SQL & PL/SQL :: Remote System Oracle 10g - Login Credentials Details

Apr 11, 2011

in My remote system oracle 10g installed and i don't know the login Credential details. i.e username, password,database name.

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Java API To Select From Oracle Using Encrypted Login Credentials

Nov 28, 2012

I'm using the java API to select from Oracle using encrypted login credentials like:

${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -classpath ${EXECUTEQUERY_CLASSPATH} -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/urandom -Ddbname=${
DATABASE} -Duser=$DBowner -Dencrypted=true -Dpassword=$_PWD ExecuteSelect " ${sttmsql}"

In some cases I get an Error like:


Sometimes I can restart the script and it runs perfectly (with the same Query!). Are there some limitations?

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Application Express :: Restart Admin Login Credentials In 4.0 / Oracle 11gr2

Jul 26, 2012

We are unable to connect our admin account for some unknown reason. We keep receiving the following message "Invalid Login Credentials". We tried to change the admin credentials with sqlplus. We tried the usual procedure "apxchpwd" successfully, but we still cannot log in.We then tried to create a new admin2 account with the following pl/sql block.

SQL> connect APEX_030200 as sysdba
Enter password:

We cannot connect with either admin & admin2.

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Application Express :: How To Make Use Of SSO Login Credentials Of Oracle In Authentication Schema

Jul 16, 2013

I am using SSO login for Authorizations. Would like make use of SSO for creating authentication schema. My main requirement is to assign privilege based on users using SSO loging.

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Application Express :: Invalid Login Credentials

Jan 11, 2013

I am unable to login my Application Express with my username and password, It shows the below error/

Invalid Login Credentials
Application Express Login

Oracle Application Express is a rapid Web application development tool that lets you share data and create custom applications. Using only a Web browser and limited programming experience, you can develop and deploy powerful applications that are both fast and secure. Learn how to get started.


Reset Password

Login to Application Express

This service is for demonstration purposes only. Use of this system to store sensitive data is prohibited.

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Application Express :: EBS Authentication - Invalid Login Credentials

Feb 4, 2013

Am trying to use the same username and password of ebs to my standalone(not integrated with EBS) application. Am using apex 4.2 and Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition

p_username   IN VARCHAR2,
p_password   IN VARCHAR2
RETURN (APPS.FND_WEB_SEC.validate_login (p_username, p_password) = 'Y');
END ebs_authenticate;In Before Header Process

Get Username Cookie :    
:P101_USERNAME := apex_authentication.get_login_username_cookie;Set Username Cookie Process :

owa_util.mime_header('text/html', FALSE);

If i give ebs username and pwd means, it is not logging in as it is showing invalid login credentials.

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Oracle 11g R2 On Windows 2008 R2 - Cannot Login As SYSTEM

May 31, 2013

I created an empty database using the DB Configuration Assistant, then imported a dump file provided by a client. I believe what happened is that all of the user passwords (for SYSTEM, SYSDBA, etc.) which I had created in the DB Config Assistant were overwritten during the import process as I can no longer log into the DB.

I have attempted logging into sqlplus using the /as sysdba swith while logged in to the server as a user in the ORA_DBA role, but I still get the ORA-01031: insufficient privileges message.

I am running Oracle 11g R2 on Windows 2008 R2.

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Server Administration :: Get Details Of SYS / SYSTEM Users Logon And Logoff Time

Aug 13, 2012

I want to get the details of the SYS/SYSTEM users logon and Logoff's time.

Steps 1:

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
audit_file_dest string C:ORACLEPRODUCT10.2.0ADMIN
audit_sys_operations boolean FALSE
audit_trail string NONE

Step 2:
Set the Necessary parameters:
alter system set audit_trail=db scope=spfile;

Step 3:
Shutdown the DB

Step 4:
Restart the DB

Step 5:
For auditing the Session. Fire the below command.


Step 6:
select DISTINCT USERNAME,os_username,timestamp,logoff_time
from DBA_audit_session;

When I fire the above query, I couldn't get the SYS user's LOGOFF time. But for rest of the users, I am getting.

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Security :: Set Exclusive To Remote Login Password?

Nov 28, 2011

i create password file in oracle 10g now i want to Set the EXCLUSIVE to REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORD initialization parameter. so what should i do.

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Forms :: Get The Current User Login On System?

Jun 19, 2011

How can i get the Current user log in on my system using global variable.

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Duplicate Database From ASM To Non-ASM File System To Remote Machine

Aug 30, 2012

I have oracle in Windows 2008 server R2 64 bit version. I have installed database ASMDB with ASM ... Now i have another one machine , I want to clone my database in that machine with Non ASM file system .. Can any one tell me step by step document to do it ?

Can i keep the database name as ASMDB in another Machine ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Connect To Get Parent And Supervisor Details In Oracle

Oct 15, 2013

I have a table like below:

10 9 John Developer 7,8,9,10
9 8 Charlie Manager 7,8,9
8 7 Bruce GL 7,8
7 King CEO 7
20 18 Jack Developer 7,16,17,18,20
18 17 Adam Teamlead 7,16,17,18
17 16 Erik Manager 7,16,17
16 7 David GL 7,16

We can see that the for each employee, there is a corresponding Manager tagged except for CEO of the company. Now, I want the output to be like below


Here, MGR_ID is nothing but the MGR_ID from the same row and Supervisor_id is nothing but the MGR_ID of MGR_ID

Ex:- For 10 EMP_ID, the MGR_ID = 9 and Supervisor_id = Mgrid of 9 i.e., 8
For 8, the Mgr_id = 7 and Supervisor_id = Mgrid of 7 which is none. etc.,

The same logic applies for Mgr_name, Mgr_Role , Supervisor_name and Supervisor_role too. I could not format the data in a tabular format due to some formatting issues.

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Performance Tuning :: Oracle Documentation On Details Of AWR Report

Jun 4, 2012

A coworker of mine asked if there was any documentation from Oracle that listed all of the parts of the AWR report and what each meant. I was taken back because I don't think there is. There are third party books that talk about AWR reports and their predecessor Statspack reports.

Oracle has some notes on their support site about reading an AWR or Statspack report. All I found in the official documentation was some basic information about how to run an AWR report and an overview of what it was. It would be nice to have some sort of documentation that lists out each section and explains the units and purpose.

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Capture Login Of Terminal In Audit Trail When Login Through Grid?

May 15, 2013

I am trying to understand how to enable some audit so we can capture OEM logins as well.

Here is my setup. Lets say my DB that i am auditing is called audit_db (audit trail set to DB) sitting on host called host_db. and we have grid control agent on this box.now my grid control is as this. Lets say my OMS and repository is on host called OMS_host.

we run query aginst dba_audit_session to get info as to who tried failed login attemps and stuff.

Now to the part that is not working.

-- this is the good part When i intentionaly login to the audit_db with sqlplus client from my laptop with wrong username/password that is captured. we get the username,os_username,userhost,terminal.

here is the sample output

username is the wrong user that i tried to login as
os_username is the my local username(ad account)
userhost is my_laptop_name
terminal is laptop_name

from above we can figure who was trying to login(failed).

-- this is the bad part But lets say i try to login to audit_db through grid control and use wrong username/password.that gets captured too(but not all of it). we get the username,os_username,userhost,terminal.

here is the sample output

username is the wrong user that i tried to login as
os_username is the user of OMS repository db(oracle)
userhost is oms_host
terminal is unknown

Now with the above info, we cannot figure out who tried to login with bad login credential.

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Oracle 11.x Log To Remote Syslog

Apr 3, 2013

We are running Oracle 11.2.x DB on Solaris platform. Looking for a way to see if I can send alert log and listener log to a remote syslog server? I know there are some other methods like Epilog and some other scripts that could be used, but wondering if there is a "built-in" method to accomplish this?

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TNS Error : Connecting To Remote Oracle DB From .Net

Sep 22, 2010

I have been trying to connect to an remote oracle db from c# .Net . I believe I have the proper code (Cos when the user id and password strings were omitted , it threw an error of invalid user Id and password).

Once this was properly provided , the connection is now throwing "TNS Error : No Listener " error . The same remote DB is perfectly connecting through TOAD and it is from the tnsnames.ora file of the local file that i got the connection string from . Hence , I don't thing its a problems with that as well.

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Enterprise Manager :: Host Credentials For 11g

May 14, 2013

I am trying to use Database Replay in 11g Release 1 using Enterprise Manager. In the last step it asks for 'Host Credentials' to start the capture. But when i give the username and password for the host, it throws error as 'Invalid username/password' all the time.

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Application Express :: Invalid Log In Credentials

Feb 21, 2013

I have Oracle 11g Express on my laptop and my desktop. I have a workspace that I've been using for a week now on my desktop. Now, for some reason, I am unable to log in to my workspace from my laptop. I know for sure that the credentials are correct because I can log in using my desktop with no problem. I tried from IE and Firefox.

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How To Install Oracle EM Remote Agent In Linux

Nov 14, 2006

When I was installing the oracle DB and instance in my linux server, I chose not to use oracle EM to administer it. I want to add the EM now, may I know what is the procedure?

If I want to use oracle EM installed in another server (for example oracle windows server) to administer it. May I know how to install just the EM remote agent in the local linux server ? what is the procedure?

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Networking And Gateways :: Access Remote Oracle DB / VB-10G?

Jul 30, 2012

I'm using Vb and DB Oracle 10G.

What are the steps for connect oracle DB through internet.

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Forms :: Remote Form Debug In Oracle 10g

May 12, 2010

I am trying to debug a remote form ( on AS) in Oracle forms developer 10g . I had done everything as told and attached the port name and number to my local form builder, but debugger window doesn't popup at the time of break point. Also, i don't have any firewall installed on my application server.

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Enterprise Manager :: How To Set Preferred Credentials For Host In OEM 11g

Oct 24, 2011

I am having a problem in setting Preferred Credentials in OEM.

My env:
O/S: Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.3
OEM: 11g Grid Control.

My OEM is running as expected. I have a few target database instances on different hosts. I can login and monitor all these database instances. Now I am trying to set Preferred Credentials to hosts but none is working. I am doing this as:

1. OEM Console->Preferences->Preferred Credentials.

2. For my host I enter normalusername, normal password, privileged username, privileged password.

3. Then I click on test

I get the following error "ERROR:Connection to TD3OEDB01A as user oracle failed."

I can connect to TD3OEDB01A as oracle user and root user. I am entering correct passwords.

Even when I try to set Preferred Credentials to the same server where my OEM and Repository DB is running (same machine) - it does not work.

There emoms.trc file contents looks like this:

2011-10-24 11:14:42,047 [EMUI_11_14_42_/console/pref/setCredentials$targetType=host] ERROR creds.SetPrefCreds testCreds.1690 - SetPrefCreds.testCreds(): CredsException: All values must be specified for each set of credentials.

2011-10-24 11:23:59,350 [EMUI_11_23_59_/console/pref/setCredentials$targetType=host] ERROR creds.SetPrefCreds saveCreds.1490 - SetPrefCreds.saveCreds(): CredsException: Some credential changes were successfully applied. However, one or more credential sets were not saved for the following targets, due to either missing credential values or not clearing all credential values when attempting to delete credentials: TD3OEDB01A

2011-10-24 11:24:52,929 [EMUI_11_24_52_/console/pref/setCredentials$targetType=host] ERROR creds.SetPrefCreds testCreds.1690 - SetPrefCreds.testCreds(): CredsException: Connection to TD3OEDB01A as user oracle failed.

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Enterprise Manager Host Credentials On Linux

May 10, 2011

Am using Oracle 10g on redhat linux machine.

My Agent Connection to Instance is down . I am trying to start it up using EM when i enter my user name and password on host credentials connection fails (am using a suer that installed my oracle software).

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Forms :: Difference Between System.current_item And System.cursor_item?

Apr 1, 2012

We have system.current_item and system.cursor_item.....

both represent the same....

like this we have few other system variables also .....

what is the main difference between current_item and cursor_item?

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CPU System Time (percentage) For Multi Core System?

Aug 21, 2012

couple of questions about below parameters, do they measure single processor or avg usage across all processorss and cpus for example will i recieve alert if CPU system time goes above 95% for single processors? or not

CPU Idle Time (%)
CPU System Time (%)
CPU User Time (%)

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Windows :: Connecting Oracle To Remote Access Server?

Mar 2, 2011

Is it possible to connect Oracle to MS Access database sitting on remote server? I need to join the tables in Oracle and MS Access.

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Forms :: Tracking Remote Desktop Access Using Oracle?

Sep 27, 2013

I have a form developed using Oracle 10g Forms Builder. It is deployed on server. I need to track who is remotely accessing the desktop and running this form. How can we track this. Are there any webutil commands to trace the application used to access the desktop? What is the work around for this?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Version Of Oracle And JDBC Running On A Remote Database?

Jul 28, 2013

How to know the version of Oracle and JDBC of remote databases that is accessing my database through DBLInk.

For example I have a database A , B database is using my database Through a dblink.Now I want to know the version of oracle and jdbc which working on B.

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Connection String To Connect Remote Oracle DB Using IP Address

Jul 23, 2012

I have sample windows C# application to connect remote Oracle DB(Enterprise edition SQ L plus).

Want to connect remotely without installing oracle client on local system.

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Submitting Transaction / Master Data Through API Without Database Credentials

Mar 15, 2011

Submitting transaction / master data through API without exposing DB credentials...I am developing a scenario where I will submit transaction / master data like sales order / master item to Oracle apps (EBS) through MS Excel via API / interface table but like to provide only apps (EBS) user credentials rather then DB credentials so DB password could not expose to normal end user.

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