Why Production Server Slower Than Development Workstation

Jun 24, 2008

I have a JSP that works with an Oracle 9i database.

On my local windows workstation where I developed the JSP the application processes very quickly working with the Oracle database. The JSP application on the Production Intranet web server connecting to the same Schema processes very slow sometimes during the day. During off hours the Production Intranet JSP with Oracle processes quicker.

There is only one user for the application and I dont understand why the same application using the same database runs so much slower sometimes on the production server compared to my local workstation.

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PL/SQL :: Comparison In Trees (development And Production Objects)

Apr 17, 2013

I have a below requirement to compare the development and production objects.if any association_type or association_role are not exists in production then i need to return a message like "the Type Object found in Development,but not Production"

Below is the tree structure

ProcessingSite(Association type1)

ProcessingSite(Association type1)

Processing Site is an association_type and it is having 3 association_roles. we can observe same association_type in the production, but Mooded Activity(association_role) is not available. in this case we need to return "Type Object found in Development,but not Production".

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Oracle 9 Database Refresh From Production Server To Integration Server

Oct 13, 2012

I will have to proceed with Oracle 9 database refresh from production server to integration server. 5 biggest schemas must be exported and imported. They constitute 97% space used in a database. This is very big database so I would like to be sure that everything will go smoothly. That is why i want to ask you some questions.

Have you got any clues for me before I start with exp/imp? From my side i will tell you that I will have to exp/imp schema by schema because there is small space both on production and integration disk for a dump. First thing I thought are dependencies between schemas that are exported and that which are not, and also between schemas that are exported/imported one by one.

This is procedure that I plan:

For every schema that is to be refreshed
1. Export schema with ROWS=N CONSTRAINTS=Y
3. Import schema from step one
4. Disable all the foreign key constraints using ALTER TABLE DISABLE CONSTRAINT.
5. Import schema with rows

With above procedure i think that I will avoid problems with dependencies between schemas exported/imported one by one. But my concern is if there are any dependencies between those schemas and schemas that are not exported. Is there an way to check it before refresh ?

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PL/SQL :: Is Updating A Non-indexed Column Slower

Oct 7, 2013

I have learnt that indexes slow down the DML operations. My question is specific to an update statement. Is it going to be slower if Im trying to update an indexed column on my table or it is slower overall (even when a non-indexed column is getting updated in the table) How does it behave in case of inserts & delete operation. 

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Expdp Slower After 11gR2 Database Upgrade?

Aug 6, 2012

After upgrading 11gR1 database ( to 11gR2 (, the datapump exports have been taking quite a bit longer. When database was 11gR1, a full expdp took approx. 40-45 minutes. After upgrade, it takes approx. 1 hour 40-50 minutes. These times were with parallel=4. I tried with parallel=8 and parallel=12, both of these took around 1 hour 5-10 minutes, better but still quite a bit slower than pre-11gR2 upgrade. I tried with exclude=statistics, index_statistics, indexes; it still took approx. 1 hour 40-45 minutes. This is a PeopleSoft database so there are many, many objects to be exported. The database was upgraded using dbua.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query Gets Slower By Adding Order By Clause

Apr 14, 2010

I have a query, running the query with order by and without orderby clasue casues big performance difference.

here without order by it takes 5 sec


here with order by it takes 2 min



I have like 10,000 records.

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Production Database Server Process

Apr 27, 2013

Oracle 11g default server process is dedicated select distinct server from v$session; dedicated

Which server process is used in the oracle 11g Production? if the database is connect to an online application?

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Production Oracle DB 11g On Virtual Server

Apr 25, 2013

We just got a new Dell R720 server that will host our Oracle DB. The server hasn't even been turned on yet but we know that the load on the server will be very low for a long time.

One of our problems is that we need to run a VERY important application. Since it is not very resource consuming compared to it's importance we chose to run it on a not so new Xeon 5110 1.60 GHz - 4GB RAM server. He said it's not a good idea and that we should buy a new server. (money is very low)

The software vendor suggested to virtualize our R720 server, host a vm running our database, and along with it other smaller machines like the one I described above. I suggested the use of Oracle VM, Oracle Linux for the database host and transforming the physical servers servers in VM with P2V.

Our IT Manager didn't like that, he said that it's not recommended to run a database on a virtual machine. But our software vendor said that many of their clients run their solution this way.

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Automate Import From Production To Test Server

Nov 15, 2011

I would like to know that how can i automate the export from production to test server. I need direction to create process to import data from production (server A) to test server (server B).

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Server Utilities :: Data Import From Production To Test

Jan 26, 2012

I want to automate the import from production to test.

1) export the production schema
2) import in to test server?

How can i automate that currently i am doing it manually as follow:

1) expdb the production schema
2) kill all connection on the test server to test schema
3) drop test user cascade;
4) recreate user;
5) impdb the production schema to test:

but i want it to automated or scheduled so i don't; have to log in every night!!

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Server Utilities :: Running Exp And Imp Command On Production Version

Jul 25, 2012

I ran "exp" command to take a back of Oracle Db based on user and later imported(using "imp" command) the dump into another db. Its seen that some the tables are not exported during exp command run. Can I use exp command on Oracle 11.2 version?

or should I always be using expdp command?

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Server Administration :: ASM - Disk Strategies In Production Environments?

Jan 26, 2010

I am working on ASM as i am bit confused to decide ASM Disk strategies in production Environments. For Ex:-

1.Normal Redundancy ( Allows 2 Mirror Groups ) :-
I have created Normal_DG Diskgroup with 4 Disks

Disk2 ------- |
|--->FG2 ----> FG1
Disk3 ------- |

According to my understanding , if Disk1 Fails Disk4 facilitates normal operations. When there is space crunch it operates in reduced redundancy . Am i right ?

2.I have got 4 Disks in one group (i.e from Disk1 To Disk4 ) i have not defined any failure group and as per my understanding all disks will be added to its own failure group without mirroring and striping.

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Cons Of Running 8 Production Database Instance On One Windows Server

Dec 3, 2010

We are planning to consolidate our Oracle Production DB into one server. We are basically a windows shop. Is it feasible to run 8 production Oracle DB in one windows server. All the DB are not really transaction intensive DB. 2 DB in the size of 300GB and others all DB falls under average size of 40GB.

I can take care of the HD slicing so Oracle does not enter into IO bottleneck. We are planning to go for external NAS or SAN for storage.

My main concern is on processor usage. The processor we are thinking about is Intel Xeon Quad Core x 2nos. Will there be a processor bottleneck or is there way in Oracle to assign processor usage(I belive there is no much tweaking options here)

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Server Administration :: How To Refresh Test Schema From Production Request

Oct 31, 2012

Steps to Refresh test Oracle 9i schema from production schema on a Windows platform..

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Server Utilities :: Use Data Pump For First Time On Production Database

Sep 13, 2011

I need to use Data Pump for the first time on my production Database.Currently on Testing Database, when i am taking schema level export there are no errors or warnings in the log file but when i importing it gives fallowing ORA in the import log file. i searched on google,the only way i found is to recompile the invalid objects. how to avoid this warnings in log file.

"ORA-39082: Object type ALTER_PROCEDURE:"QUANTISV4"."P_CTM_ABN_INVST_EQUITY" created with compilation warnings"

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Server Administration :: Tablespace Auto-Extend OFF On Production System

Jun 6, 2012

I want to OFF tablspace AUTOEXTEND on a prodution system, we have many RAC databses and that will be done on all stations. i have got a document from net which was written on 29-Jun-2007 and it says that if need to OFF the AUTOEXTEND of a TABLESPACE so you need to ist make it off on the underlying datafiles of that tablespace so this doc is for Oracle

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Server Administration :: Number Of Sessions In Database MES (production) Coming From Another Machine

May 25, 2010

We have quite a number of sessions in database MES (production) coming from another machine.

From v$session, the program is oracle@WID27 (TNS V1-V3). This WID27 (hostname) consists of quite a number of development databases inside. We have to trace which jobs are actually triggering this, as WID27 are not suppose to connect to production databases.

How can we tell whether the sessions came in is from dblink or from the machine itself?

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Server Administration :: Import Data To Production Database - Details Are Not In Tnsnames.ora

May 3, 2011

I need to import data to production database. The database details are not in tnsnames.ora.

I am using easy connect method to connect to the database, since I am not able to edit tnsnames.ora.

Is there any way by which I can do the import ?

Can I do it like this

imp system/pwd@imp system/pwd@'(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=xxx)(PORT=1521)))(C
ONNECT_DATA=(SID=xx))' ......................

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Performance Tuning :: Creating Workspaces On Production Server For Application Service

Apr 15, 2013

how would we learn creating workspaces on the production server for application services:

* Folder structure
* How client workspaces are sharing other common folders, tomcat, java, software release etc
* Scripts tomcat and create54workspace

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Forms :: 10g And SSO On Development PC

Sep 20, 2010

if Oracle Developer Suite 10g version can emulate single signon (SSO) on my development PC? I've seen the documentation for the Application Server mod_sso.conf etc.how does one test single signon on the development PC?

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MetaSolv Migration Development?

Oct 29, 2010

I would like to know what is metasolve migration, how it is done, is it a oracle product ??..

what is signficant for going / using metasolve migration tool / development for migration.

what exactly it will migrate, Need more FAQ's on Metasolve migration development / tools.

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Web Application Development With Oracle

Sep 25, 2003

I have designed a web application that has the basic functions of an e-commerce shopping cart site. I have been using the combination of php, and mysql.

However over time I have noticed shortcomings and would like to now migrate to oracle for future sites as my database. PHP is a great language, but I am wondering what Language would be EASIEST to migrate to and works BEST with oracle.

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Forms And Reports Development

Nov 29, 2010

Any step by step tutorial about Forms and Reports Development (10g).

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How To Find Form Development Tool In Oracle 9i

Jan 23, 2013

How to find the oracle form development tool in oracle 9i?

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How To Embed PL/SQL Queries In HTML In Database App Development VM

Nov 20, 2012

I'm reading "Learning Oracle PL/SQL" and this book tells me that if I can install apache httpd and modplsql I can embed queries in HTML. How do I do this in Database App Development VM? Do I already have apache httpd installed? Is it already started? If not, how do I start it?

What am I getting when I point my firefox browser to


I'm getting a nice web page that is prompting for username and password. What username and password do I use? oracle/oracle did not work! What does this web site do? Administer the database server?

I already tried to use "yum install emacs" as I mentioned in Re: How to Install emacs, openssh and start oracle database and get a connect? and it appears that the repository for "yum" is not correct.

"yum install httpd" does not work either.

When I tried "sudo yum install httpd" it says

"Sorry, user oracle is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/yum install httpd' as root on localhost.localdomain."

I get the same message for "sudo yum isntall emacs".

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Creating Oracle User On Development Instance

Jul 25, 2013

I have been asked to improve the speed of our extract feeds to another team. It was using an excel file as csv created with C# reading the csv into a global temporary table and a procedure to insert rows from global table to main table one at a time.

Around 1 million rows That was taking around 25 min. After trying sqlldr and an intermediate table I managed to reduce timing to 15 sec with sqlldr and Direct Path Load. I tried all that in one of our own DEV databases. Now we want to try the approach in one of DEV databases belong to downstream group (the one we feed data). They are rather reluctant to give me access to their DEV database! I have asked them to create a new login and grant object creation (DDL) to this user.They keep saying that they are prepared to give me a role but NOT schema owner. What is the best way of enabling me to create tables somewhere and test loading times with sqlldr.

I need to do full DDL (table/proc creation) and DML on a certain schema. So my question: What is the best way of doing so.. Do I need a schema created for user to do this workI they already have a general purpose schema, can they create a role to have full DDL: rights in that schema? 

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Forms :: FRM-18103 / Failed To Initialize Development Environment

May 27, 2010

Error - FRM-18103:Failed to initialize the Development Environment I have installed Oracle 11g and Oracle Developer Suite 10g in separate oracle homes.

When I try to open Oracle form builder I am receiving 'FRM-18103:Failed to initialize the Development Environment' error.

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Application Express :: Attachment In Team Development Missing In 4.2?

Mar 14, 2013

I was waiting for the attachment in Teamdevelopment as stated in APEX 4.2 new Features:

Support for attachments within Team Development 1007 EA2 Allow file attachments for bugs, todo, and features.but I can not find the functionality?

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Purge Recycle Bin - Space Crunch In Our 4 Development 11i ERP Environment Servers

May 30, 2011

We are facing space crunch in our 4 development 11i ERP environment servers and decided to reclaim the space . We are having Database . What we observed is, there are many objects present in the recyclebin and we went on to purge the reclybin of MSC user.

SQL>select owner,sum(space)* 8 / 1024/1024 "Size in GB" from dba_recyclebin group by owner order by sum(space) ;

OWNER Size in GB
--------------- ----------
MSC 127.672485
IRCUS 22.5664063
GL 2.98492432
APPS .38079834
XXDII_ESB .192993164
APPLSYS .001159668
TMPBKP .000427246

But even after purging the recycle bin of MSC User , we didn't find any changes in DBA_FREE_SPACE for those tablespaces in which recyclebin objects were present. We would have seen the freed space in dba_free_space.

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Application Express :: Install A Development-environment / No Connection From Client

Feb 28, 2013

i'm trying to install a development-environment. The production- and testing-environmens are working, but i have problems with the development.

I installed Oracle 10g XE and Apex on my Oracle VM Virtual Box (Windows 7 Professional 64 bit). works from the Virtual Box. (the IP in my network) and work either from the Virtual Box.

But it doesn't work from other clients in my network. So far i tried exec dbms_xdb.setlistenerlocalaccess(false).

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