Security :: How To Grant A Percentage Tablespace

Mar 13, 2011

Is it possible to grant a user a percentage amount of a specified tablespace ? for instance granting a user called userx 5% of USERS tablespace. How can I do that ?

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Security :: Difference Between Grant All On Any Table And Grant All On Table_name

Oct 31, 2012

I would like to know what happens when we fire:

grant all on any table to user_name;


grant all on table_name to user_name;

Actually I was performing "grant all on table_name to user_name;" to grant the privilege but 1 of my friends suggested "grant all on any table to user_name;"

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Security :: ORA-01929 / No Privileges To GRANT

Jun 28, 2011

When i try to grant all privilege to a object i get error

ERROR at line 1:ORA-01929: no privileges to GRANT

how to check the user has privilege to use grant privilege or grant all privileges to object and what privileges exist in ALL PRIVILEGES.

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Security :: Grant Privileges To A User?

Dec 10, 2010

I am a java developer and would like to install data locally in my computer for testing purpose.

I login as sysdba in sqlplus, created a user.

In the installation documentation it said :

This user should have at least the following privileges.


If you choose, you can grant DBA role to this user.

Note: Coeus Schema owner should have CREATE USER and ALTER USER right explicitly granted to it, not through a role like DBA.

1)How to grant all this prvileges to that user ?

2)How this user will have CREATE USER and ALTER USER right explicitly granted to it, not through a role like DBA ?

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Security :: Grant Privs To ROLES?

Feb 18, 2013

I am working on the roles and privs. I want to provide the privs on any object to any user through the roles. not a direct grant.I am having 150 users and 50 roles, I want to do this using the script is few strokes. for this I have tried to create a script but I am not able to make that.

For example There is 2 user scott and test

A. test is having select privs on scott.emp.
B. Test is having insert,delete,update privs on scott.emp;
c. DB is having 2 roles
scott_edit - insert,delete,update privs on tables
scott_read - select privs on tables

I want to revoke separate privs from test and want to given only scott_edit and scott_read (which(roles) is having all privs)

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Security :: Grant To Select Session Details

Mar 13, 2006

Developers they use Toad and in that they want to use session browser option so that they can see the SQL running and open Cursor,other session specific details...So what grant/ permissions can be given to them so that the Schema they logged on can access those information.

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Security :: Grant Privileges To Public User

Jul 9, 2011

grant insert,update,delete,select on staging_tb1 to public;

What is public here? i know something about public user like it is users exist in the database .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Security - Grant Roles To Session On Time Of Connection?

Jan 18, 2012

When I use Forms_ddl('set role My_Role IDENTIFIED BY PWD'); in form's "When-New-From-Instance" to grant a role to a user.

What should I do for the same for a report?

Is there any way to grant roles to a session on the time of connection?

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Security :: Tablespace Encryption - Data Migration?

Oct 22, 2010

Is it possible to migrate everything (tables, indexes) from a unencrypted to encrypted tablespaces online i.e. while the database is being used (DML)?

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Security :: Generating Traffic Report Of Tablespace Or Schema?

Nov 11, 2013

 at an Oracle 11gR2 ( Enterprise Edition (fully licensed) with RHEL 6 as OS

I'm trying to generate a statistic, that shows me a weekly or monthly report over the traffic on a tablespace or a schema. Until now, I've worked with the

HIST_VIEW dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage

(I mean there is also one nearly called so for schema), but that view show me only the grow of a tablespace in a timeline of 1 week.

But that would not be the hole traffic. Because SELECT statements will nothing do on the grow of the tablespace but it generates traffic. In that case it wouldn't be so important, if it is more tablespace or schema sided because at this database each tablespace has it's own schema and timeline would be nice if it is weekly or monthly.

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Security :: Create User With Full Access On Default Tablespace?

Aug 12, 2011

i have been trying to create a user with full access on default Tablespace so that i can access all the objects without any restrictions for the new user.

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Get Percentage Calculations?

Jan 21, 2012

I am fairly new to Oracle SQL developer and I am having an issue that may very simple but I just cannot work it out logically for some reason.I am trying to calculate the percentage of sales each employee has made form the total of trades. I have been trying to use the COUNT function but it obviously splits the counts for each employee. I then tried a inline view but couldn't get it to work and also a sub-query and had an issue with "not a single group function" and then "not a GROUP BY expression".

how I can do this? I will also need to add the syntax to another inline view

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculating Percentage Value

Jun 21, 2010

I have a one more query

col1 col2

3-Standard 240 min
2-Significant 120 min

1) i need to calculate the percentage value.

general form is :

total number of col1_values(count) in 120 min/count(col1) *100

conditions to calculate percentage:
1)need to ca

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Calculate Running Percentage

Mar 13, 2013

I want to calculate the running percentage. sample data is as below.

code VARCHAR2(8),
name VARCHAR2(30),
stdate DATE,
itons NUMBER(7,3),
rtons NUMBER(7,3)


Required Output is

-------- ------------------------------ --------- ---------- ---------- -------
0-01-001 SEEDS 17-JUL-12 193.155 0
1-01-001 OIL 17-JUL-12 0 81.906 42.404
1-02-001 MEAL 17-JUL-12 0 104.304 54.000
1-03-001 DURT OIL 17-JUL-12 0 1.242 0.643
2-01-001 WASTE 17-JUL-12 0 5.703 2.953


Percentage will be calculated as rtons of code not having first digit 0 devided by itons having having code 0 result multiply 100 for the same date code wise e.g. For dated 17-jul-13 meal percentage will be calculated as round((104.304/193.155)*100,3)=54.000

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DB Time Percentage From Dba-sqlstat?

Mar 29, 2011

In this select I would like to get db time percentage for every sql_id as I can see in AWR report.How can I do this?

sql.sql_id ,
sql.executions_delta ,
round(sql.elapsed_time_delta/1000000) elapsed_sec,
round(sql.elapsed_time_delta/1000000)/sql.executions_delta elapsed_exec,


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PL/SQL :: Count To Find Percentage

Sep 26, 2012

I want to find the Pass rate for each term by adding up the grades.

PASS = HD/D/PASS FAIL = FAIL and Z means no mark has been recieved yet so i do not want to include it in the calculation.

(ID     VARCHAR2(8),
SUBJECT          VARCHAR2 (8),
STAT        VARCHAR2 (8))


So term 1201 has 1 Pass 1 Fail and a Z (which is not counted) so pass rate is 50%
term 1202 has has 1 Pass only so the pass rate is 100%
term 1203 has 1 Fail so pass rate is 0%
term 1204 has 1 Pass and 2 Fails and i dont count the 3rd fail because the stat is 'APSENT' i only want to count the once where stat is 'PRESENT'


3     1201     50%
1     1202     100%
1     1203     0%
3     1204     33%

I am using:

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi

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How To Select Maximum Percentage

Aug 10, 2012

In my table three column are there, structure_code, attribute_code and percentage. one project have many attribute_codes, each attribute code have percentage value. The total of percentage value for a project is 100.

data like follows

structure_code Attribute_code percentage

160025 2531 30
160025 2536 20
160025 2537 50
160025 2538
162061 1468 0

Now i need to select which attribute_Code have maximum percentage for each project(structure_code).

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Reports & Discoverer :: GP Percentage In Total

Jan 10, 2012

See the attached pdf the output of my report. I want to calculate the GP at the Total column.

My GP formula is

trunc((profit) / decode(ACTUAL,0,1,ACTUAL)*100,2).

I tried using Placeholder Column & Formula Column but it is not working. I am using grouping in INV_DATE and summing all the columns.

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PL/SQL :: How To Calculate Interest Percentage Dynamically

Feb 24, 2013

look at these tables (Customer and Rates), having some sample data. I've created a function for returning the interest percentage for a particular customer based upon his/her investment start date and end date. I'm getting the desired result but I'm wondering if I need calculate the composite interest here...then how can I do that? Suppose a customer has invested some amount for 45 days, then I need to calculate the interest for initial 30 days as 5% and additional 15 days as 6% and I need to give the final amount. In this case how can I pull this task off? how can we do this interest calculation by an Oracle program?

Customer Table
1000             40000     15-JAN-13     15-FEB-13
1001             34000     15-DEC-12     15-FEB-13
1002             35678     15-NOV-12     15-FEB-13

Rates Table

5                    0     30
6                    0     60
7                    0     90CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION

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Server Administration :: Estimating Memory Percentage?

May 11, 2011

estimate the percentage of memory should i can allocate from the total physical memory (it is 6G) as attached in the image file as a print screen.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Finding Percentage Using Query From Table Data

Jun 23, 2010



my above table consists of two columnc sl_no and Status,col1 indicates the process no and the status indicates it is implemented or cancelled or failed during implementation.

i need to find the percentage of the implemented+cancelled process over failed..

test case:
lets consider,
B->Count(STATUS) where STATUS='Implemented'


i think i have satisfactorily given enough data.. make it out using sql query..

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display Data Based On Group And Percentage?

Feb 12, 2012

I have the following requirement, where I have to display the data based on the group and links when input is given as month. I have written the following code, which is good to display for group. But I want to display for all the groups.
CREATE TABLE target_data
, t_mon varchar2(6)
, t_grp varchar2(30)
, t_views NUMBER


When I run this, I get output as

t_grp count_80 goal
grp3 1 0.1

But I want the output as

t_grp count_80 goal
grp3 1 0.1
grp2 1 0.1
grp1 ... ...
grp0 ... ...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Extract Numerical Value Preceding Percentage Sign

Jan 17, 2012

I have two values:


I need to extract the numerical value preceding the '%' sign. for first row 10 should be extracted and for the second 20.

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Display A List Of All Book Titles Along With Their Percentage Of Markup?

Jul 14, 2013

I've gotten it to display the percentage of markup correctly(as in, multiplied by 100 with no decimal places), but I cannot for the life of me get the percentage sign to display on the right of the values(i.e. 40, but not 40%).

Here's my code so far:

SELECT title, to_char(round((retail-cost)/retail*100), '99')

I've tried concatenating with both the + sign and the ampersand (&) sign, to no avail.

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Server Administration :: Shared Pool Free Percentage Greater Than 100

Jul 5, 2010

value of "Shared Pool Free %" in v$sysmetric is larger than 100%
SQL> select value, group_id from v$sysmetric where metric_name = 'Shared Pool Free %';
186.45107 2
186.4685382 3

SQL> show parameter shared_pool

-------------- ------------ --
shared_pool_reserved_size big integer 832149913
shared_pool_size big integer 0

SQL> show sga

Total System Global Area 1.0155E+11 bytes
Fixed Size 2163880 bytes
Variable Size 8.1068E+10 bytes
Database Buffers 2.0401E+10 bytes
Redo Buffers 79310848 bytes

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Application Express :: Tabular Form / Column Widths / Percentage

Jun 20, 2013

Oracle Express 4.0 I have set up a Tabular Form. It has 5 columns. I wanted to set 4 of the columns to a width of 15%. 1 column to 40%. I set the appropriate values to style=width: "15%"; and style=width: "40%"; in Column Edit's Element Attributes.  But all columns are displayed equally. If I try the format style="width: 40%" I get what appears to be 40% of the cell width for the text field (not the table width). Can %'s be used on Ellement Attributes?

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Performance Tuning :: How To Find Percentage Completion Of Query In Running Status

May 2, 2012

How can we check completion status for running sql query. i.e. how much % completed

SQL> begin
2 delete from gsmcrmdw.wc_loy_txn_f_aa
3 where integration_id in
4 ( select integration_id
5 from support_olap.recover_wc_loy_txn_f_953to955
6 );
7 commit;
8 end;
9 /

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Security :: Oracle 11G And Advanced Security / FIPS 140-2 Compliant Encrypt Data At Rest

Dec 26, 2012

Any documentation supporting Oracle 11G and Advanced Security stating encryption at rest is FIPS 140-2 compliant?

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Security :: Enhance Security Of Windows And Recover Lost / Forgotten Password?

Nov 16, 2010

Lost Windows password? Forgot Windows password? Your PC was hacked? Therefore, it is a basic step for every Windows users to enhance the security of Windows password. In the networks, it is found that a number of user's passwords are easy to guess. Only the smallest groups are the most security conscious and select passwords that are mixed lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and punctuation to create cryptic passwords. Adopting strong password is one of the most effective ways to ensure system security. Here are several methods for you to enhance the security of your passwords in Windows 7/2000/XP/Vista and so on. You'd better remember the methods below unless you want to reset Windows password from time to time.

1. Is random password a great password?

A common myth is that totally random passwords like Ht3&e#L%5d@$B are the best passwords. This is not true. While they may be strong passwords, they are usually difficult to remember, slow to type, and sometimes vulnerable to attacks against the password generating algorithm. It is easy to create passwords that are strong but much easier to remember by using a few simple techniques. For example, consider the password "Luck-73@Better?". This password utilizes uppercase and lowercase letters, two numbers, and three symbols. The password is 15 characters long and can be memorized with very little effort. Moreover, this password can be typed very fast. The portion"Luck" and "Better" alternate between left and right-handed keys on the keyboard, improving speed, decreasing typos, and decreasing the chances of someone being able to discover your password by watching you.

2. Create the long Windows password

Although a password may eventually be discovered through some means, it is possible to create a password that cannot be cracked in any reasonable time. If a password is long enough, it will take so long or require so much processing power to crack it. That is essentially the same as being unbreakable (at least for most hackers).

3. Create the Windows password constantly?

This may be good advice for some high-risk passwords, but it is not the best policy for every user. It is frustrating for a user to have to constantly think of and remember new passwords every 30 days. It may be better to focus on stronger passwords and better user awareness rather than limiting password age. A more realistic time for the common user may be 90-120 days.

4. Write down Windows password in a proper place

Sometimes it is necessary for some users losing and forgetting complex passwords easily to write down them somewhere proper. However, it is important to educate users on how to write down passwords properly. Obviously, a sticky note on the monitor is not a good idea, but storing passwords in a safe or even a locked cabinet may be sufficient.

5. 14 characters is the optimal password length

Each character that you add to your password increases the protection. Your passwords should be 8 or more characters in length; 14 characters or longer is the Optimal Password Length. Many systems also support use of the space bar in passwords, so you can create a phrase made of many words. It is not easier to forget and lose, as well as longer than a simple password, and harder to guess.

6. Try not to use the same Windows password for all accounts

Some users always make the same passwords for every account to make it easy to remember. In that case, when any one of them lost, your other information protected by that password will be in danger as well. It is serious to use different passwords for different systems and accounts.

7. Do not use some common words that other users maybe guess

Most of users prefer to use some common words to remember easily, for example, login name, birth date, driver's license, passport number, pets' name and other words contained their personal information someone knows. In that case, your Windows system will not be safe anymore. Moreover, do remember not to use some words spelled backwards, abbreviations, sequences or repeated characters and adjacent letters, such as, asdfgh, 123456, 888888, abcdef and so on.

You can smoothly use your Windows now because the strong and powerful Windows password is created successfully, Certainly, I believe that many users lost Windows password and forgot Windows password, then you need have to reset Windows password or recover Windows password. It is a big problem for plenty of Windows users that how to reset Windows password. how to recover Windows password and they are puzzled by resetting windows password, for instance, reset Windows 7 password, recover password Windows XP, remove Windows Vista password and other operating systems after they create the password with complex letters, numbers and symbols. However, it is unnecessary to worry and it is said that things will eventually sort themselves out. There are many ways to reset forgotten Windows password, including use windows password reset disk and windows password reset software, like Super Windows Password Reset, a professional windows password reset software which could enable you to logon to Windows smoothly without reinstalling system.

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Server Utilities :: How To Import Dump Into Specific Tablespace Instead Of Default Tablespace Users

Jan 18, 2012

How to import dump into specific tablespace instead of default tablespace users.

I want to import my dump file to newly created tablespace ,so how can i do that . I have created new user called cvm and while creating it i mentioned default tablespace to newly created tablespace . But when i try to import my dumo file it goes to users tablespace .

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