SQL & PL/SQL :: Storing Unicode In Varchar
Feb 3, 2011
I have a varchar field in a table. When I store the following string, some undefined character is storing.
String to be stored: Test String
String actually stored: Test ¿ string
Please note that here '' is not Hyphen. It is a special character that msword has. when you copy this and paste in a word document you find the difference.
I have listed the character set for CHAR and NCHAR from NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS
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Jul 19, 2012
let me know if there is a function in PL/SQL to convert the unicode code to it's character, I have unicode code returned for example '%C3%A9' and would like the function to return 'é'.
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Aug 15, 2012
I need to configure character set for my database. I have 2 options:
AL16UTF16 - require 2 bytes per character (fixed length)
UTF8 - character length - 1 until 4 bytes. (variable length)
until here ok...
The AL16UTF16 certainly will occupy more space than UTF8. So my question is, When would I need use AL16UTF16 character set mode?
I hear one time, when a database write many values with the same length. it does it in the same HD cylinder. So the HD arm could with a single movement read all the fields in cylinder completely. Improving the read/write performance.
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Feb 6, 2013
My database 11G having Nls_characterset WE8MSWIN1252, I want to store some hard coded unicode values that is in arbaic words in NVARCHAR2 Column using sql query like
insert into mytable
select 'unicode values' from dual ;
But it does not store them properly ,
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May 12, 2008
I am using 10g Database and 10g forms/reports on Windows.
NLS_LANG = AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 for both database and forms/reports. I set this from REGEDIT.
I want to use, Arial Unicode Ms or Mangal font to add or view the data in MARATHI (Regional).In the database browser, I can see the ported data properly with these two fonts, but through form if I try to add then it not showing proper characters, it showing squraes instead of typed characters.
I also typed a label in the form, at design time it showing proper word, but at runtime it not showing proper letters. This I observed only for joined characters.If I generates the report in PDF, format then it not showing data properly. but in runtime it showing properly.
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Jun 7, 2012
How to write code in unicode/utf8 and used non-english variable written in different cases?The compiler is supposed to be case-insensitive. I just wonder how it handles case insensitivity for unicode or ut8 encoding.
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Feb 5, 2013
I want to convert my database characterset from WE8MSWIN1252 from any UNICODE, because i have to transportable tablespace to the destination, the destination is unicode and source is WE8MSWIN1252. While importing transportable tablespace i was not able to do because of this reason, so i want to convert lets say source from WE8MSWIN1252 to unicode.
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Aug 8, 2011
I have a report that use &totalpages. output PDF, font unicode is error (Mã) but two last page's font is OK (Mã).
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Mar 26, 2012
how can I convert incorrectly imported data into it's proper unicode format.
The first record is incorrectly imported and the second is how it should be looking like, if it has been properly imported.
NLS parameters are:
In the example above, full_name is of a NVARCHAR2(100) type but the same problem applies to columns with VARCHAR2 type.
Is there a function or a peace of code I could use to convert value of the first record to be look alike of the second record?
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Apr 26, 2012
I need to store a date that will always be x years before the current date. Is doing something like
select sysdate -x from dual
Going to result in any weird issues down the road? Also, because I haven't explicitly specified the date, when queried, will the value always be sysdate - x (What I want to happen) as opposed to dateRowWasCreated - x?
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Mar 22, 2011
I am trying to store an image in a table. What is the easiest way to do this?
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Apr 2, 2010
I'm writing a procedure that takes a table name as a parameter and I would like to print out the column name with the supporting row entry for each row. I know the logic I'd like to use, but how do you query the metadata to return the column names and store them.
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Aug 25, 2013
is there any method to store a value in "copy buffer" ?
I mean, for example, if i have defined a global varaiable as
Quote::global.name := 'orafaq';
Then what i need is a command something like:
windows_copy_buffer := :global.name ;
So that later on when i press control+v, then it paste the word "orafaq".
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Nov 18, 2012
I have a requirement to execute the query only once for all the columns mapped to a particular table. Lets take an example..
table t1 has the following columns mapping.
col1 col2 col3 col4
variable 1 table abc col1_abc ----
variable 2 table abc col2_abc ----
variable 3 table xyz col1_xyz ----
variable 4 table xyz col2_xyz ----
variable 5 table xyz col3_xyz ----
variable 6 table xyz col4_xyz ----
In col4 , we have to update the values of col3 (column) ... it is very easy to update the values by executing the query for each column but my requirement is ... I want to execute the query once for a table ( example select col1_abc,col2_abc from table_abc ... this will return always a single value after adding other conditions in where clause) and why I want to do this? .. because there can be multiple (might be 30 variables values)
from a single table.
I have converted the columns into rows by using listagg function now I have lets a dynamic query ( for the above example).
for i in 1.2
l_query := ' select col1_abc, col2_abc from table_abc';
open c1 for l_query;
end loop;
my problem is : how to hold these values and update the above table?
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Aug 19, 2008
i basically need to setup a schema for globalization. i need to handle brittish dollar signs, american dollar signs. etc.what is a global character setting i can use to handle almost everything?
my problem right now is that when i store a brittian dollar sign it converts it to a box. i need this preserved so i can select it and use it later.will the WE8ISO8859P1 character setting work? where is a good place to view all of the types of character settings? and what they are for. etc. and also how do you change such things? not for the session, but for a schema wide
here are my current sessions
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Dec 20, 2010
My current task is to store XML file from local system ( OS :XP)into server (OS : Linux) specified location with PL/SQL procedure.
Below is the XML file,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<ItemGroupData ItemGroupOID="Emp1" ItemGroupRepeatKey="1">
<ItemData ItemOID="EMPNO" Value="11"/>
How to complete this task.
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Aug 21, 2010
Since I need to do something along the lines of inserting an xml document into the database for later to use.
Anyway, the problem I get with the below is
Error at line 95
ORA-00984: column not allowed here
Script Terminated on line 95.
It's on the INSERT line
xmlInput clob;
xmlInput :=('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1256"?>
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Feb 26, 2012
I have one command compare varchar type with date type by Pl/SQL.
date_entry gave values:" 2012/01/06 22:28:24",
now i want to convert it to date and compare with sysdate.
Select * From qvsystem
Where to_char(to_date(date_entry, 'rrrr-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), 'dd-mm-rrrr') = to_char(Sysdate, 'dd-mm-rrrr');
note:date_en2012/01/06 22:28:24
after I executed that command It's appear one message .
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Aug 30, 2012
display or get values stored in a long column.i tried the below code, but myvar is shown as null. am i missing something here or is there a better apporoach than this ?. There are actually 16 rows returned for this query but with empty values for 'high_value' column which is critical for me. How can i do this long to varchar convertion ?
my_var long;
for x in ( SELECT high_value
FROM all_tab_partitions
AND table_owner = 'CED12'
ORDER BY partition_position DESC )
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Dec 7, 2011
how to create sequence to varchar and how see that sequence
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Feb 12, 2011
I've a large table on which I applying aggregate and group by functions to the the results.
Here are two of the columns in my table:
Name ==== Score
John ==== 200*
Zohaib ==== 299
Ali ==== 0*
John ==== 200
Maria ==== 150*
Ali ==== 0
Maria ==== absent
John ==== absent
Here astrick (*) means with distinction....
The "score" column is a varchar column I want to run a query on this table to show the highest score for each student and the output should be like this:
Name ==== Score
Zohaib ==== 299
John ==== 200*
Maria ==== 150*
Ali ==== 0*
Important note:
1. if there is a tie between two highest scores like for a student, incase of john 200 was made twice, but the score with asterick (*) will be the "maximum" becuase it is with distinction so the output should also show the the highest score with asterick.
2. the output should show the the 2nd column (score) in desc order of highest score by each student...again incase of a tie, the one with astrick will come first in the result..
I know with just mere numbers, that is pretty easy but in this case it is a varchar column and also i need the astrick along with the highest score.
I want the simplest and shortest query if possible to achieve this result
I hope I've been able to clearly explain my requirment. I am using 10G.
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Aug 31, 2012
What is the exact difference between varchar and varchar2?
As i know only the length is the one difference.Apart from this length,what are all the differences?
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Mar 22, 2012
I see you can build an address object consisting of street name and number, city and so on, and use this in CREATE TABLE, so all tables use the same fields for addresses. And moreover you can add check functions to prevent street numbers to be negative for instance in the constructor. You can even use inheritance. I like that.
However, all teaching on this subject I found on the Internet starts with structs (points consisting of x and y, persons consisting of name and address, etc.). Then they go to inheritance and show how to build an employee who is just a person plus an employee number. They never start with simple types.
What I would like to do would be rather to start with basic types such as number or varchar2 and inherit from them. An EAN is a VARCHAR2 holding only digits where the last digit is a check sum that must be matched. An item number may be a VARCHAR2 matching 'NNN-AAAA'. A simple string may be a VARCHAR2 where no functional characters such as carriage return, etc. occur.
I would then write my create table statement thus:
CREATE TABLE item (itemno T_ITEMNO, ean T_EAN, itemname T_SIMPLESTRING); and inserts like INSERT INTO item values('123--BCD', '1234567890abc', 'toy') would fail with exceptions like 'item numbers must be formatted NNN-AAAA' or '1234567890abc is not a valid EAN'.
However this seems not possible:
create or replace type T_EAN under varchar2
constructor function T_EAN(p_string in varchar2) return self as result
fails with "PLS-00580: supertype must be an object type".
Rather than creating completely new types, I would start with extending existing types, but this seems not possible. Is that really impossible or am I using the wrong approach?
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Oct 21, 2010
I am working with oracle 10g / 11. I need to operate with CLOB values of some table, unknown for me: I read them from .Net (3.5), and have to save them to files (Windows) to be loaded after this with DBMS_LOB. Lets say that table contains 3 columns (1 - CLOB) and several rows.
I want to store each CLOB value to separate file, and to store it after this into another DB table (another Instance, also). I cannot use dblinks and other techniques like this. The point is - how to avoid dealing with encoding?
I mean, that in the best scenario, I just want to save the CLOB values to the files, with no meter about Database Instance character set, language, and so on. How this can be accomplished? If I use default for .Net StreamReader UTF-8 format, the loading with DBMS_LOB failed.
If this is not possible, what will be the best way to determine the encoding, and to convert Oracle used encoding to .Net one?
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Oct 9, 2012
I have a requirement like getting list of values from one table and inserting them into another table.I have tried with sub querying but didn't worked out because the select query is returning multiple values.
how to proceed further and the ways how can I write this requirement.
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Aug 10, 2013
I have a form with 3 blocks in our oracle application. Block1 is a single record block. Block2 and block 3 are multi record blocks with no of records 5. Block1 and block2 are in same canvas1 of a window1. Block3 is in canvas2 of window2. There is a relation between block1 and block2. Another relation with block2 and block3 is also available.
Now my issues is while creating a record, first i entered the data in block1 (which is a single record block). Then i entered data in five rows of second block. Then i entered data in block3(multi record block) by pressing the button in block2 (each button for each row). But before saving the entire form, when i checked the data in block3 by pressing the button of first record of block2, screen shows empty.
Code in button of block2 is as follows
Code in button of block3 is as follows
If post; is included in block3 button. then problem we will be solved. But we don't want to use post; as it lock the table.
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Jan 21, 2012
I have a web page written by pl/sql and html which some jpg files are published. Currently they are linked by html from a directory source. There are almost 70000 files which makes 1.15 gb. I want to store them in our oracle database but I have never done this before.
What I want to learn is how will be the performance for selecting from many jpg files with select statement and how much space would they keep in the database?
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Feb 13, 2012
I am storing customer's snaps in a table ( column's data type as LONG RAW) using oracle forms Webutil. Now there are 250 snaps in the table. The file type of these snaps is JPG with the average size 30KB.
I made a backup using export utility before storing these snaps and the exported DMP file's size was 36MB. Now after storing these just 250 snaps of 30KB the DMP file's size is gone over 300MB.
i need to change column's datatype? or some where in oracle forms's image item. Because on window's file system the size of these files is just 8MB.
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Apr 3, 2010
I have following structures:
SQL> CREATE TYPE address_typ AS OBJECT (line1 VARCHAR2(20), city VARCHAR2(20), COUNTRY VARCHAR2(20));
2 /
Type created.
SQL> CREATE TYPE phone_typ AS OBJECT (area_cd VARCHAR2(10), phone# VARCHAR2(10));
2 /
Type created.
SQL> CREATE TYPE phone_list_typ AS TABLE OF phone_typ;
My questions are:
1. I have created an object table person_obj of parent type. I have not created object tables of salesperson_typ and customer_typ and want to store data related to both in person_obj. What is the difference between storing data in an object table of parent type and object table of subtypes? In which case should I consider storing data of all subtypes in an object table of parent type instead of object tables of individual subtypes?
2. Second question is regarding validating the column values before the creation of object instance. Suppose before creating an instance of salesperson_typ, I want to check if salary is NOT NULL and greater than 0. I guess constructor is the only option to achieve this but how full-proof it is if constructors are used for this purpose? Is there any other alternate way?
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Mar 25, 2013
I am trying to insert In multiple table where one tbl PK is FK of other , I achieved that functionality using Instead of Insert trigger.(PK is handled by another trigger) -- main functionNow On successfully insert i need to captured the PK in Hidden variable to pass it on further for more insert on other table (Pk again being Fk to this table)--- secondary function
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