SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Retrieve Multiple Values / Possibility From A Table?
Jun 1, 2010
I have a table called table1 and its structure is as follows:
rtrn_id number,
entp_abn number,
litm_line_item_nbr number
country_code varchar 2(10)
I am trying to find retrieve value/row where for a particular rtrn_id , the possibility of having a country code of "CA"(for Canada) and "US" or "HK" (US or Hong Kong respectively) exists.
I framed my query the following way and it does not retrieve any result in Production and I believe there are a few values/rows in the "table1".
The query framed is:
Query 1:
SELECT rtrn_id,entp_abn,litm_line_item_nbr,country_code
FROM table1
where schd_version_yr = 2010 and prog_program_cd = '01'
and sched_nbr = '000' and (litm_line_item_nbr = '023' and country_code 'CA')
and (litm_line_item_nbr = '016' and country_code = 'CA')
The above query does not retrieve any rows
Where as if I run a query individually it retrieves tons of rows
(Individual query :
SELECT rtrn_id,entp_abn,litm_line_item_nbr,country_code
FROM table1
where schd_version_yr = 2010
and prog_program_cd = '01'
and sched_nbr = '000'
and (litm_line_item_nbr = '016' and country_code = 'CA')
-----Retrieves tons of rows as the country code = Canada for line item # 16
SELECT rtrn_id,entp_abn,litm_line_item_nbr,country_code
FROM table1
where schd_version_yr = 2010
and prog_program_cd = '01'
and sched_nbr = '000'
and (litm_line_item_nbr = '016' and country_code 'CA')
-----Retrieves tons of rows as the country code IS NOT Canada for line item # 23.
There is a possibility that there are rows that have country Code as Canada and not Canada for a particular ID whose line item numbers could be 16, 23.. is there any better way to frame my Query1 to retrieve values/rows?
Then I issue the following query to retrieve data based on a specific criteria (Actually I have condensed the table and data because in Production, I have large number of rows; so for simplicity I am using 8 rows with one table)
criteria : I then want to retrieve the following:
for srs = 62, all values that is greater than 10,000
Answer: select decode(srs,62,ab.amt)temp1 ,decode(srs,65,ab.amt)temp2 from ct_temp ab
where decode(srs,62,ab.amt)>10000
Works like a charm and retrives the results.
Now comes the big issue
I want to retrieve the values for srs = 62 which is greater than 10,000 and at the same time I also want to retrieve the values for srs = 65 which is less than srs = 62.
Typically I wrote the query as:
select decode(srs,62,ab.amt)temp1 ,decode(srs,65,ab.amt)temp2 from ct_temp ab where decode(srs,62,ab.amt)>10000 and decode(srs,65,ab.amt)<decode(srs,62,ab.amt)
I should atleast get one row for srs = 65 which is id # 8 but it displays blank rows or "no rows returned".
I am actually preparing a ad-hoc report for the business analyst and stuck at this step due to which I am unable to proceed any further. I have used DECODE function because of the requirement specified by Business Analyst.
I have tried the following in the office:
using EXISTS operator = no luck using INLINE VIEW = no luck
My Form consists two Hierarchical trees. When I select a node from first tree and I press Move Right (>>) Button the selected node should move to the second tree. Similarly when I select a node from second tree and press move Left button(<<) it should move to the first tree.
I also want to know want to insert values Into New Table using node values from The Displayed Hierarchical Tree. How to retrieve values using populate_Group_from_tree and insert into table.
I don't understand why the custid is the same for each customer, and why it's selecting every customer and not just those with more than 150 gallons ordered.
For this one use the oil tables that you set up and use a subquery. Select the minimum average fall use from the house table. Then show all customers whose number of gallons delivered times two is greater than the minimum.
Objective: I need to compile a final string by concatinating the unique values from different strings.
Here is the script to create tables and data.
Create table temp_acronyms(id number, acronym varchar2(30); insert into temp_acronyms values(1, 'ABC'); insert into temp_acronyms values(2, 'DEC//NOFO'); insert into temp_acronyms values(3, 'CBK//FO TO USA'); insert into temp_acronyms values(4, 'DEC//NO ENTRY'); insert into temp_acronyms values(5, 'ABC//NOFO');
select * from temp_acronyms;
I need to store all the unique strings from the acronyms for id's 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 into a variable. doesn't matter even if it is through database procedure.
I have two tables which have identical schemas, one table (tbl_store) is used to hold the latest version, and the other table (tbl_store_audit) holds previous versions. When the latest record is updated, it is inserted into the tbl_store_audit table as a revision, and the updated details are used as the latest record.
For example: The latest version is held in tbl_store, however the tbl_store_audit may hold 5 records which are the past records used before changes were made - these are seen as revisions.
I want to be able to compare what has changed between each revision in the tbl_store_audit table. For example: Out of the 10 columns, the change between revision 1 and revision 2 was the size from XL to XXL. The change between revision 3 and revision 4 was the size XS to M and price 4.99 to 10.99, and so on.
Eventually i will create an APEX report that will show the user the revision number and what was changed from and to.
I seen in a previous post i need to note my oracle version: Oracle version
I'm trying to retrieve data with multiple select statements. The query works fine for 1 account (segment6) but fails for more than account. Below is the query.
Things_t Things Characteristic Char Value Item 1 Colour Red Item 1 Packaging Item 2 Shape Square Item 2 Brand Spunk
Now i want to reterive an item with none of its char values as Null. Using the query “ select distinct things from things_t where char value is Null ” will fetch the item 1 also together with item 2. i want to fetch a record from thing for which none of the char values are Null such as Item 2.
My own created software is running since last 4 years but now when I am trying to run a report then I got a message "REP-0002 unable to retrieve a string from the report builder" and as a result my report don't run. Please note that some other reports are working properly, this problem is happens only with some of them reports.
I am trying to retrieve info from multiple DBs and insert into a central DB via DB LINKS.The links are retrieved via a cursor.
However I keep coming up against 'PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist'..how to handle db_links using a cursor in a pl/sql block? The code is as follows:
DECLARE db_link_rec VARCHAR2(30); CURSOR db_link_cur IS SELECT DB_LINK from MESSAGING_PROD_LIST; BEGIN OPEN db_link_cur; LOOP FETCH db_link_cur INTO db_link_rec; EXIT when db_link_cur%NOTFOUND; [code]....
I want to check to see if that string contains any of the values in:
select code from codes_table;
For example, if
select code from codes_table;
returns: code ----- AB LM NO PQ
then the query should return 'True'. Using the string above it would return 'True' because 'AB' from the string exists in the table codes_table. Pseudocode would look something like this I guess:
if the input string contains any of the codes in the field 'code' from table 'codes_table' then 'OK' otherwise 'No good!'
i'm trying to put more than one value in one column (by putting value '26','63' in column), so i have next problem:
1. Query select cr_pjid from acc_users where username='ACCBTPS121' give result CR_PJID --------- '26','63'
2. Query select * from acc_accbtp_nova_view where ed_id=2 and to_char(pj_id) in ('26','63'); return 186 rows.
3. Query: select * from acc_accbtp_nova_view where ed_id=2 and to_char(pj_id) in (select cr_pjid from acc_users where username='ACCBTPS121'); doesn't return any row...
Most of the code is working properly except when it come to a person with more than one email type in the table:
Below is the
select emal_pidm, emal_email_address, emal_emal_code, case when emal_emal_code = 'PER' and lag(emal_emal_code,1,'?') over (partition by emal_pidm order by emal_email_code) = 'EMPL' then emal_email_address [code]......
Below is Sample data for testing
INSERT INTO emal (emal_pidm, emal_email_address, emal_emal_code) VALUES (1024069, 'emmaus.ferdinand@xxxx.edu','EMPL'); INSERT INTO emal (emal_pidm, emal_email_address, emal_emal_code) VALUES (1024069, 'emfer1@xxxx.edu','PER'); [code].......
The attachment is what the output should look like.
Here is my requirement..... I am pretty new to PL/SQL.
This is the procedure
For each account number (I_AC), we have multiple rows in ABC_SVC table. I want to return these values in the refcursor. The issue with above SQL program, the row is returning only when the account(I_AC) have values for all the products 100,101,102. If the row does not exist for one account, then the account row is returned with other products.
I want my output should be in the below format
I have used sql for my school projects and work projects. not too extensively though. I came across this issue and read a lot of blogs but still not luck.
I need to obtain all the sub_grp_nbr's that have a prodt_ctgy_cd of 05 but not 02. so according to the data above, i should only get the results of where extra_column = 3 and 6
then these values are present as substring in the particular column in the source view. So I need to flag those records. For every record, I need to check whether all the values present in the reference table matches or not. If it matches then it should be flagged.
I can use in operator as we are not checking for the exact match and we are checking whether that value is present anywhere in that column record.
Looping results in performance issue. We can use PL/SQL for this. As the source view is put into a ETL internal file.
I'd like to know which SQL command (if there is any) I can use to display the current schema of a table. I'm particular interested in knowing which columns are indexes.My privileges to the DB are quite basic (I think that I'nm only allowed to run SELECT statements
This is the Oracle version that I'm using:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for HPUX: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production
I am writing a SQL inside an application to retrieve data from a table for certain IDs or for All employees based on the user's input. I create a variable :SELECTION for the where clause. When I run the SQL, I receive the error of missing right parenthesis. There is no error if I hard code the IDs.
If the input is 'All' -> the variable :SELECTION is blank so if the SQL :
select name, address, ID from employee :SELECTION
will be
select name, address, ID from employee
If the input of users ID as '1234','9999' - > the :SELECTION = ' where ID in (:VARIABLEID)' :VARIABLEID = '1234','9999'
so the SQL: select name, address, ID from employee :SELECTION
should be
select name, address, ID from employee where ID in ('1234','9999')
However, I got the missing right parenthesis error. I suspect it is something with the single quote, so I tried different ways, but it is still not working.
SELECT id, pob,exp FROM emp where exp= (:exp)or @exp is null O/P: id pob exp _____________________ 1 CT 2 2 NJ 3 3 NY 2
It takes only one value of :exp but, I would like to give multiple values separated by ','. My problem is the parameter can be either single value or Blank or multiple values. My code do work for single value and Blank, Now how to implement multiple values .