mention up , i have only on instance , my question is , i need to create another instance for recovery catalog user to import it ? or on the same target database on DR i can import the recovery catalog ?
I want to remove matching dbid's from the rman catalog without compromising te integrity of the catalog. I do however know a single way of removing them and its using the dbid and db_key which in my case are not not unique. The funny thing is they've running normally for a year now.
How to restore database if rman catalog corrupted and we we dont have bacup of catalog db ..all the backup info are stored in catalog db for prod databases.
I started restoring and testing all the backups. So far I did good and I wanted to restore and test in different host. I couldn't find any online documentation regarding restore full back up in a new different server (With same OS and same version of Oracle) without RMAN catalog database.
The customer wants the RMAN recovery catalog database to be highly available so that none of the RMAN database backup jobs are impacted at the time of taking the database backups. There are are 200+ databases running on OEL, RHEL and Windows. So we planned to host the recovery catalog database on Oracle Active DataGuard Enterprise Edition on RedHat EL 5.8 version on two physical servers.
The Primary Instance will be in one server in the Primary DC and the Standby Instance will be on another server in another DC. Also all the database datafiles are hosted in ASM Diskgroups on SAN (DATA, FRA, REDO, ARCH diskgroups). Are there any specific RPM/patch/OS user custom/specific settings or configurations needed..?