I am running Oracle 9 and using sql loader to import text file into table. Can sql loader skips the record which blank line or carriage return? Do I need to set up with options?
I am running Oracle 9 and using sql loader to import text file into table. Can sql loader skips the record which blank line or carriage return? Do I need to set up with options?
I tried to find about sql loader, tried googling and ended up with Orafaq .
1) Is there a way that you can skip few records in the control file.
Assume the control file is loading a file with three records.
CREATE TABLE emp_tab ( Emp_id NUMBER(15,0), Name CHAR(25), Age NUMBER(15,0) );
The text file is like this name.txt
1;sam;19; 2;jai;22; ;pam;33;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'C: ame.txt' BADFILE 'C: ame.bad' DISCARDFILE 'C: ame.dsc' APPEND INTO emp_tab fields terminated by ";" TRAILING NULLCOLS ( Emp_id , name, age)
I want to skip the record 3 in the text file as it has no id, is there a way to do this.Can we skip a record based on a condition?
2) What needs to be included in the control file in order to get a return code?
3) Assume the return code = 0 for success and return code = 1 for failure, what will be the return code if 60 out 100 records are loaded and 40 are discarded and written to .bad file?
4) SQL loader does a auto commit, meaning the moment you run the control file, the records are inserted and commited, is there a way to avoid it ?
I have data file emp.dat in that i have 10000 records. My requirement is i want to skip last 100 records when i am loading it into EMP table using SQL *LODER.
Sl#Emp_noNameAddress 00101Tom1/B-XYZ street 00202Jon1/C-XYZ Street
Employee Datafile 001, 01, Tom, 1/B-XYZ street 002,02,Jon, 1/C-XYZ Street
Above is a sample data file. Now I would like to import the data into an Oracle table called employee using Oracle 9i SQL Loader utility. But the table has only 3 fields (Emp_no,Name & Address), so I would like to skip Sl# while loading data. I do not want to manually modify data file. How should I write .ctl file.
Sample .ctl file.
load data INFILE 'dataEmployee' BADFILE 'Employee.bad' DISCARDFILE 'Employee.dis' into table Employee fields terminated by ',' TRAILING NULLCOLS (Emp_no NULLIF Emp_no = BLANKS, Name NULLIF Name = BLANKS, Address NULLIF Address = BLANKS )
I'm working with sqlldr and i try to insert data from a csv file to a CTL file. One field of my table contains 5 characters but one row has 6 characters in this field, so it's rejected by oracle. (Logical, you can't insert 6 chars in a 5 chars field)
an error is visibly returned, so i wondered how you could catch the value of this error?is it a code? a message?
I'd like to add to my script a condition so that the end of the script would continue even if this error code is returned for that CTL execution.
I need to load data from a CSV file where one of the CSV values determines how many records should be inserted.
Example of the input data:
KEYWORD;2;REC1_COL1_X,REC1_COL2_X;REC2_COL1_X;REC2_COL2_X KEYWORD;3;REC1_COL1_Y;REC1_COL2_Y,REC2_COL1_Y;REC2_COL2_Y;REC3_COL1_Y;REC3_COL2_Y KEYWORD;4;REC1_COL1_Z;REC1_COL2_Z,REC2_COL1_Z;REC2_COL2_Z;REC3_COL1_Z;REC3_COL2_Z,REC4_COL1_Z;REC4_COL2_Z If the KEYWORD is found, then the next value determines how many value pairs will follow, and therefore how many rows should be created in the affected DB table.
I am trying to use utl_tcp to connect, through TCP/IP, to a 3rd party program PC Miler. When I use telnet, PC Miler works without any issue. However, when I use utl_tcp, beginning from the second PC Miler API call, when I do a utl_tcp.get_line to get the result, the first line that return is always blank (with 1 white space). Here is my program.
--------------------------------------------------- DECLARE c utl_tcp.connection; ret_val PLS_INTEGER; v_data VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN c := utl_tcp.open_connection('mars', 8145);
Note that the 1st and 3rd API call is the same and should give me the same results. The 2nd API is supposed to give me 1 line back. At the end of each output, the server will end will the word "Ready". I use that to indicate when to exit the loop.
If I disconnect and reconnect after each API call, each output result will be correct because each API call will become the "1st" call since connection - like this program:
DECLARE c utl_tcp.connection; ret_val PLS_INTEGER; v_data VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN c := utl_tcp.open_connection('mars', 8145);
If there is something wrong with PC Miler, why would it work when I telnet through a Windows Command prompt? If it is not PC Miler and utl_tcp, what else can be wrong?
i have a problem with oracle reports 6i. the output has 1000s of lines. in my output first to 999th line is fine..bt then 1000th line is blank and again the data continues to be shown from 1001th line till 2000. and again i see a blank. how can i get rid of these blank lines very 1000th line.
I am working on Oracle forms 6i. I am getting a problem when I am trying to save the value in the form.
Well the scenario is like this:
I have got a multi record block. In that block there are two items jobno and inoivce no. Both the items have an LOV attached to them giving jobnos and invoice nos respectively.
This is on the '*ORIGINAL_BLOCK*'.
The problem perists with the jobno field. In the LOV for jobno, the 'column mapping properties' property, the return item section has original_block.jobno as the value. The code to fetch the details about the jobno (like vendor no,vendor site,invoice no etc) has been written on the When-Validate-Item trigger. I am also updating the WHO colums(like created by,created date,last upated by, last update date) on the Pre-Insert trigger at the block level. This whole thing of fetching the records is working fine. But when I simply press the save button an extra blank line gets generated on the form as well as at back end with jobno like this:
A same jobno can have multiple number of invoices. So the lines getting generated are - number of lines + 1(unrequired entry).As in the above scenario there are only 2 invoices for the same job and a third unrequired entry getting generated. If there are 3 invoices I get 4 lines (3 required + 1 unrequired blank entry).
So to solve this issue I added a button 'Add JOB'. I took another '*NEW_BLOCK*',designed another canvas and and added an item on it containing a dummy jobno field and attached an LOV to that item. Then the same When-Validate-Trigger to that item fetching the details. so when I press the button 'Add JOB' using show_canvas and go_item(dummy_job_item) I navigate to that new canvas, select the jobno there from LOV, fetch the details. Now I wrote execute_query on KEY-EXIT of the NEW_BLOCK so that whatever are the fetched details, they would go on the ORIGINAL_BLOCK.jobno and respective details in resp fields. But this did not work.So I wrote execute_query on the When-New-Block-Instance of the ORIGINAL_BLOCK and it worked.
But now what is happening is when I open the form once again after closing the form, all the back end data is appearing on the form i.e. when I open a new form session every time. But I want the form to be clear with no entries displayed whenever I open the form. I understand the question is lengthy and tricky.
is there any way to force SQL*Plus to provide the actual line number in the source file whenever there is an error? I often put at the first line of my script SET SQLBLANKLINES ON so that I may be able to put several consecutive blank lines lines in my code (I do this sometimes, when I find it to be appropriate in order to make my code more readable or to group a sequence of instructions which I believe make their logical link more understandable for the reader) Now the problem is that SQL*Plus ignores these blank lines and whenever there is an error, the line number provided in the error message, doesn't correspond to the actual line number in the source file but it seems to be the last non blank line in the file. Consider the following example:
SET SQLBLANKLINES ON;DECLARE var PLS_INTEGER := 10;BEGIN var := 20END;/ In the above code at line 9
(by counting also the blank lines) there is an error (no semicolon at the end of var := 20) but when I run the script inSQL*Plus here is the error message that I get
SQL> @myscript.sql;END;*ERROR at line 8:ORA-06550: line 8, column 1:PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "END"
when expecting one of the following:* & = - + ; < / > at in is mod remainder not rem<an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like like2like4 likec between || multiset member submultisetThe symbol ";" was substituted for "END" to continue.SQL> So as you can see the error message indicate that the error was found at the line 8 whereas in the file it is really at the line 9 As long as the number of lines in the script is limited, this may not be a problem and one can find rapidly the actual line number in the code raising the error but for a code including hundreds (or even thousands) of lines and with many comments and blank lines, finding the actual line number given by SQL*Plus error message becomes tricky. Is there any way to make SQ*LPlus trace correctly the line numbers as they appear in the source file?
I am new to SQL*loader and I would like to know what is the maximum number of ROWS that can be loaded in a Conventional bind array while specifying the command line parameter.
I installed oracle 10G complete so I can have everything. But now I cannot run sql loader. I check my oracle devsuitehome directory and I cannot find sqlldr.exe
I need to install sql loader separately? I can't find sql loader installer on web.
- 1 - M or P: indicates which table to insert: MASTER or PARENT; - 2 - M or A or B: indicates MASTER, PARENT_A, PARENT_B; - 3:18 - DATA.
Based on the values above, what I need to do is:
1. Load a line to MASTER_TABLE; 2. Load a line to PARENT_TABLE_A pointing to its relative line in MASTER_TABLE; 3. Load a line to PARENT_TABLE_B pointing to its relative line in MASTER_TABLE; 4. In the original file line, there is nothing I can use to join a MASTER line with a PARENT line.
I tried to use both: SEQUENCE and Sequence.NextVall (CurrVal) but they only work when using ROWS=1 and the file I need to load has millions of rows, so I need direct path loading.Also, I read about External Table, but it does not suit my needs because the Application server is not the same as Database server, which is needed by external tables.
in this case is better load the data to a temporary table and then insert to the other tables, I found almost the same question in the topic pointed by the link below: URL....
I want to load geometry into a table using sql*loader. My datafile contains geometry defined as WKT URL...., a standard for geometry and also Oracle has a function called sdo_util.from_wktgeometry.If I'm using a separate 'insert into' statement using this function in sql*plus, there's no problem. But if I'm using the same function in my control-file for sql*loader import, I get a sql*loader-418 error: "bad datafile for column geometrie".
My data file contains records with RECORD_TYPE '01', '02', '03' and '04' in position (30:31) I use sql loader to load this data into a table. I need to load ONLY rows with RECORD_TYPE ='04'. I have to output all the other rows into a file, so I decided to use DISCARD file. Now, those with RECORD_TYPE ='4' have to be loaded into different columns depending on the value in position (267:268).
So, my ctl file should look something like:
WHEN (30:31) = '04' into table MYDATA WHEN (267:268) != 'O ' into table MYDATA WHEN (267:268) = 'O '
and whatever is not '04' goes to discard file.
I tried to use
into table MYDATA WHEN (30:31) = '04' and (267:268) != 'O ' into table MYDATA WHEN (30:31) = '04' and (267:268) = 'O '
but I don't get the right result in terms of the discard file.
Is there any way to put together all these conditions?
The SQL loader somehow is loading only first record. The data file is a csv and the end of line character is a new line. Some text fields have multiple new lines.
Here is my control file
load data infile '/home/devo/c0397105/RuleImport/testLoad/dummyLoad.csv' Truncate into table DUMMY_LOAD_TABLE fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"' ( ID "to_number(:ID)",REQUESTED_GROUP,PURPOSE,COMMENTS) [code]........
We don't have Retail resource type as Dependent System now; the rule will be changed later when Dependent Systems can accept resource types other than application"
I am using sqlloader for loading the data into database by using csv file.My csv file is delimited by comma in that i am having a column which is having the , and line feeds targeted to load into a long data type.for example as below
descri,dfdfdfd,dfdfdf, sdfsdf, dfsdfd,
i want to move this column data into a single table column.But due to because of delimited "," it is splitting into number of columns
I had a requirement of loading flatfile into staging table using SQL Loader, One of the columns in the the Flat file is having values FALSE or TRUE and my requirement is that I load 0 for FALSE and 1 for TRUE which can be achieved by simple DECODE function...I did use decode and tried to load several times but did not work.
I did try putting a trim as well as SUBSTR but did not work....the cloumn just doent get any values in the output (just null or say free space)
I have a small problem when I am trying to load data into a table using SQL Loader. The data I am trying to load should be a number, but it is in the format '999,999,999 USD'. When I try to load the data, I am getting an invalid number error, due to the USD (I have already accounted for the thousands seperators). My question is, how can I load the data as a number with USD in the format?
The data file might have a value of " D " instead of "D" for ITL_REC_TYPE and ITL_REC_TYPE is in the WHEN clause. How can I check for the trimmed value of ITL_REC_TYPE in the WHEN clause ?
I want to populate totale number of record in the file. Usually i get 10000 records per file and i load them using sql loader.I want to also insert the number of records in file while loading the data in table.
How can i achive it.
structure of control file is
load data BADFILE '/backup/temp/rajesh/RIO/BadFiles/FILENAME' append into table ERS_RIO_SRC TRAILING NULLCOLS ( INSTALLATION_ID CHAR
I have loaded 14324590 rows into target tables using sql*loader.I used below consideration during the load process.
1) direct=true,parllel=true 2) unrecoverable 3) disable all indexes and triggers.
But, sql loader takes 21 minutes to load 14324590 rows in database? tuning sql loader process? we cannot change data file because it has given by client.
from Control file, data is getting popupalated in TEST_USER and TEST_TITLE similarly if remove
from Control file, TEST_USER and TEST_ROLE is getting populated.
Here RD_ROLE_MASTER script
Insert into RD_TITLE_MASTER (ID_TITLE,TX_TITLE_NAME) values (7,'RED_LOB_ESCALATION_L1'); what is the problem?