SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Index But Not Accessing Record

Jun 20, 2010

i'm create table



why accessing record not using index, but using full table scan?

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Can Create Unique Index On Subset Of Record

Apr 9, 2013

I have following records in table (T)


Based on the type-cd, I need to create Unique index on Nbr & Dt columns

In above record set, I want to create Unique index on type_cd=A and not on B&C (Here i expect duplictes for a combination of Nbr & Dt)

Can we create Unique index on subset of record?

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Accessing Something From Table Not Joined To Others

Jun 17, 2008

I have a schema whereby a table is not joined with other tables.

the info on that table can be gotten manually (by doing a query) and then using that info in another query. so is there a way of getting info from that table?

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Accessing File From Directory?

Oct 7, 2009

have a log file in unix server under(/usr/home/oraj/log/abc.log) I am trying to access from oracle stored procedure as fallows

src_clob BFILE := BFILENAME('/usr/home/oraj/log', 'abc.log');

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-22285: non-existent directory or file for FILEOPEN operation
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOB", line 716
ORA-06512: at "usr.LOAD_CLOB_FROM_XML_FILE", line 39
ORA-06512: at line 1

I dont want to create directory as such ('/usr/home/oraj/log') as it is already exists and all log files sits there.

dest_clob CLOB;
src_clob BFILE := BFILENAME('/usr/home/oraj/log/', 'abc.log');
dst_offset number := 1 ;
src_offset number := 1 ;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Accessing Dmp Via External Table

Aug 5, 2011

when i am writing dump from external table, it is accessing records from dump.but when i am trying to access other dumps(create thru expdp) it is giving error.the logic i am following is mentioned below-

CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY "DIR_GMS" AS 'D:Gopal_works est_env_files'


-- creating dump file in directory

LOCATION ('emp_ext_dmp.dmp')

i am able to see records.

New point:
-- taking export thru expdb
expdp hr/hr tables=EMPLOYEES directory=DIR_GMS dumpfile=HR_EMP.dmp logfile=expdpEMP.log
then i created one EXTERNAL TABLE TO access it.


while accessing, it is giving error:


ORA-29913: error IN executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN callout
ORA-31619: invalid DUMP FILE "D:Gopal_works est_env_filesHR_EMP.DMP"
ORA-06512: AT "SYS.ORACLE_DATAPUMP", line 19

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Accessing XML Values From A Table?

Jan 29, 2013

i have a table which has 2 columns.1st column has userId and the other contains an xml data as a link.on clicking that link a new file opens containing the data in xml format.

<field key="Public Email">piyush@chand.com</field>
<field key="Location">bangalore</field>
<field key="Website" />
<field key="Birthday">0001-01-01 00:00:00</field>
<field key="Gender">Male</field>
<field key="Language">English</field>

i need to access location of a particular userId.How can i do that?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Accessing Scripts From Different Directory?

Jun 30, 2010

I have customized my sqlprompt. I put the code for that in a script p.sql.

Now I log into sql from multiple directories as I have different scripts in different directories. How do I access p.sql which is not in the currect directory.

Also I wanted to know if I could change directories from the sql prompt.

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Accessing Oracle 11g R2 From A Client

May 2, 2013

I have installed Oracle 11g R2 on Oracle Linux and Oracle Instant Client on Windows 7. I am trying to access the server from the Oracle client but I am getting the following error:

ORA-12560: TNS: protocol adapter error

I have set the below TNSNAMES.ORA file on the client machine and the LISTENER.ORA file on the server:


(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oracle.localdomain)(PORT = 1521))


The host name is oracle.localdomain

Pinging between the client/server works fine. I have turned off the firewall on both the client (Windows firewall) the Server (IPtables) but got the same problem!

I have also set the ORACLE_HOME, TNS_ADMIN and PATH in the Windows environment variables.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Accessing XSD File Through PL/SQL

Feb 9, 2011

I wanted to know whether is there any utility which can

1. Create table from xml /xsd file.
2. insert records into the newly created table, through the given xml file.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Accessing Data From Server By Using DBLINK

Oct 22, 2010

We are accessing data from the server ADM.WORLD by using DBLINK.We got the following error.

PL/SQL: ORA-04052: error occurred when looking up remote object
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-28000: the account is locked
ORA-02063: preceding line from ADM

For that we checked in the server ADM.WORLD for the account the account is showing locked .After that we successfully accessed the object sysadm.PS_HP_INC_ELIG_VW@ADM.WORLD.

For next day also the account is locked.Why the account is frequently locking.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Accessing A Table Contains Array In Remote DB?

Jan 30, 2009

How to access (create Synonym and Materialized View) a Table contains an Array of type object which is on Remote Database connecting through DBLink.

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Application Express :: Accessing APEX_COLLECTION

Jun 6, 2013

I am very new to APEX_COLLECTION. I have problem in accessing APEX_COLLECTION that I created. Below is the pl/sql code I have written:

l_query varchar2(200);
cname varchar2(300);
l_query := 'select name from test_table where id in (''n406'' , ''n409'' , ''d080'' , ''o4505'' , ''a1593'')';

It is throwing following error on execution:

ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows I want to display the names collected using APEX_COLLECTION package and also use it in further processing within the pl/sql code block.

Apex info:

Application Express
DB details - Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
Web server architecture - APEX listener
Browser(s) and version(s) used - Chrome version 24/ Firefox version 3.6 and version 18

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Text :: Index For Domain Index With Composite Domain Index (CDI) Very Slow

Jun 27, 2012

I am on Enterprise Edition. We are using the new feature "Composite Domain Index" for a Domain index on a very large table (>250.000.000 rows). It really works with mixed queries. We added two number columns using FILTER BY.We have lots of DML on this table. Therefore, we are executing synchronize and optimize once the week. The synch behaves pretty normal. But "optimize_index" takes a very very long time to complete. I have switsched on 'logging' for the optimize process. The $I table takes some time but is finished normally. But the optimization of the $S table (that is the table created for the CDI feature) is running over 12 hours now - and far from being finished. From the logfile, I can see that it optimizes 1000 rows every 20 minutes. Here is the output of the logfile:

Oracle Text,
14:33:05 06/26/12 begin logging
14:33:05 06/26/12 event
14:33:05 06/26/12 process $N for optimize: SEQDEV.GEN_GES_DESCRIPTION_CTX_I
14:33:16 06/26/12
14:33:16 06/26/12

I haven't found a recommendation from Oracle not to use "optimize_index" for Domain Indexes with CDI. But in my case, it would be much faster just to drop and recreate the Domain Index in question.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Accessing V$mystat Gives Table Or View Does Not Exist

Jul 1, 2010

I am using the sid of v$mystat to create a unique filename in my pl/sql procedure.

I have granted access to v$mystat to the user that is accessing it from system user as:

Grant succeeded.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

now when i login as user ar and do a select on v$mystat it works fine:

SQL> select sid from v$mystat WHERE ROWNUM = 1;


However, when i do the same from my PL/SQL procedure it throws an error saying :

53 /

Warning: Function created with compilation errors.

SQL> show errors

-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
22/8 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
22/35 PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

My PL/SQL function can be found as an attachment.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Format For Accessing Data From Other Database Or Schema?

Aug 25, 2011

Can we use this format for accesing data from other DB or Schema?

In From clause


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Enterprise Manager :: Accessing OEM From A Remote Machine

Jan 25, 2011

I am having 3 oracle version standard edition databases running on windows platform on 3 different servers. OEM is configured for all the 3 databases and we are able to access these OEM from their respective servers.

As per my knowledge, I should be able to access the OEMs of all 3 databases from my local machine. But Iam facing problem in accessing the OEMs from my local machine.

what changes need to be done so that I can access the OEMs of all 3 databases from one single local machine rather than checking it by logging into their respective servers.

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Replication :: Block Corruption While Accessing Some Table

Mar 16, 2011

The database is running in archivelog mode and we have a standby with Maximum performance.There is no RMAN backup..We have noticed there is block corruption while accessing some tables.Now i would like to know are the corrupted blocks also replicated to the physical standby? Is there a way to recover the data from these corrupted blocks without shutting down the database ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create Materialized View For Accessing Data

Feb 29, 2012

1.As we can create materialized view for accessing data from other schema but same database. will it be effective or it will act as a normal view.

2.Will materialized views can be created in Fast mode for the above scenario?

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Forms :: Poor Performance In Accessing Remote Database?

May 13, 2010

I have installed Oracle 10g on one system and Oracle developer on another machine, means i have different machines for DB Server and Application server. It all working excellent inside the company premises, but if i want to access my Oracle DB and application server outside the company then it gives me problem..how to access application (forms and reports ) remotely outside the company...having same db.

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Windows :: Accessing Oracle 7 Database From Server 2008

Jan 11, 2013

We have been upgrading our servers to Server2008 and are getting..

[ORA-3134: Connections to this server version are no longer supported.]

..using the drivers we used to use in XP and Server2003 to access a legacy Oracle7 db. Connections to this db are needed for typical CRUD functionality by multiple applications, some written in Classic ASP and some in C# .NET 3.5 & 4.0. I have tried ODBC drivers (System.Data.Odbc) and also ODP (Oracle.DataAccess.Client) to no avail.

Any existing driver solution to make this connection without have to resort to a custom HLI interface?

I would think we aren't the only ones needing to access Oracle7 from Server2008.

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Server Administration :: System / Manager Not Accessing In Oracle9i?

May 31, 2010

Recently i am installed oracle9i in my laptop.In oracle scott/tiger accessing. But system/manager not accessing.

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Accessing Oracle Database From Windows Into RHEL (Linux)

Nov 12, 2012

We have a scenario where Oracle Database R1 is installed on Windows System and the Client is present on Linux. Both the system is on same network. We can access Windows -2-Windows using TNS entry.

I am unable to connect to this scenario where Database is on Windows and Client is on Linux.

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Accessing Oracle On VirtualBox From Host Virtual Machine?

Jul 18, 2013

I have a Host system of windows 8, installed the Virtual Box Latest edition.The guest OS is the oracle Linux that came with the Pre-Built Developer VMs from Oracle.The VM is set to HOST ONLY network setting. Now, the thing is that i want to access the Oracle in the guest machine from my windows host machine.the guest OS shows the IP address as I can ping the IP address from the HOST machine, but cannot connect theSQL developer to the oracle in the guest OS from the host machine. It keeps on saying the Network adapter cannot connect. do not say that install the oracle in window itself. I actually want to do the same on my macbook pro as that is my primary machine.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Statement In Trigger Accessing And A Select From A Table

Jun 6, 2010

In a trigger(on update of a table t1) I am trying to write, I am doing an insert on t2 accessing ':new' values of the update on t1.

But in my Insert statement, I am having get one of the column values from another table. How can I write my insert statement in such a way as to insert values contained in ':new' pseudo columns and a select from another table. Below is my insert statement in the trigger :


In the above code if the hardcoded value 'Customer1' need to be picked from another table,
i.e .


how can I rewrite my query to the above value from the select into my insert statement..?

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Performance Tuning :: Local Index Versus Global Index On Partitioned Table

Jun 28, 2011

I have a huge table (about 60 gb) partition over range. The index on this table is global index created on 4 columns together. I have a query which is running very slowly. The explain plan is showing the use of this global index.Explain plan is not showing pstart and pend because the index is global.

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Server Administration :: Convert Global Index To Local Index

Jun 23, 2011

I have a global index and I want to convert it to local index.Is there a way to recreate local index with out dropping the global index.

I can create a local index first and then drop the global index. But is there a way to create it with out dropping the global index, just convert it.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01502 - Index Or Partition Of Such Index Is In Unusable State?

Nov 29, 2010

I am facing the error "ORA-01502: index or partition of such index is in unusable state " while loading the text data using
sql loader with direct path (direct = Y ,rows = 10000) option. Table consists an composite non unique index. If I query the dba indexes for the effected index it shows the index status as VALID. There was no maintaince done on the effected table or index. I have tried loading the same data using conventional path but didn't found any issues for the same.

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Performance Tuning :: Index With NVL / Query Is No Longer Using Index

Nov 19, 2010

I have a query which had a join:

a.c1=b.c1 and a.c2=@var

where @var is user supplied input at runtime...We had a index on a.c2 . The CBO would use this index to generate an opitimised query plan.We found some records from table "b" were dropping due to inner join. So we made a change in join. It'd be like

a.c1(+)=b.c1 and nvl(a.c2,@var)=@var

This query is no longer using the index, instead its doing a full table scan causing the query to slowdown.I have tried creating index on nvl(a.c2,'31-dec-9999')

But the CBO won't use it.Anyway to create index on this col so that full table scan can be avoided?

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Performance Tuning :: Force Index If Table Not Using Index?

Aug 9, 2013

How to force an index if the table not using the index?

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When Index Lock Contention Occurs / How To Know Which Index Is Causing

Aug 27, 2012

We have occurrences of enq : TX - index contentions in the database. Using the SQL ID, we have identified the INSERT statement and the table which they are trying to insert.

This table has almost 25 different indexes, some of which are unique as well.I am wondering how to identify the actual index causing issue, out of these 25 indexes.

Is there any way to pin point to the name of index which is causing the lock?My plan is, once the index is identified, I would like to check the extents and inittrans and other attributes of this index to fix.

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