SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Generate Email On Database Event

May 15, 2011

I've heard about diferent ways of generating email in response to a database event e.g

1 - Using UTL_MAIL package.
2 - Event Driven Reporting feature of 10g Database and using SRW.Run_Report package to generate and mail a report.

Now I'm confused that how should I accomplish the following tasks:

(i) - How to generate an email after Insert/Update/Delete on a table and acknowledge the concerned users about that event?
(ii)- How to attach a text file with that email?

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How To Generate Email Based Trigger

May 9, 2011

I have a table in some db called retailer. I want to generate an email based trigger. What i want to achieve is as follows

I want to generate an email based trigger. What i want to do is that i should store the current retailer id which is until this point and then on each further insertions in retailer id i want that some trigger or script is running in background which is storing the retailer id. When the retailer id advances by 45 then a trigger should be generated saying that retailer id has advanced to 45 numbers from this date.

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Generate Report And Send Straight To Email

Apr 11, 2013

How to generate a report and straight send it to an Email? I want to match student reg number and the parents email provided .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generate Auto Email To Concerned User Like A Schedule Date?

Feb 26, 2011

I am maintaining vehicles information of our company in our equipment master table and there is one field where I am storing one date ( Vehicle inspection due date) based on this date I want to generate auto email to concerned user like a schedule date is due and he needs to prepare his car for inspection .

This schedule will run on everyday basis and it will generate the email to concerned persons two days before. how I can setup this in oracle using Scheduler.

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Workflow :: No Event Subscriptions Exist For Event Error

Mar 6, 2013

we are running Oracle R12.1.3 on DB version I just migrated a created a custom subscription for the oracle.apps.ap.supplier.event Oracle Event. I execute a custom package when this event fires. My package is working fine and I'm getting the expected results. My problem is I keep getting a Workflow notification saying:

Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 9:14 PM
Subject: Action Required: Local Event UNEXPECTED : oracle.apps.ap.supplier.event / 36422

To               SYSADMIN
Sent               04-MAR-2013 21:13:40
ID               1659929
An Error occurred in the following Event Subscription: Event Subscription

Event Error Name:
Event Error Message: No Event Subscriptions exist for this Event
Event Error Stack:
Event Data: Event Data URL
Event Details
Event Field     Value

I saw an earlier post about this and have tried changing the Source Type to "External" but that didn't change anything. why Workflow is telling me a subscription doesn't exist when my subscription is executing with no problems.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Database Startup And Shutdown Event?

May 7, 2013

Any example of database startup event and database shutdown event?

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Database Time Spent Waiting % For Event Class Concurrency

Dec 4, 2012

Most of my day to day work involves the support of DB2 on AIX and z/OS. I support the database infrastructure for one business system that runs on the Oracle RDBMS. The application is Oracle Transportation Management. The non-production environments don't get much traffic. If I sign into the TEST or DEV Enterprise Manager DB Control screen, the following warning is almost always listed on the main page:

Metrics "Database Time Spent Waiting (%)" is at 44.00384 for event class "Concurrency"

Enterprise Manager reports that this metric is continuously fluctuating above and below the warning threshold of 30% of db time when the environment is idle.To investigate(and I am no oracle expert, far from it), I ran the following:

SELECT * FROM v$session_event
WHERE WAIT_CLASS='Concurrency'

By far, the top two entries in the result are the following:
124os thread startup12041423733.5218
359os thread startup150653433.5521

Does this indicate a possible problem with the operating system?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Generate Report To Database Table?

Aug 25, 2011

Is it possible to save a report directly in a table instead of the typically destination? (file, cache,...)

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Data Guard :: Generate Log Sequence 1 At Standby Database Everyday

Apr 21, 2011

We have standby dataguard set up namely CRMSTDY of 3 node RAC clusterware. It has been observed that log sequence number 1 is generated since last 4 days on standby database. There is nothing more information in alert_standby.log file and the same file is visible when we checked with ASMCMD utility. Check the attached print sceen and suggest. Below mentioned system information.

DB : Release
OS : Linux Enterprise release 5.2 (Carthage)

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Forms :: Generate File From Database Into Server And Copy It To Client Machine

Feb 2, 2012

I have a forms that generate a file from database into database server and copy it to client machine by the follow process:

IF webutil_file_transfer.Is_AS_readable(V_server_way || V_file_name) THEN

l_success := webutil_file_transfer.AS_to_Client
(clientFile => :V_screen_way


But is showing the erro ora-105100 in one client machine

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PL/SQL :: How To Know Trigger Event Name

Dec 3, 2012

how to know the trigger event name in trigger calling...like-

ON *********

-----------I want to know given trigger event at this level-----------


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SQL*Net More Data From Client Wait Event?

Oct 8, 2013

DB 6 

I am getting following two top wait events from AWR report

1)SQL*Net more data from client
2)log file sync 

Does it hints towards network latency and hardware configuration?what should i do for first wait event?

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PL/SQL Timer Wait Event Analysis

Jun 22, 2013

One of our Job running long than usual time. I checked the wtait event for which its waiting. its PL/SQL Timer wait. But i noticed the total waits is 179 and timed out is also 179 for PL/SQL Timer. I checked that job that particular procedure calls dbms_lock.sleep in it. I want to know why this wait event is getting timed out ?

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Long Waiting Session (Null Event)

Jan 5, 2012

I have a problem with a statement that normally execute in few second but after 50h the session is still active and is still waiting for null event.


---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------- -------------------
null event -1 178737 WAITED KNOWN TIME

---------- -------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------
364 ACTIVE f90runm@CENTRAL1 (TNS V1-V3) 178737

My Oracle version : Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
System version : HP-UX V1

I tried tracing the session but no trace file is generated it same there is no activity.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: List Persons Having Event In Consecutive Months?

Apr 7, 2011

how to query a list to see if a person had events in consectutive months within the past year. We call a person a LongTermResident if they had a review in any two consectutive months within a reporting period. I wrote a function isResidentLongTerm, passing in FacilityID, ResidentID, ReportPeriodStart, and ReportPeriodStop and returning a 'Y' or 'N'. It works, but the performance is slow.

So if I have a list of reviewers, facilities, reviewees I want to select only those SNF/NF residents who have had routine reviews in any two consectutive months at the same facility.

This is my query:

select ConsultantID, ResidentID
from (
select distinct ConsultantID, FacilityID, ResidentID
from Reviews
where BedType = 17820 -- SNF/NF bed
and ReviewType = 17474 -- routine review
where isResidentLongTerm( FacilityID, ResidentID, :startDate, :stopDate ) = 'Y'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Record Event If No Rows Are Returned Between Two Timestamp?

Feb 21, 2013

I have employees under a supervisor defines as below:


Now I need to determine if all above employees are clocked in , clocked out or not clocked between yesterday and today using following:

select to_char(CLOCK_IN_DATE,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss' ) ClockIn,to_char(CLOCK_OUT_DATE,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss' ) ClockOut ,LOGIN_USER_ID,--CLOCK_IN_DATE,CLOCK_OUT_DATE, CLOCK_OUT_DATE-CLOCK_IN_DATE,trunc(sysdate) , trunc(sysdate-1),
case when CLOCK_OUT_DATE is null then
'Not clocked out'


The first SQL gives me 66 rows while second gives me 40 rows. For 26 people , no rows are returned which means these people donot have a clock in record between two timestamps.

How can we modify query to show those 26 people as 'Not clocked In'

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Application Express :: Onchange Event On A Column - Value Undefined?

Jul 4, 2012

I have a onchange event on a column which calls the following code:
function SetVal(pThis) {
//get the curren row index on change
var currIndex = $('select[name="'+pThis.name+'"]').index(pThis);
var currValue = pThis.Value;

}currValue is "undefined"

Where am I missing something?

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Sending Automated Emails From Oracle DB To Users After A Certain Event

Jul 17, 2012

OS: RHEL 5.7 64 bit
DB: Standard Edition 64 bit

Everyday EOD is run and after the eod, users are requesting to receive a mail confirming the same from the database. For this we need to configure automated email which will be sent to a list of users email ID immediately after the EOD is done.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Error In Event Driven Report Procedure?

Mar 30, 2011

.I created the following procedure to implement Event Driven Reporting:

CREATE OR REPLACE procedure ABC.eve_drv_rep as
myPlist system.SRW_PARAMLIST;
myIdent system.SRW.Job_Ident;
myPlist := system.SRW_PARAMLIST(system.SRW_PARAMETER('',''));


Procedure is created successfully but when I execute this procedure, I get the following error:

ORA-20001'Error sending email.Error: ORA-20999
ORA-06512: at "Nml.Eve_Drv_Rep", line 17
ORA-06512: at line 1

2ndly I want to know that whether I should give IP address or Application Server Machine Name in GATEWAY parameter?
And in SERVER parameter either I should give the Application Server Machine Name or Report Server name installed on Application Server Machine?Lastly from where I can get the complete list of Parameters to be added in SRW.Add_Parameter like SERVER, GATEWAY etc.

note that we r using Database 10g Rel.2 and Forms and Reports services on Application Server and the report being called was developed in Reports 10g.

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Forms :: Wait Event During Execution Simple Select Statement

Jul 19, 2013

Yesterday i got wait event when executed simple select from table.This select was like:

SELECT emp_number from employer where subs_id = 111

I got one row, select is very fast.In our Core Bank System we have package with function which returns such information. I tested this select on test DB, and nothing wrong. But when I executed such select and package on Production DB, DB Admin saw that 88 sessions waits when my session release the resource. But what can happen, it was simple select? I used PL/SQL developer to get information from table:

1) SELECT emp_number from employer where subs_id = 111 then
2) Package with this function

Another users used Oracle Forms screen to execute package. How simple select statement could stop all DB?

1Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
2PL/SQL Release - Production
3CORE Production
4TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
5NLSRTL Version - Production

Forgot to say that after succeful execution on Prod DB I disconnected, and in EM my session was INACTIVE.

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Application Express :: Skillbuilders Modal Page - End Open Event?

Apr 24, 2013

I'm using Skillbuilders Modal Page 2.0.0. plugin on Apex 4.2, and I can't seem to get the event End Open to work. stumbled upon this thread Skillbuilder Modal Page - Dynamic Title; nothing happens even if I set an alert to pop up on End Open

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Performance Tuning :: High CPU Utilization In RAC And Log File Sequential Read Event

Apr 13, 2011

In a 3-node RAC setup; one node is showing high CPU utilization around 40~50%. The CPU utilization was less than 20% 10 days back but from 9th oldest day it jumped and consistently shows the double figure. I ran AWR reports on all three nodes and found one node with high CPU utilization and shows below tops events-

time 5,802 34.9

ping 15 5,118 33,671 30.8 Other

Log file sequential
read 234,831 5,036 21 30.3 System I/O

more data from
client 24,1711,08745 6.5 Network

Db file sequential
read130,939 4533 2.7 User I/O

On AWR report(file attached) for node= sipd207; we can see that "RFS PING" wait event takes 30% of the waits and "log file sequential read" wait event takes 30% of the waits that occurs in database.

1)Are these symptoms of undersized log buffer?
2)I feel Network wait can be reduced by tweaking SDU & TDU values based on MDU.

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Application Express :: Capture On Change Event For Select List Using JavaScript

Nov 15, 2012

Is there any way I can capture on change event for the Select List (already created on the page) using java script and then refresh chart region?

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Server Administration :: Event Alert Created Successfully On Custom Table But Not Firing?

Mar 8, 2013

I have created custom table in inventory and after register table & columns, i create event alert on it. event alert is not firing.

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PL/SQL :: Wait Event Starts With SQL*Net Message From Client - Time Wait 178577 Units

Dec 11, 2012

I am trying to look at wait events for a long running query in TOAD.I start the query on one instance of TOAD and open the Session Browser on another instance.But I am surprised to find that in "TOtal Waits" on the RHS-> SQL*Net message from client is the longest time taking and is already -> 178577 units whereas I have just started the query.

Whereas in the Current Waits it shows DB File Scattered Read currectly as some seconds.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Email Address From Xml

Dec 27, 2011

I want to know how can I find/take from In parameter who is xmltype an email address ?

My function: (clob is cast to xmltype)

function submit(session_id in number, claim in clob) return xmltype

For example - I have more e-mail addresses in this:


I know that there is `extract` function for xml. How can I know if there is break or space between the emails ?

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How To Setup Email In 11g

Aug 1, 2012

I migrated a server + data + APEX application from 10g to 11g. Now my email sending is all messed up because of the ACL in 11g. I can't seem to figure out how to appease it. I have the smtp server correctly set in the parameters. Here is the procedure I'm trying to use (from [URL]):

  pFromUser IN VARCHAR2,
  pToUser IN VARCHAR2,


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Getting Name In Email Address (Oracle SQL Plus)

Nov 6, 2007

How do I select the name in an email address. I would like to be able to order a list of email addresses by the name of the person ie. what comes before the @ sign.

So is there a query I could use to get everything before the at line . So in pseudocode I would need to be able to do something like this.

select substr(email, indexOf(@)+1,email.length) from table order by email

So I how could I go about doing that?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Send Email In Oracle?

Apr 24, 2013

what is the best way to send an email in oracle?


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Dbms_scehduler Email Notification

Sep 13, 2012

I have set up my dbms_scheduler schedule and all run fine. I have set up the smtp server for outgoing email and it all looks good just like multiple of our other boxes here.The problem is that the event (SUCCESS) for a job is raised yet the email notification is not sent. My question is this: Is there somewhere where the actual log of email notifications sent (and/or failure there-of) is actually kept?

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