Server Utilities :: Running Exp And Imp Command On Production Version

Jul 25, 2012

I ran "exp" command to take a back of Oracle Db based on user and later imported(using "imp" command) the dump into another db. Its seen that some the tables are not exported during exp command run. Can I use exp command on Oracle 11.2 version?

or should I always be using expdp command?

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Cons Of Running 8 Production Database Instance On One Windows Server

Dec 3, 2010

We are planning to consolidate our Oracle Production DB into one server. We are basically a windows shop. Is it feasible to run 8 production Oracle DB in one windows server. All the DB are not really transaction intensive DB. 2 DB in the size of 300GB and others all DB falls under average size of 40GB.

I can take care of the HD slicing so Oracle does not enter into IO bottleneck. We are planning to go for external NAS or SAN for storage.

My main concern is on processor usage. The processor we are thinking about is Intel Xeon Quad Core x 2nos. Will there be a processor bottleneck or is there way in Oracle to assign processor usage(I belive there is no much tweaking options here)

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Server Utilities :: Data Import From Production To Test

Jan 26, 2012

I want to automate the import from production to test.

1) export the production schema
2) import in to test server?

How can i automate that currently i am doing it manually as follow:

1) expdb the production schema
2) kill all connection on the test server to test schema
3) drop test user cascade;
4) recreate user;
5) impdb the production schema to test:

but i want it to automated or scheduled so i don't; have to log in every night!!

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Server Utilities :: Use Data Pump For First Time On Production Database

Sep 13, 2011

I need to use Data Pump for the first time on my production Database.Currently on Testing Database, when i am taking schema level export there are no errors or warnings in the log file but when i importing it gives fallowing ORA in the import log file. i searched on google,the only way i found is to recompile the invalid objects. how to avoid this warnings in log file.

"ORA-39082: Object type ALTER_PROCEDURE:"QUANTISV4"."P_CTM_ABN_INVST_EQUITY" created with compilation warnings"

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Where To Download ORACLE Software Version For Production

Nov 1, 2010

Where to download the oracle software for building a production server? What are steps ?

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Server Utilities :: Importing Into Lower Version Using (exp / Imp)

Jan 27, 2011

For importing higher version database exp dump e.g. 10g exp dump into 9i database it is suggested at many places "Always use a version of the EXPORT utility that is equal to the lowest version of either the source or the target database"

I understand from this is, I will be using 9i exp utility for exporting 10g database

I would like to know the ways it can be achieved.

1) Installing oracle 9i client on 10g database Do I still need to execute 9i catexp.sql after that? If answer to above is 'yes', I assume catexp.sql of 9i wont be created after 9i client is installed as such I will need to copy it from 9i database server and execute on 10g database server. Correct? For above question I have assumed catexp.sql has different contents for 9i and 10g

2) After configuring tns file in 9i database, can I use?

exp user/password@10gdbconnstring ....

(of course for small amount of data)

Is there any other option for achieving the same?

Also I understand export and import between any 9.* into any 9.* wont be issue e.g. import from 9.2 into 9.1 Similarly any 10.* to another 10.* wont be issue.

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Server Utilities :: Importing Dump From Higher Database Version 2 Lower

Aug 3, 2010

We can Import dump from higher database version to lower database version.

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Server Utilities :: Parameters Of Exp And Imp Command

May 31, 2004

What is the parameters of exp and imp command?

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Server Utilities :: Running Export Utility Online

May 26, 2010

Just want to confirm if I can run the export (command line) even if the database is up (online)? Are there any risks/impact while doing so?

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Forms :: 9i Not Running At IE 8 Or Later Version?

Jan 9, 2013

I have developed my PAYROLL application in forms 9i, which is successfully runnig at internet explorer version 6 but it is not running at internet explorer version 8 or later.

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Server Utilities :: ROWS Command Line Parameter

Jan 11, 2013

I am new to SQL*loader and I would like to know what is the maximum number of ROWS that can be loaded in a Conventional bind array while specifying the command line parameter.

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Server Utilities :: Run DBCA From Unix Command Line?

Aug 27, 2007

i am trying to run DBCA from unix command line. but it gives me error like this:

dbca[158]: /home/oracle/product/10.2.0/jdk/jre/bin/java: not found.

Also i tried to open some other utilites too. like netca it gives me same error.

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Server Utilities :: Load / Unload Csv File Using Sql Command?

Apr 5, 2010

load/unload csv file using sql command

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Server Utilities :: Why Duplicated Rows When A PK Is Present Running Sqlldr

Dec 10, 2010

Why duplicated rows when a PK is present running Sqlldr?

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Forms :: After Deploying New 11g Fmx / Old Version Is Still Running

Apr 12, 2011

We are running forms 11g ( in our production environment and we are having strange issue when we are deploying the new version of fmx on fusion middleware server ( Windows 2008). After copying/replacing the new fmx we are still running the OLDER version of form. It's happening randomly on different servers.

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Server Utilities :: Primary Keys Are Not Exporting When Export Using EXP Command

Dec 27, 2011

I have taken database backup using exp command and when I try to import in other pc the foreign keys are not imported. It saying error message that no matching unique key or primary key for this column.

how will i take backup including with primary keys?

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Server Utilities :: Perform Impdp Command For Specific Function?

Jun 26, 2013

Below is my import command for importing specific function from export file but iam getting below errors

impdp system/PASSWORD schemas=TNC6 directory=dumpdir dumpfile=FULL01-02-2011.dmp logfile=IMP.log include=FUNCTION:"IN ('TNC_IS_NUMBER')"

ORA-39001: invalid argument value
ORA-39071: Value for INCLUDE is badly formed.
ORA-00936: missing expression

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Server Utilities :: Schema Export In Command Prompt Mode?

Jan 6, 2012

I want to take a export of schema JACK of size 700 MB which contains list of objects in it.

SQL> select count(*),object_type from dba_objects where owner='JACK' group by object_type;
---------- -------------------

6 rows selected.

The export command i am going to use is as below.

exp system/oracle@ORCL1 file=schemaexp.dmp log=schemaexp.log owner=JACK rows=y direct=y
grants=N constraints=y COMPRESS=N buffer=100000000 RECORDLENGTH=64000

Is it possible to take this schema export in windows command prompt mode and any guess how long it would take to complete the export ?Because based on the time it takes, i am going to perform the export in windows command prompt.

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Server Utilities :: Getting Localconfig Is Not Recognized As Internal Or External Command

Dec 30, 2010

While i like to start CSS service to create new ASM instance in my own pc for testing purpose gettting the below errors "'localconfig' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.".

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Server Utilities :: Slow Exports Using Exp Command Due To Open Sessions

Nov 11, 2011

I have had the following problem open with Oracle support since March 2011 (8 months), and still no resolution.

When I export all our schema's on Sunday night it takes about 1 hour 50 minutes. When I export the same schema's on any other night it takes 7 hours. The only difference is that on Sunday at 4:00am we drop all connections in the connection pools and reestablish new connections. Then 19hours later on Sunday at 23:00 we perform the exports which only take 2 hours to complete.

I have also tried recreating the connections in the connection pools during the week, and the exports have then only taken 2 hours to complete. But the following night after the connections have been used during the day, the exports again take 7 hours. So it appears the export speed gets significantly slower when there are many open connections that have been used and not closed.

From the stats pack report I found 2 SQL statements internal to the export command, that had an order of magnitude in difference when looking at the elapsed execution time between the fast export, and the slow export (see below).

How to speed up the exports without having to drop and recreate the database connections in the connection pools each night.

elapsed_time: 430.90
executions: 161,388
Module: exp@Oracle1 (TNS V1-V3)

elapsed_time: 264.29
executions: 50,349
Module: exp@Oracle1 (TNS V1-V3)

elapse_time: 8264.16
executions: 124,662
Module: exp@Oracle1 (TNS V1-V3)

elapsed_time: 3877.78
executions: 38,813
Module: exp@Oracle1 (TNS V1-V3)

I use the following export command for each schema:
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/exp user/pass file=somefile.dmp owner=$SCHEMA log=somelog.log buffer=9000000

I have an Oracle Standard edition database on 64bit Linux with a 7GB SGA. I currently export (I use exp not datapump because datapump is a lot slower and we can't use parallel processing features of datapump on a standard edition database) approx 200 schema's each night. The export normally takes 1 hour 50 minutes which is approximately 2 schema's exported every minute. When the exports run slowly each export takes almost 2 minutes to complete.

The database has about 20 GB data and 50 GB indexes. The database has also approx 500 connections via toplink connection pools from 8 application servers.

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Server Utilities :: SQL LOADER - Format Of Error Returned By Command Line

Apr 5, 2011

I'm working with sqlldr and i try to insert data from a csv file to a CTL file. One field of my table contains 5 characters but one row has 6 characters in this field, so it's rejected by oracle. (Logical, you can't insert 6 chars in a 5 chars field)

an error is visibly returned, so i wondered how you could catch the value of this error?is it a code? a message?

I'd like to add to my script a condition so that the end of the script would continue even if this error code is returned for that CTL execution.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Version Of Oracle And JDBC Running On A Remote Database?

Jul 28, 2013

How to know the version of Oracle and JDBC of remote databases that is accessing my database through DBLInk.

For example I have a database A , B database is using my database Through a dblink.Now I want to know the version of oracle and jdbc which working on B.

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Client Tools :: Running CodeXpert Through Command Line Using Toad 9.0

Oct 20, 2010

I need to run Toad codexpert using command line I am trying the following command

"C:Program Files... oad.exe" CX="C:... CmdLineTest.ini"

When I execte the command from command line .Codeexprt run and stop after some time and it make entry in the error log as "ora-00942 table or view does not exist".

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Oracle 9 Database Refresh From Production Server To Integration Server

Oct 13, 2012

I will have to proceed with Oracle 9 database refresh from production server to integration server. 5 biggest schemas must be exported and imported. They constitute 97% space used in a database. This is very big database so I would like to be sure that everything will go smoothly. That is why i want to ask you some questions.

Have you got any clues for me before I start with exp/imp? From my side i will tell you that I will have to exp/imp schema by schema because there is small space both on production and integration disk for a dump. First thing I thought are dependencies between schemas that are exported and that which are not, and also between schemas that are exported/imported one by one.

This is procedure that I plan:

For every schema that is to be refreshed
1. Export schema with ROWS=N CONSTRAINTS=Y
3. Import schema from step one
4. Disable all the foreign key constraints using ALTER TABLE DISABLE CONSTRAINT.
5. Import schema with rows

With above procedure i think that I will avoid problems with dependencies between schemas exported/imported one by one. But my concern is if there are any dependencies between those schemas and schemas that are not exported. Is there an way to check it before refresh ?

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Production Database Server Process

Apr 27, 2013

Oracle 11g default server process is dedicated select distinct server from v$session; dedicated

Which server process is used in the oracle 11g Production? if the database is connect to an online application?

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Production Oracle DB 11g On Virtual Server

Apr 25, 2013

We just got a new Dell R720 server that will host our Oracle DB. The server hasn't even been turned on yet but we know that the load on the server will be very low for a long time.

One of our problems is that we need to run a VERY important application. Since it is not very resource consuming compared to it's importance we chose to run it on a not so new Xeon 5110 1.60 GHz - 4GB RAM server. He said it's not a good idea and that we should buy a new server. (money is very low)

The software vendor suggested to virtualize our R720 server, host a vm running our database, and along with it other smaller machines like the one I described above. I suggested the use of Oracle VM, Oracle Linux for the database host and transforming the physical servers servers in VM with P2V.

Our IT Manager didn't like that, he said that it's not recommended to run a database on a virtual machine. But our software vendor said that many of their clients run their solution this way.

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Why Production Server Slower Than Development Workstation

Jun 24, 2008

I have a JSP that works with an Oracle 9i database.

On my local windows workstation where I developed the JSP the application processes very quickly working with the Oracle database. The JSP application on the Production Intranet web server connecting to the same Schema processes very slow sometimes during the day. During off hours the Production Intranet JSP with Oracle processes quicker.

There is only one user for the application and I dont understand why the same application using the same database runs so much slower sometimes on the production server compared to my local workstation.

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Automate Import From Production To Test Server

Nov 15, 2011

I would like to know that how can i automate the export from production to test server. I need direction to create process to import data from production (server A) to test server (server B).

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Server Administration :: ASM - Disk Strategies In Production Environments?

Jan 26, 2010

I am working on ASM as i am bit confused to decide ASM Disk strategies in production Environments. For Ex:-

1.Normal Redundancy ( Allows 2 Mirror Groups ) :-
I have created Normal_DG Diskgroup with 4 Disks

Disk2 ------- |
|--->FG2 ----> FG1
Disk3 ------- |

According to my understanding , if Disk1 Fails Disk4 facilitates normal operations. When there is space crunch it operates in reduced redundancy . Am i right ?

2.I have got 4 Disks in one group (i.e from Disk1 To Disk4 ) i have not defined any failure group and as per my understanding all disks will be added to its own failure group without mirroring and striping.

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Server Administration :: How To Refresh Test Schema From Production Request

Oct 31, 2012

Steps to Refresh test Oracle 9i schema from production schema on a Windows platform..

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