Server Administration :: Query Fails With Error ORA-01555 / Snapshot Too Old

Jun 23, 2011

We are running a query in one of our databases using the database the link. The query fails in the middle with "ORA-01555: snapshot too old". Not sure, about the database which this error message points to? Will it be the database we have logged in or it is the database where db link points ?

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Server Administration :: How To Check Error ORA-01555 / Snapshot Too Old

Dec 23, 2011

i am getting this error during expdp ORA-01555 -snapshot too old

1. i increased undo_retention i.e 50000

2. i execute expdp during late night when almost zero user is online so no commit from any other session.

3. we have a table having BLOB data type field in a table which is 500 GB in size.complete DB size is 700 GB

where and why this error exists.if corruption of BLOB so how to check that etc. the same error is occurring in three of our data centres during expdp.

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ORA-01555 / Snapshot Too Old Error

Jan 12, 2012

I have a problem regarding with Oracle Flashback Query.if I'm doing flashback a database two hours before,I'm receiving ORA-01555: snapshot too old error.My question is:How to able to extend the based on the hour or day?

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Expdp Slow With Error ORA-01555 - Snapshot Too Old On 11g?

May 15, 2013

data pump export is very slow. For 50GB export has taken more than 24Hrs with one below error:

Database Version:
OS: Windows server 2008 r2
Increased 10GB RAM and CPU 6 to 8 then also same issue

ORA-31693: Table data object "BNCSDB"."MS_DATA_PTORE" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:
ORA-02354: error in exporting/importing data
ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 20 with name "_SYSSMU20_4037596720$" too small

Export log:
Export: Release - Production on Tue May 14 20:03:25 2013

Copyright � 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
Starting "SYSTEM"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01": system/********@orcl dumpfile=BCSDB04_19.dmp logfile=BCSDB04_19.log


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Server Utilities :: ORA-01555 - Snapshot Too Old?

Nov 3, 2010

We are taking full logical backup ( export) in freeze hours( no user login). But prompting error "ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 7 with name "_SYSSMU7$" too small".

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12008 - ORA-12008 - Error In Materialized View Refresh Path ORA-01555 - Snapshot Too Old?

Jul 21, 2009

I am having problems with my procedure which is refreshing materialized views. This is the error i am getting : -12008: ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path
ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 14...

I have two database with the same procedure and the same objects. They run at the same time, however, there are times when i get the error on the other database while the other database runs the procedure without any error.

When i checked the net, they say that this error is caused by data that is old, so the solution is to make the source a predecessor of my procedure/job. But what i am thinking is that how was it possible for the other database to run it completely even if it is not yet linked as the successor of the source?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01555 Snapshot Too Old?

Apr 29, 2010

I am getting the ORA-01555 Snapshot Too Old error while excecuting my procedure (which is running in OLTP system). My procedure contains one table which master table of my DB which holds 1.2 GB of data. The proc is using the MERGE statement which is inserting or updating the data in the master table, while the condition of MERGE is using the subquery in which 2 DBlink table is used (in which one table is updating quite frequently). The proc. is executing in the interval of 6 hrs i.e 4 times a day and its is scheduled in job. find the proc. as an attachment.

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Server Administration :: Rollback Segment Too Small ORA-01555

Jan 19, 2012

One of the users received the error
ora-01555: rollback segment too small

I have read about the error and saw that it is caused by transactions made upon same data, filling to maximum one of the UNDOTBS rollback segments.It happens only once in a while, each time on a different Rollback Segment.

I've read that i should do a few things to enlarge those segments, such as bring a 1. segment offline, 2. drop it and then 3. create it with a bigger size & possibly a bigger extent setting

i've also read that those actions aren't relevant if you have the parameter UNDO_MANAGEMENT set on AUTO, which is actually the that why when i execute ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT RB_SEG_NAME_11$ OFFLINE;

1. How do i solve my issue with the Rollback segment being too small to contain the snapshot with the requested SCN?

2. what does the parameter UNDO_MANAGEMENT mean? should i change it, in order to adjust my Rollback Segments attributes, to prevent my error of re-occurring?

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Server Administration :: ORA-01555 / Unable To Find Sql_id

Jan 25, 2012

I am getting below ORA-01555 error in alert log everyday.

ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SCN: 0x09ad.86a4562a):
Sat Jan 21 08:39:45 2012
SELECT (NVL(MAX(BLOCK_ID + BLOCKS ),0) * :b1 ) / 1024

I cannot able to find the sql_id here. So how can I find from which process or session this query is firing? before increasing the undo size, I need to analyze as why it is occuring?

undo_management string MANUAL
undo_retention integer 900
undo_suppress_errors boolean FALSE
undo_tablespace string

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Server Utilities :: Snapshot Error During Export

Jul 1, 2010

i am getting "snapshot too old " error while take in export backup of a database(with CONSISTENT=y), it actually runs for 3 hours.

it always fails for table1 with snapshot error

i pulled the awr for that 3 hours, to see any long running SQL hitting table1 . and i found 3 , Two SELECT and one INSERT.

I assume it is INSERT not letting me take a consistent export backup of Table1 .

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Server Administration :: Remove Synonym STATS$SNAPSHOT-ID?

Sep 11, 2007

I've got to collect statistics by DBMS_STAT. For the first time, the spcreate.sql is to be called, however, it returned one error following:

If this script is automatically called from spcreate (which is the supported method), all STATSPACK segments will be created in the PERFSTAT user's default tablespace.

Using perfstat tablespace to store Statspack objects

... Creating STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID Sequence Sequence created.

create public synonym STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID for STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

And then, I checked it again with its owner:

SQL> select owner, synonym_name
2 from dba_synonyms
3 where synonym_name='STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID';

------------------------------ ------------------------------

Then, I checked again after dropping schema PERFSTAT:

SQL> conn /as sysdba
SQL> select username, account_status


What's the STATS@SNAPSHOT_ID synonym? Can I remove it from PUBLIC owner and recreate?

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Server Administration :: User Login Fails?

Sep 27, 2011

I just create a user and tried to log in but it gives the following error, why?

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Sep 27 10:57:55 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production

SQL> create user user1 identified by user1;

User created.

SQL> conn user1
Enter password: *****
ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.

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Server Utilities :: Migration From Sybase To Oracle 1 Table Fails With SQL Error ORA-01841

Jul 17, 2012

im trying to migrate Sybase 12.5 to oracle 11G R2 on linux all tables are fine expect one which fails with error

"SQL Error: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
01841. 00000 - "(full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0"
*Cause: Illegal year entered
*Action: Input year in the specified range"

i have change the data type from CHAR to VARCHAR2 etc as for the datatype date shows as date on the tool - I'm using sqldeveloper from oracle.

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Server Administration :: Installation Of Oracle 11gR2 On Windows 7 64-bit Fails With ORA-12560?

Apr 15, 2012

I want to install Oracle EE 11gR2 on my Windows 7 Professional 64-bit laptop. Installed memory is 8GB.I need to install 32-bit server since Oracle Warehouse Builder will not run on a 64-bit o/s. Further, I use Toad 9.7.2 which will only recognise client 32-bit.

I had a few failed attempts, especially when the database was being created with the ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error,

So here's what I did:

Changed C:WindowsSystem32driversetchosts so that it contains two lines localhost & ::1 localhost
Changed properties of setup.exe in the installation directory to be Windows XP SP2 compatible and run as administrator
Selected "install database software only" (so I could figure out at what step the installation fails)
Selected "single instance"
Selected "Enterprise Edition"
Selected oracle base "c:app" (instead of default location c:appd_seng)

Copy of files was completed successfully, log file was created in c:program files(x86)oracleinventorylogs & registry entries were added to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeORACLE" (with keys KEY_OraDb11g_home1, ODP.NET & OracleMTSRecoveryService), and the following services were created:

OracleMTSRecoveryService: Started/Automatic
OracleOraDb11g_home1ClrAgent: Not started/Manual
OracleRemExecService: Started/Disabled

There are no listener.ora & tnsnames.ora yet. Sqlnet.ora is created with the line SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (NTS)

Now I went to Start, All Programs, Oracle - OraDb11g_home1, Configuration and Migration Tools, right clicked on "Net Configuration Assistant" and changed the properties to be Windows XP SP2 compatible and run as administrator and ran it. I selected "Listener Configuration", added a listener called LISTENER, TCP protocol, port 1521 and finished. A service called "OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener" was created and started in automatic mode. The PATH was updated and listener.ora was created with the lines:

(ORACLE_HOME = C:appproduct11.2.0dbhome_1)


Tnsnames.ora is also creaed with the contents:

(SID = CLRExtProc)

At the command prompt, lsnrctl.status shows:
LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 15-APR-2012 12:42

Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.


Version TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Produ
Start Date 15-APR-2012 12:37:54


At the command prompt, shows: LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 15-APR-2012 12:43:15

Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Services Summary...
Service "CLRExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
"DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0

The command completed successfully Now I went to start, all programs, Oracle - OraDb11g_home1, Configuration and Migration Tools, right clicked on "Database Configuration Assistant" and changed the properties to be Windows XP SP2 compatible and run as administrator and ran it.

I chose to create a databaseGeneral purpose Global database name ORCL SID ORCL Chose "Configure Enterprise Manager" & "Configure Database Control for local management" and disabled "Automatic maintenance tasks" Used the same password for all accounts

Selected storage type "File System" & "Use Database File Locations from Template" Unchecked Flash Recovery & Archiving Selected "Sample Schemas", "Typical" memory size (1228MB), "Use Automatic Memory Management" Left sizing/character sets/connection mode as default, and Selected "Generate Database Creation Scripts" in C:appadminORCLscripts (if I choose to Create Database, it fails with TNS Protocol Adapter Error).

I now open ORCL.bat in an editor, go to command prompt, create the directories as per the file, set ORACLE_SID=ORCL & path.

Running C:appproduct11.2.0dbhome_1inoradim.exe -new -sid ORCL -startmode manual -spfile gives a message "instance created" & services "OracleJobSchedulerORCL", "OracleVssWriterORCL" (started) & "OracleServiceORCL" (started) are created.

The next step C:appproduct11.2.0dbhome_1inoradim.exe -edit -sid ORCL -startmode auto -srvcstart system give an error "Unable to start service, OS Error 1056" (probably implies services already running), nothing is present in the windows alert logs about this. If I stop the service OracleVssWriterORCL, then this command completes, although no messages are returned.

The next step in the batch file starts sqplus /nolog and calls ORCL.sql.

ORCL.sql accepts passwords for sys, system, sysman & dbsnmp. It then executes host C:appproduct11.2.0dbhome_1inorapwd.exe file=C:appproduct11.2.0dbhome_1databasePWDORCL.ora force=y, which prompts me for the password for sys.

ORCL.sql then calls CloneRmanRestore.sql, which then tries to run connect "SYS"/"&&sysPassword" as SYSDBA

This is when I get the error ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error, which has been haunting me for days.

My gut feel is that the database creation step at sqlplus is unable to recognise the listener...or probably it does not recognise the modified registry location (with Wow6432Node), the file oracle.key in C:appproduct11.2.0dbhome_1BIN shows the string SOFTWAREORACLEKEY_OraDb11g_home1.

I then changed oracle.key to point to SOFTWAREWow6432NodeORACLEKEY_OraDb11g_home1, restarted the listener and ORCL service, but connecting as sys returns the same error.

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How To Tackle ORA-01555 Error

Feb 5, 2007

how to tackle the error ORA-01555: Snapshot too old: rollback segment number XX with name NNN too small.I am using Oracle 8i .ways to tackle it without extending the rollback segment

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Getting Error (snapshot Too Old) - Restructure Code?

Oct 8, 2013

we are getting "snapshot too old" error when we executing a procedure. The error details are as below:

"ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 208 with .."

The code framework is below. basically we are having 3 cursor to select data and the base tables seems to update frequently. hence we understood that this error might come. if any other better way to restructure the below code framework.

Create or replace procedure proc1 as
select a from tab1
select * from tab2;


Since DBA not willing to change UNDO_RETENTION and other UNDO* parameters, we need to work around with restructure the code.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Expdp Failing With Snapshot Too Old Error

Sep 4, 2012

We are getting the below errors while migrating partitioned tables using expdp.

The source and target databases are both running on and the main thing is source database doesn't have any active sessions. This is a clone of a Prod Database and no one is accessing it.

ORA-31693: Table data object "DPMMGR"."WHSE_CTNR_EVNT_W":"MSG_PRCS_N"."MSG_PRCS_N_DC556" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:
ORA-02354: error in exporting/importing data
ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 31 with name "_SYSSMU31$" too small
ORA-31693: Table data object "DPMMGR"."RLTM_PRDCT_LOG":"RPL_20120814" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:
ORA-02354: error in exporting/importing data
ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 14 with name "_SYSSMU14$" too small

Undo Tablespace has enough space but still the expdp is failing.

TABLESPACE Totalspace(MB) Used Space(MB) Freespace(MB) % Used % Free
--------------- --------------- -------------- ------------- ---------- ----------
UNDO01 145096 115338 29758 79.49 20.51
SQL> show parameter undo

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Database Creation With DBCA Fails With Error?

Apr 8, 2013

While Creating database on AIX Machine using DBCA utility I am getting following error

Error Details:
Allocating device....
Specifying datafiles...
Specifing datafiles...
Restoring ...


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Server Administration :: While Creating Index ORA-00603 / ORACLE Server Session Terminated By Fatal Error

Jul 26, 2010

While creating the index we are getting the error "ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error".

We have the space in tablespaces and also in the file systesm.

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Server Utilities :: CONCAT Fails In SQLLoader?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm trying to concatenate a local phone number field. The LDAP system only has the last 5 digits but for the directory database we need all 7 digits.I've tried every combination I can think of to get the concatenation to work but every combination results in just the first two digits being imported, e.g.,

LOCAL_NUM "'20'||:local_num",

results in just 20 being imported. Every iteration I've tried that didn't result in an error imported only the 20 and ignored the ||. I've also tried calling the CONCAT directly, e.g.,

LOCAL_NUM "CONCAT('20', :local_num)",

result is the same.The problem seems to be that the loader is ignoring the concatenate statement all together. I've tried the statements outside of the loader via sqlplus with expected result so I'm confused as to why it's not working within the loader.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Error / Unable To Create Metadata And Import Fails

May 10, 2013

I am trying to run impdp over network to import tables only but i am getting an error saying not able to create metadata and the import fails

Here are the steps below,

1. Source database created a user and granted select on certain tables to the user.

2. Created a user in the Target database.

3. Created a public link as sys user in the target database.

4. granted imp and exp full database to both users and all the other privs.

5. Started the impdp from the target server.

The import fails with

$impdp abc/xyz directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR network_link=TESTAR logfile=net_import_proddev.log parallel=12 REMAP_SCHEMA=IMPDB:ABC

Import: Release - Production on Tue Apr 23 13:10:51 2013
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Starting "IMPDB"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_01": abc/******** directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR network_link=TESTAR logfile=net_import_proddev.log parallel=12 REMAP_SCHEMA=IMPDB:ABC


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Server Utilities :: EXPDP With Query Error?

Jun 3, 2010

While trying to expdp using Query logics, getting syntax related erros shown below:

expdp system/xxxx SCHEMAS=LOG NETWORK_LINK=DBLINK1 INCLUDE=TABLE:"IN('DAILY_LOG')" QUERY=LOG.DAILY_LOG:"where entry_date< to_char(sysdate -1,'yyyymmdd')" DIRECTORY=dump DUMPFILE=log_exp.dmp logfile=log_exp.log

But gives the following error
ORA-31693: Table data object "LOG"."DAILY_LOG" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:
ORA-00904: "YYYYMMDD": invalid identifier

I tried with simple sql with YYYMMDD and it works fine, the entry_date is a char field. in QUERY where i'm doing wrong here?

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Server Administration :: Db Creation Ctl Error?

Jun 10, 2010

It's been 2 days from now that I'm bugging with this kind of error in my manual dB creation. I used DBCA first but we had a default directory settings, that's why I resorted to create the db manually. The dB was already created and currently has a status of STARTED.. I cannot mount it due to this error:

SQL> startup nomount
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 247463936 bytes
Fixed Size 2235856 bytes
Variable Size 177840688 bytes


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Server Administration :: Not Able To Query User_jobs

Sep 6, 2010

Recently we have refreshed one schema using datapump. we have one table called user_jobs in Schema1 and its not showing in DBA_TABLES for that schema, when I connect to that schema its showing records in that schema.

SQL> show user
USER is "schema1"
SQL> select counT(*) from user_jobs;
same has been refreshed to schema2

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Server Administration :: TNS Protocol Adapter Error

Mar 14, 2012

I am installing oracle10 10.0.4 in windows server 2008 r2 sp1. while installing it is getting installed and when i start creating the database after accepting the default steps finally . while crating the error i get TNS:protocal adaptor error.

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Server Administration :: Error While Dropping User?

Mar 30, 2012

Got following error while droping user

DB: OS:Windows 2003

SQL> drop user custom cascade;
drop user custom cascade
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-21700: object does not exist or is marked for delete

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Server Administration :: Alter SGA But It Give Error?

Dec 9, 2010

I try to alter the SGA it give me error The Steps which I do show sga

Total System Global Area 135338868 bytes
Fixed Size 453492 bytes
Variable Size 109051904 bytes
Database Buffers 25165824 bytes
Redo Buffers 667648 bytes


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Server Administration :: ORA-00257 Archiver Error

Sep 21, 2011

While connecting to one of the dev database I am getting following error:-

ORA-00257: archiver error. Connect internal only, until freed.

But when i am checking as sys user there is no archive desination defined in the db.I mean log_archive_dest locations have not been given any value.Where can I check Archive destination in this scenario.Is there any default place where oracle stores archive logs incase log_archive_dest is not given any value.

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Server Administration :: Error In Creating Database

Feb 17, 2010

I have created a database in Oracle10g which is working fine. Now when I try to create another the system gives the following error.

ORA-12560: TNS protocol adapter error.

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Server Administration :: Oracle 11g Installation Error

Apr 22, 2010

I am trying to install oracle 11g on windows 2003 ent with sp2 , where I am getting an error, The java runtime environment was not found at bin/javaw.exe. hence the oracle universal installer cannot be run.

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