Tablespace Query - Output In Terms Of Maxsize And Not Size Allocated

Oct 11, 2012

Tablespace freespace query which will give output in terms of maxsize and not size allocated ?

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PL/SQL :: Tablespace Allocated / Used / Free And % - Used By Every Schema Level

Mar 11, 2013

One tablespace used in two different schemas ,in this case how much space used,free space and persentage of used in each schema level.

Example: USERS tablespace used in two different schemas HR,SCOTT. in this suche case to find the total size of tablespace, used and free space of each schema level.I used the below query not giving appropriate result.

OWNER, round(SUM(BYTES/1024/1024),2) "Used Space in MB"
where tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM','TEMP','SYSAUX','EXAMPLE','UNDOTBS1') 
group by tablespace_name,owner
order by tablespace_name

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How To Set Exact Page Size For Query Output Format

Oct 2, 2012

I have following shell script :-

In our testing DB local Server , we are using following script ... We are connecting Via putty ...

CODEexport ORACLE_SID=testdb
sqlplus /nolog <<eof
conn sys/sys as sysdba


QUOTE 1. How can i set pagesize to get good format Our problem is output format is not good .. we set set pagesize from 0 to 120 .. no improvement .. " Again Re-Installed VMware tools also ... no improvbement ....

2. We are planning to set alert message if "Archive destination crossed 60 % Script automatically will generate alert message via mobile or mail.. JUst we will configure crontab ....

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Server Output Size UNLIMITED?

Apr 12, 2012

Is :


equivalent to :



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Server Administration :: Get Size Of CLOB Column But Not Getting Any Output

Sep 10, 2012

I'm trying to get size of CLOB column but not getting any output.

Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

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Undo Tablespace Size

Jun 6, 2012

At a time my 20 GB undo tablespace was full. So i increased the tablespace size upto 48 GB. Then i saw 45 GB was used. Then i changed undo_retention=60. After that am seeing that 48 GB is full.

1) why it's happened?
2) Here what is the effect of undo_retention=60
3) How to resolve?.

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Server Administration :: Max Size Of Tablespace

Jan 4, 2010

I have one tablespace PSINDEX with Maxsize of 6 GB. But when I query the tablespace its showing the BYTES is greater than MAXBYTES.

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Increase Undo_retention Value Or Undo Tablespace Size?

Aug 18, 2010

When i takeind export i got error like this..

ORA-39125: Worker unexpected fatal error in KUPW$WORKER.GET_TABLE_DATA_OBJECTS while calling DBMS_METADATA.FETCH_XML_CLOB [TABLE_DATA:"POS"."TBK_POS_FACT":"KROATL200404"]

ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 1 with name "_SYSSMU1$" too small"

from this can we increase the undo_retention value or undo tablespace size?

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Server Administration :: How To Undo Tablespace Size

Feb 7, 2011

As the undo segments are used in round robin fashion, Is it possible that with varying load (concurrent users, size and number of transactions), the size of Undo tablespace on a particular day is less than the Undo tablespace size few days back, by any chance?

As a basic understanding I know that Undo is preserved for read consistency and transaction, instance recovery So if there are lot of transaction on a database on 05 Feb and before that, but there aren't any transactions on 6,7,8,9, then on 10th Feb can we see the Undo tablespace size is less than that of 05 Feb?

In the following case when data belonging to table is not required for any queries, transactions, even then the undo size is not restored upon dropping the table.

As such for large operations and batch processes shall we keep undo tablespace with files as 'Autoextend' with 'Maxsize' as 'Unlimited'?

SQL> select b.tablespace_name, Total_Kbytes_Available/1024 Tot_Mbytes_Available,
Kbytes_alloc/1024 Mbytes_allocated, kbytes_free/1024 Mbytes_Free_from_allocated,
((Kbytes_alloc - kbytes_free)*100/ Total_Kbytes_Available) Pctused
2 from ( select sum(bytes)/1024 Kbytes_free,
3 tablespace_name
4 from sys.dba_free_space


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Server Administration :: Increasing Tablespace Size?

Mar 7, 2010

I want to increase the size of the tablespace but when i login as sysdba or admin user i can just see the 21 tables in the dba_tablespaces or user_tablespaces. I want to see the tablespaces related to the application.

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Server Administration :: Reducing Tablespace Size?

Jan 24, 2012

we have a tablespace of size 900 GB where 90% of space is occupied by two tables having BLOB data and now i need to drop these two tables and then to recover the space, i need to resize the tablespace (datafiles).

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Size Of Undo Tablespace Datafile Different From Same Files In OS

Jan 22, 2013

why total size for undotbs1 is different from the acutal data file size in Operating system.

select tablespace_name, sum(bytes/1024/1024) from dba_data_files
where tablespace_name like 'UNDO%'
group by tablespace_name;

tablespacename total size
UNDOTBS1                      2000
UNDOTBS2     7284

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TUNED_UNDORETENTION Undo Tablespace Is Not Fixed Size

Apr 14, 2013

rdbms 11gr2 undo tablespace is not fixed size. and the undo guarantee is not set.should we set undo_retention to

select max(tuned_undoretention) from v$undostat ; to avoid 1555 error?

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Server Administration :: Reduce The System Tablespace Size?

Aug 6, 2011

how to reduce the system tablespace size

my system01.dbf size is 6gb

i want reduce from 6gb to 2gb

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Server Administration :: Tablespace Size Required To Be Increased?

Nov 19, 2011

I found some of the tablesapces whose used% exceeded 80%.Based on this output i thought of increasing the datafile.But there are many tablespaces of DATA1 whose autoextensible column some are set to NO, and some are set to YES. I believe we dont need to bother about the tablespace whose Autoextensible column set to YES as Oracle will automatically manage until the Maxsize of it. But some tablesapce of DATA1 are set to NO. Should i recommend to add size for this DATA1 tablespace whose autoextensible are set to YES/NO or leave it as it is.

Please see the column below.


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Server Administration :: Tablespace Size Is Same As Before Deletion Of User?

Oct 1, 2012

I have deleted a user with CASCADE option.

After deletion, the size of tablespace should be reduced.

But the tablespace size is same as before deletion of user.

Currently , that USER is deleted and not present in the database . Still space is not released after user deletion.

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Find Tablespace Size (used And Free) For Partitioned Table?

Aug 9, 2013

I need to find the tablespace size (used and free) for a partitioned table

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Application Express :: Script Output Reached Maximum Workspace Result Size Limit

Oct 18, 2013

I have created a workspace to use oracle apex, after a while I tried to run a script, the following message has been displayed to me,  The script output reached the maximum workspace result size limit. Delete existing results or contact your administrator to increase the maximum workspace result size.

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Performance Tuning :: Tablespace With Different Block Size Inside Same Database?

Nov 25, 2011

All the analysis till now on our system proves that our system is clearly I/O bound and db sequential read is the biggest culprit.

We have even identified the index which is being affected by sequential read. I am thinking of creating a new tablespace with 32K blocksize (currently all table spaces are 8k) and migrate this index to the new space. That way, Oracle will have to do less number of reads to get the required data.

But is there anything wrong in having just one tablespace with a differnt block size? Or is there anything that I have to be watchful about while doing it?

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Server Administration :: Freeing Tablespace - Returning To Initial Size?

May 9, 2010

Here is my problem : I create a tablespace named ts_photos.I create then a table on this tablespace.Then I insert some blobs records.The space grows up to 2 Gb.

I perform a truncate statment. Then the space grows up to 4Gb.I re-insert the same records and the size stays in 4Gb.The database in in archivelog mode. How can I return to the initial size (2Gb of effective data) : should I drop the tablespace and recreate it?

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Server Administration :: How To Free Up Tablespace Size When It Reaches Max Limit

Feb 15, 2011

How to free up the tablespace size when it reaches its threshold (Max limit)?

Say for example USERS & SYSAUX tablespace reaches above 90%.

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Server Administration :: Temporary Tablespace Size Suddenly Increase From 1gb To 5 - 6gb

Jul 8, 2010

I am oracle DBA (trainee) new in this field.

Some time my temporary tablespace size suddenly increase from 1gb to 5-6gb why this happened ? I want only reason why it suddenly increase?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Search Terms Will Be Separated By A Comma

Dec 12, 2011

I am building a search for use in one of our major applications. I have written a PL/SQL package that deals with it. I would like to present the requirement list to the group and see what, if anything, you may have done differently than I have.

1.) The search interface must have a single box, like google.

2.) Multiple search terms will be separated by a comma.

3.) The table has the following columns:
-- Name
-- Title
-- addr
-- addr2
-- city
-- state
-- zip
-- phone
-- email

4.) Number of Search Terms per query will be unlimited. (for now, as practicality dictates)

5.) Each search term will be checked against various columns.

6.) Search terms must not have a preference in order. Name, Address = Address, Name

7.) Records will be returned only for the rows where all search terms are found.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Obtain Top 2 Departments In Terms Of Total Salary?

Aug 21, 2010

I need to obtain the top 2 departments in terms of total salary.

I have the following tables (Dno corresponds to DeptNo). I've found tutorials for obtaining the salaries of the top three employees, and summing the salaries for each dept. is easy, but I can't seem to combine the two.

DNo Fname Salary
2 Tom 10000
3 Mike 20000
2 Harry 30000

DeptNo DeptName
1 Administration
2 Special
3 Finance

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Blocks Used / Allocated?

Aug 19, 2011

Below is the output of Tom Kytes script show_space, which I have run on one of my indexes.

Unformatted Blocks ..................... 0
FS1 Blocks (0-25) ..................... 0
FS2 Blocks (25-50) ..................... 102,936
FS3 Blocks (50-75) ..................... 0
FS4 Blocks (75-100)..................... 0
Full Blocks ..................... 28,615,887
Total Blocks............................ 28,748,800
Total Bytes............................. 235,510,169,600
Total MBytes............................ 224,600
Unused Blocks........................... 0
Unused Bytes............................ 0
Last Used Ext FileId.................... 233
Last Used Ext BlockId................... 1,574,409
Last Used Block......................... 12,800
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

If I look at the unformatted blocks its zero, which tells me that data is being placed into every block (pretty well compressed). But what I don't understand is why there are 102,936 blocks that are only 25-50% full? I would have expected to see some blocks that in the75%-100% full range as this index was recently dropped and rebuilt 2 months ago.

This index is on a partitioned tabled, where the 90th day and higher partitions are dropped daily.

Here is the layout of the index


[Code] .........

what I need to do to get the value of FS4 (# of block 75%-100% used higher)

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Server Administration :: ORA-04030 - Split From Tablespace With Different Block Size Inside Same Database

Nov 26, 2011

i written this code i m facing ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 16408 bytes error

/* Formatted on 2011/11/26 11:52 (Formatter Plus v4.8. */
row_id varchar2(50);
v_batch_id temp.batch_id%TYPE;
v_slab_id temp.slab_id%TYPE;
flag NUMBER (2);
num varchar2(50) := &row_id;


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Server Administration :: Minimum Datafile Size Required For Creating Non-system Tablespace?

May 21, 2007

what is the Minimum datafile size required for creating a non-system tablespace?

I am trying to create a tablespace by giving the syntax like,

SQL> create tablespace t1
2 datafile '/home/data/t1.dbf' size 72k;
create tablespace t1
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03214: File Size specified is smaller than minimum required

SQL> create tablespace t1
2 datafile '/home/data/t1.dbf' size 73k;

Tablespace created.

The blocksize for my database is 4096, as i have heard that the minimum size of the datafile is decided by blocksize, but i want to know that how it is calculated as by giving the above syntax the other values will be default. I am trying the syntax in oracle version.

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Server Administration :: How To Find Out Number Of CPUs Allocated To Specific Database

Aug 1, 2011

when we ran SELECT statement against CUBE, we got below wait event: resmgr: cpu quantum.Further, we checked below 2 parameters :

------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
resource_limit TRUE
resource_manager_plan SCHEDULER[0x12B943C]:DEFAULT_MAINTENANCE_PLAN

It has been found that these sessions did not get enough CPU to process the request. how to find out how many CPU has been allocated to this database ?

> uname -a
Linux 2.6.18- #1 SMP Tue Jun 30 16:48:30 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

how to analyze how much % of CPU being utilized for a specific session ?

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Groupby Query - Not Getting Output?

Jun 25, 2013

I have a table with data as follows

Source name address city
File Y N N
File N N Y

I am trying to get output as follows

Source Y/N CountName CountAddress
File Y 1 0
File N 1 2
DB Y 1 1
DB N 1 1
XML Y 1 1
XML N 0 0

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Combine Query Output In One Row

Aug 13, 2010

If I have below two sql statment.

select count(*) from table_a;
select count(*) from table_b;

How can I output it in one row together like below

Table_a | Table_b|
10 | 20|

give me detailed example ....

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