Unable To Load Data In Oracle 11g From XLS File?
Sep 6, 2011
when i tried to load the data i got the below error,
Error starting at line 2 in command:
i tried to load the data in oracle 11g but i'm unable to load the data,and for testing i tried with a single row of data.but surprisingly the table filled with (null)s
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Sep 28, 2011
Issue: Unable to load a flat file through Oracle Loader
Below is the script that is being used:
drop table dl_fact_fac_data_xtern;
create table dl_fact_fac_data_xtern
After rnning this script, it prompts that table has been created; but once I fire the select command on the table I receive the following errors :
ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN callout
ORA-29400: data cartridge error
KUP-00554: error encountered while parsing access parameters
KUP-01005: syntax error: found "data": expecting one of: "double-quoted-string, identifier, single-quoted-string"
KUP-01007: at line 10 column 11
ORA-06512: at "SYS.ORACLE_LOADER", line 19
29913. 00000 - "error in executing %s callout"
*Cause: The execution of the specified callout caused an error.
*Action: Examine the error messages take appropriate action.
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Dec 14, 2011
I want to load data from LST file. The data format and control file is given below. It is loading the 1st line only. it is not loading the other lines. pls let me know what needs to be added in the control file to load this data?
Table Scan: |14-DEC-11 09:54 |xest | 16| 0|SYSTEM |ws_email|declare v_lst_suc da|14-DEC-11 08:32:39| 716444|XEST_USER
XEST_USER.X| | | | | |er.exe |te; v_nxt_sch date; | | |
EST_PING_RCV| | | | | | |cur_time varchar2(30| | |
D: 28609 out| | | | | | |); begin --select| | |
of 28609 Bl| | | | | | | last_date, next_dat| | |
ocks done | | | | | | |e into v_lst_suc, v_| | |
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Apr 8, 2010
I am using perl script to dynamically generate the control file.If I have data in the control file as well as in the datafile, how would i write the control file in that case. Is the below one correct?
load data
INFILE '/export/home/test/test.csv'
terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"'
trailing nullcols
( empno, empname, sal, deptno )
Is there any way that if my control file contains half of the data and my data file contains the other half of the data can i club this data into a logical record in the control file to populate the DB?
My exact 2nd requirement is, my DB contains 5 cols and for 1 col the data is common(countryName) which i have to pass to the control file dynamically and the .csv file contains the data for the other four cols. How could i combine these in the ctrl file and populate the DB?
so if the DB contains CountryName, empid, ename, sal and dept..I will get the CountryName to the ctrl file and csv contains the data for empid, ename, sal and dept. How would i combine these data into a logical record and populate the DB?
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Aug 16, 2011
I have a table revenue
create table revenue
person varchar2(23),
month varchar2(3),
rev_amt number
and i have data in a file like below
Person Jan Feb Mar Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dez
i want to load it into the table in the following way.
Person Month Revenue
Schnyder Jan 345
Schnyder Feb 223
Schnyder Mar 122
Schnyder Apr 345
Schnyder Mai 324
Schnyder Jun 244
Schnyder Jul 123
Schnyder Aug 123
Schnyder Sep 345
Schnyder Oct 121
Schnyder Nov 345
Schnyder Dez 197
........ ... ...
How to write control file to load this data into the above revenue table.
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Jun 25, 2013
i have a problem in my ODI 11g with the load into Oralce table of a fixed width file, i configured all the datasource in ODI and when i do view data i see all correct, the end of file is signed like "0D0A" but when i try my load interface i receive the message that my last field is more big than the one declared.
My file have an header of fields and the last field is a data-field of 2000 characters. I controlled and is really fixed the length cause is a COBOL file from a Mainframe. So it looks that ODI don't understand the end of that field and go ahead to the other, i just tryed to enlarge the limit but is always more big like if the file is shifting on the right.
Have i forgot some configuration in some place? The definition of the file present the end of file like Microsoft hexadecimal \u000D\u000A i try all the combination there but no way to avoid this problem.
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Oct 26, 2012
I am having query regarding sql loader. my data file is comm(,) seperated and I want to load the whole file in oracle table 'bill_temp' except 1st column data of data file.
File name: bill_file.dat
fields seperated by comma ','
values are like
oracle table bill_temp having the below column:
Here I want load the emp_name,emp_sal and join_date into oracle table bill_temp.
emp_id should not get loaded into table.
Is there any way to skip the loading of particular column data from data file into table?
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May 31, 2010
what i miss to load date and time from text file to oracle table through sqlloader
this is my data in this path (c:externalmy_data.txt)
my table in database emp2
create table emp2 (empno number,
ename varchar2(20),
hiredate date,
etime date,
ejob varchar2(20),
deptno number);
the control file code in this path (c:externalctrl.ctl)
load data
infile 'C:externalmy_data.txt'
into table emp2
fields terminated by ','
(empno, ename, hiredate, etime, ejob, deptno)
this is the error :
C:>sqlldr scott/tiger control=C:externalctrl.ctl
SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon May 31 09:45:10 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Commit point reached - logical record count 5
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Aug 19, 2012
[oracle@RSASPGERP02 ~]$ cd /
[oracle@RSASPGERP02 ~]$ . .bash_profile
[oracle@RSASPGERP02 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
sql*plus:Release - production
ORA-09925:Unable to create audit trail file
its standby archieving problem ,the problem appears when try to connect directly or through telenet and we try to login directly using oracle user we receving following message and login fail, "GDM could not write to your authorization file,this could mean that you are out of disk space or that your home directory could not be opened for writting"
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