Total Disk Space Used By A Database

Sep 27, 2012

Is this the command to check the total size of disk space a database have used.

select sum(bytes) from dba_data_files;

Is the temp size included?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Total Space Occupied On Disk By Tablespaces Of Database

Nov 3, 2010

I am trying to find the space occupied on disk by the tablespaces of the database that contain tables, some (and not all) of whose columns are encrypted. My query is like this:

select distinct a.tablespace_name, file_name, bytes /(1024*1024*1024) File_Size_In_GB
from dba_data_files a, dba_tables b,
(select distinct owner, table_name from DBA_ENCRYPTED_COLUMNS) c
a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name and
b.owner = c.owner and
b.table_name = c.table_name
order by a.tablespace_name;

The output of the query is as shown in the attached file:


Since the output (under the heading Total Size of the tablespace) is probably the sum of all the datafiles returned by the query and is obviously incorrect, I have not given the rest of it. I also tried the following:

select distinct a.tablespace_name, file_name, bytes /(1024*1024*1024) File_Size_In_GB,
sum (bytes/(1024*1024*1024))over (partition by a.tablespace_name order by file_name) "Total Size of the tablespace"
from dba_data_files a, dba_tables b,
(select distinct owner, table_name from DBA_ENCRYPTED_COLUMNS) c
a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name and
b.owner = c.owner and
b.table_name = c.table_name
order by a.tablespace_name ;

Here, the fig. under the heading "Total Size of the tablespace" are probably the sum of all the records returned by the query if distinct is not used i.e all the data file sizes returned by the query.

tune my query and get the desired results? I think this can be achieved by group by with rollup, cube, order by and grouping functions, but am not sure how to proceed. I know that I can get the results by using Enterprise Mgr. Console in 2 mins., but would still like to get the results with the queries.

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Calculate Total Disk Space Used By Oracle Databases Across Whole Company?

Oct 18, 2013

If we want to know the number of instances, number of RAC databases  and whole total disk space used by oracle (not file system size),1. Any script can be ran from OEM grid control against all instances/databases? or2. we have a repository unix server which has all tnsnames of whole databases, any script we can run from there?

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Server Administration :: Disk Space When Add Data File On Primary Database?

Jun 24, 2013

I'm new into Oracle, consider the below scenario and respond it accordingly.

I want to add 500GB data file at primary database side, but doesn't have space at standby database side. My STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT is set to Auto.

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Recliam The Space In Hard Disk

Nov 26, 2010

I have droped the tablespace like 60gb size. using following command


but the space is not recliamed in disk. still i have same size in hard disk. how to reclim the space to hard disk..?

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Reclaiming Actual Physical Disk Space

Sep 2, 2011

I look after a team of DBAs and I have a request to free up space on our very expensive storage system. However the answers on how to do this differ and i'd like to ask for external input...So not being a techincal person I see the world as quite black and white. Meaning that you delete data and you free space but after doing much reading I understand this is not the case, as you essentially create data fragmentation within the datafile resulting in the db having lots more space to write into but not actually freeing space, even if you shrink the file it doesnt free space or do a reorg?

We have as an example a DB with 2 billion rows of data in 1 table, no partioning just one large table. We have worked out that we can probably delete 1 billion rows or even better only keep a rolling 3 month window of data. What would be the suggestion on deleting this data and reclaiming the disk space to actually see additional disk space made available at the os level.

How about deleting the data and reclaiming the space. Through reading it looks like it might be something like, delete, creating new table space partitions from this data. This in theory would create new a tablespace in newly created data files which would result in the data being reorganised and taking up less physical space and when completed you point to the newly created partitions and drop the old tables.

how they have done this as it must be a common problem that people have created some different solutions. What commands, procedures have been used?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Drop Schema And Reclaim Disk Space?

Jun 29, 2011

I need to drop one of the schema with 700 tables. There are other schemas in same database and tablespaces are shared across.

How can I reclaim the disk space after dropping the particular schema?

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Query To Check Disk Space Usage For Oracle

Apr 21, 2010

What is the query to check disk space usage for oracle 10g ? What is the query to check percent of disk space usage for oracle 10g ?

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Checking Free Disk Space On OS And ASM Bug?

Jul 9, 2012

I've installed GI on AIX 7.1.And today I noticed strange ASM's behavior:

-bash-3.2$ getconf DISK_SIZE /dev/rhdisk2
-bash-3.2$ asmcmd
ASMCMD> lsdsk -k
Total_MB Free_MB OS_MB Name Failgroup Failgroup_Type Library Label UDID Product Redund Path
*188616* 68204 *188616* DATA_0000 DATA_0000 REGULAR System UNKNOWN /dev/rhdisk2

I guessed that was because of LUN size (it was exceed 2 TB)After that I dinamically shrinked LUN size on our external storage, rebooted and perfomed cfgmgr command on both nodes. But I still have no enough free space.

-bash-3.2$ getconf DISK_SIZE /dev/rhdisk2
-bash-3.2$ asmcmd
ASMCMD> lsdsk -k
Total_MB Free_MB OS_MB Name Failgroup Failgroup_Type Library Label UDID Product Redund Path
*188616* 68204 *1992294* DATA_0000 DATA_0000 REGULAR System UNKNOWN /dev/rhdisk2

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Data Guard :: How To Create Another Standby With Max Disk Space

Nov 1, 2012

In my environment Oracle database 11gR1 is running & dg is configured i.e >> 1 primary & 1 standby. In near future space issues will arise for standby. I want to create 1 more standby with max disk space, but how? Active dataguard is configured where report are generated from where & what changes should be made in Primary pfile & new standby pfile.

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Server Administration :: Reclaiming Actual Physical Disk Space?

Sep 3, 2011

essentially create data fragmentation within the datafile resulting in the db having lots more space to write into but not actually freeing space, even if you shrink the file it doesnt free space or do a reorg?

We have as an example a DB with 2 billion rows of data in 1 table, no partioning just one large table.

We have worked out that we can probably delete 1 billion rows or even better only keep a rolling 3 month window of data.

What would be the suggestion on deleting this data and reclaiming the disk space to actually see additional disk space made available at the os level.

deleting the data and reclaiming the space.

Through reading it looks like it might be something like, delete, creating new table space partitions from this data. This in theory would create new a tablespace in newly created data files which would result in the data being reorganised and taking up less physical space and when completed you point to the newly created partitions and drop the old tables.

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Server Utilities :: ARGUMENT Segment Taken More Space Out Of Total System?

Jun 12, 2012

After importing my dump, i have noticed that ARGUMENT$ segment taken more than 9 GB out of my total SYSTEM table space.I belive ARGUMENT$ table is used only to store procedure/package parameter details. But I am not sure Why it has taken more space.

Is there any way we can reduce the SYSTEM table space? using with the below details?

Import Details:
1) Imported using IMP DP. List of parameters used are userid, logfile, dumpfile, directory, job_name and remap_schema.
2) Dump file size is 3GB
3) The below list will be no. of objects imported using my dump.

------------------- ----------
INDEX 4742


4) The below list will be amount of space occupied by the segments in the SYSTEM.

col owner form a5 word wrap
col segment_name form a15 word wrap
col segment_type form a15 word wrap
select owner,segment_name,segment_type
,bytes/(1024*1024) size_m


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To Add One Disk Group Space To Another Disk Group

May 9, 2011

Is there any way to add one disk group space to another disk group. Because One of my disk group is full i want to add space in to that group.

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Server Administration :: Any Relation Of Tablespace Disk Space And Actual Data Present In Tables

Aug 16, 2012

We are using Oracle 10g and have 10 tablespaces defined for our Database which have 108 tables. Size of 108 tables is around 251 MB as seen during importing the dump. While creating these 10 tablespaces I used below parameters for allocation of space


which set the initial space for 10 tablespaces to around 1032Kb each. Now my Question is after importing the dump , how the disk space for 10 tablespaces increases to 398 MB in total ?

Is there any relation of Tablespace disk space and Actual Data present in the tables ?

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Adding ASM Disk With Header Status MEMBER To Existing Disk Group

Aug 26, 2010

We have a Production Oracle 10g R2 RAC on HP-UX v2 IA64 servers.We have Two Disk Groups one for Archive (ARC_DISK - 100 GB) and other for Database(DATA_DISK - 1 TB]. We wanted to add more space to the DATA_DISK disk group.Unix admin configured 200 GB from SAN and changed the ownership of the Disk to oracle and permissions to 775 on 1st Node.I opended DBCA from 1st Node and was able to see the disk in 'Show Candidate'.

I added this disk to the DATA_DISK disk group and clicked OK but got ORA- error with some message like some operations could not be performed. I exited DBCA.We realized that we had forgotten to change the ownerhip and permission from the 2nd Node.Unix admin changed the ownership of the Disk to oracle and permissions to 775 on the 2nd Node.

I opened DBCA again from 1st Node and selected the DATA_DISK disk group but could not find the Disk in 'Show Candiate' open. I clicked on 'Show All' and this disk was shown with Header_Status - MEMBER but not allocated to DATA_DISKGROUP. When I clicked the 'Show Member' option, this disk is not shown for DATA_DISK disk group. I exited DBCA at this point.As this is a critcal Production database I didnt proceed any further and exited DBCA.

Now I need to add this Disk to the DATA_DISK disk group but not sure which option to select. I got one reply from another forum to run DBCA select the DATA_DISK Disk Group and then click 'Show All' and select this Disk (which already has MEMBER as Header Status) and select Force Option and click OK to continue.

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Server Administration :: Disk Group With Two Disk For Normal Redundancy

Jan 16, 2013

I Configured an ASM instance and a disk group with two disk for normal redundancy.

> Here .. each disk is 2gb

The disk group has two disks...

SQL> select group_number, name, type, total_mb, free_mb
2 from v$asm_diskgroup;

------------ ------------------------------ ------ ---------- ----------
1 DATA NORMAL 4000 3898

as the group has two way mirroring (Normal redundancy) How much data (2 GB or 4 GB) can i keep in the disk group? My conception is I can keep 2 GB data in the disk group... (as the disk group keeps every extent in another disk as mirror)

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How To Create Ocr Disk Or Voting Disk On Windows Server 2008

Feb 17, 2011

I have 2 servers both having windows server 2008 64 bit as operating system installed on both I need to install oracle clusterware 11g r1 on both servers with clustering on external storage. I have configured the network(private,public and virtual) for both servers and have started the installation.

In the installation of oracle I add both servers but then I reach to a point where they ask me for voting disk or ocr disk in the cluster configuration storage but no disk is present how can i create ocr disk or voting disk on windows server 2008? And the external storage should I buy a special type of storage that supports clustering to continue my work?

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Backup & Recovery :: Trying To Recover Database After Disk Failure

May 4, 2011

multiple disk failure, the database was open at the time.We have managed to recover the data from the disk and have put it on another disk.We have got a new server with oracle 9 running.

A blank database has been created.I have copied the control files and redo files onto the new server and left the datafiles , (.dbf,.ora) on a seperate external disk F drive (this is because the original database resided on F drive)I can mount the database , however when I try to open it I get the following

ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 135338868 bytes
Fixed Size 453492 bytes
Variable Size 109051904 bytes
Database Buffers 25165824 bytes
Redo Buffers 667648 bytes
Database mounted.
ORA-01122: database file 1 failed verification check
ORA-01207: file is more recent than controlfile - old controlfile

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Using Total Recall With Streams - Reporting Database?

Jun 2, 2010

this Topic was already discussed in "Physical standby on oracle 11g - Reporting needs" but without finishing.

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Automatic Storage Management :: Multiple Database On Same Machine - Identify Disk Group?

Jan 21, 2013

Db :
Os :Aix

We have 3 database under an ASM on same machine.Each db has 2 disk group's.

Db Name :DT6

Db Name :DT7

Db Name :DT8

How these database instance correctly identify the disk group? Can we use two database instance for One disk group?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: UTL_FILE.FGETATTR Can't Access Files On Network Disk After Database Server Was Restarted

Jun 20, 2012

I managed to upload images to a database server, resize them, copy to the application server and everything worked just fine - the Apex page successfully displayed images. Since last week, things have broken. This is how: there's a directory object which points to application server's directory:

SQL> select * from all_directories;

------- ------------------------------ -----------------------------------
SYS SLIKE_4005_UPLOAD d:gisslike_4005_upload --> on a database server
SYS SLIKE_4005 \my-iasd$homegisslike_4005 --> on an application server


I can use a directory located on a database server:

D:GISSlike_4005_upload>dir photo_resize.*
Volume in drive D is RAID
Volume Serial Number is 88F2-69D2
Directory of D:GISSlike_4005_upload

How come it doesn't work? I was absent last week, database server was restarted for some reason (there were Windows' updates which required restarting). After that, all applications (lucky us, just two of them, but in multiple procedures/functions) return FALSE for UTL_FILE.FGETATTR.

We recreated directory objects, but that didn't work (UNC or not, no difference). I Googled quite a lot, read Metalink notes - nothing I did solved the problem.

what these OS updates were about; maybe they are not to be blamed at all. Both servers (database & application) run MS Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Service Pack 2. In the meantime, a colleague developed a workaround (it uses UTL_HTTP) which works, but it is MUCH slower than the previous UTL_FILE.FGETATTR option.

Why don't we keep these images on the database server (instead of the application server)?I was told that Apache is incapable of accessing mapped network directories so we used what we could.

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How To Monitor Space Of Database In RAC And NON-RAC

Nov 17, 2012

I need to monitor the Database daily, so i need to check whether the size of the DB is increasing @ a slow rate or rather than that. I need to do it in RAC & NON-RAC.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Replace Double Space With Single Space And Also Remove Junk Characters

Jul 1, 2013

I want to replace double space with single space and also remove junk characters from the data. How can I do that?

CREATE TABLE test07013

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LOB - Storage - Reclaim Space In Database?

Jan 5, 2008

I am having an issue with the LOBs in our Database. Our production DB is about 71G right now - if i do export/import using the DataPump - I see the data volume becomes 40G. I am sure its because of the LOBs in my Database. Our application uses lots of LOB datatype and I think the space is not being released.

The challenge is I cant do a full export/import in my Production DB as its a 24/7 system and to do export/import I need min. 5 hrs - which my business will not permit. I can I claim the unused space here. I have used Segment Advisor - but it has only given me 6G of space gain.

Is there any script I can try to use to reclaim space in the database.

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Fragmentation / Defragmentation Of Space In Database

Jul 31, 2012

Oracle DB version :
OS version HP-UX B.11.31 U ia64
DB size : 2TB

We have the above configuration for one of our oracle database. One of our DBA acts like he is only the person on this earth who is managing the process of fragmentation removal from the tablespaces in order to improve the performance and wastage of the space. He performs that task at weekends and takes one-off day extra. I am not sure how the fragmentation removal improves the performance and deallocates the space.

Is it compulsory to perform the rebuild process weekly in order to remove fragmented space from tablespaces? Do we have any other method to automatically re-organize objects occupying waste space?

Why the reuild of indexes using separate tablespace improves performance? is there any specifi reason for it?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove White Space From Oracle Database

Jun 29, 2011

I want to remove white space from oracle database, and i don't want to use trim() or replace(). can i use jdbc driver? if yes, then how?

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Server Administration :: Free Space In Standby Database?

Jul 23, 2011

How do we find the free space in tablespaces in a standby database

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Any Way To Free Space From Sysaux Table Space?

Oct 3, 2012

Just now sysaux resized to 600m from 250m >>

Usually we take AWR weekly once. Some times we did ADDM report and ASH.

CODEsql>select TABLESPACE_NAME, FILE_NAME, BYTES/(1024*1024), AUTOEXTENSIBLE, MAXBYTES/(1024*1024)  from dba_data_files where tablespace_name = 'SYSAUX';

TABLESPACE_NAME       FILE_NAME                                             BYTES/(1024*1024)     AUT         MAXBYTES/(1024*1024)
SYSAUX                  /u01/app/oracle/oradata/test/sysaux01.dbf           600                  YES                 32767.9844

SYSAUX          600                  248            352               41.33        58.67

1. What's the best SOLUTION ?
2. Can i shrink sysaux tablespace ?
3. I think , The size for all occupants in sysaux tablespace is less than 200 MB => how to find actual content of sysaux tablespace ?
4. What could be the reason for growth? Is there any way to free the space from sysaux table space?

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Server Administration :: IPPS Has Use Up This Amount Of Space In Database From All Objects?

Oct 3, 2011

select sum(bytes/1024/1024) from dba_segments where owner='IPPS';

Does the above finding means that IPPS has use up 'this amount' of space in the database from all his objects?

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Enterprise Manager :: Database Space Usage Report In OEM10g?

Nov 13, 2010

In OEM10 I can click on the database size in the database page. When I do this I am redirected by the OEM to teh Database space usage report.

I have 3 questions about reports in OEM10g:

1. Can I create drill-down reports in OEM10g?I want to create a report that shows the space usage per host and drill down to the databases (targets) that are on that host.

2.Can I create a link to the Database space usage report? I would like to redirect to the report from the report in question 1 from a target. So that I can see the space usage of the database that was selected.

3. Can I create a copy of the Database Space Usage summary report that the OEM shows? I can't find it in the report tab of the OEM.

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