Server Utilities :: IMP With Different Language Settings?

May 7, 2010

i have to import Data (exported with EXP) from a 8.1.6 Database running with GERMAN_GERMANY.WE8MSWIN1252 language settings. The destination database is running with GERMAN_GERMANY.AL32UTF8.

What do i have to do to import (IMP) the data correctly?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Recommended Settings In Oracle Server

May 30, 2013

What are the default settings and recommended settings in oracle server like we shouldn't use char(N) datatype.

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Forms :: WebUtil And Jacob Settings In AIX Server

Sep 21, 2010

I am using forms 10G. I have done the setting for webUtil and Jacob in my pc for browse button to be work and it is working fine .I am sending you the attachment ,which i followed for the configuration in my PC.

But can any one please tell me the steps for implement these things in AIX server so that everyone can use my form .I mean how to configure this to utility Webutil and Jacob in AIX server .

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Server Administration :: Tablespaces In Autoextend Settings

Jun 9, 2011

I just want to know what are precautionary measures if tablespaces in a database is in autoextend mode. I'm wondering if these tablespaces reached its maximum sizes.

In our case, we are administering a database (turned over by our outsourcer after a 2-year maintenance) with SAP interface, and we noticed that most of it's tablespaces were created with initial size of 2Gb up to a maximum size of 10Gb, all were 'autoextensible'.

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Server Administration :: Language In Oracle 10g

Jul 16, 2013

I have an Oracle DB's charset configured for Korean language and things in there are English and Korean and they are working fine. If i try to import a txt file with Chinese characters into the DB. It doesn't show correctly on query.

Is there any way I can solve this ? Since I find that there are many charset / NLS language options througout DB. I read from others that they have the following response. Any alternative beside changing the whole DB charset ?

Recreate the database with the correct character set
Convert the database to AL32UTF8. Documentation link
Change the databases National Character Set to AL32UTF8 & change your application to use NVARCHAR2()/NCHAR() datatypes instead of VARCHAR2() (documented at the same link as above)

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Oracle Database Server / Client Connection Settings Between Office And Home

Jul 3, 2010

Suppose my oracle database server IP is in the office & the internet static IP is is on that server. I want to retrieve the data by using oracle forms & report from my home's computer having different internet IP on my home's computer.

what would be the settings on my home's computer for the same. i mean tnsname.ora file or any other setting.

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Server Administration :: Arabic Language Support

Apr 14, 2013

i installed database 10g with English language support and imported a dump file contains tables having columns in arabic

so after search i did these steps


Alter database character set INTERNAL_USE AR8ISO8859P6; (for arabic) which we want.


after the previous steps i checked on the nls_characterset from NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS and found it changed to AR8ISO8859P6 and that's right after that i can insert any arabic character to the tables but the original data still the same

is there anyway i can do to change the original data to be read in Arabic or i should make another import

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Server Administration :: Write Bangla Language In Oracle 10gR1 / 10gR2 And Express

May 17, 2012

I tried more to write Bangla in Oracle 10gR1, or 10gR2 or Express but failed. When I write bangla in the "emp_name" field for employee name this can be save, But when I execute to see the data again then the data comes with a big change like some symbol for some character.

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Server Administration :: Settings Infringe On Any Available Memory On System That Is Already Tight On Memory?

Jul 25, 2012

I have the following setup

SQL> show parameter sga;

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
lock_sga boolean FALSE
pre_page_sga boolean FALSE
sga_max_size big integer 3G
sga_target big integer 2G

from what I read I beleive this will initially grab 2GB of memory on startup and will grab up to to 3GB of memory total for the SGA. The "total" memory can be allocated to different peices of the SGA when needed but will never exceed 3GB. Is this correct or would these settings infringe on any available memory on a system that is already tight on memory?

Secondly, what happens if both these values are set to the same value?

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Server Utilities :: Finding Versions Of Exp And Imp Utilities Of Database Server?

Feb 23, 2012

how to find the versions of exp and imp utilities of database server from windows command prompt?

Note: Currently i have oracle software installed on my local machine.

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Server Utilities :: Do EXPDP Utilities Does Backup At Block Level As What RMAN Is Doing

May 29, 2013

I have one doubt on Expdp & RMAN. Do EXPDP utilities does backup at block level as what RMAN is doing? Which one is faster, expdp or RMAN?

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Server Utilities :: Intermediate COMMITS When Using Sqlldr Or Imp Utilities

Oct 29, 2013

I want to load lakhs of records into a table. My problem is when after loading the ΒΌ of records my process is abend due to the size of my rollback segment area. I don't have an option to increase it. So, Is there any way to go for intermediate commits when I am using the imp or sqlldr utilities to load the entire data without abend?

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Server Utilities :: Netca And Netmgr Utilities?

Feb 20, 2012

I am familiar with tool Netca. However there is one more utility exist for the same functionatlty which is netmgrI checked with many DBAs for the exact difference, however I did not get the best answer from them. I also have checked in google but not exactly got the difference. list the exact difference between those 2 tools (netca, netmgr)

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AWE Settings In Windows 2008 32 BIT

May 17, 2012

I have Windows 2008 R2 32 bit server having 32 Gig of memory I want to use /PAE settings. I already follow metalink 225349.1 but to no avail.

below is my pfile settings. But i received error when i start with this settings

the error "ORA-27102: out of memory
O/S-Error: (OS-8) Not enough storage is available to process "



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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Client Locale Settings

Jan 10, 2011

I have a scenario wherein the Oracle server is in a IBM mainframe platform, whose keycode is EBCDIC. I have a Oracle client installed in a UNIX platform, whose key code is ASCII. When I fire any Oracle query which has a ORDER BY clause at the client side, the ordering is done as per EBCDIC.

My question is: Does the client side locale settings ever come into picture? Or in other words when does the client side settings influence the result of a query?

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Forms :: Running Graphs - Changes In Settings?

May 3, 2012

I want to run graphs through forms. Just wanted to ask you that, what changes in settings do I have to make in forms or install any new software so that I am able to run graphs through it?

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Performance Tuning :: SGA / PGA Parameter Settings?

Nov 27, 2011

we are ruining oracle 9i in windows 2000 server, oracle is the only database running in the server. The RAM capacity is 4GB but the sga showing is as below

Total System Global Area 118255568 bytes
Fixed Size 282576 bytes
Variable Size 83886080 bytes
Database Buffers 33554432 bytes
Redo Buffers 532480 bytes

pga size
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
aggregate PGA auto target 0
global memory bound 0
total expected memory 0
total PGA inuse 19937280


how can we using the 4gb RAM deducing 20% for OS Sometimes users are complaining slow process.

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Client Tools :: SQL Plus 10g Display Settings?

Feb 25, 2010

I am using SQL Plus 10g and when I execute a query my column widths are quite narrow, hence the titles and data are displayed as shown below. How can I change the settings so they are displayed side by side and the whole coulmn titles are visible?

-------- ----------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------------
87654321 1002 1 WD 1700 -125

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Create Database With Polish Settings?

Aug 13, 2012

I need to create a database with a langauge set to Polish and territory set to Poland. I use dbca to create the database. I set there these settings but when the database is created and I try following sql commands I get this output.

SQL> select * from v$NLS_PARAMETERS;

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------


Why does SELECT * FROM NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS return AMERICAN language? How to create the database with Polish settings?

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Enterprise Manager :: Backup Settings Cause Error

Feb 10, 2010

I am configuring the Backup Settings through EM. It says 'An error has occurred while configuring the backup settings.'. When i click on 'View Error Details' it shows:

'open2: IO::Pipe: Can't spawn-NOWAIT: No such file or directory at - line 831'

I cant figure out the problem.. I have also created the Disk Backup Location.

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Forms :: Oracle 10g On Mac Client And JRE Settings Not Working?

May 30, 2010

I have an application server on windows 2003 server. Now i have one Mac Book and i want to use the application in that. I have searched and find that i have to change in formsweb.cfg. I have made the changes according to that but my screen is coming blank only. I have change the formsweb.cfg like this



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Forms :: Oracle Developer Suite Run-time Settings?

May 18, 2011

Am installed oracle 9i database and Oracle Developer Suite 10g.Am unable to run the Form. When I run the Application Local machine,Blank White Screen Appears No Error Message.Am installed

1.database in F: and Developer Suite in E :

2.I.E 6.0 and J Initiator Version

Am started oc4j instance started.. in run time edit preferences both [URL] and [URL] are given

3. in formsweb.cfg i changed baseHTMLjinitiator=basejpi.htm

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Performance Tuning :: Used Same Dmp File To Restore Data And Settings

Oct 15, 2013

I am getting back into Oracle (from a long haul in MS only env.) and am now testing Oracle installs.I have been given a task of seeing the diff. between 12c and 10.2g...I set up 2 vms (excatly same configs) and used the same dmp file (on both env.) to restore data and settings for our jobs to run.We have some aggregated data, and cubes with DIM tables each being run on the vm machines. We run nightly jobs to rebuild our cubes.

I am supposed to see/analyze the value of 12c, and understand things might vary from company to company, but am perplexed at my result.12c is half the speed of 10.2g, both env. are the same out of the box with same dmp file and same hardware.

I am using the same dmp file, with the same jobs on each machine, with both vms having 10.2g or 12c installed out of the box as is.what default oracle settings might have changed from 10.2g to 12c that could make the exact same env. run twice as slow on the 12c?

Expectations were that out of the box with both machines running same jobs on same data (from dmp files) would have it that 10.2g would be slower than the 12c, except the 12c takes 2 times as long to run the jobs. I have reviewed every possibility as I know usually the problem is the person sitting in the chair and not the pc...but I confirmed all was identical from the one vm env. to the other, except the version of oracle out of the box.

What could be done to bring that default setting back to atleast equal time between the 2, that would give me a great starting point. Otherwise, I would have to toss this up to bloatware.

I read up a bit on the CBO, and know this might have changed in there a way to bring it back to a backwards ealier config, so as to atleast match both env. execution plans?

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Exadata :: DBFS Settings For Loading External Table

Aug 10, 2012

if there is any particular DBFS settings to increase the performance on external table loading currently I have just mounted it with direction just looking for any other ways to improve the reading from the flat file that sits on dbfs on exadata x-2 half rack

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Performance Tuning :: Queries On PGA Settings And Related Memory Management?

Feb 11, 2011

I have few queries on PGA memory management.Since these queries are based on 2-3 examples not exactly same by nature I am summarising it after my understanding for the same

As I understand many workareas can be allocated to a single sql statement and number and sizes of theses workareas is controlled internally by Oracle when Automatic Memory management (PGA_aggregate_target and workarea_size_policy=Auto are set) Since many sessions share the PGA memory, the amount of memory available to each session may vary and if less amount of memory is available for a session for sorting then TEMP tablespace is used

[1] Can we say paging happens and can be checked at this time?

[2] Is there a difference in handling memory while populating pl/sql tables?

As I have encountered ora-04030 while some our developers were populating pl/sql tables but never encountered this error for sorting, hash joins etc Though I don't remember the width of pl/sql table, I am sure the developer used 'LIMIT' clause during bulk collect and still faced the issue.

With a single session on the server, I noticed that the difference in values displayed issuing 'free' command in linux and output values from sesstat did not match at all while there wasn't any heavy OS process involved during the period. I was expecting 'used' and 'free' values displayed by free command (linux) will change and difference would be approximately equals 'before and after values of session pga memory.

[3] Isn't it expected to match?

[4] Can we say in dedicated server, at any moment of time, the SUM of 'session pga memory' represents all the memory used by Oracle SGA, at that point of time?

select sum(value)/1024/1024 "memory in MB" from v$sesstat where statistic#=20;

During one of the tests I got following output (divide value by 10 for my visibility and avoid formatting)

SQL> select, to_char(b.value/10, '999,999,999') value
from v$statname a, v$mystat b
where a.statistic# = b.statistic#
and like '%ga memory%'; 2 3 4


The above query is showing above values even when the pl/sql block execution is completed 30 minutes back

[5] Do we call this as 'memory leak' where memory is not released even while some time has passed since session has done something?Of course I am not checking at OS level as mentioned in question [3] above the values won't match!

Still the output of free command for reference(After the pl/sql block executed)

SQL> !free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 3016796 2999660 17136 0 4308 1173260
-/+ buffers/cache: 1822092 1194704
Swap: 1048568 636124 412444

--(After the pl/sql block executed)

SQL> select * from v$pgastat;
aggregate PGA target parameter 524288000bytes
aggregate PGA auto target 456256512bytes
global memory bound 26214400bytes
total PGA inuse 17328128bytes


[6] What could be the significance of negative values of 'session pga memory/max'?

Last We have an OLTP system and in the night we run batch processes in 2-4 sessions

Suppose I have 10 GB RAM and with PGA setting of 3.5 GB Now I want the batch process sessions to use max possible memory during nighttime and toggle the setting back in the morning

[7] With above settings (10 GB RAM and 3.5 GB PGA) how can I divide the memory among 4 sessions?

Shall I set 1) PGA_aggregate_target=0 2)Workarea_size_policy=manual 3) Sort_are_size 4) Hash_area_size

[8] What would be approx values for parameter 3 and 4? will it be straight 3.5 GB/ 4?

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Application Express :: Losing Chart Settings When Switching To Custom XML

Feb 20, 2013

I have an application which contains a chart of type Dial.In order to set the major interval dynamically I have switched to using custom xml and replaced the #SCALE_DATA# with:

<scale minimum='&P2_CHART_MIN.' maximum='&P2_CHART_MAX.' major_interval='&P2_CHART1_INTERVAL.'/>

However, I would also like to label the value with a Units Label (e.g. '%'). I was previously doing this using the Value: Postfix setting under Axes Settings, but after switching to Custom Settings removes this box and I no longer get the units displayed.

Is there some xml I can add which will set and display the units.I am using Application Express

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Check Listener Time Zone Settings / Values In Oracle 10g Database?

Nov 28, 2011

How to check the listener time zone settings/values in Oracle 10g database?

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Application Express :: Manage Workspace Instance Settings In APEX Administration

Jul 23, 2013

I would like to change the printing settings in my workspace Instance settings. But, I can't find the "Manage Instance" option mentioned in the tutorials.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Restricting Other Language Characters?

Jan 24, 2011

I need to give validation for not allowing french or arabic or hindi alphabets or numbers except for only english alphanumeric letters.

I understood how to restrict special characters or spaces .

regexp_instr(i, '[^[:alnum:]]') = 0

This function allow only characters and numbers in English language and doesnt allow special characters.

I need to restrict further by not allowing any other language characters or numbers except only english alphanumeric letters.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Procedure With C Language

Apr 16, 2010

My question is--> Is it possible to create procedure with embeded C code ?

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