below SQL I'm pulling data manually(by entering specialist name) instead of that I want this query to be modified so that the sys is pulled dynamically, I.e. like select specialist from t.
type, Hari,Rakesh,Santhosh, Total
(type), max( decode( SPECIALIST, 'Hari', cnt, null ) ) Hari,
max( decode( SPECIALIST, 'Rakesh', cnt, null ) ) Rakesh,
max( decode( SPECIALIST, 'Santhosh', cnt, null ) ) Santhosh,
Sum(cnt) total
from (
I am trying to create a simple parametised procedure when all I am doing is dynamically inserting data from a set of tables and cols on a where clause.
And for the result set I am also inserting these input variables for future ref.
---------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE DATA_TEST (IN_TABLE_NAME IN VARCHAR2, IN_ATTRIBUTE IN VARCHAR2 ) iS FirstClause VARCHAR2(3000) := 'INSERT INTO ABC ( COL1, COL2, COL3,COL4,COL5, COL6) '; selectClause VARCHAR2(3000) :=
Now, the problem is that the proc is not compiling, because of that escape character.
Is there anything wrong that I am doing or some other settings needs to be done?
I have a master table A that has 10+ columns along with data and a configuration table B that has only 2 columns i.e table name and column name. For ex:-
Table_Name Column_Name --------- ---------- A C1 A C2 A C3
Now I need to write a sql script that should take the table A Columns defined in Table B and then based on the columns it should spool the columns output from Table A.
For above ex:- I need to spool the C1,C2,C3 columns data from Table A in to some Unix path using SQL SCRIPT.
PROMPT CREATE TABLE tst_fetch_vendor_data CREATE TABLE tst_fetch_vendor_data ( vendor_data_seq_no NUMBER NOT NULL, study_seq_no NUMBER NOT NULL, vendor_record_seq_no NUMBER NOT NULL, control_column_seq_no NUMBER NOT NULL, resolved_value VARCHAR2(4000) NULL, original_value VARCHAR2(4000) NULL, transaction_user VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, [code]....
Its just a temporary table, in which data comes and goes. I am using this in middle of a process.I am using it in a process like below--
insert /*+ append */ into tst_fetch_vendor_data (select * from vendor_data vd where vd.control_column_seq_no in (select control_column_seq_no from temp_control_column)); dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('EPDSYSREP','TST_FETCH_VENDOR_DATA',ESTIMATE_PERCENT=>100, METHOD_OPT=>'for all indexed columns size auto',CASCADE=>True);
code to use that table..This table can contain data from 0 to 108000000 records.Now my questions are-
1. How much should I select sampling size (currently its 100%)Can I use dbms_stats.auto_sample_size, what will be the effect?
2. dbms_stats is good approach or should I use dynamic sampling.
3. what about the approach using CTAS instead of inserting data through insert.
4. What about pl/sql table with index or with clause query.
5. Do I need to rebuild index after inserting data into table.
I have a requirement to list the data month wise dynamically where month data is also in the same table, hopefully the below posts should bring more clarity to my requirements.
SQL> create table test(Amount number,Name varchar2(10)); Table created. SQL> insert into test values(100,'USA'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into test values(150,'NEWYORK'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into test values(200,'SCOTT');
I would like to pass the operators from another table. How to pass the operators from other table.
I have to audit some table to log all modifications (inserts, updates, deletes). I wrote the following trigger (works as expected) :
Is there any way I can improve this ?I mean getting columns name and value (:NEW and :OLD) dynamically, instead of specifying them one by one (the trigger will have to be updated in case a new column is added). Something like this :
FOR i in 1..DOCUMENT.COLUMN_COUNT LOOP l_row := l_row || DOCUMENT.COLUMN_NAME(i) || :NEW.COLUMN_VALUE(i) || l_separator; END LOOP;
In a pl/sql procedure code, I created a normal table (create table) using dynamic sql. Then I used that table in procedure for further processing. But while compiling, it gave error that table does not exist. I can understand that he table is not present in DB, so the error came. But at the same time I need to create a table dynamically, use it and drop it. Does it mean that I need to make every query referencing that table as dynamic ??
How to dynamically execute a select command whether it is retrieved a single record or multiple record in oracle database 10g. i have tried with the command execute immediate but it was not successful.
is it possible can i delete or drop multiple tables in a single drop and delete statement.
We have developed a code which builds a trigger on a atble dynamically at run time usinf Dynamic SQL command Execute immediate.
I am not usre if the error is due to insufficient privileges as we are able to build tabl;e in the system dynamically using the above mentioned command.
We have an requirement to create xml data for entire database (selected tables) which are in hierarchy.Procedure should read node_mapping table having parent and child tables relationship info and build XML Select statement.
Currently it is building SQL statement whenthere are one parent having multiple childrens i.e Dept having emp, emp_act, emp_rsch..but when child node are having childrens then it is not working - it has to repeatedly call this procedure (recursive) and build below given SQL statement.
1. To change procedure to build xml sql statement when there are multiple childrens to child nodes (hierarchy) 2. To format the output in xml data
1 wedb Auction_table wedb Arc_Auction_tableAuction_date 15 Days 1 wedb Sales_table wedb ArcSales_table Sales_date 180 Days 1 hr Accounts_table hr Arc_Accounts_tableAccount_date 2 Years 2 concor Concur_table con Arc_Concur_table Last_update_date 4 Months
Like this 1000 entries are there in the control_table.
I want to pass all the columns from my control table dynamically.I am able to pass all the columns dynamically,except the PERIOD_VALUE.I have stucked up how to implement this condition.My aim is to get the data which is <= sysdate-PERIOD_VALUES based on PERIOD_UNIT.
For Example:
For Auction_date column I want to get the data which 15 days old. For Sales_date column I want to get the data which 180 days old. For Account_date column I want to get the data which 2 yers old. For Last_update_date column I want to get the data which 4 months old. [code]....
i have list item populated with many table names from a schema. i have grid in oracle forms 10g and i want to fill the grid with at least four/more columns.I want to fire the list change trigger when each time any one table name is selected.
how can i find the columns names dynamically for filling the grid.
I wanted to calculate the time variance dynamically as below.I have one table called process_status where we can see the process name, start time, end time and the status .
1. Now i wants to calculate the duration(end_time - start_time) in hh:mi:ss format and i got the output using below query.
I got currect oupput but i am stuggling with the below step.
2). Actually the process expectaiotn time is 2 hours only(fixed time). Now i wants to calculate variance b/w expected time and the duration time(end_time - start_time)
i.e variance = expected_time - (end_time - start_time ) ; here expected time is 02:00:00(fixed).
I tried using with to_char and to_date function but no luck.
We have an requirement to build (XML) Select statement dynamically based on the mapping table (which is in hierarchy format)
I have removed xml keyword, so query will not work. but need procedure which will recursively check mapping table (parent and child table) and build below given select statement.
If i enter something in FIND window, by clicking FIND button, it will populate data in MAIN window.I have below query in WHEN BUTTON PRESSED TRIGGER.
declare cursor c1 is select empno, ename, job, sal from emp where empno=nvl(:FIND.empno,empno) and ename=nvl(:FIND.ename,ename)
begin --here i am populating data into MAIN window block end;
It's working fine.
REQUIREMENT: i want to pass where statement dynamically. Let us say if i pass only empno in FIND window, i want to pass 'WHERE empno=:FIND.empno' to existing select statement [I will keep select statement same without where condition]
If i pass empno and ename both, i want to pass 'WHERE empno=:FIND.empno and ename=:FIND.ename.
How to pass where condition to existing select statement based on parameters we pass in FIND window.
I Have a table like this. 12 rows and 8 columns.And column 1 Dt is going to change everytime,as date and months proceeds.and corresponding columns values are going to change.
i need to create a replica of an existing table in same schema dynamically so as to reflect the modifications on replica table which has been done on primary table.this table we need to maintain as snapshot,like if a column is added or deleted then it should automatically be added or deleted on the replica should i approach this.
I have created a procedure to build trigger dynamically using Dynamic SQL. Here procedure created successfully, when we execute the procedure to build trigger getting the following error.
Note: We are able to create a Trigger, but it is INVALID. if we get the code of a trigger and execute, trigger created a successfully with Valid Status.
ERROR: ORA-24344: success with compilation error ORA-06512: at "APPS.CREATE_TRIGGER", line 28 ORA-06512: at line 2
SQL*Plus internal error state 2087, context 47:0:0 Unsafe to proceed
How do you specify the value in START WITH dynamically during runtime. For example consider the bewlo scenario:
Now if you create a view:
Then run the below query:
select * from test_v where item_no_sco = '00245905' --
the output is got within a second. but the real scenario is that both table icont and isct have millions of rows. In that case even this small query of the view takes 10minutes as there a FULL TABLE JOIN.
How do I give the START WITH in the view to make it faster i.e. even with millions of rows the output of this comes in seconds:
look at these tables (Customer and Rates), having some sample data. I've created a function for returning the interest percentage for a particular customer based upon his/her investment start date and end date. I'm getting the desired result but I'm wondering if I need calculate the composite interest here...then how can I do that? Suppose a customer has invested some amount for 45 days, then I need to calculate the interest for initial 30 days as 5% and additional 15 days as 6% and I need to give the final amount. In this case how can I pull this task off? how can we do this interest calculation by an Oracle program?
I have used ref cursor to retrun output in cursor from procedure.I have used bind variables in the v_query and passing values with using clause as given in the following code. It is working but client want to pass values dynamically.
OPEN p_cur FOR v_query USING p_ht_nm, p_ht_treat_source, var_cycle (1), var_cycle (2), var_cycle (3), var_cycle (4), var_cycle (5), var_cycle (6), var_cycle (7),
We can also use execute immediate with the above code. But in both the cases we have to pass values in using clause.
QUERY: /* Formatted on 2011/09/24 21:13 (Formatter Plus v4.8. */ INSERT INTO z_ca_get_lot_id SELECT DISTINCT attrbts.lot_id FROM (SELECT DISTINCT lot_id FROM z_alv_cert_lot_attrbts_syn WHERE NAME = 'Heat' AND UPPER (text_value) = :p_ht_nm) attrbts,
I've got a situation where I need to populate a list box of lab numbers when the user selects a matching date received date.
Right now it only works when the user presses enter on the field used to accept a date.
It also works when a user fills in date and then clicks twice on the listbox of lab numbers. (assuming there are some records for the date in question).
Both fields are in a data block that is not connected to a table. Here is the when-mouse-doubleclicked trigger
LAUNCH_CALENDAR('DISPLAY.DATE_BEAN'); IF :DISPLAY.DATE_RECEIVED IS NOT NULL THEN GO_ITEM('display.list_labno'); --POPULATE_LIST_ITEMS('date_received_records','display.list_labno'); do_key('list_values');
As you can see we have tried several different triggers to get this to work with a calendar date chooser (java bean). The bean works and allows for a date to be returned. However, it does not want to populate the listbox.
We are using oracle 10g. with our code, Currently Oracle partitions are size the same way, each partition is using 10MB for data and 12MB for indexes (with the 6 default indexes); even of very few records are written in the partition.
We create partitions in advance as a part of nightly job with 10 minutes duration.Can some intelligence can be added where based on statistics we can decide the size of partition dynamically? Lot of space is getting wasted because of this reason.