SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Load A Flat File Through Oracle Loader?

Sep 28, 2011

Issue: Unable to load a flat file through Oracle Loader

Below is the script that is being used:

drop table dl_fact_fac_data_xtern;
create table dl_fact_fac_data_xtern


After rnning this script, it prompts that table has been created; but once I fire the select command on the table I receive the following errors :

ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN callout
ORA-29400: data cartridge error
KUP-00554: error encountered while parsing access parameters
KUP-01005: syntax error: found "data": expecting one of: "double-quoted-string, identifier, single-quoted-string"
KUP-01007: at line 10 column 11
ORA-06512: at "SYS.ORACLE_LOADER", line 19
29913. 00000 - "error in executing %s callout"
*Cause: The execution of the specified callout caused an error.
*Action: Examine the error messages take appropriate action.

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PL/SQL :: Load Data From Flat File To Target Table With Scheduling In Loader

Sep 7, 2013

I have requirement as follows.  I need to load the data to the target table on every Saturday. My source file consists of data of several sates. For every week i have to load one particular state data to target table.  If first week I loaded AP data, then second week on Saturday karnatak, etc.

Provide code also how can i schedule the data load with every Saturday  with different state column values automatically.

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Server Utilities :: Load Selected Records From Flat File Using SQL Loader

Nov 24, 2011

Load the selected records from the flat file using SQL*Loader.

I have a flat file it's having 100 records, I want to load first 10 records from the file using SQL*LOADER.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Stored Procedure To Load Flat File Data

Oct 24, 2013

I need to create an Oracle Stored Procedure to read a Flat file(pipe delimited) and load the data into an Oracle table. I believe the file should be located in any of the path as logged in dba_directories table or it can be anywhere on the local client machine?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Load Flat File Into Database At Regular Interval Time

Apr 5, 2011

how can we load a Flat file into a Database At Regular Interval Time.

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Server Utilities :: Sql Loader - Load Whole File In Oracle Table?

Oct 26, 2012

I am having query regarding sql loader. my data file is comm(,) seperated and I want to load the whole file in oracle table 'bill_temp' except 1st column data of data file.

File name: bill_file.dat
fields seperated by comma ','
values are like
oracle table bill_temp having the below column:

Here I want load the emp_name,emp_sal and join_date into oracle table bill_temp.
emp_id should not get loaded into table.

Is there any way to skip the loading of particular column data from data file into table?

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Server Utilities :: Flat File Tab Delimiter Import Messed Up With SQL Loader

Jan 4, 2012

I am trying to import data from below content.

Flat File

PLAN_PCOTDefaultPlanning Customer
1001_BTPCOTDefaultGeneral Planning Customer
2000_BTPCOTDefaultNational Account Planning Customer
3000_BTPCOTDefaultDistributor Planning Customer
3010_BTPCOTDefaultEducation Planning Customer
3020_BTPCOTDefaultResearch Planning Customer
OPT1_PCOTDefaultOption 1 Planning customer
OPT2_PCOTDefaultOption 2 Planning customer
OPT3_PCOTDefaultOption 3 Planning customer

The problem here is , When you try to import to a table which has same columns . I skipped the first line when loading . The issue here is the second field is getting split in to the two columns . for e.g. :- Default goes to Child and Remaining goes to the Alias.

infarct there is a tab at the end of the each line. How to set the Sql loader settings correctly so that I can populated the end column in CHILD column only.!!!!

INFILE 'FlatFile.txt'
BADFILE ''FlatFile.bad'
DISCARDFILE ''FlatFile.dsc'

INTO TABLE "table"

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Read CSV File And Load Into Oracle Table

Aug 27, 2012

I want to read the csv file and load into oracle table.But I am getting file with filename_<today date> for every day. Is it possible to use single External table to read file in dynamic.

or what is the best way to do this? My oracle version 10g in windows OS.

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Unable To Load Data In Oracle 11g From XLS File?

Sep 6, 2011


when i tried to load the data i got the below error,

Error starting at line 2 in command:



i tried to load the data in oracle 11g but i'm unable to load the data,and for testing i tried with a single row of data.but surprisingly the table filled with (null)s

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Load DMP File Into Oracle 11gR2 Database Schema

Mar 24, 2013

i have a .dmp file and i want to use the data in this file for my further practices. so, i need to dump the data in the .dmp file to the any schema exists in data base.

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Server Utilities :: How To Load Date And Time From Text File To Oracle Table Through Sql Loader

May 31, 2010

what i miss to load date and time from text file to oracle table through sqlloader

this is my data in this path (c:externalmy_data.txt)


my table in database emp2

create table emp2 (empno number,
ename varchar2(20),
hiredate date,
etime date,
ejob varchar2(20),
deptno number);

the control file code in this path (c:externalctrl.ctl)

load data
infile 'C:externalmy_data.txt'
into table emp2
fields terminated by ','
(empno, ename, hiredate, etime, ejob, deptno)

this is the error :

C:>sqlldr scott/tiger control=C:externalctrl.ctl

SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon May 31 09:45:10 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Commit point reached - logical record count 5

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Migrating Data From Solid Database To Oracle - Flat Files

Aug 14, 2012

I am migrating data from a Solid Database to Oracle, I am using Flat Files to do that.

1.- I download the data to flat files from Solid
2.- I move the files to Oracle server
3.- I upload the data to Oracle

Now, I have done the 90% of the data base, but I have found some tables that has description columns and in this description the users writes enters, so when I try to upload the data to Oracle SQL loader cannot recognize this characters.


'30','0.','13.','0.','0.','0.','0.','0.','6.','0.','6.','0.','0.','|SE RECHAZA B20CS50SNW ^M
DOS MOD. HSC15I41EH,DOS MOD. HSK15I41EH |Agregó: 06/06/2009 12:22:50
|','DEV. A PROV.'

How can I solve this ?

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Server Utilities :: Import A Flat File Into Oracle And Update Another Table

Jul 5, 2013

I have a text file called ReturnedFile.txt. This is a comma separated text file that contains records for two fields.... Envelope and Date Returned.

At the same time, I have a table in Oracle called Manifest. This table contains the following fields:



I need to write something that imports the ReturnedFile.txt into a temporary Oracle table named UploadTemp, and then compares the data in the Envelope field from UploadTemp with the Envelope field in Manifest. If it's a match, then the DateReturned field in Manifest needs updated with the DateReturned field in UploadTemp.

I've done this with SQL Server no problem, but I've been trying for two days to make this work with Oracle and I can't figure it out. I've been trying to use SQL*Loader, but I can't even get it to run properly on my machine.

I did create a Control file, saved as RetFile.ctl. Below is the contents of the CTL file:

INFILE 'C:OracleTestReturnedFile.txt'


If I could get SQL*Loader running, below is the code I came up with to import the text file and then to do the compare to the Manifest table and update as appropriate:

sqlldr UserJoe/Password123 CONTROL=C:OracleTestRetFile.ctl LOG=RetFile.log BAD=RetFile.bad

update Manifest m set m.DateReturned =
(select t.DateReturned
from UploadTemp t
where m.Envelope = t.Envelope

That's all I got. As I said, I can't find a way to test it and I have no idea if it's even close.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: 500 Unable To Open File

Jun 24, 2013

Lots of email alerts reporting SQL Loader failures (the data is actually loading) but I want to prevent all these email alerts being fired. We have an SQL Loader script that is failing regularly with this error, however the data does end up in the tables so it must run subsequently succesfully the log files are cleared out quite quickly so it is difficult to track the errors. Why is there no filename just a.day reference in the error log file? 

Below is the shell script  I do not have much script experience, so I am unable to see how I can alter this...could I add some kind of exclusive lock check to see if I actually have access to the file before SQL Loader tries to Load it?  

value used for ROWS parameter changed from 64 to 63 SQL*Loader-500: Unable to open file (/e2e_ms_xfer/cent01/.dat) SQL*Loader-553: file not found SQL*Loader-509: System error: No such file or directory SQL*Loader-2026: the load was aborted because SQL Loader cannot continue.  

This is the full error log file  SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Sat Jun 15 12:17:38 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Control File: /tmp/e2e_load_ms_raw_coda.ctl Data File:

/e2e_ms_xfer/cent01/.dat Bad File: /tmp/e2e_load_ms_raw_coda.bad Discard File: /tmp/e2e_load_ms_raw_coda.dsc (Allow all discards)  Number to load: ALL Number to skip: 0 Errors allowed: 50 Bind array: 64 rows, maximum of 256000 bytes Continuation: none specified Path used: Conventional Table MS_RAW_CODA, loaded from every logical record. Insert option in effect for this table: APPEND TRAILING NULLCOLS option in effect Column Name Position Len Term Encl Datatype -----------CODA_RECORD FIRST 4000 CHARACTER Terminator string :

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Server Utilities :: SQL Loader Unable To Open File Error?

Mar 9, 2012

I am recieving errors when trying to load the control file. The errors are as follows:

SQL*Loader-500 Unable to open file (homework.ctl)
SQL*Loader-553 file not found
SQL*Loader-559 SYstem error: The system cannot find the file specified.

My control file is located directly in the C drive (C:homework.ctl). The control file contains the following

INFILE 'c:country.dat'
fields terminated by ',' optionally encloded by '"'
(country, month, day)
WHEN (month='April')

The command I am entering is:

sqlldr system/password control=homework.ctl

I've tried c:homework.ctl, 'c:homework.ctl', and placing the file in the BIN folder of Oracle.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Clob To Flat File?

Nov 20, 2012

Just wanted to export a clob field to .txt file, the maximum length of the clob field exceeds the limit 32767. So only partial data is exported to flat file. is there any way to export the entire data available in clob field irrespective of the size or lenght.

Length of the clob is 301829

l_file := UTL_FILE.fopen('LOCALDIR', '3.txt', 'w', 32767);
DBMS_LOB.read (v_text_exp, l_amount, l_pos, l_buffer);
UTL_FILE.put(l_file, l_buffer);
l_pos := l_pos + l_amount;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Export GB Data In Flat File

Nov 25, 2011

Database: Oracle 8i

My query is:

I have large data in the one table(approx. 2GB and above). I want to load the data in one flat file.

When i use spool - it is loading half data and remaining it is corrupting. In UNIX, i kept .sql file and with that i am exporting in .dat file. How to export the large data into flat file(.dat). is there any way to load command which wil be used in UNIX.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Reading Flat File With Header?

Jul 3, 2012

working on loading the data from flat file into table and below given is the validation condition given.I checked the UTL_FILE build in package but not able to figure out, how to identify the column header in flat file.

1. Skip the header, if any. The header is the first record, and starts with '000'
2. Skip the trailer, if any. The Trailer is the last record, and starts with '999'
3. Log an error, but continue if a line exceeds 512 characters
4. Log an error, but continue if a line is blank

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Producing Pipe Delimited Flat File

Oct 20, 2011

I have a task to code a procedure and function in sql developer that will extract data within a date range (Jan 1 to April 3) from a source (source_name: expenses)and produce a text-file in pipe-delimited format.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Load Data From Oracle To Text File?

Jun 18, 2013

I want to load data from oracle table to flat file(csv/text file). Is there SQL query to do this?

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Building Data Warehouse From Single Flat File

May 2, 2012

I am trying to build a data warehouse for Consumer Price Index and so I have downloaded data from the Bureau of Statistics.It is in excel format and since I am working with Oracle Warehouse Builder I have converted it to .csv file so that I can use it as a data source.

Question1: Is it practical to use single .csv file as a source of data for a data warehouse?

Question2: I have 3 dimensions tables and a fact table.The dimensions are one for the Region(as the date is organized in region,states etc),two is the consumer goods and services (as the data is organized in groups of goods and services, services/goods types) and finally time(year and month),

Now how am I going to do the mapping here?Is it possible to do a one to one mapping here as all data required by the dimensions is located in the .csv file.

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SQLLDR With CLOB Data In Single Flat File?

Nov 24, 2012

I am migrating data from DB2 to Oracle. I used DB2 export to extract the data specifying lobsinfile clause. This created all the CLOB data in one file. So a typical record has a column with a reference to the CLOB data. "OUTFILE.001.lob.0.2880/". where OUTFILE.001.lob is the name specified in the export command and 0 is the starting position in the file and 2880 is the length of the first CLOB.

When I try to load this data using sqlldr I'm getting a file not found.Attached is a copy of the control file and output from testing

PS. I cant use the DB2 option LOBSINSEPFILES which creates a separate file for each CLOB column because the table has over 14 million rows....and creating 14 mil files causes OS inode problems...

Attached File(s)
 sqlldr.txt ( 2.05K )
Number of downloads: 3

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PL/SQL :: Create Multiple External Tables From Same Flat File?

Nov 28, 2012

using oracle 10g currently create many external tables like so..


"Q1_2012" VARCHAR2(25 BYTE),
"Q2_2012" VARCHAR2(25 BYTE),
"Q3_2012" VARCHAR2(25 BYTE),
"Q4_2012" VARCHAR2(25 BYTE)

is there any way I can use 1 flat file (csv) to populate many external tables ?

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PL/SQL :: NLS Parameters - Exporting Couple Of Views Into Flat File

Jan 11, 2013

In one of my projects I am exporting a couple of views into a flat file. The export utility is generic and uses dynamic sql to generate a flat file. We have a test environment and a production environment. On both the code is the same. We noticed that the output is different between the environments although it is supposed to be the same. If I export a view in the production I will get a record like this:

0020110107O0000000001|OTHER|07.01.11 08:06:00,296000|07.01.11 08:04:41,008000||0|0|EUR||NOT_FROZEN|MVOIP||IS_NORMAL_VERSION|MODIFIED|6863475590797607166|8648564326455689103|8011808169304472215|||CCP||||10000580||||DEKA|PS

In the test environment it will be like this:

0020110107O0000000001|OTHER|07-JAN-11 AM|07-JAN-11 AM||0|0|EUR||NOT_FROZEN|MVOIP||IS_NORMAL_VERSION|MODIFIED|6863475590797607166|8648564326455689103|8011808169304472215|||CCP||||10000580||||DEKA|PS

The code I am running is not changing any settings explicitly. It looks like this and it will be run as EXECUTE IMMEDIATE:

v_sql         VARCHAR2 (32000);
v_sql_count   NUMBER             := 0;
v_error       VARCHAR2 (4000);
v_new_file    UTL_FILE.file_type;
I also tried to do the following on production in order to get it equal to the test environment:


This would change the formatting for the timestamp columns for almost all files. Almost. Two of those files remain unchanged and still show the decimal separator from the old setting:

0020110107O0000000001|OTHER|07-JAN-11 08.06.00,296000 AM|07-JAN-11 08.04.41,008000 AM||0|0|EUR||NOT_FROZEN|MVOIP||IS_NORMAL_VERSION|MODIFIED|6863475590797607166|8648564326455689103|8011808169304472215|||CCP||||10000580||||DEKA|PSAny





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Load Into Oracle Table Of A Fixed Width File

Jun 25, 2013

i have a problem in my ODI 11g with the load into Oralce table of a fixed width file, i configured all the datasource in ODI and when i do view data i see all correct, the end of file is signed like "0D0A" but when i try my load interface i receive the message that my last field is more big than the one declared.

My file have an header of fields and the last field is a data-field of 2000 characters. I controlled and is really fixed the length cause is a COBOL file from a Mainframe. So it looks that ODI don't understand the end of that field and go ahead to the other, i just tryed to enlarge the limit but is always more big like if the file is shifting on the right.

Have i forgot some configuration in some place? The definition of the file present the end of file like Microsoft hexadecimal \u000D\u000A i try all the combination there but no way to avoid this problem.

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Client Tools :: How To Spool Clob Data Into Flat File

Oct 11, 2011

I want to spool CLOB data into flat file ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Creating Store Procedure That Will Accept A Username From A Flat File?

Apr 8, 2012

I'm trying to create a store procedure that will accept a username from a flat file but i don't know how to do read file into store procedure.

Below is a sample store procedure by itself i created to add user which created okay but when i execute I got the error displayed below.

create or replace procedure addUsers(userNam in varchar2)
end addUsers;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure To Load Data In Oracle Table Into Excel File

Dec 29, 2010

send me the procedure for loading the data in an oracle table into an excel file.

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Server Utilities :: How To Load Data In Oracle From Microsoft Access Database (MDB) File

Aug 24, 2012

I have one .mdb (Microsoft Access Database) file and it has some tables in it. I had load it once using toad. But now i have to load it frequently into the database. Is it possible using external table, so i can access that tables using "select" statement.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Load Huge XML File With Hundreds Of Records Into Oracle Table?

Jun 29, 2011

I need to load (using SQL Loader) an huge XML file, with several hundreds of records into an Oracle Table.The XML file schema is pretty simple, and it's anything like this:

<companyname>LimitSoft S.A.</companyname>
<address>Street Number 1</address>


I'm trying to use the help included in this link [URL]...

When they refer to schema[URL].... what should I use?? I do not need to use the Oracle website to register anything, right?

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