SQL & PL/SQL :: Use Cursor As Parameter For Function?

May 4, 2011

I was wondering if it's possible to use the cursor as a parameter for a function. Something like this is what I'm trying to do:

set serverouput on
cursor csv_file


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cursor With Parameter Inside Function

Mar 7, 2010

I have code inside function
cursor cur1 is
select *
from sarchkler
where sarchkler_appl_no = in_appl_no
select max(saradap_appl_no) into in_appl_no from saradap;
for rec1 in cur1 loop
my question I get variable for cursor after cursor declaration

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Ref Cursor As OUT Parameter

Aug 8, 2012

END test_package;
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_info(o_cursor OUT test_package.refcur)
OPEN o_cursor FOR
END get_info;

What is the advantage of using refcursor variable as OUT parameter in procedure. Instead of that why cannot we use variables or TYPE variables. use ref cursor as OUT parameter in procedure.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure Without Parameter Is Ref Cursor

Jan 12, 2012

I have the procedure with out parameter is ref cursor.

l_sql VARCHAR2(32767);
l_sql := 'select query with appending procedure IN aparameters';
OPEN rc_rpt FOR l_sql;

Here procedure IN parameter is a string with comma separated value which is appended in the dynamic query IN clause.So some time the size exceeded more then 32767 and getting error.If i am using normal parametrized cursor this issue is not there,but i want to return only ref cursor for some java purpose.My oracle version is 10g.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Passing Parameter To Cursor?

Apr 13, 2004

I have a table Student with two columns Rno and Name and i write following PL-Sql, it is working fine, my question is that how can i pass the parameter to cursor in the following query, e.g. if i pass the roll no. 501 then it should display only the particular Name.

��� cursor st_name is
����������� select rno,name from student;
����������� studentnm st_name%ROWTYPE;
�� open st_name;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pass Parameter To Cursor And Print Details

Aug 15, 2010

Create a PL/SQL block that declares a cursor called DATE_CUR. Pass a parameter of DATE data type to the cursor and print the details of all the employees who have joined after that date.


Test the PL/SQL block for the following hire dates: 08-MAR-00, 25-JUN-97, 28-SEP-98, 07-FEB-99.

I don't know how to pass parameters. So far I have this:

SET serveroutput ON;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between With Parameter And Without Cursor In Pasted Code?

Apr 7, 2012

create table eml(num numner(10),email varchar2(100));

for i in 1..20 loop
insert into eml values(i,'email.'||i||'@mmm.com');
end loop;

I just want to know what is the difference between below two pl/sql block, in one block i am passing the p_email_id as paramter to cursor.Both block are working fine and giving the same result.first thing , i want to know how the p_email_id is passing to cursor get_emil_info without paramter.and which is good to use, i mean without paramter or with paramter.

--without paramterised cursor

v_cnt number;
p_email_id number;
TYPE email_tab is TABLE of NUMBER index by binary_integer ;
eml_id email_tab ;
CURSOR get_eml_id is select num from eml;


--with paramterised cursor

p_email_id number;
TYPE email_tab is TABLE of NUMBER index by binary_integer ;
eml_id email_tab ;
CURSOR get_eml_id is select num from eml;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Passing Ref Cursor To PROEDURE As INOUT Parameter

Dec 8, 2010

I need to know how to pass the ref cursor as INOUT parameter to a procedure. I have the following procedure and I need to execute it.

PROCEDURE get_site_setup_detail (
p_study_id IN SITES.study_id%TYPE,
p_proj_act_date IN VARCHAR2,


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Ref Cursor As In Parameter / How To Fetch Column Values

Sep 21, 2010

i have a proc that is taking p_serial_number refsursor as in parameter. the structure of p_serial_number is required to be

mfg_prod_cdchar (3 byte)
mfg_prod_seq_no char (6 byte)

How do I need to define this ref cursor ? and when I use it in my Procedure how do I fetch the column values ?

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Execute / Display Results Of Procedure With Ref Cursor OUT Parameter

Apr 12, 2012

How do i execute and display results of a procedure declared with ref cursor OUT parameter.

I am using SQL Developer and Oracle 10.2.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamic Cursor / Loop Will Accept Table Name From Parameter

Oct 11, 2013

I have a plsql block construct where i want to use for loop dynamically , the query which for cursor for for loop will accept the table name from parameter and join them to return the result. the resultant data will iterate in loop and do the execution.

--initialize variables here
v_date varchar2(10);
v_rebuild_index varchar2(250);
v_sql VARCHAR2(250);
p_table_name varchar2(250) := 'DS_ABSENCE';
p_source_table varchar2(30) := 'STG_ABSENCE';
p_source_owner varchar2(30) := 'STG_SAP';
v_for_sql varchar2(1000);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function Without Parameter?

Aug 5, 2010

if function having retrun statement, why we need to use out or inout parameters.

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PL/SQL :: Call Function Without Parameter?

Feb 27, 2013

i am trying to call a function from Sql statement and i am getting this error ORA-06572: Function XX has out arguments.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Use Ref Cursor In A Package Or In A Function

Sep 20, 2012

what is ref cursor?

How to use ref cursor in a package or in a function?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Passing Cursor To Function

May 6, 2010

I am strugling hard to pass a cursor to my function as in parameter.here is my code

Function migrate_audits (sys_audit_ids SYS_REFCURSOR ) return number;
Function migrate_audits (sys_audit_ids in sys_refcursor ) return number
v_return number;
v_sys_audit_id number;
LOOP FETCH sys_audit_ids INTO v_sys_audit_id;

passing cursor to a function is not possible in oracle? what other option I have to pass collection to the function ?

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Show Parameter Audit_trail And Function

Dec 16, 2010

Is there any way to get audit_trail.VALUE? I know the statement: show parameter audit_trail; can show that value. But, i want to build a function which will return a string that contain audit_trail.VALUE

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PL/SQL :: An Extra Parameter For Summary Function

Dec 19, 2012

Why cant oracle give an extra parameter for summary function like MAX and MIN...For example

select max(salary,2)
from empWill give the second max salary.

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PL/SQL :: How To Pass Value From A Table Into Parameter Of A Function

Nov 8, 2012

I have written as function :

create FUNCTION Cov(p_str1_x IN VARCHAR2,p_str2_x IN VARCHAR2, p_str1_y IN VARCHAR2,p_str2_y IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER is
TYPE ty_varchar_assoc IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100) INDEX BY VARCHAR2(100);
v_x ty_varchar_assoc;
v_y ty_varchar_assoc;
v_inter ty_varchar_assoc;


Now i need to pass the values to the parameter from a table? How can i do that?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Can Use Temp Table In Function Which Uses Ref Cursor

Dec 6, 2012

example to use temp table in function with only ref cursor.

I need to use for the reporting purpose.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Handle Ref Cursor Returned From Another Function

Dec 16, 2011

type osd_refone is ref cursor;
osd_ref osd_refone;
l_status number;

abc_reports in this pack "ab_report" it is the function it having the ref cursor as out parameter . when am executing the above anonymous block am getting the below error,so how can i print the out ref cursor data in my block.

ERROR at line 8:
ORA-06550: line 8, column 12:
PLS-00221: 'OSD_REF' is not a procedure or is undefined
ORA-06550: line 8, column 3:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

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Windows :: Returning REF Cursor From PL/SQL Function?

Apr 5, 2011

I've seen several code samples that show how to return a REFCURSOR from a Stored Function, but when I try it with C# it gives me allways WRONG NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS or somehing like that.

I presently don't have my code in here, but it is something like this:

cmd.Parameters.add ("parRefCursor", dbresult.RefCursor, direction.Result);

I'm being able to use it as a OUT parameter, but I would like to have it as a RETURN value from a Function.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Function Inside Query And Without Cursor?

Mar 17, 2013

To display highest marks,least marks,average marks,total marks of the student name entered.

desc stud;
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

How do I do that using PL/SQL and without Cursor.

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Forms :: Call Function With Parameter In Oracle

Jul 17, 2012

i have this function

create function xxx_sal (p_number in number)
return number is
v_sal number;
select sum(sal)
into v_sal
from emp
where empno = p_number;
return v_sal;

how can called it in oracle forms

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function Invoked By Passing Date Parameter

Oct 18, 2011

get rid of the below error

p_salesrep_id IN jtf_rs_salesreps.salesrep_id%TYPE,
p_org_id IN jtf_rs_salesreps.org_id%TYPE,
p_cnf_date IN emcint_ord_headers_all.creation_date%TYPE


Invoking Functions

select fn(-3,293,'1/1/1952'), resource_id from jtf_rs_salesreps
where rownum < 5
ORA-06552: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
ORA-06553: PLS-382: expression is of wrong type

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Built-in Function To Covert CURSOR To VARCHAR?

Feb 13, 2007

know if there's a built-in function to covert an Oracle CURSOR to VARCHAR? Or how about a XMLType to VARCHAR?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Return Ref Cursor To Temporary Table From Function

Feb 17, 2011

I have strange problem when i try to return a ref cursor holding data from a select on a oracle global temporary table. If i iterate through the cursor , i can see the values but the function as such returns nothing through the ref cursor. I tried the temporary table as both delete on commit and preserve on commit

create or replace

testcursor BILL.refcursor;

ttstatus INT;
iSuccess INT;
returns INT;
TruncatedSQL1 VARCHAR2(32767);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dynamic Calling Function With Type Record Parameter?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm trying to execute a dynamic sql that calls a function. But that function has inserts and deletes inside and this way it can't be called through a select statement. And to be worst, it has an other problem, my function uses a record type as parameter.

My code (sample):
type r_parameters is record
(cd_query cons_query_param.cd_query%type,
cd_usuario cons_query_user.cd_usuario%type,
nr_param cons_query_param.nr_param%type,
vl_param varchar2(2000),


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Write A Function That Receive As Parameter A Datatype Varchar2?

Jul 18, 2012

here is the situation, I have to write a function that receive as parameter a datatype varchar2 and validate if the letter is less than "A" or greater than "Z", it must print do not correct, or correct depending on the situation, no problem so far, the only problem I've got is: If the symbol is ";" is valid, but i do not know how to write it, It does not depend on the PL/SQl languaje but depends on the logic itself.

v_nombre varchar2(20):='john;%';
vv varchar2(1);
for i in 1..length(v_nombre) loop


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PL/SQL :: Trim Extra Space In Function Parameter List

May 9, 2013

I am calling a function in front end, from front end i am passing space, now i want to trim space in parameter itself, it's psssible, assume the below is the function defination, i want to trim the p_region_name parameter like this trim(p_region_name), is this possible?

FUNCTION add_country_region_column (
p_s_country_code_iso_2 IN varchar2_table_type,
p_type IN d_country.c1_type%TYPE,
p_name IN d_country.c1_name%TYPE,
p_desc IN d_country.c1_desc%TYPE,


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Server Utilities :: Export Illegal Parameter Value In OCI Lob Function?

Jan 21, 2011

We are trying to export our production data .We got this error

. . exporting table EA_BLOB
EXP-00056: ORACLE error 24801 encountered
ORA-24801: illegal parameter value in OCI lob function

how to overcome this error ?

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