Security :: Queries Run By Database Auditors?

Sep 10, 2012

what sort of queries IT auditors run against the database? assist me wit these so that I can run them before hand in order to sort out any security vulnerabilities which we might potentially have prior to this being picked up by external auditors?

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Converting MySQL Queries To Oracle Compatible Queries

Jan 23, 2007

our system has always been running on mysql database and recently we have switched to oracle. As the current system is coded using mysql query syntax, when i run this program using oracle database, i got a error. The language that I'm using is JSP.

this is the error message:

The following query could not run on oracle. To convert these mysql queries to oracle compatible queries.

SELECT productID,productName FROM products order by productName;

select newsID,newsDate,newsHeadLine1 from news order by newsDate Desc limit 3

SELECT fuji_products.productID, productName_Display FROM products,products_availability where products_availability.productID=products.productID and (product_status='enabled' or product_status='all') AND category='12'

SELECT catID, catSub1 from category where catSub = '"+ prodCat +"' AND catSub1 is not null group by catSub1 order by catSub1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Monitoring Database For Resource Intensive Queries

May 31, 2012

I am database developer and suddenly i have been given a DBA work. I have to monitor database for resource intensive queries , whether i/o is more , process memory and many other stuffs.

Provide me some sql queries or scripts which shows that process are over loaded and memory needs to be allocated, queries are taking long time , i/o operation are more instead of memory.

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How To Embed PL/SQL Queries In HTML In Database App Development VM

Nov 20, 2012

I'm reading "Learning Oracle PL/SQL" and this book tells me that if I can install apache httpd and modplsql I can embed queries in HTML. How do I do this in Database App Development VM? Do I already have apache httpd installed? Is it already started? If not, how do I start it?

What am I getting when I point my firefox browser to


I'm getting a nice web page that is prompting for username and password. What username and password do I use? oracle/oracle did not work! What does this web site do? Administer the database server?

I already tried to use "yum install emacs" as I mentioned in Re: How to Install emacs, openssh and start oracle database and get a connect? and it appears that the repository for "yum" is not correct.

"yum install httpd" does not work either.

When I tried "sudo yum install httpd" it says

"Sorry, user oracle is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/yum install httpd' as root on localhost.localdomain."

I get the same message for "sudo yum isntall emacs".

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Data Guard :: How To Tune SQL Queries For A Standby database

Nov 19, 2012

We know and perform lots of tuning stuff on our databases, mainly on primary side.

but the set of queries running on standby databases (like to use for reporting purpose) are totally different from one running at primary.

so How can we tune out our Standby DB to perform well ?

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Security :: Database Hardening?

Mar 13, 2009

regarding Database Hardening, i am new to this concept

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Security :: Password In New Database

Mar 7, 2012

i have created a database on my pc and i have given a password at the time of installation , after the installation it is accessed successfully by the given password , but i observed that when i gave anything in password then it is also accessed by it and i don't have any other database of this same name.

And when i access it through another system then it is accessed only by its original password not by any other password.

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Security :: How To Secure Database

Jul 18, 2010

how can i secure my database from hacking by any one of these:

1-sql injections
2- DON(Danial Of service)
3- buffer overflow
4- listner hack

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Security :: Database Field Size

Nov 28, 2012

We have Employee table, there is a field name Employee_no. field size is 6.can we restrict some one not to increase or decrease the field size of Employee_no. even User has admin role.

is there any way to restrict admin user that he should not allow to enter the value of field more or less than 6 characters through Toad or SQL Plus 8.0.
for example

field: employee_no
feild_size: 6
field_type: Varchar2

When we enter Employee no A000001(7 digit) then database not allowed to update because its field size is 6 characters we want to restrict admin user in Toad or SQL Plus 8.0 because he is Toad and SQL Plus user.

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Security :: Disconnect From Oracle Database

Jul 21, 2010

Is there any setting on oracle that allows to disconnect users automatically and display a message to users such: "Try a new connection to the db in 30 minutes"?

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Security :: How To Encrypt The Database Password

Aug 31, 2010

We currently hardcode the password inside our Java application to make the connection with the Database,this makes the password to be visible to all users who can read the application code. How can we encrypt the database password so we don't have to hardcode it into the application?

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Security :: Virtual Private Database

Aug 25, 2012

I am having one table Where,different country names are stored. while viewing data, I have to make sure that if country name having "USA" can only view its data. How can i do at DB level without passing where clause. Is Virtual Database in this case?

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Security :: How To Encrypt 9i Database-link Passwords

Oct 13, 2010

how to encrypt 9i database-link passwords? In 10g when we browse the link it show **** but in 9i it shows the actual password.

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Security :: How To Find Current User In Database

Sep 22, 2011

query to find the current user accessing the database

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Security :: Export Policies And Import To Another Database?

Aug 24, 2012

How can I export FGA / row level security policies from one database to another? I have created a new version of my schools ERP database, with upgraded application software, and now need to get the policies from our current production system to the new one.

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Security :: Use Oracle Database On AIX With Active Directory

Apr 28, 2011

I'm checking the possibility to use Active Directory to log on the our Oracle databases. But only for dba's and developers, not application users. We use Oracle (and soon 11g) As OS on the databaseserver we use AIX5L 5.3

Is it possible to implement Active Directory on databases running on AIX ? If it is possible, what must be done to get it to work, software ... etc ?

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Security :: ORA-06512 While Installing Datavault On 11g Database

Aug 7, 2013

While installing datavault on 11g database, getting error in between the process. Error is as below -

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "DVSYS.DBMS_MACADM" line 1740
ORA-06512: at line 1

how to rectify the problem.

I used the below link for configuring database vault on existing database.{URL]////

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Conducting Security Audits Of Database - Three Privileges

Oct 24, 2013

While conducting security audits of our databases, I noticed that the DBA role has three privileges I've never heard of, let alone used:


I can't find anything in the Oracle documentation or on Metalink about them.

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Security :: How To Configure Log Miner With Oracle Database 11g

Nov 2, 2012

Applications 12.1.3

how to configure log miner with oracle database 11g as we need to analyze redolog to install,configure,use log miner.

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Security :: Database Authentication Through Open LDAP

Mar 28, 2013

I'd like to have my 11g database authenticate users against an OpenLDAP service. We'd still create accounts in the database, and do authorization within the database, but I'd just want to the user's passwords authenticated externally, against the OpenLDAP service. Is this possible? My searching through these forums and Google seems to indicate that you can do it if you run an Oracle Internet Directory (OID) service. I do not want to have to install and maintain an Oracle Internet Directory service. I'd like to do it without it.

I have a working PL/SQL function (below) that can authenticate a passed in username & password against our OpenLDAP directory. Is there any way for me to have Oracle call this function for the database user authentication? Or is there any other way for me to get the Oracle database to directly authenticate against OpenLDAP without having to run OID?

create or replace function ldap_authenticate(username varchar2, password varchar2)
return boolean is
if dbms_ldap.success = dbms_ldap.simple_bind_s(

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Security :: Audit Database Session From A Particular Applications?

Aug 14, 2013

Is there a way where we can audit database session from a particular applications? For example : We need to audit Toad and SQL developer sessions .

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Security :: Database Hung While Generating AWR Report

Apr 13, 2013

My database is hung while generating the AWR report. I observe the mmon is running for long time. is it okay if i kill, will that have any impact to database.

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Security :: Find Out The User Access The Database?

Nov 8, 2011

Is there a way to find out the user access the database?

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Security :: Where To Store Static SQL (Application Or Database) And Why

Feb 6, 2013

understanding where to store the static SQL code (Database or Application).Consider a scenario, that I am executing a simple SQL from Java which is returning some value, and it will not be changed in future.

should I store this sql in java application code or in database in form of procedure/function and returning the result to Java. Is there any security/performance impact?

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Security :: Couldn't Showdown / Restart Database

Jun 19, 2012

For a one week, oracle database (v is hanging frequently.I could't showdown/restart the database. After restart the server (RedHat), the database is opened without any problem.after 9 or 10 hours once again hanging. too large spaces are availble in my HardDisk.

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Security :: Creating Oracle Database Connection

Feb 26, 2013

Just installed the new 2.0.8 version. Its been a while I am interested on using PM for our company.The problem I have is creating an Oracle DB connection. When I create a new Oracle DB connection, and test it, Steps 3 and 4 fail.What is strange is that I followed the following procedure in PM 1.9-825 and worked fine. I am wondering if something changed in the new PM 2.0.8 version (I noticed that php_oci8.dll was commented out in php.ini).

Oracle Version is 10GR2
PM installed on clean XP sp3

1. Got a new Windows XP SP3 PC
2. Installed PM 2.0.8
3. Edited php.ini and uncommented [PHP_OCI8] and extension=php_oci8.dll
4. Installed oracle instant client “instantclient-basic-win32-” in c:oracle
5. Installed oracle instant client “instantclient-sqlplus-win32-” in c:oracle
6. Added c:oracle in PATH environment variable
7. Created ORACLE_HOME = c:oracle environment variable
8. Added TNS_ADMIN = c: environment variable
9. Copied working tnsnames.ora file into c:
10. Rebooted.
1. Tried sqlplus connection to my oracle db and worked.
2. Launched PM
3. Created a new process
4. Created a new DB connection as follows:
a. Engine:Oracle
c. Database name: my_name (where my_name appears in tns_names.ora)
d. Username:my_username
e. Password:my_password

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Security :: Find A List Of Roles And Privileges In Database?

Feb 24, 2011

How can I list all the roles and privileges of roles in Oracle? Can I get the details of the activities they perform?

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Security :: How To Find User And IP Address From Oracle Database

Jun 19, 2013

Last week we have realized that a user who connects through SQL Developer(as nothing wrong found in application server logs) has made a serious change in the database which created a real mess. The user has done some mischief in some calculations by making some inserts and updates in some important tables in our production database.

How can I find which user or from which IP the change is made.

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Security :: How To Mask Data In Oracle 11g Database Release 1

Oct 16, 2012

how to mask data in oracle 11g database release 1

my environment is
Database: 11g release 1
os: AIX 6 (64 bit)
GC:10g release 1

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Security :: How To Restrict Access To Table (Database Vault)

Nov 12, 2012

I configured a simple security configuration for the HR sample database schema. URL....

Now system user can't select data from table hr.employee, but HR user still can. How to restrict access to table for table owner?

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