TOAD And Multiple Tnsnames.ora?

Jan 4, 2011

I have several environment that are physically not connected to each other (except network). Each environment has its own tnsnames.ora. I have downloaded every tnsnames.ora into C:\OraHome1\network\ADMIN, so TOAD opens connect dialog using the file currently named 'tnsnames.ora'. Every time I need to switch to a different environment (and to different connection string) I have to manually rename the 'tnsnames.ora' into something like 'tnsnames.ora.environmentA' and rename another 'tnsnames.ora.environmentB' into 'tnsnames.ora'.

This is inconvenient and time consuming task as I have to restart TOAD after every rename.if there is an easier way to use multiple tnsnames.ora without renaming those.

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Tnsnames.ora With 2 Alternative IP Server

Jan 31, 2012

Is there a way to put on tnsnames.ora the alternative IP of a server that if the first dont respond it tries the ip of the second? Example:

ORA92 =
end )

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TNSNAMES Sub File Load Possible

Apr 22, 2013

Possible to call a tnsnames file from master tnsnames like the principle of ifile in the init.ora...My primary tnsnames.ora has a lot of development entries which are repointed frequently, it would work with logistics if I could manage these in a second tns file and load from primary so when my dev instances are repointed I'm not editing the master tnsnames

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(TNSNAMES) Shared For All Oracle Clients?

Jun 19, 2012

Way to share or manage the TNSNAMES.ORA file for all oracle clients in same place?I already have a TNSNAMES.ORA configured and running in the machines (locally).The problem is that any change done( ip, port etc), imply in update all files in all the Oracle clients

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Client Tools :: PL/SQL Developer And Tnsnames.ora 10g?

Apr 3, 2008

I'm trying to connect to my DBs.I installed Oracle Client 10g, but PLSQL Dev. 7.1.4 doesn't find my tnsnames.ora.

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Call Interface :: Using Tnsnames.ora In OCI With OCILogon?

Jun 20, 2012

I am completely new to anything with Oracle or OCI,

Also, basic information:

Language: C
Oracle DB version: 11g

Trying to use OCI

I am trying to write a client that connects to an Oracle database and gets some information (obviously). On the OCILogon() step, I need the username, password, and db address. However, someone said there will be a tnsnames.ora file, and that should be enough.I've searched online and I have not been able to find anything that relates OCILogon() to tnsnames.ora, so here are my questions:

1) Can OCILogon() use tnsnames.ora at all?
2) Is there any other function that I should use instead of OCILogon() that would work with the tnsnames.ora

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Sql Loader Gives Error When Using With Full Tnsnames At Commandline

Jan 13, 2013

we have an issue when we are using sql loader with address at command line as below.

sqlldr user/pass@"(DESCRIPTION\=(ADDRESS\=(PROTOCOL\=TCP)(HOST\=host)(PORT\=1521))(CONNECT_DATA\=(SERVER\=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME\=sname)))" control=ctl_filename log=file_name

Ideally we need to include description in tnsnames.ora but its taking time to contact DBA here. Hence we tried with this work around. The same is working fine if we are using sqlplus but sqlloader gives this error.

LRM-00116: syntax error at 'ADDRESS' following '('

SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Thu Jan 10 21:31:32 2013

Copyright © 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

SQL*Loader-100: Syntax error on command-line

our environment: ORACLE, UNIX AIX 5.3

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Server Administration :: Identify Tnsnames.ora File?

Jun 10, 2011

How to find out the database TNSNAMES.ora file if there are multiple .ora files with different names in Oracle_home/network/admin directory ?

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Any Reasonable Maximum Size To TNSnames.ORA File?

Dec 28, 2010

we have an environment with many Oracle databases in different versions (v8, V9, V10 and V11). Besides that, there are many versions of the Oracle Client in use, ranging from V6 to V11. Many of the clients have a TNSnames.ORA and as was to eb expected, many of these are old as well with a lot of (by now) invalid information in there.

Is there any reasonable maximum size to the TNSnames.ORA file?What are the consequences from going over the max size? Are there alternatives to using TNSnames.ora which you would recommend?

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Enterprise Manager :: No Listener.ora Or Tnsnames.ora Files?

Sep 19, 2011

I installed Oracle 10g. Then I created an instance. After the instance was created, I went to OEM to look at the instance, and noticed it wasn't turned on. I went to the network folder and noticed I only had sqlnet.ora; no Listener.ora or tsnames.ora. I put the files there, but when I try to startup the instance, the password and usernames I created with the database don't work. Agent Connection to Instance failed Listener down

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Localhost Doesn't Work In Listener.ora Or Tnsnames.ora

Jul 29, 2010

I want to be able to use "localhost" in my tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files but for some reason its not working.

just concentrating on the listener, when I have the following in my listener.ora the database doesnt register with the listener:

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))

This is even after using the "alter system register" command. I'm checking whether my database is registering using "lsnrctl services".

With the following in listener.ora all is fine:


So why wont it work with localhost?! I'm running Oracle 11G on XP Pro.

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Update Oracle Tnsnames.ora File With Some New Entries?

Oct 5, 2011

I need to Update Oracle tnsnames.ora file with the some new entries ....i was looking for ora 92, but could not find a proper link to I have oracle 11 g, but i cant find tnsnames.ora file in it because my installation was not proper...

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Networking And Gateways :: Purpose Of Tnsnames File

Apr 28, 2010

what the purpose of tnsnames file does? Does it need to be on the client workstation and what should be it's correct location?

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Networking And Gateways :: Extract Tnsnames.ora Path Using SQLPlus?

Apr 19, 2011

We are preparing a script for purposes of cold backup.

We have already listed the Oracle binary files except for the tnsnames.ora and the password file.

show tnsnames.ora path using SQLPlus?

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Tnsnames.ora File Cannot Handle Connection Information For More Than One Database

Mar 12, 2007

I am having problem with my tnsnames.ora file.seems the file cannot handle connection information for more than one DB. It worked fine in the beginning, after that, whenever i had to connect to a DB, i had to keep switching and renaming 5 files, with respect to whichever database I want to connect to. this is the entries in the file, for 2 D's and it wont work, with just one in each it works, but not for two...

newtpt =
(HOST = ipadd/virtualname)
(PORT = 1521)

I am sure, nothing wrong with teh IP/virtualname, cause with just one of these in the file, they work excellent.I tried leaving line between the connection strings for each DB, without leavin lines, etc..

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Server Administration :: Import Data To Production Database - Details Are Not In Tnsnames.ora

May 3, 2011

I need to import data to production database. The database details are not in tnsnames.ora.

I am using easy connect method to connect to the database, since I am not able to edit tnsnames.ora.

Is there any way by which I can do the import ?

Can I do it like this

imp system/pwd@imp system/pwd@'(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=xxx)(PORT=1521)))(C
ONNECT_DATA=(SID=xx))' ......................

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Server Utilities :: Loading Multiple Input Files Into Multiple Tables

Jul 9, 2012


Required output:-

AREA_NAME = '3rivieres.export.ngf'

File :-mauri.export.ngf


Required output:-

AREA_NAME = 'mauri.export.ngf'....etc


find the ctl file (ngf_test.ctl) and modify the ctl file as per my requirement.

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How To Connect Toad With 10g

Jan 9, 2010

i have installed oracle 10g and toad but i don't know how to connect toad with database

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Can't Connect Through TOAD

Oct 9, 2012

I am Using Toad 9.3 and try to connect Oracle DB 11g through SYS but fail, because it is showing ORA-01031:Insufficient privileges.Although the same, I can connect through SQL * Plus. Is there any way to connect SYS (in TOAD).

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PL/SQL :: Run Package In TOAD?

Jun 11, 2012

I have created a PL/SQL package and complied it and I got a meaasge with no errors.But I dont know how do I run the package to check whether the data has been populated in tables or not.I want to know do I need to write any code for execution to see the output.If I need to write how can I do it in TOAD.

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Server Administration :: Multiple Database With Multiple Instance On Same Machine?

Mar 16, 2011

can we have multiple database version running in a single machine with multiple instances provided there are enough resources.Can we do in RAC only?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Data In Multiple Bases Using Multiple Database Links

Jan 2, 2013

how to insert the data in multiple bases( Same table structure in different bases) using the multiple database links?

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PL/SQL :: Merge Multiple Rows Into Single Row (but Multiple Columns)

Oct 17, 2012

How to merge multiple rows into single row (but multiple columns) efficiently.

For example

IDVal IDDesc IdNum Id_Information_Type Attribute_1 Attribute_2 Attribute_3 Attribute_4 Attribute_5
23 asdc 1 Location USA NM ABQ Four Seasons 87106
23 asdc 1 Stats 2300 91.7 8.2 85432
23 asdc 1 Audit 1996 June 17 1200
65 affc 2 Location USA TX AUS Hilton 92305
65 affc 2 Stats 5510 42.7 46 9999
65 affc 2 Audit 1996 July 172 1100

where different attributes mean different thing for each Information_type. For example for Information_Type=Location

Attribute_1 means Country
Attribute_2 means State and so on.

For example for Information_Type=Stats

Attribute_1 means Population
Attribute_2 means American Ethnicity percentage and so on.

I want to create a view that shows like below:

IDVal IDDesc IDNum Country State City Hotel ZipCode Population American% Other% Area Audit Year AuditMonth Audit Type AuditTime
23 asdc 1 USA NM ABQ FourSeasons 87106 2300 91.7 46 85432 1996 June 17 1200
65 affc 2 USA TX AUS Hilton 92305 5510 42.7 46 9999 1996 July 172 1100

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Connect To DB On Virtual Box Using Toad?

Sep 27, 2013

Im getting this error when trying to connect toad to my test database using virtualbox. This is my first time trying to do this on a Mac as well:

java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection

The settings in toad are correct as far as host, port #, and sid. My listener is up, and it is registered with the database. My tnsnames.ora file is correct. No firewall. I can ping my virtualbox from my local machine. I placed my tnsnames.ora file on my local machine, and tried to connect that way as well. I have no clue what else the Network adapter is looking for.

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PL/SQL :: How To Use Toad To Compile New Package

Nov 14, 2012

I am not very familiar with Toad, if developer gives modified package, I need to replace this package and compile it . How to do it in Toad .

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Client Tools :: New TOAD After Old One

Sep 26, 2011

I was downloaded new version of TOAD for Oracle version 10.6 and I try to connect to my current database (oracle xe) and TOAD raise an error ORA-12154 Could not connect to XE..., but with old version of TOAD 9.6 all works fine. What can be an solutions?

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Unable To Connect To Oracle 10g Through TOAD

Jul 28, 2010

I have installed Oracle 10g XE in my laptop having Windows 7 home 64 bit OS..I have created some users in the oracle and iam able to connect these users through cmd prompt..But the issue is that iam unable to connect to the database through TOAD..

I have given the user name and password and database as XE and connect using as : XE but still iam getting the error as "TNS could not resolve the connect identifier (XE).

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TOAD - LOOP With A Select Statement

Oct 19, 2011

I can work with 'straight' query's etc., but now I want to make a query with a loop. I have made a simple one to demonstrate what I want but the real one is working is working by it self but I want to get it work with a loop.

This is the simpel version:


Max_UID NUMBER := 42220;


P_UID := 42210;
select *
from contract lc

P_UID := P_UID + 1;

The error I get is:

Line 10, column 9:

PLS-00428: an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT Statement.

So I know you can declare a variable and then CONTRACTID INTO v_contractID.

But if I have to put every field in a variable what is then the advantage of a loop. So I expect that I'm on the wrong road and not understand how this works.

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Access Database In Network Using Toad

Feb 7, 2007

I'm using Oracle10.0 as database for my project and I have installed Toad as front end tool for the Oracle. Now I want to access the database in the network using the Toad.

My question is, is it compulsory that oracle should be installed in every system to access Toad or any thing can I change in the server system to access the database from other systems in the Network.

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Unable To Connect In TOAD In ORACLE 11g

Jan 4, 2011

Unable to connect in TOAD in ORACLE 11g through sys user.

I am using Toad for ORACLE version and ORACLE 11gR2 (

I make the FALSE to "sec_case_sensitive_logon" parameter hence not able to login through sys user. I can logged in through system user without any issue.

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