Server Utilities :: SQL*Loader-704 - Protocol Adapter Error

Nov 27, 2001

I tried using the sqlldr locally to load data to the server. I received the error message.

SQL*Loader-704: Internal error: ulconnect: OCIServerAttach [[0]]
ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

Is there any ora file that I should change or update to be able to use sqlldr from client to load data in the server.

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Server Administration :: TNS Protocol Adapter Error

Mar 14, 2012

I am installing oracle10 10.0.4 in windows server 2008 r2 sp1. while installing it is getting installed and when i start creating the database after accepting the default steps finally . while crating the error i get TNS:protocal adaptor error.

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Server Administration :: ORA-12560 - TNS Protocol Adapter Error

Apr 20, 2011

We installed Oracle 11g on solaris machine but some of the configuration failed.

When verified in tracelog we are finding below error message:

PRCT-1003 : Failed to run "getcrshome" on node "localnode"
at oracle.cluster.deployment.ClusterwareInfo.getConfiguredCRSHome(
at oracle.sysman.assistants.util.hasi.HAUtils.getCRSHome(
at oracle.sysman.assistants.util.hasi.HAUtils.getHASHome(
at oracle.sysman.assistants.util.hasi.HAUtils.isHASConfigured(
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.ui.DBCAWizard.<init>(

We then tried to create instance but came up with below error:

ORA-12560: TNS Protocol Adapter Error..We have another database version running on the same server and needs to be continued.

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Server Administration :: ORA-12560 / TNS / Protocol Adapter Error

Nov 27, 2010

When connecting to Oracle Db as sysdba the following error message occurs.

-bash-3.00$ sqlplus /nolog

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Nov 27 00:34:55 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
SQL> conn sys/sys as sysdba
ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

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Server Administration :: Unable To Connect To Database / ORA-12560 / TNS / Protocol Adapter Error

Feb 7, 2013

In one machine I have windows xp with Oracle database installed and I am able to connect to the database using both sql developer and sql plus.

In another machine I have windows 7. I installed Oracle client, then using Net configuration tool, I installed both listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files.

Now, I want to connect to the database which is installed on windows xp from windows 7 using the oracle client. When I tried to connect, I got the following error :

ERROR:ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

In order to rectify the above error, I was making sure that ORACLE_HOME AND ORACLE_SID were properly set in the regedit file (under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > ORACLE). The ORACLE_HOME was set properly. But I found ORACLE_SID missing. So I added ORACLE_SID environment variable in the registry and re-tried connecting to the database. But I am not able to connect. What else should I do in order to connect?

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Networking And Gateways :: ORA-12560 - TNS - Protocol Adapter Error In Windows Server 2003

Nov 4, 2010

I installed Oracle 10g (10.1) in Windows Server 2003 and i am able to connect to oracle using using SQL net. But when I tried to connect this using SQL Net from Windows XP, I am getting ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error. But when I tried to connect as SYSDBA user, I am able to login in SQL plus. But for a normal user, not able to log in.

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Tns Protocol Adapter Error

Jan 19, 2011

I have one query on sql connection.

I have 3 database on windows server. I am using oracle 10g. I want to put the one of the DB in No archive mode, for that I have shutdown the database and then set the ORACLE_SID and try to connect through sqlplus sys/password as sysdba and run the db in mount mode and all the required stuff for put in no archive mode.

but when I set the ORACLE_SID and try to connect through sqlplus it gives me error of TNS protocol adapter error. I run this command through cmd prompt.

I resolved this error by change the directory on cmd prompt to $ORACLE_HOME/bin and then run sqlplus. it works for me but don't get the reason why its not working earlier.

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Forms :: TNS Protocol Adapter Error

May 11, 2011

i m using Oracle 10g release 10.2 database and connecting Oracle Devsuite 10.2 but first time it gives the error of oraut.dll not found. Then this error resolved .

Now when i connecting Oracle devsuite 10.2 's sqlplus with Oracle database then it giving the error of

12560 TNS protocol Adapter error

While i have configured the listener.ora of Oracle 10g database and database is fucting well. but while connecting this to Oracle 10 Devsuite then it gives the error.

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ORA-12560 Protocol Adapter Error

Nov 15, 2010

I try to mount the database and login as an administrator to open SQLPLUS I get the following error:

SQL*PLUS release date.... Oracle. ALL rights reserved.
Enter username: system@oracle10 as sysdba
ORA-12560: TNS: protocol adapter error

I did as some forums said: oracle_sid=oracle10 & looked in the listener that the SID is written.I made sure that the oracle.exe is running from services but still i continue to have this error.

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Forms :: 10g - ORA-12560 TNS Protocol Adapter Error?

Jan 3, 2013

While running oracle forms builder 10g,am facing error " ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error ".

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Forms :: 10g On 9i Database - Protocol Adapter Error

Jun 5, 2010

l oracle 9i database , and then i install oracle 10g forms, and now when i run my form through browser ,it gives me following error message ..

ORA-12560 :TNS: Protocol Adapter Error

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Networking And Gateways :: ORA-12560 Protocol Adapter Error

Feb 16, 2010

I am trying to connect via SQLPLUS to the standalone oracle database i have installed details as follows:

Host DT1089.myname.local
Database emrep.myname.local
Instance emrep
In EM database is up and running OK
Tnsnames is located at C:OracleHomesdb10gNETWORKADMIN


I try to log on with command line

C:> sqlplus system/***** @ emrep
**** = password for user system

but get the following error:

ORA-12560 Protocol Adapter error

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TNS-12560 Protocol Adapter Error / Connection Closed

Aug 25, 2010

I'm using Oracle 11. I'm currently having some problem to start my Oracle database after database restore, hence unable to start my SAP application too.

> lsnrctl start
LSNRCTL for HPUX: Version - Production on 25-AUG-2010 23:49:20
Copyright © 1991, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Starting /oracle/PRD/102_64/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...
TNS-12537: TNS:connection closed
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00507: Connection closed
HPUX Error: 29: Illegal seek

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Networking And Gateways :: ORA-12560 / TNS / Protocol Adapter Error

Jan 9, 2012

I installed local database on my laptop that pc is inside a domain when i remove the network cable and connect using the sid defined in the tnsnames sys/sys@ora10g as sysdba it gives me that errors

ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

to resolve this problem i should connect like that sys/sys as sysdba without the sid but i don't want to connect in this way because i have work must be done from home on that local database so i don't want to connect with network sys/sys@ora10g as sysdba and without network sys/sys as sysdba.

i want to be always connect sys/sys@ora10g as sysdba.

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Networking And Gateways :: Getting ORA-12560 - TNS - Protocol Adapter Error?

Oct 30, 2012

Getting error ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

My database is PACKS and user ID is PACKS .

Below tnsnames.ora

# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: C:DevSuiteHome_1
etworkadmin nsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.



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TNS-12557 - Protocol Adapter Not Loadable

Sep 30, 2010

My server was down for Some days. Then we brought up the server and started all databases. When i tried to up my listeners i faced the following errors .

$ lsnrctl start CGSLDOC
LSNRCTL for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production on 30-SEP-2010 08:26:46

Copyright © 1991, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Starting /oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...

TNSLSNR for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production
System parameter file is /oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/network/admin/listener.ora
Log messages written to /oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/network/log/cgsldoc.log
TNS-01151: Missing listener name, CGSLDOC, in LISTENER.ORA

Listener failed to start. See the error message(s) above...

$ lsnrctl start CGSLMTX

LSNRCTL for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production on 30-SEP-2010 08:27:24

Copyright © 1991, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Starting /oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...

TNSLSNR for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production
System parameter file is /oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/network/admin/listener.ora
Log messages written to /oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/network/log/cgslmtx.log
Error listening on: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(PARTIAL=yes)(QUEUESIZE=1))
No longer listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(
TNS-12557: TNS:protocol adapter not loadable
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00527: Protocol Adapter not loadable

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Forms :: ORA-12222 TNS No Such Protocol Adapter

Feb 22, 2007

i installed oracle 9i release 2 on windows xp professional then i installed form 6i in different home.

i copied tnsnames.ora file from ORACLE_HOME etworkadmin to forms home NET80admin folder....

Once i installed both i can see in the PATH variable both homes then bin directory....
in these two locations you can find sqlplus.exe file, when i try to login from the command prompt like below

sqlplus "/as sysdba"

it is not going, instead it is coming to command prompt... if i remove FORMS_HOME/bin from the PATH variable i can able to do that...just keep this problem aside.When i try to connect oracle from the forms it is giving error like "ORA-12222 TNS no such protocol adapter...."

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Reports & Discoverer :: ORA-12222 / TNS / No Such Protocol Adapter

Oct 14, 2013

I have oracle forms builder and reports builder 10g installed on my computer. And it is working fine and connected to database properly.

Now I need to work in reports 6i and I installed that without error. I replaced the TNSNames.ora(The same i used for reports 10g) file with my database connections. But When I connect to the database i got the following error.

REP-0501:Unable to connect to the specified database
ORA-12222: TNS : no such protocol adapter

I created a environment variable for TNS_ADMIN in the system variable section as C:Ora10gdsNETWORKADMIN.

But still i am getting the same error while connecting to the database.

Should I not install the 6i while there is reports 10g already exists in my machine?

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Server Utilities :: SQL Loader Error Message?

Oct 6, 2000

When I try to load a .TXT file into an Oracle table, the following message is given at the command prompt;

SQL*Loader-524: partial record found at end of datafile

and the load is not successful. The control file is as follows;

Load Data
INFILE 'c:spledlsubj.txt'
INTO TABLE tblSubjectiveCode


Could the .TXT file causing any problems ?

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Server Utilities :: Sql Loader Error Records

Jul 12, 2012

My oracle is sitting on UNIX, i have a sql loader scripts which load the data in oracle at every 10 min and bad files is written into a directory. since the file names are same it overwrite the badfiles in case of error record. i can devise a code to write the bad file with different name. I want to write error record into oracle table, is this possible and how can i achieve ?

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Server Utilities :: Sql Loader Error For Direct Path

Apr 25, 2012

I have a table which is being load by sqlloader, when i load the table without direct path set to TRUE IT Works well , but when DIRECT path set to TRUE ,it comes out with the following error

SQL*Loader-702: Internal error - Unknown column for OCI_ATTR_COL_COUNT
SQL*Loader-2026: the load was aborted because SQL Loader cannot continue.

control file looks like below.

load data
BADFILE '/backup/temp/rajesh/RIO/BadFiles/FILENAME'
append into table TEMP_rio_RESP_TIME_LND


data set is

V5_RIO_5NCC|78967||RioLoginSrc.asp|0.296|12/04/2012 15:27:25.703|12/04/2012 15:27:26.000|V5_RIO_5NCC||||||||||
V5_RIO_5NCC|78968||TextDialogueCentre.asp|0.015|12/04/2012 15:27:27.983|12/04/2012 15:27:28.000|V5_RIO_5NCC||||||||||
V5_RIO_5NCC|78969||RioLoginSrc.asp|57.843|12/04/2012 15:27:14.157|12/04/2012 15:28:12.000|V5_RIO_5NCC||||||||||

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Server Utilities :: Sql Loader / How To Ignore Error Due To Quotes

May 5, 2010

I have control file written like


but i have data in csv file like


Since there is an extra double quote (denoting inch) in the third column, im getting an error. Is there any way to avoid this error without modifying the csv file.

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Server Utilities :: Error Not Valid Month In Sql Loader?

May 17, 2012

I am trying to load below data using sql loader.

05/17/12,07:45:39,resn-j35-ctc113,"USR:ESM.CQueryTypeDlg::RunQuery().wft",0.125,P,schapptbook,22712,25704,705355992045,RBA4010200,,0, "",0,"","",""

table structure


Below function has been used to transfor data and callled in sql loader control file
CREATE OR REPLACE function return_domain( domain_name varchar2)
return varchar2
v_dmn varchar2(100)


sql loader control file is as below:

load data
BADFILE '/backup/temp/rajesh/CERNER/BadFiles/FILENAME'
append into table TEMP_CERNER_RESP_TIME_LND


function takes the parameter as 'DOMAIN50_LPAR5002_slainterval051712_rj35cmi102_08_45_00.csv '

FILENAME in control file will be replace by DOMAIN50_LPAR5002_slainterval051712_rj35cmi102_08_45_00.csv when i run the the the loader i get the below error.

Record 1: Rejected - Error on table TEMP_CERNER_RESP_TIME_LND.
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-01843: not a valid month

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Server Utilities :: SQL Loader - Error Occurred On Good Insert?

Apr 7, 2010

We are getting below error while loading a data in Oracle 10g database using sqlloader.


SQL*Loader-704: Internal error: ulnain: error occurred on good insert [-1]

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Server Utilities :: SQL Loader Unable To Open File Error?

Mar 9, 2012

I am recieving errors when trying to load the control file. The errors are as follows:

SQL*Loader-500 Unable to open file (homework.ctl)
SQL*Loader-553 file not found
SQL*Loader-559 SYstem error: The system cannot find the file specified.

My control file is located directly in the C drive (C:homework.ctl). The control file contains the following

INFILE 'c:country.dat'
fields terminated by ',' optionally encloded by '"'
(country, month, day)
WHEN (month='April')

The command I am entering is:

sqlldr system/password control=homework.ctl

I've tried c:homework.ctl, 'c:homework.ctl', and placing the file in the BIN folder of Oracle.

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Server Utilities :: SQL*Loader-350 Syntax Error When Parsing Data Type

Dec 7, 2010

I ran the following control file in sql loader:

INFILE "gateway.csv"
Fields terminated by ","
Optionally enclosed by '"'
trailing nullcols


and I got the following error:

zcyds891:/opt/oracle> sqlldr gwcem/gwcem@pfs control=gateway.ctl log=/tmp/ldr.log bad=/tmp/bad.log
SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Tue Dec 7 05:07:59 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
SQL*Loader-350: Syntax error at line 12.
Expecting "," or ")", found "INTERGER".

The current OS is Solaris, SunOS 5.10.

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Server Utilities :: SQL LOADER - Format Of Error Returned By Command Line

Apr 5, 2011

I'm working with sqlldr and i try to insert data from a csv file to a CTL file. One field of my table contains 5 characters but one row has 6 characters in this field, so it's rejected by oracle. (Logical, you can't insert 6 chars in a 5 chars field)

an error is visibly returned, so i wondered how you could catch the value of this error?is it a code? a message?

I'd like to add to my script a condition so that the end of the script would continue even if this error code is returned for that CTL execution.

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Server Administration :: Error / Network Adapter Could Not Establish The Connection

Jan 27, 2010

I have installed oracle 10g XE on my machine. And my machine's ip address is

XE =


I was able to connect to the above server from my machine.But when i was trying to connect the above server from my neighbours system i am getting an error Network adapter could not establish the connection.

Note:when i ping the ip address from my negihbours system in the command prompt

Reply from
Reply from
Reply from
Reply from

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Server Utilities :: SQL Loader Is Missing

Feb 4, 2011

I installed oracle 10G complete so I can have everything. But now I cannot run sql loader. I check my oracle devsuitehome directory and I cannot find sqlldr.exe

I need to install sql loader separately? I can't find sql loader installer on web.

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Server Utilities :: SQL Loader - How To Implement

Jul 7, 2010

SQL Loader - How to implement/Best solution.

I have 3 tables with their columns:

And the file I need to import has lines like the ones below:


The line means:

- 1 - M or P: indicates which table to insert: MASTER or PARENT;
- 2 - M or A or B: indicates MASTER, PARENT_A, PARENT_B;
- 3:18 - DATA.

Based on the values above, what I need to do is:

1. Load a line to MASTER_TABLE;
2. Load a line to PARENT_TABLE_A pointing to its relative line in MASTER_TABLE;
3. Load a line to PARENT_TABLE_B pointing to its relative line in MASTER_TABLE;
4. In the original file line, there is nothing I can use to join a MASTER line with a PARENT line.

The result would be:

I tried to use both: SEQUENCE and Sequence.NextVall (CurrVal) but they only work when using ROWS=1 and the file I need to load has millions of rows, so I need direct path loading.Also, I read about External Table, but it does not suit my needs because the Application server is not the same as Database server, which is needed by external tables.

in this case is better load the data to a temporary table and then insert to the other tables, I found almost the same question in the topic pointed by the link below: URL....

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