SQL & PL/SQL :: Order Records Just Same As Zip Codes?
Jun 10, 2010
I am using oracle 10g.
I have a query which is used to get the contact details based on the zip code
select * from contacts where
primary_address_postalcode like '65084%' or
primary_address_postalcode like '65011%' or
primary_address_postalcode like '65034%' or
primary_address_postalcode like '65078%' or
primary_address_postalcode like '65050%' or
primary_address_postalcode like '65037%' or
primary_address_postalcode like '65329%' or
primary_address_postalcode like '65072%' or
primary_address_postalcode like '65081%' or
primary_address_postalcode like '65038%'
- Imagine I have an table with several ZIPCODE. - Imagine I want to return from that table the existence of several zipcodes I need to get. - Imagine that I need to return both zipcodes that exists and both zipcodes that not exist.
The solution I've found to do this, was using the Pivot method, like the sample below, if there is another way to return anything like that. Return the zipcodes that exist, and the zipcodes that does not exist also!
Insert into GSCIS.AAA_ADDRESSZIPCODES (ZIPCODE,NAME,COD_PLACE) values (1100,'Portugal',2); Insert into GSCIS.AAA_ADDRESSZIPCODES (ZIPCODE,NAME,COD_PLACE) values (1150,'Portugal',2); Insert into GSCIS.AAA_ADDRESSZIPCODES (ZIPCODE,NAME,COD_PLACE) values (1000,'Portugal',1); Insert into GSCIS.AAA_ADDRESSZIPCODES (ZIPCODE,NAME,COD_PLACE) values (1200,'Spain',2);
Select using Pivot:
SELECT * FROM (SELECT distinct zipcode FROM aaa_addresszipcodes group by zipcode ) PIVOT ( count(zipcode) FOR zipcode IN (1000,1100,1200, 1150, 2000) )
Is there a way we can wrap pl sql codes and other people will not be able to unwrap it? because I came across this site successfully unwrapped my wrapped pl sql codes. How to just unwrapped pl sql code then what is the use of wrapping?
I am trying to build a report.My query is working fine when i take out this report for a single area_code.But it is not showing proper result when report is take for all are_code's available in table.I have used two tables transactions and balance
create table transactions ( glcode varchar2(10), area_code varchar2(10), debit number,credit number ); insert into transactions values(2000,'ap',200,200); insert into transactions values(3000,'ap',222,222); insert into transactions values(4000,'ap',123,123); insert into transactions values(2000,'dp',200,200); insert into transactions values(3000,'dp',222,222); insert into transactions values(4000,'dp',123,123); insert into transactions values(2000,'pp',200,200); insert into transactions values(3000,'pp',222,222); insert into transactions values(4000,'pp',123,123); [code]....
I need to remove duplicate values from concatenated long string of state codes(comma separated). Ex: 'VA,VA,PA,PA,CT,NJ,CT,VA'. I tried following query and did not get required out put.
select regexp_replace('VA,VA,PA,PA,CT,NJ,CT,VA,CT,PA,VA,CT','([^,]*)(,1)+($|,)', '13') new_str from dual;
Define Meta-character's format in regular expression to get desired result. Out put required: VA,PA,CT,NJ (with out any duplicates).
Name Null Type --------------------------- -------- ------------- RPTNO NOT NULL NUMBER RPTDATE NOT NULL DATE RPTD_BY NOT NULL VARCHAR2(25) PRODUCT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER
describe rptbody
Name Null Type ------------- -------- ------------- RPTNO NOT NULL NUMBER LINENO NOT NULL NUMBER COMMENTS VARCHAR2(240) UPD_DATE DATE
The fact is that we store some header in RPTHEAD and store real data in RPTBODY, the question is that if I use below SQL to query all data for a 'PRODUCT_ID'.
SELECT t0.LINENO, t0.COMMENTS, t0.RPTNO, t0.UPD_DATE FROM RPTBODY t0 , RPTHEAD rpthead WHERE ( t0.RPTNO = rpthead.RPTNO AND t0.UPD_DATE>=to_date('1970/01/01 00:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD hh24:mi:ss') AND rpthead.PRODUCT_ID IN ('4647') )
I do not want to have 'ORDER by' clause since data set is too large, the sorting takes long time, is there any way to get the result rows in the order sorted by RPTNO? We have the index for RPTNO on RPTBODY.
I am trying to update records in the target table based on the records coming in from source. For instance, if the incoming record is present in the target table I would update them in the target else I would simply insert. I have over one million records in my source while my target has 46 million records. The target table is partitioned based on calendar key. I implement this whole logic using Informatica. Looking at the informatica session log I find that the informatica code is perfectly fine but its in the update part it takes long time (more than 5 days to update one million records). find the TARGET TABLE query and the UPDATE query as below.
I have written the following PL/SQL procedure to delete the records and count the number of records has been deleted.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE Del_emp IS del_records NUMBER:=0; BEGIN DELETE FROM candidate c WHERE empid in (select c.empid from employee e, candidate c where e.empid = c.empid and e.emp_stat = 'TERMINATED' ); [code]....
I am running a query in our Clarity PPM database to return a list of all Support projects. This returns a simple list of project code and project name:
The query has the project resource tables associated with it, so I am able to list all resources allocated to the project. But for now i am only selecting a DISTINCT list of projects.
I have a separate query which returns a list of support resources.
select res.full_name, res.unique_name , dep.description from niku.srm_resources res, niku.pac_mnt_resources pac, niku.departments dep where res.unique_name = pac.resource_code and pac.departcode = dep.departcode and res.is_active = 1 and description like 'IMS%' and UPPER(dep.description) like '%SUP%'
What I need to be able to do in the first query, is return only projects that do NOT have a resource that appears in the resource list in the second query.
(the res.unique_name field in the second query can be linked to the same in the first query)
Logically, the process would be: 1. Identify Support Project 2. Identify Resources allocated to the project team 3. Compare with List of Support Resources 4. If any Resources in that list do NOT appear on the project, then return project.
I am having table without any primary key. In this table, only inserts and deletes are performed , no update operation.
Is it safe to use order by rowid on such a table ? Does by applying order rowid, is it possible to check order in which rows were inserted in this table ?
Select clause or Order by clause? First the columns specified in the select clause are fetched and then ordered or is it the vice -versa? In a query if a psuedo-column rownum is selected, then if we use order by on the rownum column, what happens?
What would be the output of the following query and why?Which part of the query is first executed, is it select clause or order by clause?
select empno,ename,rownum from emp order by rownum desc;
I rearranged the fields on a form, so I want the tab order to be different. I rearranged the fields in the object navigator to be in the order I want them to tab. I made sure the Previous Navigation Item and Next Navigation Item were set to null for all the fields.
Still it keeps the old tab order.
I also tried explicitly specifying the Previous Navigation Item and Next Navigation Item. Same thing, it kept the old tab order before I rearranged the fields. Previous Navigation Item and Next Navigation Item are both null.
There are no triggers on these fields. All fields are in the same block. I am using Oracle Form Builder version 9.
I have a column named "col1" with datatype "varchar2(10)" and row wise entries like "1,1A, 2,3...,10,2A,..." like. I want to order it like "1, 1A ,2,2A, 2B,3... 10...".I tried it with to_number() but it gives me
I have requirement to create an XML structure through stored procedure. I need to Order some of the columns in ascending order before I format them into the xml structure. I am pretty novice to creating an output into XML format, but attached is the query I came up with (without order by). This works perfect, but now the requirement is to order by - cls_cd, and within cls_cd, again order by - cat_cd. I am not able to do this.
insert into x values('A-1'); insert into x values('B-1'); insert into x values('B-2'); insert into x values('B-3'); insert into x values('1'); insert into x values('A-2'); insert into x values('2'); insert into x values('3'); insert into x values('A-4'); insert into x values('B-4'); insert into x values('C-4'); insert into x values('D-4');
I've got a TRANSACTION table with about 4, 681 transactions going on over the course of a given year (this is a project for my DB class). I'm trying to create a query that will give the base revenue for each month in that year; so far I've come up with the following:
SELECT DISTINCT CASE WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM transaction_date) = 1 THEN 'JAN' || ' ' || EXTRACT(YEAR FROM transaction_date) WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM transaction_date) = 2 THEN 'FEB' || ' ' || EXTRACT(YEAR FROM transaction_date) WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM transaction_date) = 3 THEN 'MAR' || ' ' || EXTRACT(YEAR FROM transaction_date) WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM transaction_date) = 4 THEN 'APR' || ' ' || EXTRACT(YEAR FROM transaction_date) [code]....
The query returns twelve months, but they're all jumbled up. I tried extracting the month in the ORDER BY subclause
But I got an ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid. I'm using Oracle 10g xe (outdated, I know). get the months to show up in order?
I am using 11GR2 and looking to find out a way , where in I able to extract the data files name in such a manner , where it lists data file in order of mount points. say data1 first and then so on.. Snippet from my data files
like /db/ptmtrain/data1/system01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data1/undotbs01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data2/sysaux01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data2/rbs03.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data2/rbs01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data3/tools01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data3/rbs02.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data23/sans01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data24/users01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data25/users02.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data26/users03.dbf
How I can see the order by employees,year wise and monthwise (month should start from january and so on..)
I have a varchar2 column which can hold numeric values, and also varchar2 values.
The following select returns only the records which have a number value in that column
select * from my_table order by decode( replace(translate(valoare,'1234567890.','00000000000'),'0',''), NULL, valoare, 0 ) != 0;
But how can i order that column, so that first are the numbers (also ordered), and then the varchar2 columns (so all the rows of that table are selected, both varchar2 values and numbers in that column)? Is it possible?
I have a requirement where I need to display a list of employees, performance rating and manager id. I want to display the employees first whose manager is as manager_id as input parameter. So lets say a manager logs in, he should see his reporters first and then the rest. How can I implement this in SQL? I am trying first clause with order by but not sure how to do that here.