Application Express :: No Data Found After New 4.2 Install On Weblogic With Listener

Nov 29, 2012

We just did an upgrade to 4.2 on a new WebLogic server. We are using the latest Apex Listener as well.The install seemed to go well (no errors during the DBA install) and we configured the Listener to connect to the database using the basic connection settings.I was able to login to the Admin console and create my workspace and users, but I cannot even get the workspace login screen to appear.All we get it is:

Error     Error processing request.
ORA-01403: no data found

This is the only thing that shows up when going to the default Apex URL....

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Application Express Listener :: Restful Webservice 404 Not Found

Apr 18, 2013

i am running the following configuration:

Oracle Database
Application Express 4.2.1
apex_listener. on Glassfish 3.01

Everything works fine except the restful webservices. In SQL-WorkShop when i create a simple GET webservice and klick on "Test"" 404 not found" comes up in the browser.In the log i can see:

Request Path passes syntax validation
Mapping request to database pool: PoolMap [_poolName=apex, _regex=null, _workspaceIdentifier=null, _failed=false, _lastUpdate=-1, _template=null, _type=REGEX]
Applied database connection info
Attempting to process with PL/SQL Gateway
Not processed as PL/SQL Gateway request
Attempting to process as a RESTful Service
Determining if request can be dispatched as a Tenanted RESTful Service
Request path has one path segment, continuing processing
No Tenant Principal established yet, continuing processing
APEX_LISTENER pool exists, continuing processing
No matching tenant found for: ifc, cannot dispatch
No candidate found for: GET ifc/certification in context: URL....

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Application Express :: 4.2.1 With Standalone Listener 2.0 - RESTful Tests 404 Not Found?

Jan 9, 2013

I'm trying to setup a dev machine to run APEX with RESTful services ahead of using Oracle's Cloud Database. Using Personal Edition, APEX 4.2.1 and the 2.0 Listener is up and running in standalone more. The problem is when hitting 'Test' on a selected REST Resource Handler, it comes up with an APEX 404 not found error, such as on the example HR REST handlers and a new test one setup.

I've followed all of the APEX and Listener instructions, run apex_rest_config.sql, ensured the various users are unlocked and tried both http and https (even though I've added the no SSL flag in the Listener config per standalone instructions.

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Application Express :: Display Not-found.png For Image Type When Data Not Found?

May 22, 2013

I have an Image Type on a forum page. I want a default "not-found" image to display if the BLOB column value is null or if there is no data for that search value. The image is stored with the app: #APP_IMAGES#not-found.png

APEX 4.2 (with listener) on Oracle 11gR2

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Application Express :: ORA-01403 / No Data Found

Nov 26, 2012

if I click button RUN here -> f?p=4000:1500 i have error: ORA-01403: no data found

Problem is if I set Application - BuilderApplication xxx - User Interfaces - User Interface Details - Home URL = f?p=&APP_ALIAS.:2:&SESSION. (&APP_ALIAS searched alias for apex builder).

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Application Express :: LDAP Authentication Using Embedded Weblogic Server

Sep 28, 2012

I am trying to use embedded weblogic server for creating an LDAP authtication secheme but it is not working

I believe that embedded ldap server works on the same port as the admin server of the domain but configuring it has been a pain. I got the following code from forum to test the ldap connection

l_retval pls_integer;
l_retval2 pls_integer;
l_session dbms_ldap.session;
l_ldap_host varchar2(256);
Every time I run this, I get the following error

ldap session : 01000000(returned from init)
error: ORA-31202: DBMS_LDAP: LDAP client/server error: Invalid credentials

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Application Express :: Weblogic Seems To Timeout And Returns Empty Page

Mar 19, 2013

I got a database query which takes about 4-5 sec to run, but since it seems to take too long time something happens, timeout(?) and returns a white page.

What would be the proper way to debug this? I only got access to the web console. Sometimes on the second try it loads the webpage, and I guess it has cached it then and can load it. So maybe weblogic timesout my request?

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Application Express :: No Data Found Error When Trying To Import CSV File To Table?

Oct 16, 2012

Not able to understand what's wrong with the code. I am trying to import data to a table using a CSV file. I have exported the data (CSV) from the interactive report and I am just trying to insert the same data to the table, through a process. When, I tried to do so; its throwing an error message saying NO_DATA_FOUND and file is not getting inserted into wwv_flow_files table.

But when I removed the data from the CSV file for the comments field and then tried importing the file, the process worked. I don't understand whats the problem with the code.

I have a sample app setup in my workspace for this weird problem.


Workspace details:

CSV file with comments field and data in it - when trying to import - throws an error message NO_DATA_FOUND

CSV file with comments field and without data in it - tried importing - this worked

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Application Express :: No Data Found When Running Form Based On Table?

May 10, 2013

I thought this was the easy bit in APEX when you just create a form based on a table, with some validations etc. and use it to insert,update data. However on inserting the first record, I get the following error:

is_internal_error: false
ora_sqlcode: 100
ora_sqlerrm: ORA-01403: no data found


The form is based on a table with a primary key and the primary key is populated from an APEX-generated sequence.

I tried recreating the form, but still no good and now I get the no data error even when clicking "RUN" at page level, so the page does not even display.

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Application Express :: No Data Found When Adding Column Link To Classic Report

Jul 16, 2012

Oracle 11g r2, APEX

I have some classic reports.

I go to Report Attributes, then I click Add Column Link in the "Tasks" right menu, it adds me a column link, I just add some text for the link and a page to go to. Then I run the report and I get :

report error: ORA-01403: no data foundTested with several classic reports on multiple pages.

Debug mode shows me :

0.43816     0.00240     ...Execute Statement: select distinct [...] order by 3,11 ,4
0.44056     0.00162     print column headings
0.44218     0.04816     rows loop: 25 row(s)
0.49037     0.00141     report error: ORA-01403: aucune donnée trouvée
0.49175     0.00078     Computation point: After Box BodyWhen I run the query in my favorite tool, I get expected results.

Did I missed something ?

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Application Express Listener :: Using PL/SQL Procedure / Function In Resource Template (listener 1.1.3)

Feb 15, 2013

I'd like to call an existing function/procedure from a resource template. For example, I have a procedure called 'rest' with an out parameter of 'p_out' - how do I use this within a resource template?

At the moment I have defined the template as type 'PL/SQL Block' and with the 'GET' defined as:


APEX_PUBLIC_USER has been granted 'all' on the procedure. The p_out is populated with a piece of text.

When I call this resource, I get a '500 Internal Error' returned. I've tried adding p_out as an X-APEX-FORWARD parameter, but nothing seems to work.

Query-based templates seem to work OK.

Using Listener 1.1.3 with Tomcat6.

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How To Install Weblogic Server 9.2 MP4 On Oracle Enterprise Server 10

May 27, 2012

I am trying to find documentation of how to install Oracle Weblogic Server 9.2 mp4 on Oracle Enterprise Server 10. The operation system is SuSE Linux Enterprise 9 sp4.

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Application Express :: URL On Server 404 Not Found

Oct 27, 2012

after my first Apex installation I have got the above mentioned error. I have tried the following Apex calls:


Instead of using localhost I used the hostname or the IP address of the box without success.The whole installation process went fine from scratch. No errors, no warnings, nothing.I am using the following environment:

CentOS 6.3
Oracle EE
Apex 4.1.1

With exec dbms_xdb.sethttpport(7778); I enabled the above port number. If I look at the output of the lsnrctl status I see that my local listener is also listening on 7778. I have no errors in the alert.log and no other trace files where I can have a look at.

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Application Express :: Page To Submit Not Found

Nov 29, 2012

I am using Oracle Application Express 11g

I don't have a option for "Page item to submit" in Chart Region

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Application Express :: Requested URL Not Found On Server

Aug 6, 2012

How could i redirect to an url in apex? I tried with adding in target url but it shows

Not found

The requested URL /apex/[URL]....was not found on this server

how to assign it?

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Application Express :: Country NOT Found In Anycharts Maps With 4.2

Nov 7, 2012

how hard it or even if it is possible to add countries to the list of available for display in the maps build-able by APEX 4.2? We have a set of data to display by country and found that Serbia is NOT in the set of associated mapable countries..Should I try asking Anychart too? Thought Hilary would pickup on this since It involves charting in APEX...

Running on Apex 4.2, Oracle 10.2, Solaris with http server.

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Application Express :: Install 3.0.1 On RDBMS 11gR2?

Sep 19, 2012

if it is possible to install APEX version 3.0.1 on oracle database version We currently have a 10g database with APEX 3.0.1 installed. Now for an upgrade project we need install the latest database version. Unfortunately we do not have enought time to migrate the APEX application. Therefore the APEX version should stay the same.

So any experiences with APEX 3.0.1 and RDBMS 11.2?(I searched for oracle documentation but couldn't find anything useful.)

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Application Express :: 4.2.1 Websheets Unable To Install

Mar 24, 2013

I read the manual, searched the Forum and Googled, but I can't get websheets demo app to install. No matter what I try, I get "The database objects required to create Websheet applications are either invalid or do not exist." I tried: Create Application -> Websheet. Get message "Invalid Websheet Objects". I then click in that window ate bottom "install sample applications". Chose AnyCo IT Department -> install application -> Get message "Invalid Websheet Objects"

And round and round we go.

I checked in the instance that "Feature Configuration" is set to "Yes"

Note: I have created a new workspace and that one works ok. I can load websheet applications.

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Application Express Listener :: APEX Listener With APEX 3.0 On 11gR2?

Jun 29, 2012

We have many many APEX applications in APEX 3.0 running on a database that needs desperately to be upgraded. As a test, I've set up a clean 11gR2 database and copied the production APEX database into it via datapump. I set up APEX Listener, as I don't have any OAS sitting around and the EPG doesn't seem to be supported for APEX 3.0... the Listener doesn't say one way or the other.

When trying to log in, I get the login page, but it tries to reference files such as apex_get_3_1.js while I only have files such as htmldb_get.js in my images directory in production. I noticed it is looking for what appears to be 3.1 files instead of 3.0 files... which concerns me.

The APEX listener appears to be more than just a Java PL/SQL gateway.

Is there a minimum version of APEX the APEX Listener supports?

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Application Express :: Display No Results Found In APEX Page

Sep 5, 2013

I have a page with two regions the top region is an html region where users enter query criteria and generate an interactive report in the second region.  The second region only displays if there are results from the query in the first region. 

I would like to display a "No Results Found" message rather than a blank screen if there are no results found.  However, I don't know exactly how to do that.  I tried to do it in the Interactive Report region, however, once I added the Conditional display to only when exists rows in the Interactive Report from the query criteria.

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Application Express :: How To Uninstall 4.2 And Install 4.2.2 Full Version From OTN

Apr 29, 2013

I have installed Oracle 11g XE with Apex 4.2 and I want to upgrade it to the apex 4.2.2. However, I do not have access to My Oracle connect. How do I uninstall apex 4.2 and install apex 4.2.2 full version from OTN?

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Application Express :: Install A Development-environment / No Connection From Client

Feb 28, 2013

i'm trying to install a development-environment. The production- and testing-environmens are working, but i have problems with the development.

I installed Oracle 10g XE and Apex on my Oracle VM Virtual Box (Windows 7 Professional 64 bit). works from the Virtual Box. (the IP in my network) and work either from the Virtual Box.

But it doesn't work from other clients in my network. So far i tried exec dbms_xdb.setlistenerlocalaccess(false).

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Application Express :: Connect To Listener From LAN

Dec 11, 2012

I've just instaledl APEX on Oracle 11g, with APEX listener 1.1, working fine at localhost. But I can't reach it from others computers on LAN. I searched several threads about this and thought I should run


But when I execute that, I got the message 'ORA-30952: illegal configuration of HTTP/HTTPS in xdbconfig.xml'.

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Application Express Listener :: Generate PDF With 2.0?

Apr 2, 2013

we would like to generate pdf out of apex. as long as we have text (IRR) WITHOUT special characters (öäü), everything is working fine.when we have this characters in a text-columng (IRR), then we get a .pdf with the following content:

javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x3) was found in the element content of the document.

- we defined in ADMIN in 'report printing' / 'instance-settings': oracle-apex-listener

- we are working with apex-listener 2.0 (integrated in weblogic-server)

- we work with APEX

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Application Express Listener :: How To Use Java With 4.1

Jun 5, 2012

i m using apex 4.1 and the database is oracle *11g* i want to know how to use the java (servlet,jsp,all technologies of java in apex ) and what i have to do to use the java in apex

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Application Express Listener :: 2.0 And RewriteRule

Sep 20, 2012

I am currently hosting a number of APEX applications, using OHS as the webserver and I looking into using the APEX Listener instead. However I have a lot of rewwriterules in my OHS configuration. Is this something that can be configured in the APEX Listener?

<VirtualHost *:80>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/$ URL....

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Application Express Listener :: How To Upgrade From 1.1.4 To 2

Feb 18, 2013

how to upgrade Oracle apex listener from 1.1.4 to 2.We are using Oracle apex listener with Glassfish 3.1.2.

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XE :: Install 11g - Java Runtime Environment Was Not Found

Jul 26, 2012

In order to install XE 11g I downloaded 'Oracle Software Packager and Installer, Release' as compressed jar file ouiosp220160.jar.I unjared it, got to folder win32-> setup.exe.When trying to run the file, I got the message:Java Runtime Environment was not found at binjavaw.exe , hence Oracle Universal Installer cannot be run.

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Application Express :: PDF Printing Via APEX Listener

Oct 21, 2013

I'm attempting to configure printing via the APEX listener and I'm struggling to understand it.  I currently use Oracle HTTP server as the web server for APEX.  I have installed the APEX listener and configured it.  If I connect via the APEX listener, PDFs work correctly.  If I connect via the Oracle HTTP server, I get an error with PDFs.  Am I required to connect with the APEX listener for PDF printing?  I thought I could configure APEX listener for PDF printing on the backend and still connect via Oracle HTTP server. I'm use APEX 4.2.3, APEX Listener 2.0.5, and Oracle DB

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Application Express Listener :: Page Is Blank And Freezed

Jan 15, 2013

Problem is that page is blank and freezed. After another enter in URL page is shown normally.What I find out is that "freeze" happened only in Apex design time ... never in runtime of any of mine app.

Mine conf:
Apex 4.2.1 on
Apex Listener standalone
Oracle 11.2.03 x64
Windows 2008 SE R2 x64

C:UsersDamirV>java -version
java version "1.6.0_34"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_34-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.9-b04, mixed mode)error log:
D:UsersdamirvDesktopApexApex-Misc>set ORACLE_HOME=c:oracleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1

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