Security :: Automatic Generated Grants On Sys_plsql_xxxx_yy_z

Nov 13, 2012

in the dba_tab_privs we can find some entries like this:

FROM dba_tab_privs


Those grants were generated automatically by oracle. Is there any way to prevent Oracle to grant them? An external audit-rule tells us not to give any grant directly to user - we always have to use databaseroles.

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Security :: Given Grants Doesn't Reflect On Oracle Forms 6i

Mar 14, 2013

regarding grants given on object doesn't reflect on Oracle forms 6i.When my developer compiled the form the error throws object was not declared which means oracle form not able to access the object which is synonym of other table.Also we recreated the synonym and given grants from table owner and compiled form still throws same error,But i can able to select object from backend command but not from oracle forms.

grants reflect in oracle forms after we restart the database.

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Grants And Privileges?

Jul 14, 2011

how to give grants and privileges that are assign to schema(clerk) to new schema(manager).

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Pl/sql Package For Giving Grants?

Mar 30, 2013

I am looking for a pl sql package which can give the following grants:

1. select_catalog_role
2 select any table

we want to run this package multiple names and each time we will give username as input during runtime.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Filter The System Grants?

Jun 3, 2010

As per my req, i need to get the system grants of one user (GRANTEE) using DBMS_OUTPUT API. The requirement get completed using 'SYSTEM_GRANT' as parameter for OPEN function in the metadata api. Please look into part of code which works.


When using above piece, i get sys grants granted to SCOTT user. But i need to use 'DATABASE_EXPORT' as a parameter to my 'OPEN' function.


The second set filter doesn't work to get SYS GRANTS of one user. It does not throw any error. Simply the filter doesn't work. 'GRANTEE_EXPR' is not a correct value in the 2nd set filter. What parameter need to pass in object_path_expr ('GRANTEE_EXPR')?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Grants In Oracle

Jul 22, 2011

whether JAVA grants are needed for JAVA services in Oracle and what are those grants ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: View - How Grants Are Revoking Automatically

Nov 5, 2010

We have two schemas(sdt & sdm) in one database.

We have base tables in "sdt" ,
Views are created in "sdm" schema based on the "sdt" schema tables We have granted privileges on the base tables of "sdt" schema to "sdm" schema.

Sometimes views are not able to access by sdm schema.Again we are granted privileges on the base tables of "sdt" schemathen views are able to access.How grants are revoking automatically.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Grants On Nested Table To Other User

Jul 16, 2011

I have an issue on selecting data from a nested table owned by other user.

I have given select access on stc_irb_usr.stc_loy_settlebillpay_map_main to anthr user adminofs.

But when I try to query, it says insufficient privileges. adminofs is able to select other columns which are not nested.

I have given "grant execute on STC_IRB_USR.STC_BILLPAY_MAP_TAB_TYPE to adminofs;" but it did not

select * from stc_irb_usr.stc_loy_settlebillpay_map_main where rownum<3;

ERROR: OCI-21700: object does not exist or is marked for delete

SQL> desc stc_irb_usr.stc_loy_settlebillpay_map_main
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------


Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------


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Server Utilities :: Impdp Getting Grants And Privs

May 8, 2012

I did an export using the following parfile (see below) I want to import all the objects associated with this schema into another DB but I want don't want to over-write any of the permissions such as grants.

Is there a way I can get the grants into a sql file before I do the import. If so, provide an example.

cat exp_par


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Is Select Privileges (grants) Needed For Created Synonym

Jun 4, 2012

After created synonym, Is select privileges(grants) needed for created synonym? SQL> create or replace synonym gm_holding for gmblbpna. gm_ holding;

Synonym created.

SQL> select *
2 from gm_holding;
from gm_holding
ERROR at line 2: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

SQL> connect gmblbpna/gmblbpna@o03gpa0
SQL> grant select on gm_holding to solvency;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> connect solvency/solvency@o03gpa0
SQL> select count(1)
2 from gm_holding;

why grant need for synonym?

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Server Utilities :: Expdp Using Remap_schema Will It Also Remap Grants And Synonyms

May 1, 2010

If I would be using expdp using remap_schema will it also remap grants and synonyms ?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Grants And Synonyms While Importing Through Data Pump

Jul 22, 2012


Every time i try to refresh my production DB with the a old expdp dumpfile using data pump i always face the issue of grants and creation of synonym. I would like to tell you that my DB has three schemas which have lots of dependencies among them and before refreshing them i drop the schemas and recreate the same.

Drop user user_name cascade;So i want to know, is there a script from which i can get all the grants of the DB before dropping the schemas, so that after import i can grant the same and also a query with which i will be able to get all the synonyms of the DB.

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Security :: Oracle 11G And Advanced Security / FIPS 140-2 Compliant Encrypt Data At Rest

Dec 26, 2012

Any documentation supporting Oracle 11G and Advanced Security stating encryption at rest is FIPS 140-2 compliant?

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Security :: Enhance Security Of Windows And Recover Lost / Forgotten Password?

Nov 16, 2010

Lost Windows password? Forgot Windows password? Your PC was hacked? Therefore, it is a basic step for every Windows users to enhance the security of Windows password. In the networks, it is found that a number of user's passwords are easy to guess. Only the smallest groups are the most security conscious and select passwords that are mixed lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and punctuation to create cryptic passwords. Adopting strong password is one of the most effective ways to ensure system security. Here are several methods for you to enhance the security of your passwords in Windows 7/2000/XP/Vista and so on. You'd better remember the methods below unless you want to reset Windows password from time to time.

1. Is random password a great password?

A common myth is that totally random passwords like Ht3&e#L%5d@$B are the best passwords. This is not true. While they may be strong passwords, they are usually difficult to remember, slow to type, and sometimes vulnerable to attacks against the password generating algorithm. It is easy to create passwords that are strong but much easier to remember by using a few simple techniques. For example, consider the password "Luck-73@Better?". This password utilizes uppercase and lowercase letters, two numbers, and three symbols. The password is 15 characters long and can be memorized with very little effort. Moreover, this password can be typed very fast. The portion"Luck" and "Better" alternate between left and right-handed keys on the keyboard, improving speed, decreasing typos, and decreasing the chances of someone being able to discover your password by watching you.

2. Create the long Windows password

Although a password may eventually be discovered through some means, it is possible to create a password that cannot be cracked in any reasonable time. If a password is long enough, it will take so long or require so much processing power to crack it. That is essentially the same as being unbreakable (at least for most hackers).

3. Create the Windows password constantly?

This may be good advice for some high-risk passwords, but it is not the best policy for every user. It is frustrating for a user to have to constantly think of and remember new passwords every 30 days. It may be better to focus on stronger passwords and better user awareness rather than limiting password age. A more realistic time for the common user may be 90-120 days.

4. Write down Windows password in a proper place

Sometimes it is necessary for some users losing and forgetting complex passwords easily to write down them somewhere proper. However, it is important to educate users on how to write down passwords properly. Obviously, a sticky note on the monitor is not a good idea, but storing passwords in a safe or even a locked cabinet may be sufficient.

5. 14 characters is the optimal password length

Each character that you add to your password increases the protection. Your passwords should be 8 or more characters in length; 14 characters or longer is the Optimal Password Length. Many systems also support use of the space bar in passwords, so you can create a phrase made of many words. It is not easier to forget and lose, as well as longer than a simple password, and harder to guess.

6. Try not to use the same Windows password for all accounts

Some users always make the same passwords for every account to make it easy to remember. In that case, when any one of them lost, your other information protected by that password will be in danger as well. It is serious to use different passwords for different systems and accounts.

7. Do not use some common words that other users maybe guess

Most of users prefer to use some common words to remember easily, for example, login name, birth date, driver's license, passport number, pets' name and other words contained their personal information someone knows. In that case, your Windows system will not be safe anymore. Moreover, do remember not to use some words spelled backwards, abbreviations, sequences or repeated characters and adjacent letters, such as, asdfgh, 123456, 888888, abcdef and so on.

You can smoothly use your Windows now because the strong and powerful Windows password is created successfully, Certainly, I believe that many users lost Windows password and forgot Windows password, then you need have to reset Windows password or recover Windows password. It is a big problem for plenty of Windows users that how to reset Windows password. how to recover Windows password and they are puzzled by resetting windows password, for instance, reset Windows 7 password, recover password Windows XP, remove Windows Vista password and other operating systems after they create the password with complex letters, numbers and symbols. However, it is unnecessary to worry and it is said that things will eventually sort themselves out. There are many ways to reset forgotten Windows password, including use windows password reset disk and windows password reset software, like Super Windows Password Reset, a professional windows password reset software which could enable you to logon to Windows smoothly without reinstalling system.

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Security :: Moving Application Security To Oracle From Sybase

Aug 18, 2010

In Sybase, my application was using system tables to perform application login security. Those tables obviously don't exist in Oracle. I am looking for ways to provide the following functionality in an Oracle world:

1. How to determine 'x' days of inactivity based on "last login date"?

2. How to determine when a new user logs in for the first time and force them to change their password?

3. If we need to reset a users password, how can we require the user to change their password?

4. Is there any other option other than storing a user-id/password in the application code for locking a user's account if their account needs to be locked due to inactivity?

5. In the USER_USERS view there is a status column. What the different status's can be?

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Security :: Tracking User Security Violations

Jul 27, 2010

Provide me the script which would track all the users security violations like ... say for example i want to find which users logged in and what he did in database prospective.

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System Generated Constraints

Jul 5, 2012

I was wondering with dba_constraints and i found unexpected result shown as below

select constraints_name, constraint_type from dba_constraints

constraint_name constraint_type
SYS_C00141 c
SYS_C00142 c
SYS_C00143 c
SYS_C00144 c
SYS_C00145 c
SYS_C00146 c
SYS_C00147 c
SYS_C00148 c
SYS_C00149 c

i jst want to know that what is this system generated constraints ?

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Trc Files Generated From Triggers?

Dec 3, 2010

The trace directory is full of trc files with the text below:

--------Dumping Sorted Master Trigger List --------
Trigger Owner : INPUT
Trigger Name : CUS_TST
--------Dumping Trigger Sublists --------

There is like a file generated every minute, and i cant stop it from happening.I have tried setting the trace_enabled parameter to FALSE but no success.

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Hourly AWR Snapshots Are Not Being Generated

Oct 9, 2012

i just noticed on my 11g database - no AWR snapshots are generated.

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Forms :: 10g FMX Is Generated But Not Viewed

May 15, 2011

Forms 10g is insatalled recently on my machine. New form is developed,when we run the form it generates FMX file for the same but output is not dispalyed. The output window get closed automatically.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generated Multiple Rows?

Nov 5, 2010

in eache record we are receiving information from differente city, we pretend to get an output where we have a row for each city (delimited by comma) that we have in column CITY

Input data


Output expected
100100105/11/2010 LONDON
100100105/11/2010 PARIS
102220105/11/2010 MADRID


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Out How Much Undo Will Be Generated By DML / DDL

Mar 29, 2010

How to find out how much undo will be generated by a dml / ddl statement in Oracle 9i? With Oracle 10g we can use the famous mystat.sql and mystat2.sql with argument as 'undo change vector size'.

However with Oracle 9i there is no statname as 'undo change vector size'

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Redo Generated In Last 2 Hour

Feb 7, 2013

Is there any way to get the amount of redo generated in last 2 hour. which has below chareteistic

1. redo generated by currently connected session from last 2 hour.
2. redo generated by session disconnected during last 2 hour.

total_redo = disconnected sessoin during last 2 hour + connected session generating redo during last 2 hour.

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Archive Log Generated Each 4 Minutes?

Jul 2, 2012

in our database with RAC archive log generated each 4 min , did this increase the performance of database and how i can fix it

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sequence Number Generated

Jun 6, 2011

I am facing issue with my sequence number about sequence number generated..I want it to follow the sequence all the time, i.e. it should take next incremental number to last generated seauence, but it generates random one all the time, i.e

s.nextval() = 4
s.nextval() = 5
s.nextval() = 10
s.nextval() = 543
s.nextval() = 544

My sequence defination is as below

MAXVALUE 999999999999999999999999999

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Security :: Security For Some Columns Of Table

Nov 29, 2012

how can we mask value of some columns in table? For example: user A is supervisor, he can query salary column in employee table, but for user B, he is staff member, he can query salary column but system just shows ***** or something like that for salary value.

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Reports Are Not Generated In Local Systems

Sep 14, 2010

i have faced one problem with reports. i had created 4 reports. recently we are designed new application using oracle forms6i. we are created more than 10 forms and added to application they were working fine. but when i was added these reports they are not generated. but in server report are running. i mean the report genereted in server but not in local system.

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Create System Generated Values?

May 14, 2007

Lets say you're making upa school database and you awnted to give the students each a unique student number generated by thesystem.

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ORA-19715 / Invalid Format F For Generated Name

Sep 6, 2010

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of backup plus archivelog command at 09/06/2010 12:36:47
ORA-19715: invalid format F for generated name
ORA-27302: failure occurred at: slgpn

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Timestamp In Mail Generated From Oracle Is Different

Nov 2, 2012

I have found there is a wearied of email generated from my database. I have the data base server located in US (estern time) and the sysdate in the database is AUSTRALIA (AEST). But i am working from India (IST).I have one procedure, which will send email to some recipients once the job is done. It is using UTL_SMTP for sending the email from database.

Now problem is, the email i got from this procedure has a different timestamp which is NOT matching to any of the times:

Time in Mail : 2-Nov-2012 9.56 PM
IST Time : 2-Nov-2012 10.56 AM
Easter Time : 2-Nov-2012 01.30 AM
AEST Time : 2-Nov-2012 4.30 PM

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