How To Tackle ORA-01555 Error

Feb 5, 2007

how to tackle the error ORA-01555: Snapshot too old: rollback segment number XX with name NNN too small.I am using Oracle 8i .ways to tackle it without extending the rollback segment

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ORA-01555 / Snapshot Too Old Error

Jan 12, 2012

I have a problem regarding with Oracle Flashback Query.if I'm doing flashback a database two hours before,I'm receiving ORA-01555: snapshot too old error.My question is:How to able to extend the based on the hour or day?

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Expdp Slow With Error ORA-01555 - Snapshot Too Old On 11g?

May 15, 2013

data pump export is very slow. For 50GB export has taken more than 24Hrs with one below error:

Database Version:
OS: Windows server 2008 r2
Increased 10GB RAM and CPU 6 to 8 then also same issue

ORA-31693: Table data object "BNCSDB"."MS_DATA_PTORE" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:
ORA-02354: error in exporting/importing data
ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 20 with name "_SYSSMU20_4037596720$" too small

Export log:
Export: Release - Production on Tue May 14 20:03:25 2013

Copyright � 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
Starting "SYSTEM"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01": system/********@orcl dumpfile=BCSDB04_19.dmp logfile=BCSDB04_19.log


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Server Administration :: How To Check Error ORA-01555 / Snapshot Too Old

Dec 23, 2011

i am getting this error during expdp ORA-01555 -snapshot too old

1. i increased undo_retention i.e 50000

2. i execute expdp during late night when almost zero user is online so no commit from any other session.

3. we have a table having BLOB data type field in a table which is 500 GB in size.complete DB size is 700 GB

where and why this error exists.if corruption of BLOB so how to check that etc. the same error is occurring in three of our data centres during expdp.

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Server Administration :: Query Fails With Error ORA-01555 / Snapshot Too Old

Jun 23, 2011

We are running a query in one of our databases using the database the link. The query fails in the middle with "ORA-01555: snapshot too old". Not sure, about the database which this error message points to? Will it be the database we have logged in or it is the database where db link points ?

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12008 - ORA-12008 - Error In Materialized View Refresh Path ORA-01555 - Snapshot Too Old?

Jul 21, 2009

I am having problems with my procedure which is refreshing materialized views. This is the error i am getting : -12008: ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path
ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 14...

I have two database with the same procedure and the same objects. They run at the same time, however, there are times when i get the error on the other database while the other database runs the procedure without any error.

When i checked the net, they say that this error is caused by data that is old, so the solution is to make the source a predecessor of my procedure/job. But what i am thinking is that how was it possible for the other database to run it completely even if it is not yet linked as the successor of the source?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01555 Snapshot Too Old?

Apr 29, 2010

I am getting the ORA-01555 Snapshot Too Old error while excecuting my procedure (which is running in OLTP system). My procedure contains one table which master table of my DB which holds 1.2 GB of data. The proc is using the MERGE statement which is inserting or updating the data in the master table, while the condition of MERGE is using the subquery in which 2 DBlink table is used (in which one table is updating quite frequently). The proc. is executing in the interval of 6 hrs i.e 4 times a day and its is scheduled in job. find the proc. as an attachment.

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Server Utilities :: ORA-01555 - Snapshot Too Old?

Nov 3, 2010

We are taking full logical backup ( export) in freeze hours( no user login). But prompting error "ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 7 with name "_SYSSMU7$" too small".

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Server Administration :: Rollback Segment Too Small ORA-01555

Jan 19, 2012

One of the users received the error
ora-01555: rollback segment too small

I have read about the error and saw that it is caused by transactions made upon same data, filling to maximum one of the UNDOTBS rollback segments.It happens only once in a while, each time on a different Rollback Segment.

I've read that i should do a few things to enlarge those segments, such as bring a 1. segment offline, 2. drop it and then 3. create it with a bigger size & possibly a bigger extent setting

i've also read that those actions aren't relevant if you have the parameter UNDO_MANAGEMENT set on AUTO, which is actually the that why when i execute ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT RB_SEG_NAME_11$ OFFLINE;

1. How do i solve my issue with the Rollback segment being too small to contain the snapshot with the requested SCN?

2. what does the parameter UNDO_MANAGEMENT mean? should i change it, in order to adjust my Rollback Segments attributes, to prevent my error of re-occurring?

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Performance Tuning :: ORA-01555 Required Old Image Is Not In Undo

Sep 22, 2011

I am getting the below error in alert log file,when my application calling a procedure.

ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (Query Duration=1576 sec, SCN: 0x09a2.5dda3165):
Fri Sep 16 16:33:40 2011

There is no ROLLBACK statement in my procedure. As per my understanding, the ORA-1555 error will occur,

1. The required old image is not in the undo,when we rollback the trasaction.
2. the select query may face this error because of delayed block cleanout concept.

But I don't know why this update statement causing this 1555 error?

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Server Administration :: ORA-01555 / Unable To Find Sql_id

Jan 25, 2012

I am getting below ORA-01555 error in alert log everyday.

ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SCN: 0x09ad.86a4562a):
Sat Jan 21 08:39:45 2012
SELECT (NVL(MAX(BLOCK_ID + BLOCKS ),0) * :b1 ) / 1024

I cannot able to find the sql_id here. So how can I find from which process or session this query is firing? before increasing the undo size, I need to analyze as why it is occuring?

undo_management string MANUAL
undo_retention integer 900
undo_suppress_errors boolean FALSE
undo_tablespace string

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Performance Tuning :: ORA-01555 - Increase Undo Size Or Retention?

Apr 22, 2013

I have got the following error yesterday

ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: fdxcyoin67ty8t, Query Duration=380128 sec, SCN: 0x0229.ff00afd0):

following are the existing settings

SQL> show parameter undo

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_management string AUTO
undo_retention integer 96000
undo_tablespace string undo


following are the details from v$undostat

select begin_time, end_time, undotsn, undoblks, maxquerylen, maxqueryid, activeblks, unexpiredblks, expiredblks, tuned_undoretention from v$undostat
where trunc(begin_time)=trunc(sysdate)-1 order by begin_time;
-------------- -------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- -------------------
21-04-13 00:08 21-04-13 00:18 1 12733 378446 duqnawh32hp4u 91152 7068448 225440 345600
21-04-13 00:18 21-04-13 00:28 1 8951 379047 duqnawh32hp4u 99344 7072800 225440 345600
21-04-13 00:28 21-04-13 00:38 1 14073 379650 duqnawh32hp4u 90128 7075872 234656 345600


Following are the details in AWR report (00:00 til 01:00 of 21-Apr-2013) .... not thet the error was produced at 00:42

Undo Segment Summary DB/Inst: DBCPY/dbcpy01 Snaps: 18853-18854
-> Min/Max TR (mins) - Min and Max Tuned Retention (minutes)
-> STO - Snapshot Too Old count, OOS - Out of Space count
-> Undo segment block stats:
-> uS - unexpired Stolen, your - unexpired Released, uU - unexpired reUsed


Undo Advisor information taken 'now' is as following

SQL> select dbms_undo_adv.longest_query(sysdate-2,sysdate) from dual;
SQL> select dbms_undo_adv.required_retention from dual;


In above situation what should be my first choice (assuming increasing space is not an issue) - increase undo tablespace or increase undo retention?

If latter is the choice then what should be the value? Because as I understand present 96000 value is taken as lower limit and because of auto tuning the actual value (TUNED_UNDORETENTION) being used was 345600 In that case shall I set it to something > max(maxquerylen) i.e 379,650 + X?Or I shall increase the undo tablespace size?

From Undo Advisor output it looks to me that even if I increase the undo retention to 379650 current undo size will be able to support it (may be at the expense of DMLs)Is that right?

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Performance Tuning :: ORA-01555 - No Unexpired Or Expired Blocks Were Over Written?

May 10, 2011

I have encountered ORA-01555 and trying to find what caused the issue.

#UNDO parameters
undo_management AUTO
undo_retention 0
undo_tablespace UNDOTBS1
set pagesize 25
set linesize 120
select inst_id,tuned_undoretention,to_char(begin_time,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') begin_time,


at the end you can see there is one occurance of ORA-555, but no Unexpired or expired blocks were over written .why Oracle didnt try to use them ?

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Error - ORA-06521 - PL/SQL Error Mapping Function

Nov 15, 2010

Oracle version - OS - HP-UX

In my alert log I am getting the following error quite repeatedly; My application hangs, and have to restart the instance.

CODEORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-06521: PL/SQL: Error mapping function
ORA-06512: at line 6

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Error While Exporting A Job

Aug 6, 2010

error while exporting a job

ORA-39171- job is experiencing a resumable wait

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Getting Error - Too Many Values

Jul 23, 2010

im new to Database i have to count no of messages based on the minuties like 1-5, 6-15,16-30,>30 min how to write query

select count(*) from table1
where (
( (extract(day from column2)-extract(day from column1))*24*60 +
(extract(hour from column2)-extract(hour from column1))*60 +
extract(minute from column2)-extract(minute from column1)) as Processed_time from table1
) IN (1,5)

getting an error TOO MANY VALUES

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Compilation Error In

Jun 6, 2011

In oracle I am getting, PL/SQL:ORA-00904 TR_STATE_NAME invalid identifier

but the same code compiled without any compilation error (though column name specified was wrong).I corrected the column name and its working fine in now. Is there any enhancement in Oracle Version in terms of compilation error?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Error While Using Cursor

Apr 10, 2013

My task has more lines of code,so i tried to present here only few lines of code where i am getting the error.The following cursor needs to select data from two tables with some conditions that are included in cursor and place those in other table.I used BULK collect.

CURSOR c_arch_trk (p_run_date DATE,
p_nbr_days_arch1 NUMBER,
p_nbr_days_arch2 NUMBER )

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Constraint - Getting Error?

Aug 14, 2013

Create table students
Sid number(3),
Sname varchar(20) not null,
Email varchar(20) not null,
Doj Timestamp default sysdate not null,
Dob date not null,


when i run the above code i m getting error like this...I dont understand wat error it is...Because i didnt reference any column in the check constraint...Thn why it says that i m referencing some column..

SQL> Create table students
2 (
3 Sid number(3),
4 Sname varchar(20) not null,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Error In Execute Immediate?

May 10, 2013

I have attached my Code and log records, here while calling Execute Immediate the program throws an error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: What Is Mutating Error

Sep 2, 2005

What is Mutating error,have u faced it, I have faced this question so many time in interviews but i have not facing this problem till now.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Error With Creating Job

Sep 18, 2010

I am writing the following PLSQL code-


job_name=>'TRIAL JOB',
job_type=>'PLSQL BLOCK',

The new table used above has the following structure

Name Null? Type

However I get the following error on execution and am not able to make out why?

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
ORA-06512: at line 3

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Error With Trigger

Jul 20, 2011

I just create a trigger to fire whenever the quantity on hand for a books table has been updated.when the quantity on hand become zero ,it should call 'insert_reorder' procedure and pass the ISBN for the books. This is my code

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER books_qty_on_hand_trg
AFTER UPDATE OF on_hand_quantity ON books
IF :NEW.on_hand_quantity = 0 THEN
insert_reorde_pp (:NEW.isbn)

But i m getting this error

4/3 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "END" when expecting one of the following: := . ( % ; The symbol ";" was substituted for "EN D" to continue.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting PLS-00201 Error?

May 21, 2012

I have a job to run 'scott.product_pkg' daily, but I am getting this following error.

Job failure message:
ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:
PLS-00201: identifier 'scott.product_pkg' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Error By Using NVL() And Loop

Sep 22, 2012

x number;
if NVL(x,1)>=1 then

May be this code is going into an infinite loop. I'm unable to understand where the problem is?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Mutating Error?

Oct 20, 2013

1.I have created table emp_log using structure of emp table

create table emp_log
as select * from emp
where 1=2;

2.Now I have added some new fields i.e
new_sal(updated salary) ,
upd_by (who updated),
upd_date (Salary update date)
alter table emp_log
add (new_sal number, upd_by varchar2(20),upd_date date);

3. I have made following trigger to insert old and new values (for salary,user and date) in emp_log table whenever I update sal for particular employee in emp table and at the same time i am selecting the updated value of sal into lv_sal variable which will cause mutating error.

create or replace trigger emp_trg
after update of sal on emp
for each row


4. Suppose sal of emp is 1000:-
update emp
set sal=sal+100
where empno=7369;
>select * from emp_log;
output:- sal= 1000 new_sal=1100


Now the question starts if i commment pragma autonomous_tansaction and commit statement then it gives mutating error because at the same time i am updating and selecting value of sal from emp table.

create or replace trigger emp_trg
after update of sal on emp
for each row


1.Is pragma autonomous_transaction handling the mutating error and if yes then how?
2.How many ways are there to handle mutating error.
3.What is the exact definition of Mutating Error.
4.An example or query to use lv_sal variable for printing new updated sal.
5.What is Mutating Table , Is it similar to mutating error (Found this topic while searching for mutating error).

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Error Using Dbms-lob?

Mar 6, 2013

I am begginer programing oracle and I have a issue to resolve but I can't resolve it.I have a procedure that upload a image from a directory. But when I pass the path, the function bfilename put a slash "/" in the path. I don't know why.Here my code.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE p_grava_assinatura_gestor AS
-- Crio o Cursor dos Nomes dos Arquivos JPG. --
CURSOR cursor_nome_arquivo IS
SELECT, (p.empresa || '_' || p.chapa || '.JPG') AS noarq


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Error While Execution

Jul 23, 2010

When i am trying to execute the below in sql. i am getting the error.

create or replace type sum_n as object (
nodes node_d,
constructor function sum_n return self as result,
member procedure do_s (m date,exd varchar)

-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
0/0 PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated
2/9 PLS-00201: identifier 'NODE_d' must be declared

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Without Error - Keep RowID?

Oct 9, 2013



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PL/SQL :: Getting Ora-12170 Error?

Aug 20, 2012

In my database while querying the below sql statement i am getting the ora-12170 error.


when i used the describe command

DESC CCH_AVAILABLE_QUANTITY; it is executing and showing the 'AVAIL_QTY' column in the output.

i tried using all_tab_columns, all_tables to identify the schema of this table. the strange thing i found is

select * from all_tab_columns where column_name like '%AVAIL_QTY%'; this line is giving showing me the table name in the output.


select * from all_tables where table_name like 'CCH_AVAILABLE_QUANTITY'; this line is executing but not giving me the out put.

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