I have a string like '9999999;A' one field as numeric & other as char.Now i want to split this string into two values removing the ; delimiter in oracle using for loop.
How do i split a string based on a space. And then create a view with three columns of that split string.
For example if i have a table with Full name as a column how do i split that string and create a view with firstname, middlename, lastname as column names with the split string as data.
I am trying to split comma separated string. My table has more than 5 lacks data. I have tried the following SQL but its taking more than 5 minutes. Any Alternative solution to return data quickly ?
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(order_id, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) order_id FROM order_detail CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR(order_id,'[^,]+',1,LEVEL) IS NOT NULL
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(order_id, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) order_id FROM order_detail CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH(order_id) - LENGTH(REPLACE(order_id, ',')) + 1
I have created a function that is used for splitting a comma separated string & give the output in tabular form.here is the function
Here I have used CLOB as my input string will be huge(greater than max limit of varchar2)
But here I am facing 2 problems.
1. The function is not accepting a large string & I am getting the error
notes column having 2000 characters max, i want my string output based on 35 characters, ya i need to replace tag after 30 characters in the string.. I need out put as "hi hello how are you doing out there, similar i need to calculate the sting length and have to split it 35+35+35..
This i tried
select substr(note,1,(instr(note, ' ',35)))||' '||substr(note,instr(note, ' ',35),(instr(note, ' ',35)))notes from test
Sysaux Tablespace is running low. WE SET AWR RETENTION TIME=60 DAYS. WE ARE NOT INTEREST TO EXTEND SYSAUX TABLESPACE SIZE. Usually we take AWR weekly once. Some times we did ADDM report and ASH.
CODEsql>select TABLESPACE_NAME, FILE_NAME, BYTES/(1024*1024), AUTOEXTENSIBLE, MAXBYTES/(1024*1024) from dba_data_files where tablespace_name = 'SYSAUX';
1. What's the best SOLUTION ? 2. Can i shrink sysaux tablespace ? 3. I think , The size for all occupants in sysaux tablespace is less than 200 MB => how to find actual content of sysaux tablespace ? 4. What could be the reason for growth? Is there any way to free the space from sysaux table space?
I'm facing some problem even after using INSTR function in Oracle.The problem is I have written the logic in the PL/SQL block which appends all the values fetched in a loop on the basis of whether the string is present or not.
For ex:
The first value fetched from the select query first is ABCDEFG which gets appended to a variable The next value fetched is AB even this has to be appended to the variable since this exactly doesn't match with ABCDEFG. The next value fetched is BCDEF even this has to be appended to the variable since this exactly doesn't match with ABCDEFG. The third Value fetched is ABCDEFG this will not get appended presently according to the logic which is correct.
writing that piece of code to append the value fetched which doesn't exactly match with the existing string
i'm working on this database assignment...and basically, no matter what I do my table seems to automatically split into a different table after 8 rows...i've tried googling it and using commands like....
set wrap off; set numwidth 20;
and fiddling with the format of each column but nothing seems to work...i just want my table to show as one table
here's my script create table patient (patient_number number(4) primary key, patient_name varchar(15) NOT NULL, address varchar(30) NOT NULL, telephone number(7) NOT NULL, patient_status char(1) NOT NULL, next_appt date, balance number(5,2), CHECK (balance >= 0), CHECK (patient_status='N' OR patient_status='A' OR patient_status='I')); [code]...
12 rows selected.the columns are actually aligned so don't worry about that...it's just the splitting of the rows.
I want to split p_def by dots, check for 3 elements, and return them in p_sch, p_table and p_column for example p_sch will be like hello.howare.you.I want to split it to hellohowareyouI have very limited knowledge with pl/sql.
Insert into temp_a values ('1','002.0 AND 002.9'); Insert into temp_a values ('2','729.90 AND 079.99 AND 002.9');
Output :
1 002.0 1 002.9 2 729.90 2 079.99 2 002.9
So, once we get the output, it needs to be joined to another table. I did Google search, but most of them are retuning collections / arrays as output. Not sure how I join the collection with the table.
create or replace function splits ( p_list varchar2, p_del varchar2 ) return split_tbl pipelined is l_idx pls_integer; [code].......
I have a requirement in which the amount need to be split in to multiple period.
For example if there amount of 3000 and start and end date is 01-jan-2013 and 31-mar-2013 then the output of the query should be
Name Start Period End Period Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XXX 01-JAN-13 31-MAR-13 1000 1000 1000
I got ORA-14074 error says that if you have a MAXVALUE already you will need to either drop the partition that encompasses the MAXVALUE or split partition.So I want to use split partition option through the below statement,
alter table tablename split partition partmax at (XXX) into (partition partXXX, partition partmax);
I am concerned about the existing data in the table will it by any change gets deleted, and what about indexes, do I have to rebuild, etc.I have to do this on produciton. I cannot test this as I don't have a test environment and moreover the table is having 70 million records and we don't have time/hardware resources to recreate this by export import in another database.
In employees table I am having employee_name column data as follows
Aaron, Mrs. Jamie (Jamie)Aaron, Mrs. Jenette (Jenette)Abbott, Ms. Rachel (Rachel) Breton, Mr. Jean Britz, Mrs. Sarie (Sarie) --> Now, I want to display the employee name like "Mrs. Jamie" (with out Surname and with out bracket included text),-->