Bring Record To Top Without Changing Ascending Order Of Dep-id?
Jul 18, 2010
i have a table named employees in which there are 2 columns dep_id and name. One record having name as annie has dep_id=null .
When i arrange the records of the table in ascending order using order by dep_id the record with name annie and dep_id is placed in the last because null is consired largest. How can I bring that record to the top without changing the ascending order of the dep_id.
I have migrated from Oracle 8i (8.1.7) to Oracle 10g, but when I execute a query in 8i without any order by clause, I get a result in ascending order. The same query when executed in 10g gives a result which is not ordered. How to get an order result in 10g. There are many forms and reports which use lov which are not ordered. Can I set the ordering at the database, so that I do not have to alter all the forms and reports.
I have also migrated my forms from 5 to 6, but the combo box in some forms in 6i do not appear at run time. How I can solve this problem. I have attached an forms5 .fmb file/.
Does ascending index ensures that query without order by will have the result set sorted?
E.g. the query is
select * from table_t where odm_type='I' and odm_uid>nvl(OpUidParm,-1); column odm_type has index created like this (default is ASC): create index ODM_UID_I on table_t (ODM_UID);
Will such a query always return the first record having the minimal odm_uid in all Oracle versions?
i have a table test on 4 different-different database, at the starting structure is same in all the database. and now i want to change the datatype of the primary key column named "testid" , then i add a temp column in test table (and it is added at the last in table).
i have copied the data of testid in temp column and renamed it as testid and i dropped the testid column , then the problem is that primary key column will comes at last and i want to make it like previous position so that there will not be any difference in all 4 database as in structure.
is it possible to changing column order as our desire without dropping the table?and i made all the script to changing the datatype of primary key column.
Order OrderID Status OrderItems OrderID EAN Amount Store EAN Amount
now,I need trigger that will on updating table Order and changing status to "GoodsReceived" increase amounts in Store according to values in OrderItems.
create or replace trigger order_received_trigger before update on Order for each row begin if (:old.status=4 and :new.status=1) then /* select ean, sum(amount) from OrderItems where OrderID=:old.OrderID group by ean; */ end if; end;
but now i dont know how to apply that select on table Store.
How to avoid sort operation by an order by clause without changing the sort area size.what hints or changes should be done in query so that order by clause work faster.
I have 2 record groups names RG1,RG2 , I attached RG1 record group to LOV1 at design time,I want to change the record group RG1 to RG2 for LOV1 at run time.
I am working on forms 6i, ebs 11i and data base 9i. I have below requirement to achieve.
I want to create a lov for a column called 'FORM'.
I have lookup for this as follows
lookup code meaning description
in the description, it's value set name.
I am manually checking the value set name and writing static record group.
Right now, i have static record group for this like below.
select ffvv.flex_value "FORM" from fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs,fnd_flex_values_vl ffvv where ffvs.flex_value_set_id=ffvv.flex_value_set_id and ffvs.flex_value_set_name='XXSMCINV_FORM' order by flex_value;
It's working fine.
But in the lookup, they can add one more FORM like below.
Now i have to change the record group query manullay like below.
select ffvv.flex_value "FORM" from fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs,fnd_flex_values_vl ffvv where ffvs.flex_value_set_id=ffvv.flex_value_set_id and ffvs.flex_value_set_name='XXSMCINV_FORM' order by flex_value; UNION select ffvv.flex_value "FORM" from fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs,fnd_flex_values_vl ffvv where ffvs.flex_value_set_id=ffvv.flex_value_set_id and ffvs.flex_value_set_name='XXSMCINV_FORM1' order by flex_value;
Is there anyway i can make this automatic whenever they add new FORM lookup.
Is this possible to achieve using dynamic record group.
I have to find the next EMP whose MAX_SQUENCE needs to be updated with a sequence. In this case the next would be '010' I fetched the EMP who falls after the max value of the column max_sequence in order of EMPCODE.
select emp_next from ( SELECT emp,max_sequence, LEAD(emp, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY emp) AS emp_next from test_emp_wip where wip > 0 ) where max_sequence=(select max(max_sequence) from test_emp_wip where wip > 0) EMP_NEXT 010 After sometime, the record would look like :-
I have data block that has hundreds of records. On a screen I display 20 records at a time. On that same screen I have "find badge" function where user types badge/employee id and presses a button to find the record in a data block. I have no problem finding the records in a list and pointing the curser to appropriate record. My question is (which is a user request) if the badge/employee id is found to make that record to be the first record in a list.
How can I Sort Ascending or Descending of Last Total Column of Matrix Report R6i i.e. F_SumsalPerempno, summing total salary of each empno at end of each row.
I need the employee paid highest amount of total salary during the year to appear on first row, while months to display as per original order.
Any problem using 4.2's One Level Tabs - Content Frame page where you have a parent region (of type content frame Body Container ) while number of child regions (of type Hide & Show Region - Borderless ), if you want to re-order them by changing the sequence, it has no effect when you run the page.
The regions still show in the same order top to bottom as it did before the update of sequences. Heading links (to show/hide child regons in content frames) has the same ordering as before.
what is missing in this pfile that would cause enterprise manager not to appear ?
In the Oracle Database 10g: Administration Workshop II The chapter 8 excercise calls for the database to be started using the pfile init_sgalab.ora . The purpose of this I suppose is to simulate a memory error.
When I get to the part where I need to use OEM to fix the problem, OEM does not come up. The contents of init_sgalab.ora are : -------------------------------------------- background_dump_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/bdump' compatible='' control_files='/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/control01.ctl','/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/control02.ctl','/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl /control03.ctl' core_dump_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/cdump' db_block_size=8192 [code].......
I am not sure what is missing in this file to be able to bring up OEM.
Also, I looked at the logs and this is the only error message I found that might be relevant in
We came in this morning with one of the servers down. After bringing it back up and checking the alert log, the only indicators that something was wrong were the hundreds of ora_01403 and the resulting trace files that were created.
The trc files for the most part indicated 'knpssamsg encountered 1304; end of error statck dumped in slave;' date and time and service name being sys$users.
How can we bring down the databases in oracle fail safe environment?
We have one database X in two server�s windows A & B with oracle fail safe environment. What procedure should we fallow to bring down the database X.
Today I was strangling to bring down the database because database was automatically coming up once brought down the database. what procedure should we follow to bring down the database in OFS environment.
I have to write a sub query / build a logic for the below.
There are several accounts which should have a zero balance i.e sum of all the amoutns in that account should be zero. If they are non zero , i have to report which amounts make up non zero balance.
If i have amts as +20 , -20 , -30,-10 i.e the sum is -40 indicating a non zero amount. I need the entire details of the records which makes up non zero sum. So in above case details related to -30 aand -10.
I'm using a sum group clause on several fields at which sum is required to be checked ie. date , account , currency . query that will bring individual records that don't make the sum zero.
Is it possible to write a outer query which will bring individual records which don't sum up to zero.
Name Null Type --------------------------- -------- ------------- RPTNO NOT NULL NUMBER RPTDATE NOT NULL DATE RPTD_BY NOT NULL VARCHAR2(25) PRODUCT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER
describe rptbody
Name Null Type ------------- -------- ------------- RPTNO NOT NULL NUMBER LINENO NOT NULL NUMBER COMMENTS VARCHAR2(240) UPD_DATE DATE
The fact is that we store some header in RPTHEAD and store real data in RPTBODY, the question is that if I use below SQL to query all data for a 'PRODUCT_ID'.
SELECT t0.LINENO, t0.COMMENTS, t0.RPTNO, t0.UPD_DATE FROM RPTBODY t0 , RPTHEAD rpthead WHERE ( t0.RPTNO = rpthead.RPTNO AND t0.UPD_DATE>=to_date('1970/01/01 00:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD hh24:mi:ss') AND rpthead.PRODUCT_ID IN ('4647') )
I do not want to have 'ORDER by' clause since data set is too large, the sorting takes long time, is there any way to get the result rows in the order sorted by RPTNO? We have the index for RPTNO on RPTBODY.
I am loading data file using SQL Loader in TOAD in Oracle 10g using the control file below and loading data into 2 tables post1.thead and post1.tdetl. THEAD contains item level transaction and TDETL is detail level when a transaction has a discount or promo attached to for that item. When the
A particular THEAD value may have 0, 1 or many TDETL corresponding values.below is a sample data file. When the position 21 in the TTAIL has a value of 1 or 2, then we know that there is a promo or discount applicable to the ITEM (THEAD).
What I want to acheive is to accurately reflect a TDETL to its corresponding THEAD, as both THEAD and TDETL are loaded into separate tables. How can we have the 2 records correlated?
I have a table which contains the multiple records for single ID No. Now i have to select single record which contains the latest date. here is the structure Name
Null Type ------ ---- ------------ ID_P NUMBER NAME_P VARCHAR2(12) DATE_P TIMESTAMP(6) Records---------------------1 loosi 22-AUG-13 PM1 nammi 26-AUG-13 PM2 kk 22-AUG-13 PM2 thej 26-AUG-13 PM
now i have to select below 2 rows how can write select qurie for this?
I have a fairly standard Purchase Order form which contains pre-loaded data (been uploaded from an XML file).When the Purchase Order is processed, the form updates a Price History table only if the Price on the PO_Details changes.The code for updating the price history table is contained in a PRE_UPDATE trigger on the PO_Details Data Block.
No other data changes on the PO_Details table.I now want to change this so that the Price History table is updated even if the price does not change i.e I want to create a history record for each record on the PO_Details irrespective of whether it was updated or not.
Is there an alternative trigger that I can move my code to (ie move it from PRE_UPDATE) to some other trigger that is fired for each PO_Details record even if there is no change.
I need to create a query that returns record by record a field qty_progr with the cumulate qty considering previous records. The result should be the following:
I have been implementing a script to change a lot of data in a database production.Because of this the database will be 100% dedicated to the execution of that script, in the sense that nothing else will be running in this period (the application will be stopped).
what can i do to improve performance of that execution? is there any oracle manual online for this type of problem? I do not know if it's possible, but I'm thinking of things like disabling locking mechanism (if possible I could run instead of a process many processes in parallel), disabling index growing (during the process), disabling constraints.
I have a table in which years are stored in the form '2008/2009'. This is making it very difficult for me to do any calculations on that field and so I was wondering if there was a way to change the years (in a query and not in the actual table) so that if the year was '2008/2009' I would have just '2009'.
I created a table of Number(20,4) column. I inserted an amount value 999999999999999.5555 but this value is rounded off to 1000000000000000.0000 automatically in Oracle. How to avoid this? I tried for less number of digits and I am getting the exact value. Is there any way to get the exact value without changing the datatype?
I am struggling with the ORA_ROWSCN pseudocolumn. (Oracle version is 11g). I am aware that without ROWDEPENDANCIES set on the tables, the SCN of a row is in reality that of the block in which the row is resides. The problem I am seeing goes something like this:
1) A datapump import creates a large table (400M+ rows) at 11 am in the morning 2) No subsequent changes are made to this table (at least that I know of) 3) Despite no changes being made the ORA_ROWSCN of almost all the rows changes every few minutes. (a few rows remain with SCN's indicating the original time of import, but the rest change)
I detect this behavior by running this query:
SELECT ora_rowscn, SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP(ora_rowscn),COUNT(*) FROM test_table GROUP BY ora_rowscn
This ran around 5.15 am on 10/27 and resulted in:
72353518 27-OCT-12 AM 492009391 67515248 26-OCT-2 AM 370
Note that almost all rows have a very recent SCN. Only a tiny portion of the rows (370) have an SCN consistent with when the import completed. If I rerun the query a bit later, the SCN of the large rowcount will have advanced again.Block size on the database is 8192.